Big Brother 19 Week 2 Summary and Live Eviction Results

Week 2 Of The Big Brother 19 Live Feeds.

New competition? HoH-yeah! Watch it play out LIVE Thursday, July 13th around 10PM ET on CBS All Access with a FREE trial.

Groan… (not a Kraken Groan though)

Not the most exciting week. Everything Paul said he was going to do he was able to accomplish, no real surprises. Remember the BIG PLAN he had last week? He touted that Big Plan and asked people to throw the HOH to him. Many houseguests complied, a lot of them wanted Cody out anyways. At times it felt like 1/2 the house was playing for the chance to give Paul a back rub while the other 1/2 is playing to jury so that they can watch Raven win. There’s Hope!  Just look at the top two players in our Houseguest Ranker.

Here is how the week panned out.

Head of Household’s Plan

Paul wins the Head of Household competition. His week 2 nominations are Alex and Josh. (remember Paul promising him he wouldn’t go up as a Pawn) Ramses uses his curse and becomes the third nomination. Paul’s plan of course is for POV to be used on either Alex or Josh and for Cody to go up as the replacement. Paul tells Ramses the plan and orders him to throw the POV.


Christmas wins the second Temptations (The Ring of Replacement) allowing her to curse 3 people to be in frog suits for a week. She also picks three people, One of which she can swap with If they are picked for POV and she isn’t. When compared to the first week temptation (The Pendant of Protection) this seems pretty damn weak. She of course picks Cody, Jessica and Jason to be in the frog suits. Since Cody, Jason and Jessica are not picked to play in the POV she does not swap anyone out to play in their place. Given her broken leg this was an especially useless temptation for her. At least it gave us frogs for a week which were kinda fun…. Another great twist! 😉

Power of Veto aftermath

The POWER OF VETO rolls around and Paul wins it. Paul uses the veto to take Josh off the block and puts Cody up in his place, Mission accomplished. The nominees now stand at Cody, Alex and Ramses. During the POV CEREMONY Josh had some big speech where he called out Jessica/Cody. When the feeds came back after the ceremony Josh and Jessica were having a fight about it. She told him Paul, Matt, Mark, RAven, Elena and Christmas are using him (which they totally are and which becomes apparent on Tuesdays.) Josh doesn’t care because he thinks he’ll make it to jury teaming up with them and Jessica/Cody won’t.

Christmas’ foot

CHristmas went into surgery on Wednesday. They will put pins, springs, Bands in her foot to set the bone. Apparently she has 2 broken bones, a torn ligament and some popped ligaments. She was a favorite going into the house having heard about her before being on Big Brother. After a week on the feeds with a banged up foot she’s not a favorite anymore. I hope the Doctors don’t clear her to come back into the game so she can let this foot heal. From the sounds of it her foot is going to be all rigged to set the bone, she went into a 6 hour surgery . Something I don’t think should be in the Big Brother house regardless of how many instagram followers you have or how tough you are.


Raven’s foot

Raven fell down the Head of Household Stairs on Tuesday Afternoon. There was a lot of blood and for a minute there I thought we had lost another player. Lucky for her she just just split her toe open and had to get 5 stitches. Her foot can’t get wet for at least 7 days. The Doctor came into the studio to put in the stitches and will be coming back to remove. Now even more people in the house want to give Raven the BB19 win to cover the medical bills and emotional stress.

Lead up to Eviction

Jessica tried to smooth things over with people, Paul, Christmas. Did it work? Not really they all still hate her. Even the night before she goes under for surgery, Christmas still talking about Jessica and Cody. Talking about “poking” Cody to get under his skin.. Cody and Jessica isolate themselves, But Cody does toss a few grenades. 
The morning Christmas went into Surgery Cody went to her to explain what happened and how if he comes back he’s going after Mark. Cody explains that after one of Dom’s talk shows Mark and Dom were pissed at Christmas because of a questions she asked. Something about a showmance with Mark/Elena. Cody tells her that Dom and mark were pissed and wanted to target Christmas. (this is partly true..) At 11pm on Wednesday night During Dom’s “Show” shit went down


Cody is going home.. (I know had to really get the crystal ball out for this one)

My opinion on this Season 19 two weeks in

It’s important for this Season to have Paul’s side shattered. I don’t care by who or how but they need to get knocked down a peg.  With the exception of a handful of people this cast is playing like complete sheep. From a game perspective some should be embarrassed of the things they are saying (boys2men I’m looking at you). I’m not calling it Kraken cause It’s not.. yet..

Tonight’s Head of Household Competition

It’s wall Endurance.. Could be a battle. Get your feeds 7 days Free

Show results

Christmas had her surgery and all went well. She has not been cleared to leave the hospital. She will vote from the Hospital. (BS)


Jessica Votes to evict = Ramses
Kevin Votes to evict = Ramses
Christmas Votes to Evict = Ramses
Raven Votes to evict = Cody
Dom Votes to evict = Cody
Mark Votes to evict = Cody
Jason Votes to evict = Cody
Josh Votes to evict = Cody
Elena Votes to evict = Cody
Matt Votes to evict = Cody

Cody is evicted from the Big Brother House

Cody finds out there is a battle back…

HOH Competition.. LOVE IT!

Upcoming events
Julie confirms next week there is a “battle back showdown episode” where a player evicted can come back into the game. It’ll be Friday during a special episode.

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Links to the ranking system

Rank your house guests here

For those of you that like Statistics here are some expanded reports.

54 thoughts to “Big Brother 19 Week 2 Summary and Live Eviction Results”

  1. Any baby news yet?

    Also I totally agree with you about this week. It was the Paul’s show with everyone following him around. Ughhh. That makes for a boring season. I hope Jessica wins to shake up the house. Christmas should not return to the game, even though I would like to see her play. Her foot needs to heal and the stress of the game would not help her. I would like to see her return next summer instead. The HG saying I only want to go to jury or I hope Raven wins it all is getting old. They are all liars or not there to play.
    I am not a Jessica or Cody fan, but after this week, I want them in the game to play. Shake up the house

      1. Simon, does the VPN work as well on the American feeds! I never had an issue before but this year being in Canada will not allow me access! I have had it in he past so not sure why the changes! Thank you so much in advance for any help you may be able to offer me!

          1. Thanks so much, so very appreciated! Have not bothered with he feeds the last couple years, but I got a feeling his year might get a little heated, so I will give it a go! As I said much appreciated I am hoping you guys get supplemented though membership, as you most certainly deserve it! Thanks for your endless hours of hard work, donation will follow!

  2. It’s a battle-back people i hope cody ( even though i still hate him ) comes back so this house turns upside down and some magic really happens because I’m over the Paul Show and i don’t want him to steamroll over everybody with the help of production because this battle-back is made for paul i hope this backfires on them and Paul doesn’t come back in the game.
    Kevin or Alex for the win

    1. I hope Cody comes back too. That exit interview actually made him seem human. He sounded genuine and looked like he was a bit emotional about getting a second chance. The show will be better with him there.

    1. Yep She was sitting pretty and this happened Yikes!!!!! She is a uncomfortable spot if her team doesn’t win this week. I’m seeing a Elena/Dom
      Or a Mark/Dom nomination if her team doesn’t win this week.

    1. I think Christmas threw her vote out there to test the house. She knew Cody was out, added her vote to Ramses to get paranoia amongst her housemates, causing them to think and question who did not vote to evict

  3. I think it is a little funny that Cody (if evicted) is going out in a tod suit, but I still think Casey in his banana suit tops that. However,I think it was the funniest moment when Austin got evicted barefoot.
    What is your funniest Big Brother eviction?

  4. Outta all the pix you have in your arsenal…the z** maintenance one?!?! (Throws up not a little). 🙂

  5. The fact that there is a battle back it doesn’t matter who goes out.. My guess is that Christmas will not return – but they couldn’t take Paul’s week away from him!

  6. Someone needs to win and nominate one of the couples or two people from the couples, they need to be broken up and it needs to start now. Paul needs to go up as soon as his magic power is over.

    I believe that Cody could have stayed this week if he had only played a social game instead of retreating. Mr. Glare and Miss Sullen should have reintegrated into the crowd at once like most people do and Ramsey could easily have gone home. What a waste of prideful ego that whole week was.

      1. You’ll have Cameron, Jillian, Cody and whoever they toss out next week…I’m thinking it’ll be a crap shoot thing to get back in the house. It also means they may delay HoH comp until after the winner of the buy back is crowned. Unless they do a two for one like they’ve done in the past. Last evictee standing stays in and the last person standing gets HoH. It’ll also be the week Paul’s safety is up…Cody wins HoH, puts Paul up then Christmas uses the halt the eviction thing…Cody may very well murder someone…

  7. I never hated the guy and when Cody teared up when they said he will get a chance to get back in the game…it’s official..down deep he a good dude. I’m on board.

    If he gets back in Jess Cody Alex Jason and Kevin can run the rest of this game if all play it right as a group. Kevin I love ya but you need to stop the playing all sides and take a leadership role in this solid 5.

    #codywehaveyourback #kevinforthewin

  8. Wellwellwell, Kevin voting for Ramses – he’s a sly, poop-disturbing one with the voting all right. But Xmas voting for Ramses? Why?

    1. Just stir up the housemates questioning who else wanted to keep Cody. Of all the house guests, who would think or believe that Christmas voted to keep him? That’s solid game play.

      If not, it was the meds and can lead to a nice move that she can deny, even not be thought of doing.

    2. This was pre planned by Paul to throw shade at other houseguests aka Jason. He told Kevin and Christmas in advance to vote that way in order to place blame on other houseguests.

      1. Riiiiight…I’d forgotten that convo with Kevin, and didn’t realize Xmas was part of it too. Thanks!

    3. The mighty Gnome Beard told him to. Don’t get me wrong, I love Kevin. But I don’t love, love him anymore.
      My hope he is just humoring Gnomeo. And once his 3weeker is over, Kevin will pop back with a vengeance.

  9. I enjoyed Cody’s exit interview but now he still may not come back if he wins BattleBack? That is one twist too many….

  10. OK, I know she has an illness, but Raven is seriously overacting for the cameras. She spends the majority of her time preening, posing, baby talking and checking herself out in the mirrors. Watch her, she makes Kewpie doll faces and checks their effectiveness in the nearest reflective surface. While Christmas manages to get around the house with a severely injured foot, Raven must be carried upon the back, or in the arms of the nearest house guest to get maximum effectiveness out of her situation. It’s a cut, not a mortal wound suffered at Iwo Jima. I’m not sure why this suddenly started to irk me, but the more I see her, them more I think she deserves an Emmy.

    And BTW, Xmas, what up maverick?

  11. I love the “summary” Simon and Dawg……so much goes on, the re-hash helps!

  12. Kevin only voted for Ramses because Paul told him to as I suspect he did the same with Christmas. He told Kevin to vote for Ramses to stir things up and put suspicion in people’s heads.

  13. Why even to a battle back if a house guest can STOP their return.?? So stupid, not fair at all. If it’s Cody, he would be screwed over so many times in this game.

  14. I’m not sure why I ever liked Kevin. He only voted Ramses cus Paul told him to and I’m sure he’ll try to frame Jason even though Jason trusts him and has his back. I think christmas will at least have the balls to say it was her when she comes back.

  15. The Cursed House claims another victim, with Raven bowling herself over the HoH stairs. I bet you Matt is ready to give his left toe for her !!!
    I hope Cody gets back into the house – Sadly he has learned nothing from his eviction. You could see it in his eyes and hear it in his interview with Julie. He has too much hate for Paul. When you get a 2nd chance you best use it.
    I trust in Kevin to get Raven out he is a smart guy and won’t be swayed by the red headed LIAR.
    Now Christmas is pissing me off – That is some BULLSHIT being able to Vote from the hospital room??!! She should have been let go from the show for medical reasons. But unless enough people cause a stink no one will care, so she stays in the game !!! I hope someone puts her ass up the first chance they get and she is gone.
    Dom the f**k who ??? I almost forgot that was a real person in the House. She only leaves her bed on Thursday’s apparently.

    1. Boyz2Men got their fan base to support him.

      Simon, what are people talking about when they say a HG can stop the Battle Back? I thought the Hexing Halt was to stop an eviction, not the return.

        1. Julie made comment that the houseguests would for first time have chance to deny the return of battle back winner.

          Thanks for all your work you guys do for us readers and watchers.

  16. Cody said something that us further besides him Paul is the other alpha. All of them either did what Cody said and then what Paul said. Them two have the balls to make moves. I think if Cody comes back they should team up with Alex and steamroll the house till final three.

  17. I’d like to see Jessica evicted this week and Cody win the battle back. Would like to see Cody play the game without the constant showmancing, when he can team up with Alex without Jess’s jealousy. Loved what Cody said in the exit interview about Paul’s 3 weeks of safety being a cheat! I’m not anti-Paul, actually enjoy watching him play for the most part, but 3 weeks safety is taking it way too far…

  18. I didn’t care for Cody’s ego in the beginning. I think he let the power go to his head and became a little too vocal about it too quickly in the game. However, once the game got going and he kept getting handed all of these obstacles/challenges/nominations to deal with, I think he handled it the best that he could. He played BB the same way that any other of the “Greats” would have played. He “should” have went after Paul (any BB Veteran) as a Backdoor eviction, and his “so called Allies” should have backed him on it, regardless of the “Den of Temptation”. He would have been the Hero had Paul not been given safety for “Three” weeks! Cody IS a great player, and just got dealt an unfair hand, IMO! Since Cody has watched the game and knows Paul and his tendencies, he protected himself and his, again, “so called Allies” by not telling them his plan. How?

    By not putting their games, and his own, in jeopardy because he knows how well Paul plays his social game, and he didn’t want to give Paul an opportunity to get into anyone’s head. Cody literally ended up nominating nearly 1/3 of the house. Even though I didn’t care for him at first, I didn’t like how his game had to end. Getting to play BB is such a big deal to these contestants. It is a chance in a lifetime, and this season’s twists are distasteful, IMO. Additionally, I predict that Cody will win the competition to get back in the game, and he will get the raw deal again. I think the next “Temptation” could be to stop the winner from returning, and if America doesn’t vote for the Temptation winner to be Jessica, then Cody’s hopes will be smashed yet again. Yes, it’s a game, but I don’t care for this season’s twists. I’ve been a Huge fan for many, many years, and my entire family has literally watched every single episode from BB2-BB19. We are not enjoying this season’s twists.

  19. I didn’t care for Cody’s ego in the beginning. I think he let the power go to his head and became a little too vocal about it too quickly in the game. However, once the game got going and he kept getting handed all of these obstacles/challenges/nominations to deal with, I think he handled it the best that he could. He played BB the same way that any other of the “Greats” would have played. He “should” have went after Paul (any BB Veteran) as a Backdoor eviction, and his “so called Allies” should have backed him on it, regardless of the “Den of Temptation”. He would have been the Hero had Paul not been given safety for “Three” weeks! Cody IS a great player, and just got dealt an unfair hand, IMO! Since Cody has watched the game and knows Paul and his tendencies, he protected himself and his, again, “so called Allies” by not telling them his plan. How?

    By not putting their games, and his own, in jeopardy because he knows how well Paul plays his social game, and he didn’t want to give Paul an opportunity to get into anyone’s head. Cody literally ended up nominating nearly 1/3 of the house. Even though I didn’t care for him at first, I didn’t like how his game had to end. Getting to play BB is such a big deal to these contestants. It is a chance in a lifetime, and this season’s twists are distasteful, IMO. Additionally, I predict that Cody will win the Battle Back competition, and he will get the raw deal again. I think the next “Temptation” could be to stop the winner from returning, and if America doesn’t vote for the Temptation winner to be Jessica, then Cody’s hopes will be smashed yet again. Yes, it’s a game, but I don’t care for this season’s twists. I’ve been a Huge fan for many, many years, and my entire family has literally watched every single episode from BB2-BB19. We are not enjoying this season’s twists.

  20. I didn’t care for Cody’s ego in the beginning. I think he let the power go to his head and became a little too vocal about it too quickly in the game. However, once the game got going and he kept getting handed all of these obstacles/challenges/nominations to deal with, I think he handled it the best that he could. He played BB the same way that any other of the “Greats” would have played. He “should” have went after Paul (any BB Veteran) as a Backdoor eviction, and his “so called Allies” should have backed him on it, regardless of the “Den of Temptation”. He would have been the Hero had Paul not been given safety for “Three” weeks! Cody IS a great player, and just got dealt an unfair hand, IMO! Since Cody has watched the game and knows Paul and his tendencies, he protected himself and his, again, “so called Allies” by not telling them his plan. How?

  21. If Cody returns, Jessica will be an impossible brat once again. I’d like to see Jessica leave and lose to Cody in the battle back. MAYBE we’ll see that likable guy that some of you saw, if he plays free of Jessica.

  22. I’d like to see Jessica voted out and lose to Cody in the battle back. MAYBE we’ll see the likable guy some of you saw when he’s not tied up/down with Jessica.
    If Cody and Jess are in the house together again, she’ll be an impossible brat and he returns to the serial killer stare void of any other emotion.

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