Here we go folks… This morning the Big Brother 20 cast was officially released. Now if you are believing the rumors these are all actors the real cast are all stars. Another rummour has 4 people returning so that BB20 is the Biggest season with the BIGGEST cast.
The Kasstings and The Grod are involved again this year. Expectations are low but I am getting good vibes about this cast so far. No too many models, actors and social media Mongolians.
You can watch the interviews on the live feeds. Grab a subscription here..
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I have added some of my first impressions below the houseguests short bios. I’ve been so off the mark before I usually don’t bother with predictions. For example I thought Kryssie from BBOTT was going to be interesting and fun on the feeds.
Please feel free to include what you all think in the comments. We’re going to be spending a lot of time with these people lets see how far off the mark we are day 1.
Big Brother 20 Cast
Kaycee Clark (30)
Hometown: San Diego, Calif.
Current City: Tempe, Ariz.
Occupation: Pro football player
Has been watching since she’s been 10 year old “this is my show”. Only watches Big Brother and has always wanted to be on the show.

Haleigh Broucher (21)
Hometown: Village Mills, Texas
Current City: College Station, Texas
Occupation: College student
She is a fan but isn’t a “super fan”, has been watching since season 16. Says she’s going to play a game like Derrick and since he won she should be ok. She plans on laying low in the beginning then rallying people she trusts.
Steve Arienta (40)
Hometown: Parsippany, N.J.
Current City: Wanaque, N.J.
Occupation: Former undercover cop (ohh sh1t here we go again 😉 )
Tenured college professor and retired undercover narcotics detective. Has 3 children, his wife is a “super fan”. Says his background will help him “100%”. Going to take a little bit of strategy from each of the best player. Wants to be in a position to be asked to join a powerful a alliance, “like Derrick”. Is going to keep his undercover job history a secret, He’s going to say he’s a mechanic.
Winston Hines (28)
Hometown: Somerset, Ky.
Current City: Bowling Green, Ky.
Occupation: Medical sales rep

JC Monduix (28)
Hometown: Miami, Fla. via Spain
Current City: West Hollywood, Calif.
Occupation: Professional dancer
Is there to play the game, “no showmances no showmances no showmances” Says he’s gay and Single. “I promise America I will give you an amazing summer with a lot of entertainment”. Says we’ll all be able to understand him after the season is over.

Scottie Salton (26)
Hometown: Shorewood, Ill.
Current City: Chicago, Ill.
Occupation: Shipping manager
Is super excited to be on Big Brother. A Big Big Fan, his sister got him into the show during season 7. “People are going to think I am nit witted”
“I would rather have the target in front of me than behind me” wants to win the first Head of Household so he can “Set the tempo” .
“I Sound like Elmo on HGH”, “I am loaded with weaknesses.. my mouth”, “I’m the dud guy”. His number one fear is to be taken out early.

Sam Bledsoe (26)
Hometown: Stuarts Draft, Va.
Current City: Stuarts Draft, Va.
Occupation: Welder
Hasn’t watched a lot of Big Brother. Sounds like she say Big Brother 13 and some “bits and pieces” from “Clips”. Has a tattoo that says Ruthless, which was a nickname from a close family member. “always roots for the underdog” Doesn’t stand up to bullies and will not tolerate that.

Brett Robinson (25)
Hometown: Oakdale, Conn.
Current City: Charlestown, Mass.
Occupation: Cyber security engineer
Is going to use his “social” strategy to win. Citing that the most difficult part of cyber security is the social aspect. “how to you get them to deliver that exploit” Says he’s learnt how to “plan events”, “Access vulnerability” and “cover up my tracks” . Would rather come in second place and be loved by America than first and be hated. Jokes he’ll come in second player be loved then come back next season and win. (and be hated)

Chris “Swaggy C” Williams (23)
Hometown: Bridgeport, Conn.
Current City: Bridgeport, Conn.
Occupation: Day trader

Angela Rummans (26)
Hometown: Hilton Head, S.C.
Current City: Playa Vista, Calif.
Occupation: Fitness model

Rachel Swindler (29)
Hometown: Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Current City: Las Vegas, Nev.
Occupation: Vegas entertainer
Says she’s messy. Would rather lose than have America hate her. Claims to be a fan since season 1.
Kaitlyn Herman (24)
Hometown: Plainview, N.Y.
Current City: Encino, Calif.
Occupation: Life coach

Angie “Rockstar” Lantry (34)
Hometown: Columbia, Md.
Current City: Columbia, Md.
Occupation: Stay-at-home mom
Says her name is “angeie Rockstar” . Her mom told her and her friends when she was a teenager that they “partied like rockstars” and the name stuck. Before being a stay at home mom she was managing night clubs. Has 3 kids. Claims that she is going to be tough to beat in endurance competitions because she’ll “trance out” adds that she’s had 3 natural births, “I can tolerate pain and I have determination”
Tyler Crispen (23)
Hometown: Rossford, Ohio
Current City: Hilton Head, S.C.
Occupation: Lifeguard
Bayleigh Dayton (23)
Hometown: Lees Summit, Mont.
Current City: Atlanta, Ga.
Occupation: Flight attendant
Faysal Shafaat (26)
Hometown: Orlando, Fla.
Current City: Orlando, Fla.
Occupation: Substitute teacher
Name is pronounced Fes-si says he’s a fan of Big Brother has watched the last 5 seasons. Played college football and claims to have something going on “upstairs” because he’s developed an app. Is worried that he might come on too strong and put a target on his back. He’s single and isn’t opposed to a showmance.
I’m not believing the ages of some of these people.
Interesting.. almost looks like they plucked random people from an applebees
I’m very leery of the returning player twist. It has failed to make the game better so often. I can’t remember a season it worked well. The undercover cop can guest star on Derrick’s show after he gets voted out because he’s the outlier and I don’t see him blending in like Derrick did with his cast of morons. How about we have a twist we don’t see coming and the other players are people who actually applied to be on the show, Big Brother?!
I think we should be allowed to shoot the first showmance couple.
Vets out First Showmances second.
I agree with Steve having a tougher time blending in over Derrick.
Lordy, not judging but some of these folks look weird as hell…and young!! I will watch because I’m a super-fan but I wish there were some older people on this season.
Life coach at 24?
I didn’t even know there were competitions for Milton Bradley’s Game of Life…
Welcome back everyone!!!! Let’s hope for a good season!! Thanks again to Simon and dawg for taking the time to do this for us!!!!!
Yo YO! it’s going to be a blast this summer. Nice to have people coming back for another season.
Getting ready for another summer of BB!!! Thanks in advance for all your work guys!!!
Early impressions:
I feel our best chances from the women are Rachel and Angela (the younger one)
Hayleigh reminds me an awful lot of Aaryn from BB15. Young college student from Texas, they even look similar.
Of the guys, I like Winston. Also Brett if he doesn’t get derailed by a showmance.
No clue what to make out of Tyler. He’s part Frank Eudy, part comedian TJ Miller
I like Steve, we’ll see if he can overcome the old guy stigma.
Swaggy C is cocky, obnoxious, and just wants to be on TV. I see early exits for him, Bayleigh, Rockstar, Scotty, and Kaitlyn.
These comments should be hilarious in a couple months. Last year, my pick for 1st out was Josh, lol
Hayleigh looks like Aaryn and Kaitlyn looks like Nicole Richie! First out is between JC, Chris and Angie I think but we have to wait and see what happens 1st episode. I wished they had a few older people.
People are saying these are actors? I can believe it. COME ON ALL-STARS!
As long as it’s all returning players although I’d be hard pressed to name 14-18 previous players I’d want to see back again. I’d rather see all new faces but I’ll give it a chance as long as they don’t mix returning players with the fresh faces. Last season was so painful and I can’t see any other rationale for it except the producers felt bad about robbing Paul so Nicole could win.