Big Brother 19 Week 10 Top Animated Gifs

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Typically Gifs always go to our Twitter accounts (@BigBspoilers) and most times they make their way to our facebook.

The season is almost over but we still are able to scrap up some gifs of the last few remaining houseguests.

  • Kevin’s famous Duck face
  • Raven doing some “Olympic” gymnastics
  • Paul claims to be 2 fights away from a pro MMA career
  • First time this season houseguests some coors light
  • When Gnomes Attacked
  • Xmas communicating..

12 thoughts to “Big Brother 19 Week 10 Top Animated Gifs”

  1. Just wondering if they will tell Josh about the big hurricane about to hit where his family lives? Maybe after they know what the damage is?

  2. If Josh is smart he should at least explain to Jason what happened in his goodbye message since Paul is trying to secure jury votes

  3. Avon, I agree please tell Jaon. I still wish he was staying.
    I don’t watch anymore but will tonight just cuz I liked him could care less after this point.

  4. My prediction for tonight. Votes to evict Jason are Raven and Josh. Votes to evict Kevin, Alex and Paul. Christmas breaks the tie and sends Jason home. Paul is appalled that Josh voted rogue and Xmas too. The only thing I am looking forward to is if Josh actually does go rogue and votes to evict Kevin and blows Paul’s plan out of the water. Won’t happen but would be nice.

  5. Too bad the goodbye messages are extremely edited! Last week Paul’s was the worse. Looked like a jump cut approx. every third to fifth eord.

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