Big Brother 19 Spoilers Week 1 WOWSER what a week!
A fun first week and a good start to a Big Brother season. (Reminds me a bit like BB14 when Willie had HOH and went insane)
HOH competition is endurance, watch it on the feeds.. Watch it play out LIVE around 10PM ET on CBS All Access with a FREE trial.
Pre-feeds Spoilers
The premiere had Cameron getting evicted after less than 12 hours in the BB19 house. Replaced by Big Brother 18 “fan favorite” (even though Victor won it last year) Paul. Followed by the first Head of Household being won by Cody who nominates Jillian and Megan.
First day of Live Feeds
When the feeds came on Thursday Night we learn that Megan had quit Big Brother 19 the day before. Reasons were PTSD and with all the guys yelling at her she couldn’t take it. Cody is now forced to nominate a third person for eviction, he picks as Alex.
First week of Live Feeds
Friday morning rolls around and the house seems pretty divided up. The showmances seem to have congealed (Jess,Cody, Raven, Matt, Mark, Elena and Dom as the 7 person ) with some side alliance. The other side called “the outsiders” are led by Alex and Jason, with the exception of Paul and Christmas they contain the rest of the house (more or less). At this point Paul has won the temptation meaning he’s safe for eviction for the next 3 weeks. (convenient I know) As is the twist this year every temptation comes with a curse. Paul gives the curse to Ramses. He has to be nominated for eviction 1 in the next 3 weeks. Some houseguests voice their suspicions about the timing of Paul’s safety but for the most part it goes unnoticed.
The power of Veto is played and Alex wins it, there is speculation from a few houseguests that COdy threw the POV to Alex. Forcing Cody to nominate a fourth person this week. At this point everyone on Cody’s team thinks the plan is to put Ramses or Jason on the block.
The Deal that Killed the showmance alliance
Cody makes a deal with Jason where he would give Cody and his group of 7 safety next week. In return Cody won’t put Jason/Alex up as the renom. Jason agrees to this. This deal doesn’t last long as Cody’s group of 7 dissolves on Sunday therefore the deal defaults to just protecting Jess and Cody.
The Power of Veto Ceremony rolls around and Cody shocks the house by nominating Paul. Paul pulls out his pendant of protection forcing Cody to nominate a fifth person. Cody picks Christmas. Everyone loses their shit. Mark, Raven, Elena and Matt all have a hissy fit that Cody didn’t warn them first. Paul/Christmas freak out and pandemonium ensues.
What happens now is a big toss up of the alliance makeup that defined the first 4 days of feeds. Cody is pissed that the original 7 alliance isn’t grateful for the deal he made with Jason. The 7 Alliance is pissed that Cody would do something they hadn’t discussed. As a result Cody and Jessica essentially leave the showmance alliance and join the Outsiders.
The Fall
During Monday morning Christmas is riding on Jason back in the backyard. Riding him like a bull. He slips causing Christmas to hurt her foot. As a result her foot is in a cast and she’s on crutches. An MRI showed that the foot is indeed broken. SHe’s allowed to stay in the game but the competitions will not be adjusted for her. She tells her group to let her make it to Jury then she’ll volunteer to be the first one to go.
THe period of time between the Foot injury and the show is filled with Paul/Christmas frantically moving around trying to secure the votes to save Christmas. So much in fact that many people in the house question why Paul is fighting so hard to save a person so early. They wonder if perhaps he’s getting paid to protect her. Many people in the OUtsiders now seems convinced that this is a twist. THe showmance side seems blissfully loyal to Paul.
On Tuesday afternoon Ramses makes up a story that there was a banner plane with something about Mark, Dom, and Elena written on it. There was no lockdown and many houseguests thinks Ramses was now lying.
Xmas foot
On Monday they said she had torn some ligaments. She had the MRI on Wednesday and was it was broken. SHe’s allowed to stay in the game but the competitions will not be adjusted for her. A doctor will make the call before every competitions to determine if it’s safe for her.
My predictions and Vote Breakdown
It’s very freaking close
To Evict Christmas = Alex, Jason, Jessica, Kevin, Ramses = 5
To Evict Jillian = Elena, Mark, Paul, Matt, Raven, Dom = 6
It really all hinges on Josh. He’s told the SHowmances especially CHristmas that he’s keeping her but a conversation last night to the cameras shows he’s very much on the fence and may be leaning towards voting out to evict Christmas. This morning however he chatted with Christmas and told her he’s voting to keep her. He sounded convinced. I would say Jillian is going home this week.
My Opinion of the season thus far
Hard to gauge how the season will be first week. Especially one that almost lost 2 players unexpectedly and has some big twists on the horizon. With that said I am very optimistic about this season the cast is some of the best we’ve seen in a long time. Two things that can ruin this season
Paul controls the entire season and it becomes a bore like season 16
Production fills the temptations to save the showmances
Let me know your opinion in the comments.
Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here
Christmas’ final speech calls Cody and Jessica out for being liars.
Jillian’s final speech ______
Show results
Alex Votes to evict = Christmas
Jason Votes to evict = Christmas
Jessica Votes to evict = Christmas (Says “this is going to be a hard one” when she walks to vote)
Kevin Votes to evict = Jillian
Ramses Votes to evict = Christmas
Elena Votes to evict = Jillian
Mark Votes to evict = Jillian
Paul Votes to evict = Jillian
Matt Votes to evict = Jillian
Raven Votes to evict = Jillian
Dom Votes to evict = Jillian
Josh Votes to evict = Jillian
Jillian was evicted
She tells Julie she thought the vote was going to be a tie.
Christmas and Jessica get in a fight…
HOH competition is endurance, watch it on the feeds.. Watch it play out LIVE around 10PM ET on CBS All Access with a FREE trial.
Head of Household
Some candy crush game.
Paul wins HOH
Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here
Feeds BACK!
Amazing what a week of feeds can do to your popularity. #BB19
— (@bigbspoilers) July 6, 2017
Love your synopsis. I hope xmas stays tonite but she can go right after Cody, Jessica, Josh, Iliana and Ramses.
Thank! 🙂
Only a house of fools would keep Christmas. Even with a broken foot, that girl is playing to win, and I seriously doubt much would get in her way.
Not being put on the block Day 1…
Not being put on the block, again…
Not breaking her foot.
Just saying.
If Christmas stays, she will likely make it to the finals.
Why not keep Christmas? Sure she may be a social threat but she can’t do any competitions or at least that many. One less person to compete against in some of the challenges. Backdooring could be a viable option to get rid of her if necessary.
CBS seems dead set on repeating that showmance stuff from last season. I’d rather not see that same stuff again. You have to be ignorant not to realize these “couples” hooked up way too quickly and that garbage gets boring.
Here’s hoping Paul somehow wins this since he should’ve won last year. Never been a less deserving “winner” than Nicole last year.
This year it will likely be Cody or Jess. Feel free to change your script CBS
Paul won’t make it to the finals this time. He may stay long enough to take Cody out of the game
What? I thought “Nicole played a hell of a game”
Dan should have won All stars…
You sound like you could use a showmance 😉
I am still trying to figure out if Cody put Christmas up because he had no time to think things through and knew she would have the votes to stay (that was a big ass alliance they were part of), or if he put her up because of her association with Paul.
I can see why the alliance members are pissed.
I would love to see Jillian stay but she has no game, so rooting for Christmas to survive the vote and stir the pot.
It would be interesting to see Mark or Jason get HOH….they would finally have to choose a side.
I understand getting rid of Christmas because she is dangerous even when injured. It is possible for a moment he was thinking rationally after losing his opportunity to target Paul. The main reason he targeted Alex, albeit briefly, was because of Jessica
Jillian went home.
Next target is going to be Cody and Jessica.
Spoiler, Jillian is evicted from the Big Brother house, Christmas is safe for another week!
Who knew the fireworks on July 6th would be better than those on the 4th?
Kicked the wrong girl off tonight. You, matt, and Cody could’ve steamrolled to paul.
I see why Kevin voted the way he did. The votes weren’t there even had he voted Xmas out.
That said. I dnt like that he sht on Jason and Alex.
We will see if he lies to them. That I won’t like either if done.
HoH Kevin or Jason.
Nom mark and Matt pov wins Alex renom Cody.
Ok I’m just gonna go ahead and say it. Best opening week in BB history.
Anyone know what Jessica said to Christmas after Jillian left? All I know is she looked like a sore loser arguing with a woman on crutches because things didn’t go her way.
Imagine what she’ll do when she is on the block!
Funny because I saw it the opposite. I think Christmas is classless and acted like a spoiled brat. Jessica didn’t lie to her and yet Christmas chose that moment on tv to lambast her for something the girl didn’t even do. Jessica was right she could have talked to her earlier if Christmas had a problem. As soon as Christmas was on the. Block she lost all sense of logic and took it as a personal attack instead of realizing that it’s a game.
This is new. Cats and cages while waiting for live feeds to kick in
If someone gets injured on a show they suppose too be sent home. So why was she not sent home ? Show is rigged!!!!!
She’s not even hurt. We like to troll our fans
The only reason they are going to remove someone because of an injury is if that injury could be made worse by staying in the house. Jocasta was very sick and had to skip out on the veto comp when she was on the block, the last two season has seen people with severe tooth aches, Veronica passed out in the bathroom from hers. Mark had already dislocated his finger, Brittany had damaged her toe. There have been lots of injuries in the show but they don’t get tossed out.
I’m not sure where the Paul hate comes from. The kid survived last year and is very entertaining. Jillian? There was someone named Jillian in the house? As for Jessica, if she took five minutes to stop saying “nice d..k bro,” and pull Cody’s mute c..k out of her mouth, she may be able to talk to some of the others to secure her spot once Captain America is sent packing.
It’s the constant “Your Boy” shtick he does. He grates on my nerves. I don’t hate him, I just really, really dislike him. And I won’t be sad to see him go. I wish they would’ve let Vistor back in. He was prettier ?
Whether or not you like Cody, I have found it refreshing to have a Head of Household who didn’t just automatically fall into the same old habits that have plagued more recent seasons. Specifically, setting up some artificial construct of, “well, this is what the house wants,” or, I don’t want any blood on my hands.”. HOH used to be (back in the day 🙂 ) a position for an independent thinker to thrive. Alliances are necessary, but they shouldn’t be a replacement for your own brain. Cody had the right idea, i.e., to get rid of Paul, but the “Temptations” nipped that in the bud and exposed him. The good news is that it also exposed Paul as the one who faked innocence when he was holding a 3-week get-out-of-jail card. If the others put on their thinking caps, they will realize how good he is at slithering his way around the house and they would pounce at the earliest opportunity. Forget about being Paul’s friend/ally!!! He has already forgotten about you!!!
The entire problem Cody’s alliance had with his plan is that Cody didn’t include any of them in it. Cody just thought everyone would just roll with what he wanted. The reason HoH’s float names is to see if they have the numbers to get rid of the new target. Cody pissed off Paul and Christmas, made himself seem untrustworthy to Mark, Matt, Elena and Raven. Even Jessica was upset but she has chained herself to Cody so she’s stuck. At this point she needs to abandon ship and try to play this game for herself without her meat shield because he has too big a target.
With Paul on the Block, you can almost guarantee Cody is going up and almost assuredly along side Jessica. Unless they plan to backdoor him. Cody will be the target.
Happy Holidays everyone!
Anyone have a link to a streaming of the live feeds? Preferably one that is free…?
Only way to legally view the live feeds is by signing up and paying for them. Any other way is illegal and I’m pretty sure Simon and Dawg will have to delete any post pointing to illegal free feeds.
The feeds are what $5.99 a month just pay for it like everyone else does…..
I hope Alex wins HOH!
I like and respect Cody too. He was HOH and didn’t have to ASK everyone in his alliance who to put up. He had the guts to try to get rid of 3 serious competitors Alex, Paul, Christmas regardless if I like them or not. Most HOHs pick on the floaters and weak players to get very little blood on their hands. Cody said Hell no. It didn’t work out for him lol but at least he tried. And to answer a previous question of “where does the Paul hate come from”? COME ON had enough of the little man beard grooming last season, cannot and will not watch it again all season. It’s enough to make me turn the station. lol
He doesn’t have to ask but in this game he needed to let those he supposedly trusts in on the plan for renom. Especially when he was targeting folks he was working with. What little social game he had was gone them minute he named Christmas as the renom. I think he could have salvaged his group after trying Paul if he had returned to Ramses or Jason.
The look on codys face is priceless lol
Literally their all idiots. Honest I like the way Cody plays. Everyone else is fake and making alliances over alliances
I like the way Cody plays too..certainly not an ass kisser. Going to be hell all week watching and listening to Paul’s Ego explode. Ugh
Damn you Josh. Paul, Christmas and the showmances talked the most shit on you and you screw over the outsiders to kiss Paul s ass. Praying Alex Jess or Jason win this hoh now or what had potential to be an awesome season is going to turn into the predictable Paul show.
christmas is emotional. Since the first episode she is dramatic. And I don’t think Cody is “lame” I think he just doesn’t smile and kiss ass with people he doesn’t care for. The pass couple seasons has been a bunch of fake people that are afraid to make bold moves.
The look on Cody’s face made my day!
Kevin’s vote surprised me. Love him.
Jessica is such a joke! Why does she have such an entitlement just because she hooked up with the first guy to win hoh. She has literally done NOTHING! Also – this is petty but those fake eyelashes of hers look f- ing ridiculous! What a great last two episodes! The best revenge would be Cody dropping Jessica to hook up with Alex (who i think he has a secret crush on). Jessicas ego would never be able to handle it!!
OMG PREACH!! I find Jessica’s lashes so distracting! They never look right, even when she’s fully made up and especially when she’s not. They really detract from her beauty. Honestly, I think they make her look cheap. I don’t make fun of things that people can’t help but that could be helped. And I also don’t feel bad about saying that because she and Cody are about as shallow as they come.
BYE BYE Cody, hahahah
This is hilarious listening to Raven’s reaction as she is right under where the candy balls are being tossed to the ground
“Everyone loses their shit. …pandemonium ensues.” LMAO Aaannnd this is why I still watch Big Brother. THIS. Love ya’ Simon and Dawg!!!!!
I love the fact that Jessica and Cody were blind sided by the vote. I was so sick of the whole predictability of “voting with the house” mentality of previous seasons.
With Paul winning HOH, the “vote with the house” mentality might return. He seems to have a lot of people wrapped around his finger.
Cody’s face was priceless. Karma’s a bitch. The only time we see real emotion out of the dude, hahahahahhaa.
After Jillian exited,Jessica got right in Christmas’ face,excoriating her for the remark that she made while on the block. I really thought they were going to get it on. Note to Jessica: Your alligator mouth and your hummingbird butt will not be a physical match for Christmas(even with her leg in a cast),she will chew you up and spit you out and make you beg for Cody to save you. Lotsa Drama! I love it!
Jessica needs to take a few big steps back from her awkward,ill- begotten game and start over. She hitched her caterpillar eyelashes to a wonky dude who also needs to recalibrate his game. I do think Cody got screwed by production when he had to nominate numerous targets, but he is playing an arrogant game, as is his narcissistic friend.
Christmas needs to find some competition beasts to protect her with her leg compromised.The Jessica confrontation seemed like a jealous insecure girl confronting the powerful babe (Christmas) who could distract her showmance.
Bro… chill. Jessica ain’t sweat’n you
Unbelievable!! Paul has got these people pleading with him for his FORGIVENESS!! He has successfully cast himself as “victim,” and they’re buying what he is selling…
Paul won HOH
Paul won HOH.
Shocking Paul wins hoh…. big brother gets worse with playing favorites every year. This is gonna be a boring week and boring couple of weeks now.
why blame production? paul has been saying ‘toss hoh to me” repeatedly to everyone, except those he’s been telling ‘everyone else is planning to toss hoh to me so i can execute the plan’.
not shocking, and not handed to him by production, handed to him by the other HGs since he can make the move without any repercussions since he is safe next week as well, very unusual for any outgoing HOH to be safe when they can’t play in an HOH. ideal time for him to get them to agree to give it to him. so all he really needed to do was beat alex and jason, everyone else probably gave him (since giving tickets away was part of the game) more chances.
I saw on another site that Paul won hoh….. anyone know if he did?
Yes! Paul won HOH!
I mean Christmas in this HOH is sad. Like send the girl home. It is what it is. With her leg like this it’s crazy that she is still in the game
Paul won HOH
Is there any way to watch the live feeds in Canada? I tried to register on CBS, but the website said that it is unavailable in Canada…
There is a way! Simon and Dawg are Canadians.
You need A VPN, they use hidemyass, I believe. And a prepaid credit card. There are some that don’t work though. Hopefully another Canadian will be able to give you actual usable info.
Paul and Christmas are going to control the whole house so boring!
I don’t think so. Things are going to shift in the next 2 weeks. Paul is safe for 2 more weeks and that may be why folks are on his side right now. Soon as he’s vulnerable, they’ll toss his name out as a target.
Paul is the new HOH…..????
Paul won HOH
How you gonna break a girl’s foot and then vote her out? I thought I liked him….guess not.
She broke her own foot by riding on his back. She sought him out!
Clown behavior! What a jerk!
Correct me if I am wrong, but I think I saw a commercial of Paul competing on the season premiere of Candy Crush, isn’t that kinda like an advantage to the game? ?
Every season we have numerous ” Alliances” formed and imploded when the going gets tough…in the FIRST WEEK! Nobody should seek power or alignments until the dust has settled on the first few weeks of play. Looking forward to a great season! We deserve it!
Sooo…Paul is the new HOH. I suspect the era of free-thinking is over and we’re right back into “group-think” and “what the house wants.” Let’s face it: Paul can get “the house” to play his game for him. They won’t even realize they’ve adopted a venomous snake as a pet until he starts biting his so-called “friends.”
What do Cody, Alex, Christmas, and Paul have in common?
1. They are not afraid to play the game.
2. They are self-reliant and, although they are willing to make alliances, they don’t rely on others to carry them.
3.They came to win, not just to make it to jury.
4. They are not easily intimidated.
5. They correctly assume that other players will come for them and don’t let that interfere with their decision-making.
Where do they diverge?
Cody is, thus far, the only one who has not yet succumbed to Paul’s manipulations. He got a good read on Paul from jump and has not wavered in his opinion. It all fell apart when Cody nominated Paul for eviction, but it sure was fun to watch Paul squirm in the HOH room when Cody gave him NOTHING but a cold stare. That was new for both Paul and Big Brother, in general.
Cody is going to be nominated, but at least his HOH was all his, and not part some unimaginative group plot. He is the only HOH in recent memory, or maybe even ever, who truly ran his own show: no feedback, no fake negotiations, no strategy but his own. He would have been a hero to his allies, but for the “Temptations” twist that made Paul a bullet-proof king. No matter what follows, Cody may turn out to be the only breath of truly fresh air we get all season. The rest has all been done before.
Jessica is threatened by other women in the house. This begs the question: When Cody nominated Alex for eviction and then suffered buyer’s remorse, why didn’t Jessica react when Cody (in the HOH bed, of all places, with Jess on top of him) accidentally called her “Alex?” it was a Freudian slip, but it was clear and audible.
Didn’t she hear it? She just kept kissing Cody…
RE: HOH and doing “what the house wants.”
This style of game-play evolved over time, because people wanted to win HOH, for the perks, etc., but didn’t want the actual duties associated with the title. They were afraid to make big moves, so they “staffed” the decision-making out to their allies. This seemed to feel less scary to them and they could always rationalize, “it wasn’t me, I think you’re great, but the house wanted you out, so I had to keep them happy and nominate you.” Thus, people who played a “scared” version of Big Brother, changed the expectations of all future generations of houseguests. And that is why Cody’s departure from what has become (a boring) tradition was so startling. Even the fans (some of them) were too shocked to embrace his “old school, fearless approach.” I wish we could see more of the HOH winners play with such ferocity.
For once, nobody could run downstairs and either share or make up stories about what the HOH was planning. They all had to wait and see; even the showmances. [Loved it! 😉 ] Moral of the story: Houseguests, play for yourselves. Fans: If you really want to be entertained, be willing to embrace change.