Big Brother 20 Finale

So glad we finally got a fun season to watch. Did call it Kraken once and if you’ve been around this site a lot you’ll know this almost never happens.
1) High Quality cast. generally: all likable, entertaining, game players
2) Limited production tomfoolery
3) Comical blindsides and game play almost weekly

The final three turned out to be JC, Tyler and Kaycee. Tyler and KAycee being members of level 6. JC being one of the players playing the middle. The HIVE alliance AKA FOUTTE was totally evicted. They filled the Jury and basement couches at home.

Tyler won the first HOH Kaycee won the second. The winner of the third will most likely take the other. I’m confident the final 2 will be Kaycee and Tyler. A quiet end to an exciting season.

Special thanks to all the contributors to this site it was another great year!

Results from the Finale

First off they show us the first two HOH competitions. tyler wins part one Kaycee wins part two.

The Jury Segment featuring Will is horribly scripted. Bayleigh is still biter. Angela tells them about Level six and the Tyler/Kaycee final 2 day two. The HIVE is shocked They had no idea. Angela starts fighting for Tyler to win. They debate over this. Rockstar says JC. Bayleigh calls Tyler a “little punk”

Third and Final HOH
First question – Both get it right
Second question – Both get it right
Third question – Both get it right
Fourth question – Both get it right
Fifth question – Both get it right
Sixth question – Both get it wrong
Seventh question – Both get it wrong
Eight question – Both get it wrong

Julie – in seconds how long was the jet pack attack competition from the official start to when Kaycee made contact with the ground making Tyler the winner.

Tyler – 2002
Kaycee – 3400

Correct – 3413
Kaycee wins final Head of household

Kaycee picks Tyler to go to the final 2 with.

During Haleigh’s question Tyler tells them about the second power app.
During Sam’s question he tells them he’s a super fan
During Scottie’s questions Kaycee says she’s been a fan of the game since day 1 ..

Final Vote

Vote order.. Bayleigh, Rocks, Fes, Scottie, Haleigh, Brett, Sam, Angela and JC

Pre-Jury houseguests
Swaggy proposes to Bayleigh (is this Kraken?)
After Show Shwomances revealed.. Tyler/Angela, Fes/Haleigh

JC – Tyler
Angela – Tyler
Sam – Kaycee
BRett – Tyler
Haleigh – Tyler
Scottie – Kaycee
Fes – Kaycee
Rocks – Kaycee
Bayleihg – Kaycee

Kaycee wins Big BRother 20
America’s favorite player is Tyler
Haleigh, Brett and Tyler were the top 3 for votes.


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360 thoughts to “Big Brother 20 Finale”

  1. Kaycee controls her fate. I think she can beat either of the others but she’ll have to give a solid reason/explanation for her early game.

      1. Congrats to Kaycee and Tyler for a game well played. All the bitter Hive voters stuck together except for Hayleigh. They couldn’t deal with being outplayed.
        I thought both of their speeches were pretty weak.

        All I can say is Bayleigh and Swaggy deserve each other.

        1. Especially annoyed with Sam and Snottie. Their bitterness was apparent. I believe they were more invested in voting against Tyler than voting for KC to win. Happy for KC- she is a good egg and she won key comps- a good way to win!

          BTW Bayleigh and Swagz getting married- good luck with that train wreck!

        2. Its called Jury management. Funny how when Tyler sends people home and they vote against him it is bitter voters but Kaycee won more than Tyler and sent hom Angela and JC then it is not bitter voters when they both voted against her? Tyler had poor jury management. He made people believe they were his friends and blindsided them with not even 10 minutes before the eviction notice. This was a bad game move once jury starts because the people you are blindsiding will vote on you winning money. People tend to not want to give money to people who blindside them.

      2. i really dont know how… only reason people hated them was bc “RockStar is annoying and ugly”
        “Haleigh is a hoe”
        “Fessy Dumb”
        the only thing you had a reason to hate them on is Bayleigh blowing up on all of them and Fessy putting up scottie which he apologized dearly for… you have no reason to hate them or think they are the worst alliance in bb history (which will forever be Friendship)

        1. The level of terrible game play was intense. They were on the wrong side of every vote and had no idea what happened. That “alliance” had almost zero trust in each other and willing to trust JC who told them he voted the other way over each other. Bayleigh telling the woman she put on the block the details of her power was stupid, Haleigh blabbing about the hacker thing even though it was not going to do anything except make her a bigger target and Rockstar helping Tyler out during the veto when he was the target, Swaggy telling everyone he was running things and had his own group was also just terrible ways to play the game.

          We may have hated other alliances more but the hive/Foutte were the most inept bar none. Victoria had a better game plan than these guys.

    1. Tyler is a top-five player all time that just lost in the final two.

      Without question that Jury is up there with one of the bitter ones we’ve ever had.

        1. Not necessarily. . . so much of winning BB depends on the cast for that particular season. I think Tyler could have beat Josh (easily), Nicole, Steve, Derrick in their seasons.

          1. Josh yes….
            Nicole.. probably
            not Steve… and not derrick…
            Tyler would not be able to go past Vanessa…. who was equally better than Tyler…. period… hands down
            and he’d have to go through Cody…. who will put you up in a heartbeat if he dont like you
            Christine who plants seeds in ears
            Frankie who was good veto.. and hoh (he won a two person game by himself)
            Caleb who hunts his person down and takes them out.. he’d have a lot to do… and to surpass them… he needs a solid team.. now..
            if we had Level 6 vs Friendship? ok… im down to watch…
            iim down to see Alex, Jason, Kevin, Raven, Matt, Christmas, Paul, and Josh vs Tyler, brett, Winston, Kaycee, Angela, and Rachel….
            only reason? to see the battle of vetoes with Jason (the best veto and HOH player) vs Tyler….

            1. Ariana’s brother played a battle of the block technically designed for two people, however it was the only one which was easier to complete with one person. Two people required a lot of coordination to work.

      1. you’re one to talk Ann I’ve seen your post their crazier than a sh*t house rat I’m sure the hive broke your spirits back in mid July

      2. Sam was the swing vote. Once Tyler admitted that he had feelings for Angela he lost Sam’s vote.

        Rockhead and Bayleigh are in the Frankie/Mr. Pectaculor class of worst houseguests ever.

        1. ok.. so…. you think the fact that he lied to Sam week 1….. didnt want to be around her til she actually won something then befriended her so she could use the power ON HIM and not anyone else… is not a reason? also she liked fessy and Brett more than Tyler and said this weeks before leaving… also.. no…. the title of worst houseguest goes to Angela… she looked dumb in every thing she did

      3. I don’t know if it was bitter jury or KC’s ability to connect with people on a personal level a bit more than Tyler.

        Towards the end he kind of gave it up to spend time time with Angela. He lost the Sam vote, in my opinion, that way. He didn’t really try to connect with Rockstar. Scottie was a toss up as they both kind of burned him. Fes also really had no connection to Tyler. Bayleigh was really the only one I feel (besides Hayleigh) he out played. Difference was Hayleigh had respect for being outplayed. I do think KC also was able to have a better connection to bayleigh.

        Really KC won because she had better jury management on a connection level.

        1. He lost the Sam vote because she is jealous of every other woman in the house….and slightly nuts. Kaycee and Tyler would have each won every season (if it was fair) in the last 10 years -but I will always be Team Tyler. What hurt him a lot is that she could hug and cry with the girls and Tyler could only do so much since he is a guy…..Sam makes me so mad – Tyler was the one who was the nicest to her when she was a freaking robot…..

        2. I agree. I just stated in another post that I totally believe she had the votes is when she said “I never made a promise that I couldn’t keep.” That is what I think swayed a lot of them to vote for her.

        3. Actually he burned Fes a series of time. He burned Fes with the vote against Swaggy and then again witht he vote on Steve, and then another time with voting the wrong way week after week.

      4. Waving them off as “bitter” is the same fundamental misunderstanding of the game that Tyler made. Surviving to get to the end is only half the game. The other half is jury management and that’s how you win the game. If you’re betting on a short speech and answering three questions to explain, it’s like showing up to a final exam having not studied and just hoping you retained enough from class to get through it. That’s fine to pass a class, but you’re not getting the best grade.

        Tyler was 100% risk averse and that ensured a jury that would not appreciate the lying skill…and again there’s lots of skilled liars but if you know every lie will be exposed you better soften the landing with some harsh honesty and risk the lesser lies be exposed in the game. A shoulder shrug won’t cut it. Imagine if Tyler had been even 25% honest with Scottie or Sam, even if only when it was clear they were going….but instead he could not tolerate that risk that they might say something and let them leave without even an iota of trying to manage the post-exit.

        Tyler is the ballplayer who crushes the regular season but seems unready to face the intensity of the playoffs…and that guy doesn’t win at the end.

      5. I thought Tyler would have won with a clean sweep. However, when Kaycee said “I never made a promise that I could not keep!” I think that is what changed most of the jury minds. That was brilliant play on Kaycee’s part. What she said was so true. Tyler did make final 2 deals with a lot of people and said to other’s they weren’t targets so he broke that trust. So that is why I think Tyler lost.

      6. top 15 at best…
        top 5 is
        Evil Dick
        Dr. Will
        and Boogie….

        these are always top 5 til an actual player can do better than what they did

      7. I totally agree, Tyler’s game play was excellent. Big brother is all about winning comps and social manipulation and he did those two things impeccably well and they jury knew that they should have all definitely voted for Tyler to win. He never hurt anyone personally he just played the game how it was meant to be played. I’m okay with Kaycee winning tho because she was a solid low key social player and won comps when she needed to. In my opinion this made up for the trainwreck that bb19 was , great season this year.

    2. Long live Sam. OMG Haleigh was unequivocally, undeniably, unbelievably the most gorgeous, beautiful, sexiest woman I’ve seen in awhile. She was hot in the jury round table but she blew that away with how she looked tonight live. Long live forever my purple pantied scented goddess.

  2. Simeon& Dawg, thank you for maintaining such an awesome blog. This has been one of the better seasons if not the best one

    1. Agree, Robert. I’ve looked around for other sites and none have held my attention. Best season for me yet; I was hoping Tyler would win as he played the best over all game through the entire season but very happy for KC and Tyler getting AFP. HUGE eye roll over the stupid proposal by Swaggy C; way to allow an irrelevant cast member rule the final moments…. such a joke. That WAS a Kraken moment for me. It’s been fun!

  3. While this jury is less bitter than I expected, I believe that if Kaycee chose JC, there is a good chance that JC would have won

  4. I told you so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew for a fact that Kaycee is going to win and she did. I remember when I sent the prediction of 4 different fortune teller and each one of them all said Kaycee.

    Kaycee is the winner of Big Brother 20.

    Tyler lost the game just like I thought. See you guys next year!!!!!!

        1. I’m sure he will think about that while he is spending his 75K. Too bad for you that you will see Tyler again on another Big Brother season whereas your boy Scottie is toast forever.

    1. “Being right” on a hunch and “knowing” are two completely different things. You’re delusional.

    2. You didn’t predict anything you hack.

      You guessed and hoped Kaycee would win when Scottie left because I’m guessing she was the only person left you didn’t hate.

      You also predicted Scottie would win and each and every week you predicted Tyler’s eviction party which never happened until you stayed off the message boards after Scottie was evicted right back out.

      Your boasting right now in undeserved and unwanted. Wait for your next nerd next year and you can start all over again.

    3. Tyler didn’t get evicted like you predicted, nor did Scottie win, far from it for both actually. So nice try. It was better when you were quiet.

    1. I think Bayleigh is 100x worse. Can’t stand her. I’m guessing Swaggy proposed to “make an honest woman” out of her since he is the baby daddy.

        1. It was sickening that they wasted airtime on a 23 day “romance” that wasn’t even 23 days…..The most bogus proposal ever but I could see these two shallow people milking it for all of its worth. They must think that they’ll be picked up for Amazing Race!

          I am also really doubtful about Fessy and Hayleigh’s intentions…

      1. I say the same thing but these guys in here love this shit it ruins the game play! Then angela tries to say it was a tuff choice! Give me a break man you knew who you were picking right from the gate! But good luck to both even tho i dont think tyler and angela’s will last!

        1. Tyler and Angela’s have more of a chance of lasting than the other two. When Swaggy runs through Bayleigh’s money, he’ll be gone (or if they don’t get on Amazing Race)….That proposal just made me mad….wasting airtime for a farce.

      2. I definitely don’t want to see someone force a showmance because they think it might be entertaining. But these people are stuck in the house with no one but themselves for so long and close relationships form and if two genuinely fall for each other and seek comfort from each other during this time I’m all for it and think it’s exciting and am happy for them.

        But the Bayeligh Swaggy shit was so stupid. He came in looking for a showmancw and then to propose during a live audience having only knowing each other for 23 days to get attention and try to keep his 15 minutes of fame going is gross. The whole thing was cringe worthy

    1. Let’s see who is still standing 3-6 months in and we’ll see what is real. Bayleigh and Douchy C will implode.

  5. Man hayleigh looks gorgeous and im glad angela cut the mustache! Lmao ill get thumbs down for that one! Bailey and chris relationship way more real than Angela and Tyler as you can see by Angela lame answer and chris marriage proposal good luck to both tho! And let’s go! KC for the win!!

    1. My husband always was like what’s up with the mustache on that girl! When Hailey is glammed up she is a very model looking like Angela. Both are pretty.

      1. Yeah ppl in here were blind to the mustache lmao! But i wasn’t blinded by it. I think anglea was ok looking but hayleigh was gorgeous but that’s just me!

      2. Seriously? Angela is gorgeous….and people need to look in the mirror at themselves before knocking her for HAIR….which is absolutely natural. Women aren’t hairless….. Get over yourselves.

    2. Omg are u actually a woman with that name or are u gay? Either situation is extremely childish. And I don’t get how everyone is calling Tyler gay based off of Instagram posts. Don’t you think one of his lovers would have outed him by now?? Oh that’s right, you’re an immature idiot, my bad!

    3. If there isn’t a baby and they don’t get on Amazing Race (ANDwhen the money and TV time is gone) so will Swaggy. They did not even spend 23 days “together” – he has literally spent more time hanging out with her family than he did with her….a farce of a proposal….If the stories are true about how many children that he has with women he didn’t marry, we’re supposed to believe that what he feels for a literal stranger is love? right.

  6. First thanks Simon and Dawg. I don’t have a live feed you guys are awesome.
    Kaycee for the win!!! What a finale!!!!!!

    1. This whole crap about who gets less blood on their hands is a more deserving winner has to stop.

      Tyler played the game two months longer than Kc, and dominated the whole game, was willing to take actions and not sit back and play it safe, he made a bunch of big moves.

      I mean the first time Tyler really wasn’t in control was at the final four for Christ sake .

      Tyler did all of the dirty work by getting Intel with everyone else in the house outside of level six and keeping everyone safe.

      I think the biggest indicator in deciding whether or not someone deserves to win the game in the final two. Is that you Have to decide who was who was the one that was is in control of the game for the longest period of time.

      Tyler was able to set up that whole alliance from the beginning to have success, he basically ripped apart the whole other side!!!! He was the brains of one of the greatest alliances ever in yet she doesn’t win???? I mean am I going crazy here? Why are we not rewarding players these days that are more willing to make moves and get blood on their hands in order to get to the end and prove that they outplayed everybody why are they getting passed over players that aren’t doing much for long stretches of the game I I don’t understand this logic anymore.

      And I ask besides Kaycee siding with Tyler. what was Kaycees biggest move because when you look at all five vetoes she won she never changed the nominations she kept them the same For what the HOH wanted so obviously she wasn’t the one calling the shots in the alliance. When She was hoh they took out JC and Haley when they had no one to side with.

      Tyler was in control for the longest stretch of the game and he basically set up level six to have success by creating such a strong bond with the outside majority of the house, and made one of the biggest blindsides in big brother history (which KC didn’t have hand in) for what he pulled off with Brett I mean how does he not get any credit for how brilliant that move was ????

      I Mean come on that whole hive/foutee were completely bitter at him and Angela, because they actually had a pair and we’re willing to go after everyone else that was against them and not apologize for it. For them to be better at that is ridiculous.

      The whole reason why people love this season so much is because those jerks from the other side got destroyed by a group of people who were close!!!!! (Kaycee,Brett, Angela, and Tyler were are really phenomenal). But based upon what happen tonight tonight they proved why because they voted completely on emotion for getting outplayed.

      1. It has nothing to do with getting blood on your hands and it wasn’t a bitter jury. It has to do with owning your game. Tyler was sneaky and deceitful and played what may have been the best game this year. But very few of the jury realized that. Tyler was apologetic all season, didn’t advertise that he was *doing* anything. Bayleigh and Fessy and Rockstar all still think he’s a wounded baby bird that just did what the HOH wanted. Watch that finale again and watch their faces as he’s talking. Bad jury management… it’s part of the game.

        1. What was Kaycee Biggest move other than aligning with Tyler.

          Tyler was the leader of the one of the greatest alliances in big brother history.

          And was the one leading the charge for making the biggest moves in getting people out of the house.

          1. Kaycee risked her game choosing Tyler saving his @as in final 3 and taking him to final 2. He would have nothing had she not done takenf him that far. She fought for her big brother life. Comp wins loyalty work horse strategy. Enough said.

          2. Kaycee won like 6 vetos and 2 hohs, and she won when they really mattered, plus the hacker comp which had really dealt the Hive alliance a major blow because it caused RS to go home on a Hive HOH, but for that win, one of the L6 members who were down to 4 by then go home. So they would have been down to 3 members, probably lost, and probably fell apart. Her big move was winning so many comps that it sealed the fate of Fessy, Hayleigh, Brett and many other players she wanted out.

            Tyler was not the leader of some great alliance. The hive was just terrible and didn’t trust each other. I do give Tyler credit for flipping the vote on them and them not being suspicious, but the level of game play was very low, in any other season,players in the same alliance would have leaked out that Tyler had the final 2 with multiple people in advance. This actually backfired on Tyler, because it showed he had poor jury management, people were finding out he was essentially a fake friend and fake person right before the vote.

            I also disagree, he never led the charge, he always hid and only made “big moves” on other people’s HOH. He never put up Swaggy, he got Fessy to do it, he never took out Bayleigh, he got Angela to do it, he never took out anyone except Brett, he was always hiding behind someone. Which left a poor taste in the mouth of many jurors to find out 30 minutes before the vote you were screwed over by this guy.

          1. She didn’t do anything !!!!!! why are rewarding people that are not doing anything!!!! She didn’t play for the first two months . I do not understand people rewarding people in the show for taking a backseat for long stretches of this game Tyler was the one that set up level six to have success by taking out the hive/foutee when they had numbers he was the reason why they self imploded!!!!

          2. People need to quit acting like KC was the puppet master of that alliance – when it was obvious that Tyler was in control and the one who was in charge for one of the best alliances ever

          3. I don’t know what show you were watching but Tyler was making all of the game plans and sending the little soldiers on their way….Brett, JC and Kaycee.

          4. Tyler would have zero chance at anything had Kaycee not won the most important comps taking him to the end. Tyler choose final 2s to benefit his own game not anyone else’s and it bit him in the @ss. He fell asleep and showmanced halfway through the season. Not very smart. while Kaycee finished the season strong.
            She damn well deserved the win
            #work horse
            #veto queen
            #genuine peanut
            #smart cookie
            #wellrounded overall
            #comp beast
            #500k baby Let’s go!

        2. I Agree, he was afraid to own it and never got into specifics. He spoke poorly. Although it was hard for him bc he knew there were bitter minded people on the jury who wouldn’t necessarily respect game moves. From that perspective he also failed with his social game, making too many final twos and not managing them or Bayleigh properly during the week she was evicted. I think he should’ve won but do see the mistakes he’s made.

          1. You can’t manage “insanity”. Sam should have voted for Tyler who was actually nice to her all season. Bayleigh is an entitled, horrible acting person who was never going to vote for Tyler….

          2. He didn’t get much time to get into specifics, Julie kept cutting them both off and rushing them. I think he would have won if he had been given the time to explain his game.

        3. It was a bitter jury – case in point, Sam. Also, Bayleigh would never have voted for Tyler after her bleeding at the mouth moment….

          1. Sam loved peanut. Tyler made too many enemies. you call that good Strategy?
            Manipulating half @as and getting exposed is not effective strategy. Jury management? He Failed to follow through successfully. Easy to blame Julie and jury members for coming up short rather than admiting the truth. Poor strategy to think having a final 2 with half the house won’t come back to bite you. cocky. Poor explanation to jury. His strategy failed in the end. Game over.

        4. Fessy voted for Kaycee even though he didn’t think she was even there the first half of the game. Remember “Congratulations on winning something. It’s about time.”?

          1. I guess the engagement of Swaggy C and Baleigh was more important than Tyler and Kaycee explaining why they deserved $500,000.

            That engagement may have cost Tyler some money. I like the Survivor way better – have a full discussion between the jury and panel and edit it to fit the time frame required.

            Plus, they should have showed at least Part 1 of the final battle on Sunday instead of all the highlights of the season with Jeff to fill the show. That would have allowed more time for a jury discussion with Tyler and Kaycee.

      2. Tyler lost his game when he tried to appease Bayleigh with his response to her jury question. I think she would have voted for him had he not claimed he argued with her so people would think he had an enemy on the jury. In fact, I don’t think Tyler considered jury management until it was too late.

        1. No, she said she already had her mind set going into it that she wasn’t going to vote for him unless he was against JC but she was happy that he apologized to her. Backyard interviews tell you a lot more than the show itself because they’re trying to cram too much into one episode. Her, Rockstar, Fessy and Scottie voted as a block like Scottie had said they were going to do so none of those votes were going to change based on the finale speeches. Haleigh didn’t agree to the voting block idea so she went her own way but Sam turned out to be the vote that sealed his fate. She said she had no hard feelings for Tyler but knew more of Kaycee’s backround story and therefore had already decided to vote for her before the finale even came about. Had he tried to come off as a more sympathetic character to Sam while she was still in the house he could have scooped up her vote for the win. So the irony is that if Sam had seen him as the wounded baby bird that he was pushing on everyone else he would have won.

          1. I agree with everything but Sam. Tyler was nice to her all season…and Sam was merely jealous of the fact that he had a relationship and she didn’t. Nothing short of kicking out Angela for SAM would have made Sam happy. A bitter jury struck again.

            1. I agree that he was very nice to her but if you listen to her post show interviews…she was looking for a sympathetic story. Tyler didn’t give her that. He knew she was susceptable to sob stories because he has mentioned it on live feeds but he might have had too much pride to give her one. Nothing wrong with that but just saying that’s why she voted like she did.

        2. He’s such a gentleman, that’s what he is. He won’t argue with a woman. I liked how he handled the situation when Bayleigh went postal and saying sorry even if she didn’t deserve it.

        3. She would have never voted for him. She is crazy…the blood in the mouth moment was indicative of that. Sam, however, is who I blame for this. Tyler was nice to her all season…much more than anybody else was. She was just jealous of the women in the house.

      3. I agree 100%. I did not like the blindside T and A did to Brett though. He was not going to win in the end and it was just mean. He did see that those girls including Kaycee were going to be an issue in the end and he was right. She won. I just thought it was a crappy unnecessary move. It was also done in poor taste. I believe Tyler deserved the win no matter what. He was working all the angles from day 1. He worked his butt off and deserved the win. Back in the day, that would have been something the jury, whether they liked him or not would have respected his game play and would have picked him for the W.

          1. Exactly – there were still other people in the house and Brett was going to take out an alliance member. And he was stupid to go to the person who he thought Might be in a showmance with that person. That was the thing that shocked me the most this season….Sam, Brett and JC ALL talked to Tyler separately about Angela even though they thought that there might be a showmance. Terrible idea…..

      4. She didn’t do anything for the first nine weeks of the game and Tyler is the one that made all the big moves and held the one Kc greatest alliance ever in check and he was the leader by far and away what was Kaycee biggest move other than aligning with Tyler.

        She didn’t make any big moves.

        Tyler is the main reason why the opposing alliance hive/foutee imploded

      5. He did a horrible job saying what moves he actually made. They both just rambled how they were super fans and they loved everyone.

        His jury management was horrible, so he really needed to claim moves he made.

      6. Did you notice how Julie rushed through their answers and final speaches? She cut them short repeatedly, disrupting their rhythm and train of thought. It discombobulated both KC &Tyler. Very poor hosting.

        1. And then gave good ol’ Soggy C plenty of time to pull off his laughable proposal to the wicked witch of the west. Seriously? Rushing through the questions to determine the winner of Big Brother, the reason we are all there watching and they are all there to decide, so there is PLENTY of time for that attention whore to propose to his “girlfriend” of 24 days? Some may think that is good TV (Swaggy and Bayleigh come to mind), but probably not too many true fans of the game. I would prefer to hear more complete answers to the questions, and to give them EACH at least two – three minutes to explain in summary why they deserve to win the game (Chenbot gave Tyler 45 seconds, and I don’t think he got even that)! Given what Haleigh said, it could have made a difference in how any one single voter cast his/her vote, and in a 5-4 vote, that one vote matters!

      7. I truly think both of them deserved to win equally. Kaycee not using the veto doesn’t mean she is not making moves in the game. Her whole strategy was to protect Level 6 and to get to the final 2 with Tyler. She accomplished this. That is a very hard thing to do in this game. Both Kaycee and Tyler were doing exactly the same thing in the beginning of the game. Get everyone to like them and play on a social level. Kaycee was consistent throughout the game. Tyler started to lose track when he started having feelings for Angela. He became more cocky. This is not to say he played a bad game. He played brilliantly. I just think he lost that social part that he built up so well in the beginning. Saying things like “I’m two steps ahead” to Brett was the beginning of the end for him (I believe). Him not telling Sam before she was evicted what was going on was also a bad move. He knew how much she trusted him, of course, she wouldn’t vote for him. I think she would have voted for him if he came clean before she left the house. Nope, instead he waited for Angela to go to jury to tell everyone about Level 6 and the final 2 deal with Kaycee. Why oh why did he apologize to Bayleigh. That made him look so shady. I think all of these things cost him the game.

        I do agree that there is a need to put some stricter guidelines for the jurors on how to decide the winner. I remember early in the game Bayleigh, Rockstar and Haliegh stated if they made it to jury and had to vote, they will vote for a woman to win. So my question now is did they vote because they truly thought Kaycee deserved it (which she did) or was it because she is a woman? Think about it. With all the jury footage and jury discussions, Rockstar was pretty much pro-Tyler. She admitted more than once he played a really good game. But she voted for Kaycee. Using this as an example, I don’t like the idea that jurors can vote any way that is not game related. But then again, how can BB really control that? Rant over.

      8. Totally agree. It’s why winners in sports no longer are winners. Everyone who plays gets a participation trophy. Bunch of f’ing babies. We didn’t win so neither will you, haha! The year Will and Mike Boogie steam rolled everyone, they told everyone, “Hey we’re full of shit! We’re lying to everyone of you!” And they didn’t give two f’s who knew it. Ever since, the game has gone to the crybaby hipster kumbayah kids!!!

      9. Tyler got pulled into L6 because they knew they could control him, pouted and played around for 6 weeks after Kaitlyn left and he wasn’t getting any attention, and then isolated himself with Angela who made all of his moves for him. He was a floater who happened to be good at physical comps.

        KC on the other hand conducted herself well throughout the entire season and worked her butt off to build strong relationships the entire summer. She deserved to win.

        1. Floater who is good at comps? Think about that……

          Kaycee was just genuinely nice, and a team player. Tyler was a nice guy but he manipulated others like a superfan would and other great players have done. Tyler played the best manipulative game for the entire season. From working up his wounded baby bird, blindside of Steve, soggy C, Kaitlyn etc he was a key player at the beginning of the season. He set himself up to be in that final two. Yes, everyone says jury management but what is that management? Kaycee sat back and talked to people on a personal level while Tyler burned people and made the moves that made this season entertaining.

      1. He did sell his game to the jury. He also was way more confident and competent in actually answering the question and final speech part. We will no longer see a Machiavellian type winner like Evel dick, Dr will, or dan gheesling. Obviously that’s what America likes as they voted Tyler their favorite. We’re going to see a bunch of vote with the house type games from here on out because playing the game the way Tyler did will always result in second place now. they need to change the jury format and the voting format to reward the best player. Not saying Kaycee isn’t deserving because she is just Tyler was more deserving and played a better game.

        1. They need to select players that understand and respect the game,it’s about lying and manipulation.Players like Sam are fun to watch but they’re not players,and don’t get me started on people who see this as a dating show.

          1. They thought they did that wth Scottie and he voted bitter. Haleigh tried to clue fessy in to switching his vote as we know he can’t make up his own mind because Haleigh even said she didn’t make up he mind until the speeches (hint fessy she changed her mind from kaycee to Haleigh). Even Bayleigh’s (puke) fiancee after being bitter all season said Tyler deserved it. Unfortunately her and Rockstar out of the game for 2 months and had no clue what was going on. If it were a seven-person jury like it used to be because those people actually know what’s going on someone in the house at the end Tyler would have won 4 to 3 but the 9th and 10th Place players both voted for Kaycee.
            All the best strategic players voted for Tyler. All the emotional players and coincidentally the ones that didn’t understand the game voted for Kaycee.

          2. They thought they did that wth Scottie and he voted bitter. Haleigh tried to clue fessy in to switching his vote as we know she can’t make up his own mind because Haleigh even said she didn’t make up he mind until the speeches (hint fessy she changed her mind from kaycee to Tyler). Even Bayleigh’s (puke) fiancee after being bitter all season said Tyler deserved it. Unfortunately her and Rockstar out of the game for 2 months and had no clue what was going on. If it were a seven-person jury like it used to be, because those people actually know what’s going on somewhat in the house at the endgame, Tyler would have won 4 to 3. However the 9th and 10th Place players both voted for Kaycee.
            All the best strategic players voted for Tyler. All the emotional players and coincidentally the ones that didn’t understand the game voted for Kaycee.

            1. Bjh,

              What you said in your previous post couldn’t be any more truer I mean the fact of the matter is that Dan Gheesling or Dr. Will wouldn’t win the seasons anymore because people get too bitter!!!!!

              In my opinion the hive brought down this season, they are bitter that they got outplayed and can’t own their shit like Angela and Tyler who are completely confident and secure. And unlike the hive Angela and Tyler thrived like none other on being hated.

              1. This comment makes no sense. Dr. Will won from a bitter jury when the female contestant carried him to the end and cut her alliance member who in turn voted for Will as a SPITE vote! Will won from a bitter juror!

                Hive ensured the right person won. Tyler had been targeting her from the first week even though she helped him win and tried to work with him. Why would she want to help someone win who did nothing but try to make her lose all season long and target her entire alliance? That doesn’t make any sense.

                Kaycee had kept her promises, played a better game, comforted people and was nice. Being nice goes a long way.

        2. Maybe an even jury # with a tie-breaker vote from CBS ALL ACCESS members? That would weed out casual network viewers as we know, what shows on primetime can be very different from the feeds…

      2. I like KC, but dont underestimate the bitter SJW’s on jury, including meathead who was too stupid to follow his girlfriend. Give Haleigh credit, she does have cognitive abilities. Maybe she’ll run like hell in time before lil dumb dumb Fez locks her up in the basement with the full hijab kit. Sam really showed her true colors. It was her vote that did it. Now we know why she lives in a trailer in her parents backyard. Wtf. Phenomenal season. Now get a new host and we will be all set for next spring.

        1. I wish Sam Kinison was still alive. He would make the perfect host. AAAAhh, you got voted out. Suck it you PUSSY!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Tyler revealed his showmance in his jury questions and the Angela haters voted for Kaycee. I’m still not unhappy with the outcome though.

    1. The hate for Angela and Tyler is real. It was completely obvious when rockstar Haley and Bailey were rolling their eyes at Angela when she was trying to talk about Tyler‘s game play in the jury segment.

      They are straight up jealous/bitter at both Angela Tyler

      Honestly if I was Angela I would’ve been like well someone’s bitter that they got out outplayed even when they had a DAMN POWER APP. I mean Bailey didn’t you go out two months ago.

      Seriously Angela should be like honey what are you talking about I smoked you like a cigarette back in middle July!!!!

      That side of the house (hive) might be some of the most worst houseguests we ever had!!!! Not only did they suck at playing the game but they voted completely emotional. I mean for god sake look at Scotty and Fasals exits!!!
      They got completely whipped by Tyler and Angela were not willing to except their asses getting beat and since they were the ones that made the moves.

      Big brother please stop recruiting players that arent willing to appreciate big moves in players who are willing to get blood on their hands and taking people out I don’t understand prior to the season 14 this was never a problem but since Ian Terry won that season… people are having a problem with selecting players that are willing to make big moves in the face of the house and getting blood on their hands and it’s Time for the jurors to act like adults and vote for people who played a better game and not act like emotional children And not vote for people Because were insecure and we got our feelings hurt.

      1. Well, look at the demographics of the HG, were any over 35? Maybe Steve, and he went 1st. A new generational attitude? RS is a perfect example, entitled attitude because she’s poor and others are not. Then there are some who just think they are the center of the universe (Bay, Chris). Others were just plain lazy (Hay, Fez).
        Tyler, Angela, KC, JC, Sam, Brett didn’t fall into that trap, hussled their game and see how well they did!

    1. I thought Kaycee point about not making promises she couldn’t keep was perfect! I know Tyler played hard but Kaycee had great social game and won a lot of comps to get them there. She did deserve to win just as much as Tyler. I find her genuine social game and character refreshing and I’m happy for her.

      1. Kaycee took over the second half of the season winning comps and gave Tyler the opportunity to sit with her in final 2 while he showmanced with Angela.

        He would have been long gone if it wasn’t for her loyalty…comp wins exactly when she needed to. Mental comp that counted too. That is plain smart.

        Social game on cue and the loyal good gal prevails.

        Have to admit Coast to coast final two was one of the best teams ever.

        Congrats to Kaycee! You go girl! Lets go!

        Tyler not to shabby shaggy 75k Hawaii and the woman 😉

        Wonderful ending to a spectacular season.
        Thank you Simon and Dawg 😉

      2. Thats bs . Kaycee made a lot of promises she didnt keep . Like girls alliance . Rachel. Telling scottie sam hay they are safe. She lied to hay she will vote for her in a tie breaker.

    2. I’m surpsied Tyler didn’t tell the jury his ultimate game move getting Kaitlyn to go against her own alliance and weakened their number by 3 in the first 4 weeks (Steve, Swaggy, and Kaitlyn herself lol). That solidified the level 6 and kept them strong and loyal. Other great strategy moves later on but that beginning move put level 6 in a great position. Tyler was the general and Kaycee was the soldier … who should win .. it’s a toss up but this jury mostly had no clue what Tyler did game wise and sadly he didn’t tell them. Either one is a fine winner because Kaycee was clutch with her veto wins to keep the alliance going strong and Tyler did a masterful job controlling the house.

      1. That’s a problem with the format of the final episode,they don’t give the finalist enough time to talk to the jury.In recent seasons Survivor has done a better job of allowing a more free flowing discussion.Being live limits time so they should show the 1st and 2 nd comps on the previous episode.

        1. Exactly – the roundtable could have been on Sunday’s episode….and that farce of a marriage proposal was ridiculous.

        2. I agree. I felt like the final two were rushed and cut short in laying out their game play to the jury. They tried to cram too much into a 1.5 hour time slot, and the Swaggy/Bayleigh engagement farce took away from even revealing the winner of the game. I felt that was totally rude and in poor taste.

        3. I think it was Evel Dick I read earlier in the season. He was saying the jury questions used to be taped and went on for, like, 3 hours. They need to go back to that.

      2. It’s kind of hard to tell them all the things you’ve done when Julie tells you that you’ve only got 45 seconds to speak. I could see the panic in his eyes when she said that…he knew he didn’t have time to spell everything out. In the future, people are really going to have to utilize their goodbye messages better because the finale format really sucks. It used to be different back in the day and we tended to have the more deserving players awarded with the title. Kaycee is a great girl so I’m not upset that she won but am more upset with the way they do the finale and jury round table these past few years.

    3. Yup. He also blew it with his speach. He should have made it clear that he was the glue that made L6 work. He didn’t capitalize on that, which is why Kaycee won. She played an honest and loyal game but never floated. She is a different winner than most.

      Still we are due for another villain/loud winner in the vein of Dr Wiil, Boogie, Dan, Dick, and Rachel.

    4. You know it was 1 vote difrenece right?
      Kaycee didnt manage fess any better than tyler.
      Or rockstar. Tyler did nothing to them more than kc.
      He talked with them more which sopoce to be good managment to get to know them. Fess and kc never talked. Never.

      1. That’s exactly where his jury management failed. He spent all his time in the house presenting himself as a doe-eyed follower. They all thought Kaitlyn ran him and not the other way around. He knew who was going home… that was his opportunity to start dropping subtle hints about his actual role in the house. Reinforce with strong goodbye messages, not that apologetic crap we saw him spew. Even on stage in the finale, almost all of Hive clearly still thought of him as the wounded baby bird that did whatever the HOH wanted. Bad jury management.

        1. I don’t understand. How did Kaycee look like less of a follower than Tyler? They all admitted that Tyler was the reason they were sitting on the jury. They know exactly who was playing the game and making moves. They did not vote for Kaycee because Tyler was wounded bird. They voted for her because Tyler outplayed them and made them wounded birds. He could have had an hour to explain to them all his big moves. It would not have changed the outcome imo. They are sore losers and played and voted with their emotions and not based on game play.

  8. I fast forwarded through the Saggy portion but it looked like he proposed?! It’s so sad that he is so determined to be famous that he’ll do something so stupid just for a few minutes of camera time. Next stop, appearing on Divorce Court.

  9. A good result to a great season. The win for Kaycee well deserved. AFP to Tyler well deserved. Please big brother casting and production continue with these kind of seasons.

  10. I like Kaycee but Tyler played the better game and deserved to win. If you look at the votes it definitely was bitter houseguests that let personal feelings and not game play steer their decisions. Regardless it was a good season!

      1. I mean other than KC aligning with Tyler what was KCs biggest move because she didn’t use the veto out of the all five times she won it……. meaning she didn’t make the moves And kept the HoH wishes and obeyed and did what they wanted it.

        Her HOHs we’re at the end of the game when Haley and Jc when they were alone.

        Tyler blindside on Brett, he was in charge for the making the move and she had nothing to do with that.

        Tyler convincing Kaitlyn to put up the head snake for Foutee being SWAGGY and putting level 6 out to great start and to hav MOST IMPRORTANTLY FOUTEE taking shots at each other and causing chaos in going after each other was brilliant!!!!! Tyler was in charge for that alliance (Foutee/Hive) chaos within themselves and imploding, Took out that alliance. Because he was the one in charge making moves when they still had the numbers !!!!!

        Tyler was the biggest reason for taking people out when they still had numbers when he was in charge, and The only time kaycee took people out was when Haley and JC were all alone in the game. Come on people the hive was completely bitter!!!!

        And we all could’ve predicted that especially from Scotty’s and FES exits i’m severely disappointed in those two because I knew Hal rockstar and Bailey felt but for them to vote personal is really messed up.

        1. I agree.Kaycee was a solid player and a good ally but Tyler’s strategy got her to the end and all Tyler got in exchange was loyalty.

          1. Tyler and Kaycee talked about every move and those moves benefited her so why start rocking the boat and making a fuss just so she can be the one to say the exact same thing the other person was going to say. She was never in real danger so we didn’t get to see her dig herself out of a hole like Tyler had to several times because he was the guy out front. It’s a different type of game but a legitimate one.

        2. Yeah did you say the same thing when Cody took Derek oh yeah that’s right people criticize the hell out of Cody doing that

        3. Strategy/bb game is also about building genuine relationships.Kaycee built solid, relationships with Sam and Bayleigh but did not deceive them.

          She risked her game by being a loyal soldier and took him on her shoulders at the end winning the two most important vetos and hoh which ensured Tyler had an opportunity at the 500K.

          It was team work and loyalty to one another that got them to the end together but Kaycee outplayed Tyler with jury management social and of course being a comp beast … shining when she needed to.

          Well rounded effort and deserving of the win!

          Tyler still won money and the woman. He showmanced the last half of game while the work horse came in strong during the final leg of the race.

          It’s not how you start but how you finish and follow through that matters most and in this game peanut did just that.

          Congrats! Let’s go! 😉

        4. Larry, you know Tyler threw stage 3 of the final right? Got the last 2 questions wrong and totally jammed out on the tie breaker. He wanted JC’s vote….Me thinks you have your head up your Ann_L.

          1. I was also thinking that nobody had math skills that were that bad….and he kept smiling at her when he thought that he got it wrong and she was right….

        1. Kaycee won last 2 vetos and hoh “choosing” Tyler. That is literally how he ended up there. Plain and simple.
          Now coast to coast two of them together was the only way Tyler had a chance to win. They worked together in different ways to get to the end. They needed one another to make it as far as they did.
          Kaycee finished a bit stronger in the final leg and ran with it all the way to the bank.

      2. and Tyler CARRIED them through the first half of the season and was the mastermind behind Level 6. He sent his soldiers – Kaycee, JC and Brett out to “manage” people while he played the “lifeguard, clueless” role. They both are literally the best players in the last decade but I would have given the win to Tyler….

        1. If you were actually in the house, you’d think Tyler was a clueless lifeguard and vote for Kaycee’s loyalty and comp wins. Tyler always sold the ruse but never the reality. Burn.

    1. She played a better social loyal game. Plus all the comp wins including the ones that could have had Tyler evicted 4th place and 3rd but she gave him the opportunity to sit with her in final two by winning out the season.

      He was lucky she was loyal til the end. well rounded loyal social game and convinced the jury. That is still strategy. Not deceiving but effective in the end.
      She won fair and square.


      1. Yeah And Tyler could’ve taken her out in the first two months Because she wasn’t doing anything….. was Tyler who was pulling the strings and sit in that alliance up for success ….He was in control for the longest period of time throughout the summer and that is why he use the deserving winter he was clearly the leader of level six and calling the shots and making moves….This whole crap about people not rewarding players for getting blood on their hands and making moves and instead going in voting for other players that play a safe game that don’t get their hands dirty with no blood and that is the determinate has got to change. Because Tyler was able to manipulate people into doing his bidding how can people not see that!!!! People are able to trust him and he was able to convince them to be on his side and to do his bidding how can people not see that as being a puppet master and a better game player !!!! He was the reason why the hive/foutee imploded and it started with Kaitlyn going after her own alliance member in swaggy !!! I mean come on every single one of Tyler’s big moves was better than Kaycee. And he exerted his dominance over the longest period time in the season. He was the deserving winner.

        1. When the jury asked him what his big move was… he stumbled for an answer then said that it was pissing off Bayleigh. That’s all he had for them. Why oh why did they give it Kaycee?? Could it be… dun dun dun… terrible jury management by Tyler?

    2. The jury wasn’t bitter. They weren’t voting *against* Tyler, they were voting *for* Kaycee. The Hive all thought Tyler was a sissy-pants and he never conveyed to them the game he actually played. He had goodbye messages to use, evicted house guests to confide in… never sold his game, they never even knew about it. Bad. Jury. Management.

    3. Ann, I never did mention that however I do remember you mentioning how long post give you cancer after two sentences!!! Think again !!! That comment was messed up

  11. I think the tie breaker question was obviously a gift for Kaycee being that it was her final time the question was about but, I knew she would take Tyler and stick to her word. I honestly thought Tyler would win 5-4 or 6-3 but I guess the jury was a little more bitter than I anticipated. KC is deserving and Im happy for both of them. They both played an outstanding game and I enjoyed this season more than any other in the past. I could have done without the proposal of Swaggy and Bayleigh… they deserve each other and I would have rather had more time to hear from early house guests who had been voted out or more from the jury than watch that. Tyler kinda dropped the ball when they asked him about Angela but I wish them both well in the future. I hope to see them on TAM. I was happy to see JC vote based on game rather than being bitter towards Tyler. I expected more of that from Scottie and also from Sammy who I think voted bitter. I hope all of level 6 ends up life long friends. Honestly Level 6 competing on TAM in teams against each other or as one team against The Hive would be awesome! Scratch that… I dont think I want to see the Hive ever again. lol Thanks for the entertainment this season Simon and Dawg! Look forward to the back yard interviews and will check back here to see if you post them!!

    1. Sam loved Peanut. They had a good relationship in the house. Tyler broke one too many final 2’s. Unfortunately it was his downfall.
      75k Hawaii and Love is a mini Jackpot nonetheless 😉

  12. Congrats to KC!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Been a Tyler fan all season (sad he didn’t win) but KC was right up there with him.

    Such a great season………loved it!!!!!!!!!!!

    Many thanks to Simon & Dawg for all they do. BB wouldn’t be the same if I couldn’t come here every day!

  13. Wrote down Kaycees name at the beginning of the season as this year’s bb winner.
    Yay! Congrats peanut.
    Congratulations to Tyler as well for AFP and runner up.

  14. And for anyone that says the speech doesn’t matter at the end well it does cause hayleigh made her choice based on finial speech! And bayleigh was the deciding vote!! Let the haters hate!! LMFAO!! KC for the win! But it was a good BB season all around but far from the best!

    1. Bayleigh and Rockstar were locks to vote for Kaycee. They hated Tyler with passion and would have voted for her or JC had he been sitting next to Tyler. Just because her key was pulled last doesn’t mean she was the deciding vote. I would say the swing votes were Sam and possibly Scottie. As a fan of BB, I thought Scottie would recognize the role Tyler played in leading L6 and in the decisions that were made for that alliance (vs. Kaycee who was referred to as “furniture” by some around here during the first half of the game). Sam seemed closest to Tyler versus anyone else in the house, right up to the point she was evicted. I guess she assumed he would carry her ass all the way to the end, and when he couldn’t (or wouldn’t) do that, she decided to vote bitter. Now I think Kaycee played a great game, as did Angela. I think they all three worked together with Brett, and used JC’s and Sam’s votes to control that house. But throughout the whole season, they were following Tyler’s lead for the most part, and he certainly did his share of the heavy lifting as well. I think all three of them could make a good argument for winning, but IMHO Tyler had the best argument. But NO argument will work against someone who will not vote for you no matter what the facts are, and that was the case for Tyler when it came to Bayleigh and Rockstar’s vote. Probably Faysal too after he had been in that jury house with those two for so long.

      1. I initially thought Sam gave a bitter vote but then I saw her interview with Ross. She voted per how we all know her… weird reason but very much valid in her mind. To me, Sam’s vote caused Tyler his 500K but it was still fair play in the end.

    2. Really, Sam was the deciding vote. You could see all through the episode as Tyler was answering questions, he was just crushing Sam’s strange little heart. If he had embraced his relationship with her more, he might have gotten her vote and won the $500k. Bad. Jury. Management.

    1. The thing with every other showmance is that after the show they may have given it a shot. Most don’t work out because the BB house is unreal and a relationship needs substance to survive the non-TV time. As much as I dislike Cody and Jessica, they didn’t really rush into marriage although apparently she’s pregnant now but that’s a year long relationship. Even Nicole tried out several different house guests before settling with Victor.

      I think Chris realized Bayleigh was his chance at extending his BB fame and this ridiculous stunt will either make sure their job is being a couple or it’ll put too much pressure on the relationship.

  15. I LOVE Kaycee but Tyler should’ve won. Sam and Scottie surprised me with their votes honestly. Agree or disagree…it’s my opinion that Tyler played the game from the beginning and Kaycee waited until closer to the end to play (she was a comp beast at the END) so Tyler should’ve won. This was one of my favorite seasons. Btw….Swaggy C is so desperate to remain relevant that he proposed…wearing a Swaggy C shirt…I shouldn’t be surprised.

  16. Pretty rare that the last 2 have been as likable as these two were.

    Really the last two big decisions were Kaycee saving Tyler.
    She risked her game out of loyalty – which I REALLY respect.

    Because of that I think she deserved to win.

  17. Tyler didn’t deserve to win AF because they gave him too much screen time on the tv and thats not fair, Haleigh should had won!

    1. because her d/r sessions (second most inclusion in the episodes for the season) didn’t match what happened on feeds? or because the editing department left out her many strategic flirtation triangles, and strategic errors like the bath tub talk that we saw on feeds and didn’t see on episodes? Sure. why not.

  18. Simon Dawg
    Thank you both for all your hard work. It was a great season. I appreciate you both. You’re the best!!! I’m leaving my final donation for the summer but will continue to order Amazon through OBB. Love you both!
    Take care

  19. The finale show should be 2 hours. Not enough time to cover everything and everyone. I wanted to hear Steve, Winston, Rachel and crazy Kaitlyn speak. But, still a great show and GREAT Season!

      1. Umm production allowed that to happen, they didn’t have too…quite hating…they were running out of time way before he proposed #wowhaters #iloveblacklove

        1. I’m sure production was aware of the stunt and likely told Bayleigh because it’s not Springer. Bayleigh probably went along with it for the couple seconds of TV time.

        2. Umm, no hate. Im aware he told production but still it was stupid to do on BB to continue his 15min of fame. This was Kaycee’s and Tyler’s night, Swaggy and Bay got evicted. #nicewaytoturnthisintoaracething.

    1. The best way to describe Scottie is that his personality fits his whiny high pitched baby voice. I was surprised at how bad he was at this game.

  20. And the bitterness continues………………………Blockhead and Bayloser. This format needs to be altered to eliminate bitter players and judged strictly on gameplay. Then,Swag head tries to upstage the show by proposing to Bayloser.They deserve each other! Simon and Dawg,you are the BEST!

      1. Jury management is a part of the game but not when you have nutbags in the jury that completely vote on emotion and not look at what went on.

        People say jury management, but it’s not like Tyler acted like Paul, Josh, or evil dick and went off on these people calling them every name in the book he played the game and people got bitter at the fact that they got outplayed.

        Tyler played a great game with getting everyone to trust him and do his work and he was the one who is leading puppeting and taking the shots at everyone – and to top it all off he was clearly the leader of the level six alliance.

        Jury management in this case it is completely unfair to pin that on Tyler because it’s not like he was mean to people he didn’t call them names or any expletives he played a great game and took people out and if people can’t respect that as a game player then they don’t need to be on the show because they are too emotional!!!

        1. It’s weird that anyone would be bitter or hateful toward Tyler,he was as nice as Kaycee,probably even nicer,he just played the game and made moves.

        2. I think that Tyler deserved to win over case but I’m not upset that Kaycee won. In my opinion, I think it came down to the answers to the jury questions and their final speeches. Tyler kind of made Sam, Scottie and Bayleigh feel disposable. I think they feel used by him. I saw their reactions to his speech and knew he wasnt going to win. Kaycee seemed more genuine giving her speech.

  21. Julie cutting off answers during the jury questions had me thinking slow your roll Mrs. Moonves, it’s not like they’re accusing your husband. Let them finish answering.
    Glad there wasn’t a lot of talk with the pre-jury evicted hg’s. More sad that their time was sucked up by he who i refuse to name’s constant showboat need for attention.
    Who’s looking to get on another reality show to stay relevant… could it be the guy that proposes to a girl after 24 days? Or am i just a cynic calling out someone that strikes me as a wannabe?
    Only vote that was mildly surprising to me was Scottie. But then again, Scottie played the game like he voted, in my opinion. I even half expected Haleigh’s vote to be against the hive block so that it could be said that there wasn’t a voting agreement…. or if there was they foutte’d it.
    If Tyler had won final hoh and voted out JC, i think the vote would have been 6-3. After they discussed the comp being about an hour on feeds… who answers 33 minutes? That seems off to me. It’s like he kaitlyn’d the puzzle. But i’m not willing to go so far as to say he intentionally tossed the comp, even though it seemed both of them were trying to toss it in the last two questions (from their little statements to each other).
    Personal feeling on the results: it’s like i ate a fantastic six course gourmet meal, and vanilla ice cream was the dessert. There’s nothing wrong with vanilla ice cream. It’s not even disappointing. it’s just…. it’s vanilla. The subtle Julie comment of ‘the honest game wins’, yeah, okay. I can see that. I’m not even bothered by it. But, to me, gone are the days when someone that strategically manipulates the house guests in big brother can win. more vanilla ice cream, then.

  22. Sam screwed Tyler big time. Absolutely no reason for her to be so salty. What a joke of a player she turned out to be, and she cost Tyler $450,000. With that said, congrats to Kaycee! But Sam basically ruined Tyler’s dream.

    Team Kaycee, Brett, JC, Tyler

  23. I’m just happy we hopefully never get to see Swaggy and Bayleigh again after the show, they really are the worst.

    1. They are the worst but I’m sure we will be tortured again. CBS will love to use the engage B.B. couple for anything and everything.

      1. I’m not sure we’ll see them in The Amazing Race because you have the Brett/Winston, Angela/Tyler, Fez/JC, Tyler/JC, Kaycee/anyone, Angela/Rachel, Brett/JC or Sam/Haleigh combos that would be fun. I’d love to see Rachel/Brett also.

    1. I really don’t think there is any way for a social manipulation engineer to win big brother anymore. There is no jury management in the world that is going to stroke the egoes of people that view being on a reality show as a career opportunity stepping stone to ‘stardom.’ It’s not like past years when being on a reality program and winning was the goal, now it’s more like an audition for the next show.
      Given that we spent weeks with the FOUTTEHIVE, and we listened to them on feeds, at what point did we ever hear anything about them making judgements based on anything more than their personal impressions of others? They didn’t. Every decision they made in the game and as jurors was based on their own subjective bias as it relates to their own ego. There is no management for that.
      What we are basically learning after season 18, season 19, and celebrity big brother is that how well you engineer the game is less important than how nice you were compared to the other finalist.

      1. Its breathtaking that you are getting downvotes for speaking the obvious. The relied 110% on emotion. Including their jury votes. The best player wouldnt stand a chance.

          1. do you mean it’s always been that the nice guy always beats the game player? I’d beg to differ. The major swing is a post Derrick thing, added to the larger and larger number of recruits that believe being on this show will get them on the next show, and another show after that.

            1. Andy was more Liked than GM
              Ian was more liked than Dan
              Rachel vs Prosche was about 50/50 split
              Hayden was more liked than Lane
              Jordan was more liked than Natalie
              Dan was more liked than Memphis
              Adam won despite being more disliked than Josh
              Dick won despite being more disliked than Danielle
              Boogie was more liked than Erika
              Maggie was more liked than Ivette

              I don’t really know how things went in seasons before 6 but as you can already tell there have only really been 2 or 3 seasons where the more disliked person won.

              1. in more than half of those stated examples, it isn’t the more likeable that beat the more strategic gamer, it is the more likeable that beat the less likeable.

  24. I feel like Tyler blew it with his speech even with Kaycee being completely redundant with all her answers. He made Sam feel completely disposable and played Scottie for a fool all in that spiel to apologize to Bayleigh. He should have owned his game and told them it was all strategy, the whole “make an enemy out of Bayleigh” was complete BS and wound up killing him in the end.

    Congrats to Kaycee, she deserved the win because of her ability to maintain relationships with people and win when the numbers shrunk down. She didn’t ride coattails by being a genuinely nice person she did the one thing Tyler couldn’t do and that was not break her word.

    As for everything else on the episode it was terribly organized. I couldn’t give less of a damn about than showmances or the terrible jury questions. They should have let the pre-jurors speak, i was BEGGING for Rachel to confront Angela but of course CBS had to give all the attention to the attention whore himself Swaggy C. So disappointed in how this finale was presented, they need to try harder with the cast next season and get rid of the archetypes.

    1. If he had stuck with the fact she was on the other side with the ability to replace a HoH’s nominees, he might have done better.

    2. Angela mouthed to Rachel from across the stage that she was sorry and she could explain and then as soon as the show ended she went over to Rachel and apologized. Rachel said it seemed very sincere and knew by this point that it was all based off a misunderstanding so they rekindled their friendship like nothing had happened. I was glad everything got all cleared up but agree with you that it would have been nicer to see it on the show rather than watching a million backyard interviews to get the full story on everything they leave out of the finale.

  25. Kaycee sealed the vote after Tyler exposed his love for Angela BEFORE the vote. The whole back row lost their minds!!! They were not giving a dime to Angela and they (Tyler and Angela) were now one in the same.
    Fatal flaw: Tyler’s speech.

  26. These interviews make another point: BB needs crazy.
    Sam was pretty loopy. Kaitlyn was pretty crazy.

    Without them (and there are others it is boring).

  27. I don’t care either way, but the fact that time was taken away to see other pre jury opinions to let a guy propose to someone he’s known 2 weeks…….. now THAT I’m bitter AF about.

    1. wow such haters, they were running out of time anyway, what did you want to hear? That miss crybaby annoying meditation nut’s boyfriend broke up with her? #blackloveforever

      1. Regardless if you think they could have done anything else with the segment. Dont you think its a tad maniplative to ask someone you were with for like 20 days to marry you on live tv? It was so uncomfortable lol

      2. Like normal people, we would have liked for the final two to actually get enough time to answer their questions….The answers are worth $450,000 but instead we are subjected to this fake romance by two of the most self-centered people to ever play the game.

  28. Tyler spent too much time trying to get baylieghs vote and his demise was telling her that he was making scottie out to be his number 1 so he would get put on the block if he had to use his power app. Thats what cost him scotties vote. The real reason why his own alliance didn’t trust him was because tyler was making him out to be him number 1 guy and scottie then spite voted for KC to win. Tyler also stole dans line from season 10 about getting hate to the jury lol

    1. Yeah, that’s interesting. Good observation. Basically, the only time Tyler mentioned Scottie, he basically implied that their whole relationship together was a lie. I think he swung a few votes over to Kaycee during the finale.

    2. Tyler explained things a bit too much. Even his apology to Bayleigh backfired, he shouldn’t have dug up that fight.

    3. yeah, if sam or scottie were on the fence, tyler lost them trying to win bayleigh’s vote. i don’t understand why tyler didn’t claim his final 2 with sam was legitimate he just couldn’t save her from the block and voted her out to prevent the hoh to cast a tiebreaker that would have not broken in sam’s favor (alternately, why didn’t he force this tiebreaker?). he also had no reason to claim he wasn’t actually friends with scottie and blaming it on forming an alliance with everyone else that lead to scottie’s demise rather than kinda implying he’d been faking that friendship with scottie (which also caused sam to doubt her friendship with tyler).

  29. Wasn’t Part 2 a big disadvantage to JC and Part 3 would of been better for him to compete. Also did you think that Big Brother wasn’t ready for an all Gay finale?

    1. That’s pretty normal for BB final three… endurance, days + a wall and tether, semi-nonsense questions. I think Production was pretty hands off for the finale… but if anything, it would be that they couldn’t have JC win because of all his nasty behaviour that made TMZ.

    2. They had a climbing wall in the house for the entire season. JC spent a lot more time on the wall than Kaycee did. Maybe if he didn’t play pratfall off the wall for entertainment purposes he would have completed it faster. Secretly I don’t think production believes they are ready for an all gay finale, but the second part of the hoh comp wasn’t an advantage for anyone given they had a practice wall in the living room for the summer.

    3. Standard finale comp setup.. he still had to win 1 or 2 to even get to 3 that was “better” for him. And ‘gays’ have been to the end before.

  30. WTF did ya’ll expect? Tyler made final 2 with damn near half the jury and made enemy’s with the other side. Kacee’s social game was flawless. I was surprised the vote was that close. Don’t hate the player hate the game.

    1. Tyler only initiated one final 2… his final 2 with kC… if any of those players who asked Tyler for a final 2 had asked KC instead, do you think she would have said no? tyler could not say no when asked for a final 2… they would have turned on him anyway Think about it. The fact that they asked Tyler and not KC for a final 2 says alot about his social game play. He was playing a better game from the start.

        1. We saw the clip on an episode. Sam went to Tyler and said she had decided he was her person and stuck up her pinky for a pinky promise ride or die. Tyler did not initiate that final 2.

      1. Has anyone refused a proposed F2? Genuinely asking. Seems like a poor social game move to shoot someone down in person. T made promises and moves that for the most part worked for his game. IMO he played up there with the best. I think KC did too, though very differently.. jury management always prevails (though i don’t think she was focusing on that angle). Congrats to both of them! Brett should’ve been AFP though..

            1. Obviously, Troll Daddy, it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with an immature, unemployed, fame whore desperate for 10 minutes attention on national TV. He needs to go away.

  31. You sound like crazy Bayleigh you lunatic. Did you spit blood typing that? Cuz those all caps looks like you were pretty worked up typing it out. Take a hike

    1. I was under the impression JC had not told his family he would be on the show, that he didn’t get them to sign release forms, and that he didn’t have an incredible amount of contact with his family anymore.

  32. Congratulations, Kaycee for winning, Tyler for second place, America’s Favorite Houseguest, hope you and Angela work it out, lots of luck to Fessy and Haleigh, and congratulations to Bayleigh and Chris aka Swaggy C!! Level 6 did good as an alliance, but The Brigade, ChillTown, The Donatos, The Hitmen, and The Quack Pack were the best Big Brother Alliances!!

  33. Well. Thank Gawd Kaycee won. She can finally afford a haircut.

    (Kidding, kidding… crap, here come the thumbs down…. )
    LOVED seeing her mother basking in her win. Let’s go!

  34. Simon/Dawg – Did Kaitlin skip the Finale? I didn’t see her on stage. Was she that bitter?

    Thanks for yet another great season of spoilers/recaps.

  35. Really enjoyed this season…

    The only thing I thought was unfair was that, contrary to previous seasons, Scottie wasn’t given immunity after winning the battle back. As far as I can recall, everyone who got back into the game with a battle back in previous seasons had immunity for the week. I feel like they did that in order to prevent Haleigh would be voted out (they certainly knew Brett, Tyler and she were viewers’ favorites). But that’s water under the bridge now.

    See you next season!

  36. Worst, most rigged season ever. I feel sad for those who wasted their time on this. I feel worse for those who enjoyed it.

      1. Truth. No one still thinks it’s a “game show”, we all know better. A lot of the greats like Dick and Dan will occasionally how they manipulated production and not just the other way around. The background stuff is fascinating… part of what makes BB great.

    1. The people that came up with the voting block pact? Yeah, because they seemed so reasonable all season.
      Not going to go into my entire conspiracy theory. haha. of course i’ve got one.

  37. I would have been happy if Tyler or Kaycee won. Tyler did more overall game play, but messed up when it came to jury management. Kaycee didn’t get blood on her hands the way Tyler did, but won Vetos. I don’t think either really made big moves. But as a team, they deserved to win. Foutte wasn’t much of an alliance anyway, they were attacking each other right from the start (Kaitlyn nominating Swaggy). I wonder if his romance/alliance with Angela affected his outcome on finale night as well since some might not want HER to get part of the money?
    I hope Tyler gets another shot at BB. I’d definitely like to see him operate with people already knowing about his double crossing style lol

  38. I believe production knew the votes prior to live show. Why did they reveal starting from 9th person evicted instead of first person like they usually do? If they had done that then KC would have won by Sam and Bayleigh wouldn’t have been the “deciding” vote. Nor would it have been necessary to see Angela and JC’s votes.

      1. Considering we know from feeds that house guests inform the d/r how they intend to vote hours before feeds are cut weekly, why wouldn’t we believe production is aware of votes hours before the live finale airs? This gives them the chance to talk to one or two key votes to see if there is any one with wiggle room in their vote (so that they can create more drama) without changing the outcome.

        1. The jurors vote in the order they were evicted in and the reveal is the reverse. There is no manipulation of the revealing portion of the votes. If you want to believe production manipulated the vote it would be the votes themselves. They could have the jury cast the votes the way production wants. although I doubt they cared much this year because it was a good season.

  39. Actually, most of the people you are talking about were posting why Tyler SHOULD win…not that he WOULD win. People simply saying that Kaycee might win the game were not down voted harshly. Down votes usually came from someone having antagonistic posts or calling people losers. Most of us “Tyler Fanboys” are very happy for Kaycee and proud of her accomplishments.

  40. I was really disappointed the Sam stooped that low. She really expected Tyler to bring her to the end even though she’d done nothing game wise. She cost Tyler that win and she should feel ashamed.
    I knew Bayleigh would be a bitter juror and her vote for Kaycee was not surprising. And shocker, being the follower she is, Rockstar went along.
    I was for Kaycee if she was against anyone but Tyler. I truly thought Tyler deserved it over her.
    They should probably come up with a scoring system rather than votes so that people vote for the best player, not the person that pissed them off the least.
    I was also kind of sad that they didn’t get to talk to the non-juror evictees more. Swaggy took up all the time with his proposal to the lady he’s known for 3 weeks…. (I know, Lady is the wrong word to describe Bayleigh).
    All in all, great season. I’ve enjoyed all of Simon and Dawg’s posts and everyone’s comments. I’ve bookmarked your Amazon page to only shop through there from now on. Until next time….

  41. The proposal was sickening, they knew each other for 23 days. Bayleigh can’t be nasty enough, she just keeps topping herself with her venom and selfishness. Why they would give all that air time on the live show is just the worst idea of the entire season. Neither one were big players, they certainly weren’t popular players, and they had zero to do with why we were watching the best final two ever (in my opinion). CBS got their priorities twisted around and I watched that whole thing with disgust and disbelief. Kracken indeed, times l00.

    1. The 23-day fiancé or Swaggy’s attempt to be under the spotlights again…:
      What struck me most was the lack of feedback in the audience. It was embarrassing to watch….

        1. Great comment. At least bayleighs family has money so the American tax payer won’t have to support little swaggies

  42. The beneficial part KC winning vetos was she prevented the people who were on the block from winning them. That is a big move on its own. Sure she could have made moves, but her game was level 6 loyal. If their target is on the block what was the point?

  43. What was up with Sam’s legs last night? Who did her hair and makeup? Stevie Wonder? I’ve got to give props to Swaggy for going after a black girl but the proposal was stupid. $75,000 is a good pay check but not as good as $500,000. Tyler played a good game but not good enough. The bitter hive and bitter Sam did him in.
    I give Fes and Haleigh 2 weeks. Once Scottie becomes a millionaire he gets Haleigh. I was waiting for Rachel to do a dance with that dress on. Will Kaycee get kicked out of the lgbtxyz club for not taking the gay guy with her.
    I wonder if Tyler’s dead dad told Kaitlyn Tyler would win AFP?

  44. Pre-Jury houseguests
    Swaggy proposes to Bayleigh (is this Kraken?)

    Yes, it took til the Finale but the Kraken moment came after all !!

    Hey it was a great season. I feel like Tyler played the best game but when you have mindless Hive members like CrockStar and Bay-leigh soon to be Divorc-eigh on the panel its an uphill battle

    No disrespect to Kaycee, she played a solid game also

    And as always so did Simon/Dawg our Hosts. Thanks again so much Guys

  45. I can’t tell you here what I would like to….except your posts are exactly WHY Tyler lost. You’re just like the pathetic jury members who are bitter and vote that way. Also, given how stupid Foutte was at this game – the fact that you are proud that you understand their “logic” and game play says a lot about you:)

  46. Thank you Simon and Dawg. I made a donation to support the site yesterday. Great job! I’m going to miss coming here everyday. You have some great posters too. Way better than other sites. Even the posters with the suggestive names are funny and make me laugh most of the time. I think maybe Tyler’s lack of humor on finale night cost him the game. He needed to leave them laughing.

  47. Some observations on the Finale,

    Sam is going to feel foolish voting for KC when she watches back and sees how Tyler protected her all season. He dragged her along to final 6, as she isolated herself and terrified other HG the whole way. Foolish woman, without him, she was gone the 1st week and many times after that as well.

    Wanted Tyler to win. Thought I’d be OK with a L6, but I’m just a little salty anyway. Glad he got AFP. Now, Tyler, use the $75k and the Hawaii vacation wisely to build your future!

    I hope NEVER to see Bay and Chris again anywhere ever again in this lifetime. Anyone else see Chris jiving in the background behind Julie in the final shots? He’s like a 12 year old child who has ADHD and loves attention. Guess Bay will be raising 2 children. They so deserve each other.

    Best season in YEARS!

    Tyler/Angela, JC/Fes pairings for TAR please!

    1. I think so too. The more Tyler talked, the more you could see the curbstomp in Sam’s eyes. If he had just said how much he loved Sam and how integral her support was in his strategy, how much that pinky swear meant to him… he’d look craftier to the jury and probably could have guilted her into voting for him.

  48. I am glad to see the jury was not bitter and gave a straight up vote. KC had a stronger game than Tyler. Swaggy is an idiot.

    1. He did it to himself. He was a better speaker than Kaycee but he threw both Sam and Scottie under the bus as if they were not important to his game. Always show gratitude. This was his fatal mistake and why he lost. It was his to win if he had acknowledge them.

  49. Maybe AFP should win more money. I know jury management has always been part of the game but I’d hate to see the focus shift to who was the nicest to everyone. I want more cut throat play!!!

  50. Simon and Dawg, thank you for all you do! Thank you for all the time you spent working on this site. Thank your families for letting us borrow you for the last 3 months.

    It was a great season!

    1. Best BB site out there, bar none, FTW. Love you guys.
      You’ll be doing Celebrity and BBCAN, right?? We neeeed you guys!

      1. Thank you! We appreciate the praise! I think Simon and I need time to get out lives back in order first before we thing about what’s next 🙂 We will keep you in the loop though.

  51. Tyler’s only chance was against Angela. Anyone else he would have lost against because of bitter/idiot jury members. Rockstar and Baileigh would have never voted for him in a million years. I respect Haileghs choice to vote on gameplay. Sam made a terrible choice but it doesn’t surprise me at all. I never liked her fake, crazy ass to begin with. Man Brett was salty I thought for sure he was going to vote for kaycee lol.

    Even though i think Brett tried to strike too early I really think that Tyler should have tried to convince him that wasn’t a good idea and to stick together a little longer. He was so quick to lie to Brett that it set in motion a series of events that led to Angela’s eviction.

  52. The lesson from this season…. and one that needs to be applieD to following seasons….

    the risk of bitter jury members is too high…. ask Paul and Tyler.

  53. Didn’t think final vote would be as close as it was, couldn’t figure out how much/who would vote bitter in jury. For the record, they were the most deserving F2 IMO. The answers to the jury questions were both super lame but Ty took the wrong route with both answers and final plea. Aka he PAULed it.

  54. can anyone tell me where i can find any info on the other houseguests reactions to Tyler’s gameplay now that they are out?

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