Big Brother 19 Final 4 Eviction “The Puppet Master”

Here we go Folks the final 4 eviction episode. Tomorrow is a special Friday episode where we’ll find out who wins the first of three part final HOH. Following that is the much awaited Season finale on the 20th. We’ll keep updating but with just 3 people in the house don’t expect some major game to go down.

Make sure to vote for America’s Favourite Player. Choose the person you liked the best or choose the one that’s the biggest F* you to the cast this season. From what I’ve been told you need an active CBS all access account for your vote to count. I have an active CBS all access account and was only able to vote 20 times for my selected houseguest today. Let us know in the comments who you are voting for and why. Or if you war not voting who do you think CBS will award the AFP to?

Results from the show

Paul nominates Josh and Kevin

Jury house.. Matt joins them and he’s a complete douche. Gets mad at Cody for not Participating in the show. (which is funny because matt didn’t participate all season)

Jason thinks Paul and Alex were in on his eviction.

Raven joins the Jury house.. Tells Jason that Alex didn’t know he was getting voted out. Says Paul, Shitmas, Her and JOsh knew. Raven says Alex has no idea that Paul was in on it.

Raven says she’s been working with Paul the entire time.
Raven says her and Paul were the puppet masters. then says maybe not Paul maybe Raven was the puppet master.
Raven – I was pulling some strings
Elena starts to laugh “this is hilarious”

Alex joins them. The Jury gets in a fight because Raven and Matt think they are the puppet master.. Everyone is laughing at Raven as she defends her “puppet master”

Raven says everyone was working with paul doing what he wants
Cody jumps in says he wasn’t

VEto is played. Paul wins it.

Paul doesn’t use the veto. Shitmas evicts Kevin.

Kevin says he was the most loyal to Paul. (BOO)

10:37pm The live feeds are still blocked…

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Links to the ranking system

Rank your house guests here

For those of you that like Statistics here are some expanded reports.

310 thoughts to “Big Brother 19 Final 4 Eviction “The Puppet Master””

  1. Lmao Raven is such a fool. She actually thinks she was a puppet master? Seeing how she couldnt even understand her Zingbot zing, chances are she wont understand that Paul used her when she rewatches the series.

        1. The cherry on the top is when Manson drags BabyHuey to the finals and the blubbering bully takes the 500K….but, I have not seen the WestCoast show so I am still hanging in for a surprise…:,(

        2. I just want to thank Kev for entertaining us……putting up with a bunch of morons and making this season just a little less awful…..

          1. FACTS tho, but the blind want to claim Jody played a great game, but they blundered at every turn. That’s why I said that they were in on the fix for Paul. Jessica wasn’t stupid she knew they were never gonna vote Baby Huey out, but she didn’t use that POV to save Rameses (a good player in comps). Cody gave up completely, he told her not to waste the hex on him & let them vote him out & save it for when she needed it most. HaHa she could’ve won HOH & turned the game around, but she used the hex to literally have another week of playing grab-ass? People want to hand them AFP for nothing? Give that 25k to charity nobody deserves it this season.

            1. I think I’m gonna vote Kev because he had to tolerate all that unwarranted isolation…….the final 3 know Jody were very popular with the fans and would not be surprised for it to go to Cody……it would be expected. For real shock and awe a Kev win would have more effect. This is the guy they all hold in low regard and were cruel to for no apparent reason. If Kev is named AFP … would be a way more personal FU to Paul Josh and Shitmas.

              1. I agree that voting Cody for afp would have no shock value. They know America likes showmances, they know America likes young fathers, and they know America likes military vets. Why people think they’d be stunned if Cody won it is totally beyond me. However, if Kevin won afp, in addition to his 25k and his stipend…he’d end up making more than whoever comes in second place. So Paul works every angle all season long, comes in second place, and makes less money than Kevin did by just sitting back and chillin’. That move would actually hurt Paul the most!

                1. Well, if we’re voting fathers on the show I’d go with Kevin or Jason. But I’m not voting, but I think Jason wins.

          2. Paul doesn’t care who wins AFP. He’s leaving with the half million. Now on the other hand Shitmas would hate Kev winning AFP!

          3. Paul taking Gorditahead to the final 2 could be a huge mistake. It may not seem like it now but once the jurors compare notes on Paul’s underhanded methods and how he prodded Josh to attack people he might wish he had taken Kevin. Taking Kevin was a sure win zero comp wins is a hard argument for Kevin to overcome. They could give it to Josh cause he did Paul’s dirty work.

          1. I don’t understand all this love for Cody. people are actually wasting their time voting for someone who was down right socially inept in the BB house. CBS is not going to hand over the 25K prize for favorite HG to someone who QUIT and hid behind the bed covers with Jessica all summer. for those saying that they want Cody to win just to see Paul’s reaction, you have it all wrong. Paul taking Josh to final two will be the biggest F YOU to Cody and Jessica. and to add on, it was Paul who was responsible for Jessica not making Jury and Cody being first one in Jury.

            so for all these social media BB justice seekers like evel dick campaigning for Cody to win favorite HG, you’re point will fall on mute ears with CBS. evel dick only has 160K followers on twitter so that is not even enough to put a scratch in CBS voting ballot box. evel wants no part of this season, but has his own sheep paying him for his weak recap show. get off social media old man!

            1. watching from the start i feel Cody was the one that set the pace of this years show .. do as i say or get bullied .. and thats i how feel the show went all season .. and yes Paul took over being the bully .. he was lmao the real puppet master making the scaredy cats do what ever he said .. so why anyone would vote for a person who feels name calling and physical threatening is ok and commending him on it with 25 k .. is SO VERY VERY WRONG

            2. I don’t even think Cody would be mad if Kevin won AFP. But the final 3 would be. That’s enough for me.

        1. Maybe if Codick would have worked with Paul he would not have been evicted twice and actually had a chance at winning something besides that goofy broad who probably already has another guy on the rope

      1. Simon,

        Any truth to the rumor that there is a Pandoras Box that will unleash Nicole back into the house with one week of safety and putting Paul on the block? A girl can dream…..

          1. I’ve just started watching BB Canada on kodi and I lovvveeee it! I’m on season 3 now and I’m loving the twists, gameplay, and the competitions are not rigged at all.

            1. I love season 3. Sarah Hanlon is my fav HG of all time. She proved stoners are not dummies and she was relentless, playing from the bottom for the entire game. And also Godfrey had one of the best speeches of all time when he was put on the block. 2 things about bbcan: being in the audience favour can really help HGs in the game and studying is huge part of of a lot of competitions

                1. Season 2 was my favourite for BBCAN – loved the secret room, and Ika Wong throwing shade like nobody’s business. Season 3 was good but holy hell was it rigged for the Fembots

                2. hated that gary came back .. when and how .. loved that they didnt allow cheating in the comps .. and loved it even more when Topaz made her major good .. that was epic…lol.. seseaon one was a great start .. but i also love last season and kevin …the space oddacy i thought to be very well staged ..counting the days for the next BB Canada ps ; love you guys for the updates

                3. The difference between the 2 Big Brothers (USA and Canada) is the quality of villians.. The whole thing with us Canadians and the stereo-type of us being too nice is mostly true, which shows in the 5 seasons that they’d done BB Canada.. Except for Ika Wong and the letters. Then again there’s TOPAZ…. well not all of us are that stupid…

                4. Season 1 had a completely different format as there were no comps and America chose who got evicted. Ultimately, the format made for a boring show as there was no drama.

                  Season 2, I liked. Dr. Will was quite the puppet master. No veto back then and I recall one HG winning HOH 4 times in a row, which led to a rule change next season.

          2. Hi Simon, I just have a question for you about Paul’s temptation, it was intally stated he had 3 weeks of safety just like all of the other temptations. I’m just not understanding why once he used it in week one why did it not expire then. Once Jessica and shitmas used there’s the other weeks expired. Did Paul actually have 3 weeks even though he used it in week one or could he have been put on the block the two following weeks?

      2. Seriously, she sounded like the ravings of a deranged lunatic. No sense of anything, even Matt was all quiet. Quite embarrassing.

      3. It was actually Mark* who made fun of her. But you have gotton all the names wrong in the recaps all summer. Why change now?

      4. Watching Raven’s internal struggle as the rest of jury made fun of her was hilarious. You can see her fighting with every scrap of her being not to yell out that she had met Paul before the show and they made a deal to work together. Most here have seen the picture.

      1. Funny, cause after watching the jury footage, no way I would vote Cody. He’s made a mockery of the game, he clearly doesn’t want to be a part of the show period, but is forced to or he will loose his $. He’s a sore looser, would have seen a different side of him if he was still playing I guess, but we’ll never know. He’s a horrible sport, it is just a game after all.

        1. You wanted to talk to annoying Matt? The BIGGEST disrespect or of the game? I would have walked away from that a$$hat. That’s why people like him. He takes zero crap and isn’t the lest bit fake.

            1. The house isnt a job…its a contest for $500,000. In terms of competitions, this season was a big joke. Cody has every right to be upset with how this season played out. If Paul didnt have 3 weeks of safety in the beginning, Cody would definitely be in a better position than he is now

            2. Believe it or not, there are folks out there that don’t feel the need to vomit every aspect of their lives. Some people don’t or can’t tolerate those who do. Some people don’t feel the need to scream the loudest. Look at me, Look at me. Some people are not driven by celebrity(using that term losley, as Paul is no celebrity) Some people prefer to hold their cards close. That’s how stupid these people were, they told Paul absolutely EVERYTHING!!! Cody and Jess did make some bad choices but you can’t play this alone. I would say Cody would do better with a group who are more savvy. Even with his personality, it is still part of the social experiment.

        2. Mockery of the game!??? I do believe that happened when everyone stepped off the blocks early to hand Shitmas her HOH win. Or maybe it was earlier when theY all started bullying houseguests . I’m really not sure.

        3. A game decidedly rigged against him by the people running it. They wanted Paul and didn’t care that creating a little false moment in Cody’s attempt to nominate Paul would devastate his game. Cody has a right to be pissed at production and the game. Paul didn’t beat him but production did. Then Cody couldn’t care less about the show but needed to get paid so he’s occupying space much like several other HGs who thought they were actually doing something.

          1. I am not voting Cody for AFP, however, I totally agree with you that he has every right to be pissed. Unlike his girlfriend, Elena, Xmas, Raven and a few others who were there for airtime and stipend through jury, Cody came to win the $500,000 and saw early on that he wasn’t going to be given a chance. Not fair. He knows it wasn’t fair and I wish he had legal recourse for being frauded.

            1. Cody was stopped on his first move but never went back to his alliance for another idea, he went off on his own and them blamed his alliance for not just doing what he told them to do. he would have just been another Paul. He needs anger management not a reward

              1. He couldn’t go back to them. Once Paul showed his safety Cody had to immediately choose another. Christmas was already very close to Paul so it made sense to go after her after exposing his game to Paul. At that point, I think Cody realized the game was stacked for Paul and decided not to participate in the game but stuck around to get paid.

        4. FACTS tho… If he actually tried to play the game, then OK, but after he took a shot which was a good idea, but weeks too early, he dropped the ball, threw a tantrum & gave up. After his suspect BattleBack where he seemed to know exactly how to play the maze comp, unlike the other 3 there was no learning curve for him he just blew through it, I know for a fact production let.him practice because they desperately wanted a “Cody VS Paul” showdown in the house, but he didn’t turn it up as expected. Jody should’ve been 100% going at Paul’s Minions not hiding in bed playing grab-ass, Cody & Jessica had that fight in them all along, but didn’t let loose until it was too late.

          I believe the season was set up for Paul & Jody was in on it too, because why didn’t they fight harder? Why did Cody go rogue 1st week instead of working with his alliance? Why didn’t he attempt to play the game after he came back, why didn’t Jessica use that POV to save Rameses…They could’ve turned the house upside don, but they didn’t… I think Jody played the way production wanted to they can come back next season… Jury gone vote for Paul to win, th n a lot of them are setup to come back.

          1. This was not a reasonable cast. There was no way to campaign once you got marked. Grabass was jody’s only option. Watch tonight’s episode and see how delusional the jury still is. This gets more horrifying every day. Alex, Raven and Kevin appear to be solid Paul votes. Josh needs to tell the jury he wanted to get Paul out. He needs to convince Cody that he didn’t want to get Jessica out, but she wouldn’t listen to him. He tried to get through to Alex, he needs to remind her of that. He gave Jason a heads up in his farewell speech. He’s tried and tried to reason with bitchmas. He is the one person who gave people an opportunity to change their fate. If he’s smart, he’ll use this as his angle. He could win like Sandra won in survivor heroes vs. villains. She never got rid of Russell, but she tried. And she gave others the heads up and opportunity. Fingers crossed for a Paul loss.

        5. Right! Why reward someone who doesn’t want to participate in something HE signed up for?! Dude clearly doesn’t respect the game.

        6. Thank you antifafa for you opinion. So who do you antifacist facists want to beat the crap out of today?

        7. I disagree. Cody has every right to not want to be a part of this fiasco. All season long most everyone bitched about all of the HG. I don’t think he is a sore loser, I think he was totally frustrated that no one listened or believed him about Paul playing everyone. Also, he couldn’t believe that this many people could be this dumb, but they sure were. Another thing, Kevin is an a-hole if he gives Paul his vote, and I’ll explain why. SO many times explained to the others how he is old school and his word was his bond. So now, Paul gives him his word that yes, the deal is still on, with Paul, Xmas, and Kevin. He basically said to Kevin that he had NO respect for him since he didn’t sit down like a man and tell him he was going tonight. He did it with Alex, so why not Kevin? Ok, well sure it is because he didn’t want the blood on his hands, but oh my, Josh made it perfectly clear who was behind it all. One last thing, I love that Cody says exactly what he feels and not what people want to hear. He did not care to be popular, he did things his own way, unlike anyone in that house. So damn right, I’m voting for Cody cause he was the only one who had enough balls to try and evict Paul.

          1. In Kevin’s exit interview he said Paul DID tell him he didn’t think he could beat him in F2 & he had to do what was best for his game. So there goes that theory.

            As for Cody ..NO he doesn’t have a right to stop playing no more than anyone who has a job has a right to say I don’t like how you run your company so I’m not going to do my job. He gets paid a salary to do a job – so do it. .

            Cody is a hypocrite. He started the game using intimidation & treated the hamsters as unworthy by not discussing his decisions with them. Go back to week 1 & watch his DRs about how he had his core group & then the players he deemed as secondarily worthy of staying in the house. He got two shots at the game & blew them both. Bottom line to win this game requires 24-7 game management & Cody only played about a half hour a day on average. In the few moments Cody decides to be real or nice he is engaging and charming, but those are so few and far between it’s hard to get on board with supporting his cause.

            In a season where so many of us complained that no one played, now we’re suppose to reward the guy who blatantly is saying F You to BB & can’t be bothered to play in the house or in jury (where technically they are still playing)? Bottom line, Cody hasn’t given me a reason to give him my vote! And, I hate to break it to the fans who hate Paul & therefore will vote Cody as their AFP … in a podcast this week Jess said Cody only recognizes comp wins so he’ll vote for Paul at the end. I mean it makes sense – can you imagine Cody voting for the kid he said he wants to beat up outside the house or the same kid whotried to make him look stupid in the house or belittled his “girlfriend”?

            And this farce about him & Jess is only for them to do a post show money grab. Departing contestants already said as much. If you go check out Jess Twitter you’ll see her wearing a skimpy outfit a fan sent her jiggling what God gave her while looking seductively into the camera. They could prove us all wrong, but it sure doesn’t feel like this is anything more than a PR scam by the pair to set up post show appearances & take people’s hard earned money just so they can go shake the hand of a guy who’ll no doubt be behind the scene’s saying “how many of these losers do I have to talk to”.

            I’d rather give my vote to Kevin. Here’s a guy who had Alex turning everyone against him & throwing out his only food. The same girl who freaked over someone hiding her cat ears, the same girl who berated Kevin for throwing a hinky vote “b/c she was so honest” but threw her own hinky vote.

            At least Kevin recognizes BB is a GAME & knows enough to let these things go. Still, (just like with Cody) I’d be thrilled to see Alex’s face if she comes no where near the AFP she prayed to God to give her & begged live feeders for. I’d rather she has to sit there & watch Kevin the guy who WAS loyal to Jalex (but she ostracized & was cruel to just b/c he was too close to her ride or die) walk up & take yet another $25k for his efforts.

            And for those thinking awarding Cody the money will send Paul some big message ummm if he wins the $500k how much do you think he’ll care.

            Pick who you want for AFP, but watching Kevin exit tonight with class and grace resonated. That & in his exit interview telling his family not to get caught up in the fact the hamsters were cruel with him – says he knew it & it’s okay b/c … IT’S A GAME.

          2. paul isn’t owning his manipulations, decisions and plans. his goodbye messages are his mistake. josh has no such illusions, he wants people to understand what happened and why. it could be the difference between a vote in some undecideds. they are going to wonder why paul couldn’t come clean in the goodbye message, but wants to take credit in his final speech or questions.

            he should be working the jury by showing them how they got played, rather than continuing to try to play the target. targets don’t get to final 3 if they were truly a target

        8. I felt really bad for Kevin but he kept it classy and no one would have blamed him if he had lost it.
          I would have when Paul didnt use the veto on him and then the little shit couldnt even be man enough to evict him and got Shitmas to do his dirty work once again so he could keep his hands clean.

          He is in it up to his fricken elbows by now and if anyone in jury hasnt figured out he masterminded the whole thing they must be on another planet with Racen!!

        9. He’s the only one that realizes they cast a bunch of fucktards this season, and he wants absolutely nothing to do with them. How many people keep saying, “I’m done watching”. Well, so is he. I don’t blame him.

      2. Another example of why I would never vote for Cody. fo AFP. He takes CBS money for being on Jury but then will not participate and wants to be anti anti anti. Then why doesn’t he just leave. Cody is just too angry, and too anti social. Nobody is making him take CBS money he could just leave but no he just prefers to get paid and moan and whine and complain. Enough of him

        1. I saw Cody walk away from Matt, who is a complete tool. He doesn’t owe Matt the time of day. He is following through with his agreement–he’s in the jury house, in the jury. He will vote in the final. It looks like he does fine socially with people he likes.

    1. Was Raven’s answer to how could she be the puppet master when she didn’t win anything that she played the best social game in the house??? What an idiot.

      And now we are left with three turds in the house.

          1. No, lil’ Raven is the Muppet Master…..That one will stick.

            I seriously believe Raven does not know the meaning of puppet master….

          2. zingbot applauds you. I hope Jason tells Alex if she votes for Paul he will never have respect for her, and she finally agrees to listen to him and not think Paul has “friendship” with any of them.

            gawd, between Alex (Leslie Van Houten), Raven (Squeaky Fromme) and Blasphemous (Susan Atkins) I don’t know how any one could have survived a week let alone the last 3 months.

            Matt’s a useless tool and he will follow Raven’s lead because he thinks there is a GoFundMe pot of gold waiting for them, so he will vote Raven’s way) but I think the rest of the jury so far are leaning towards anybody but Paul

        1. She has it mixed up. She is saying she wants to vote for Paul because they were puppet masters together. What she doesn’t get yet is he was pulling her strings. Apparently still is. She owes him nothing.

      1. and even after realizing they were misted and played, Alex and Raven still want to vote for Paul to win! But when they see the choice…hmmm. Sh*tty choice at the end!!! Don’t think I can stomach watching.

    2. This is kind of like choosing which kind of pond scum you want to kill you. CBS may be the ultimate pond scum so they sure know how to be the lowest life form. I would organize a boycott of the jury and refuse to vote and pay each jury member $15k if they won’t vote for a winner. If I were Bill Gates I would pay each $100k to refuse to vote.

      CBS really is a scum dog billionaire.

    3. Production is making it look like they are all on to Paul but come voting day they will all come for him.

      Don’t fall for productions trucks they have been doing this all season.

      Cody for AFP

      1. Exactly. They play this trick all the time, in every single episode. I’ve also seen this scenario several times: jury is bitter, they say they’re not voting for X, on finale night they vote for X and X wins. They’ll vote for Paul, unfortunately.

        1. I think Josh might have a chance if he can give a decent speech explaining how he took the heat for all of Paul’s crap or if he somehow wins & takes Xmas to the end.

      2. I would never vote for Cody for America’s favorite he’s the favorite of what of Jessica that is it..he is done nothing to be called a favorite ever.. he sucks and if anybody thinks they’re going to piss Paul off you are kidding yourself Paul’s going to have $500,000 what does he give a shit if Cody walks away with 25 be for real

          1. Cody could never be able to get Paul out anyways.he wouldn’t of had the votes . so his whole strategy was totally stupid he couldn’t change one bit to try to keep himself in the game.he’s a pathetic person he has no personality why would I vote for somebody that doesn’t like people he actually said that in the house he doesn’t like people. I’m not going to give somebody my vote that doesn’t really seem like he cares either way . He didn’t know how to play big brother and neither did Jessica..Jessica can sit there on the Internet and talk about how they’re all Paul’s minions but when she had the chance to play the game for herself she did with the house wanted. I cannot stand Paul like literally I cannot stand him I hope I never have to see the little bearded man ever again he ruined my summer he ruined my favorite show but just because Paul is an asshole doesn’t mean Cody isn’t one too.. That is why I will be voting for Kevin because I appreciate his character .. There is not one thing I appreciate other than his service to our country about Cody .he said some really insane things in the house like it would be cool to go to war with Russia my God we’ve been at war for 15 years with a non-army yes please let’s go to war with the real army that would be a great idea not…he is a weird man just because you’re a soldier doesn’t mean you’re a good person just like a pastor or teacher doesn’t mean you’re a good person I don’t think Cody is a good person … And it’s not like I can really get back at Paul for ruining my summer by voting for Cody like that’s just dumb … The only thing normal about Cody that I can kind of think of is that he likes Jessica.but I think he really liked her because she was really hot and if he’s not going to win the money he goes for the hottest girl in the house but maybe she can fix him but I doubt it … Whenever I see Cody he literally makes my brain hurt because I don’t know what’s wrong with him. If you don’t think he’s the greatest thing since cream cheese to each it’s own

            1. many americans join the military to serve and defend their country, and be willing to die for that.

              he said he joined because he wanted to kill Taliban. Taliban, sure, but let’s face it, Taliban are people, so he basically said he joined so he could kill people

              maybe that’s what is what you feel is wrong with him

              1. Many young men joined the military to “kill taliban” after 9/11, just like many served to kill nazis during ww2. I suppose it would make u feel better if he said he joined to defend our country by making them see the errors of their way. It just kills me that there are people that surely enjoy t

              2. many americans joined the military to kill taliban (sorry if that offends your sensibilities) just as many joined to kill nazis during ww2. I suppose it would make you feel better if his reasons were more PC like he joined to defend the innocent by making the bad guys see the errors of their way. It just bothers me that there are so many people out there that want judge the whys and hows yet feel that they are somehow just entitled to the freedoms and liberties that others have fought to earn for them. Unfortunately we live in a world that requires people like Cody willing to fight against evil. Yeah Taliban are people, people that would slaughter you and your family in your sleep given the opportunity.

            2. Please stop calling Cody a soldier he isn’t he is a Marine, it’s a big difference and disrespect to a Marine to be called soldiers. Other than that Kevin for AFP and Paul for the way since he is the only one who came to play this summer and did. Everyone else either wanted to get laid, famous or bathe in Paul’s mist.

        1. I think Paul does care about what people think . A lot. He’s all about his ‘brand.’ He probably cares about that more than the $, which in she scheme of things for a pampered little dude like him isn’t all that much. I think he is in for a rude awakening.

    4. Actually if you watch the game at all you can see Raven was a puppetmaster most of the season.

      If not for her Paul would have been out early.

      C’mon folks start appreciating beauty and intelligence all in one smoking hot body.

      Raven for President!

      1. Dude … whatever drugs you’re on or smoking …. ya gotta share.

        Better yet ….. detox …. and join the real world.

        Raven is pathological and her delusions are bellyaching laughing til you pee.

    1. Mark and Elena had me cracking up in that jury house segment. Sucks that it took getting evicted for this side of them to come out.

    1. starting to seem that Paul never having been in Jury just might cost him big time. He did not realize that they would talk and that Raven could tell Jason that Paul’s good bye message was garbage etc etc.
      Also never heard anyone other than Paul be proud of calling themselves a psychopath. That just might be the scariest thing we heard, especially for people in his real life
      And heard X mention their traveling again, Apuld has offered X, Kevin, Josh ar aprt of his winnings. Why is that okay?

      1. Paul mentioned in one of his ridiculous ‘friendship’ talks that the reason he lost last time was he didn’t work the jury votes. This time he thinks that by acting victimized every time someone goes home without the blood on his hands has fooled the jury. No such luck Paul. Its going to be a close vote though. It still hinges on Alex’s vote unless Alex being in the house letting Raven know that Raven was Paul’s target snaps some sense into Raven or Matt.

  2. Raven the puppetmaster!!! Hahahaha

    Matt and Raven embarrass themselves even more than in the bb house – quite the accomplishment.

  3. I would vote for Kevin because he was the most bearable house-guest. The rest of them made me lose hope in humanity. On another note, I think it would be entertaining if we had another bitter jury 2 years in a row heheh

      1. I could never vote for someone who intentionally threw all those comps, but with Kevin it probably didn’t matter anyway. Still wonder why they threw in one over 50 player this season.

    1. I am voting for Jason for AFP. He is a decent guy who made some wrong comments to fit in with an ugly crowd but he showed Kevin more respect than Kevin showed himself. Kevin allowed himself to be Paul’s isolation puppet, stay alon, stay in your room, do not talk to anybody don’t try to win comps unless I tell you to
      And Jason actually stood up to both Paul and Alex to protect Kevin.
      Kevin get my 20 every day!

  4. We all pulled the strings for Paul……”I didn’t”……and THATS why Cody should be AFP!! He is showing his disgust for this entire season the same way America is!!!

    1. I’d rather Kevin or Mark get AFP. Cody has such a bad attitude. The way he treated people and talked about people in the beginning of the game, he acts as though he is better than everyone else.

      1. Remember when he gave a lesson to Jason and Paul on how to get away with cheating on your wife? No of course not! Also don’t remember that really uncomfortable coddling and caressing with Christmas.

        Cody AFP

      2. Mark was the only genuine person with a big heart. Besides throwing pickle juice, he played a fair game. Them accusing him of flip flopping is bull. It’s Big Brother, they all do it. When you can’t trust anyone, you need to find people who will truly have your back. Mark for AFP!

      3. Nah he just saw through these houseguests and knew he was better than their Paul-ass-kissing, competition-throwing, bullying, stupid selves. Sorry…with the exception of Cody, Mark, Jess, Elena, Jason, and Kevin…these were disgusting participants in one of my favorite shows. And even though I didn’t think Jason and Kevin were disgusting, I did hate seeing them sit and roll over and do Paul’s bidding.

    2. But he did, when he told Jessica not to use the Veto, giving Paul exactly what he wanted that week, so there’s that! It’s not disgust, it’s called a sore looser. I’m not a Paul fan, just stating the obvious, he’s bitter because he in his own words is an Alpha male that got beat and he wouldn’t stay in jury except he needs the $.

    3. Everyone will have their reasons for voting a HG for AFP. I am voting for Jason because he has a baby on the way. Can’t vote for Cody because he rubbed me the wrong way. Mark doesn’t need it; he has Elena to keep him warm at night. Raven reminds me of that woman in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels so wouldn’t give it to her either. You almost want to give it to Matt out of pity. I still don’t know what to make of Kevin. Christmas will land on her feet. Josh is too much of a Meatball

  5. I finally believe we have a chance to see Paul lose the final vote. That is if his head still fits inside the house with his ever expanding ego.

    1. I feel ya too. Paul may be toast and that would save this terrible season. Seeing Paul’s face as all those keys come out of the box without his name on them will be some quality television. he is going to need a diaper/

      1. It would be pretty awesome if s-mas and jpsh really were playing paul the whole season and ended up as rhe final two I would be ok with that and to see the look on pauls face…priceless!!

    2. If I know Paul, he will try to throw the competition to Josh so that Josh would do the dirty work of voting out Xmas. It would be so funny when Josh chooses Xmas and send Paul packing. Remember when Ian told Mike Boogie to get to stepping? Getting rid of Paul could secure an easy win. This would be the only thing that could redeem this awful season. Josh played a full season – Paul got almost a month of free play thanks to productions. He doesn’t deserve it.

  6. Raven is trying to take credit for Charles Manson’s whole season!?!?!? HAHAHAHA….they must have been doping these dopes! Wow….I did have a laugh! …and Matt telling Cody he did not play??? Cereal Killer played with his Cheerios,Fruit Loops and his ” Season Mastermind” …hahahaha! These people are beyond my comprehension!

    Kevin, Christmas is going to throw a big load of coal in your stocking and you will be reunited with your lovely family, never having to see these nincompoops ever again! Thank you Kevin! You made this season mildly tolerable.

  7. Has Allison Grodner decided who is going to win America’s Favorite Houseguest yet? I’m not going to be surprised if my 20 Cody votes were registered as 20 Paul votes on the CBS site.

  8. Alex is right to say they should vote on who played the best game out of all HG.. Which sad to say was Paul, he got everyone to do what he wanted all season. Bitter Jury?, maybe, but if it’s Paul & Josh, Paul will win… If it’s Kevin or Xmas Paul could lose.

    1. Mark was the only genuine person with a big heart. Besides throwing pickle juice, he played a fair game. Them accusing him of flip flopping is bull. It’s Big Brother, they all do it. When you can’t trust anyone, you need to find people who will truly have your back. Mark for AFP!

    1. He is great classy man but not AFP….he already won his cash, time to stick it to the others! Cody for AFP…luckily past HG and winners agree!

  9. Does Kevin even have a clue that Paul played him? Julie tried to tell him but I don’t think he wanted to hear that his boy Paul used him.

    1. I get the impression that Kevin came on the game for the experience more than actually trying to win. I don’t think he’s oblivious to how Paul ran the house and manipulated him. I think he just enjoyed the experience and likes Paul as a person, so he just doesn’t care.

    1. I like Kevin but I agree. It was unbelievably difficult to root for him, he’d let you down every single week. Not one comp win. Very frustrating player.

  10. I love it every time Paul acts the innocent in his goodbye message, only to have Josh blow up his game right after.
    Really wish we could’ve saw that for Alex.

    1. That was great how Paul’s goodbye message said if you are seeing this it was Christmas’ fault that you were evicted and then Josh says the three of us targeted you snapping it off on Paul and blowing up his BS.

        1. Paul’s goodbye message to Kevin said that if he was seeing this, it was because Christmas had gone rogue to vote Kevin out. Josh’s goodbye message told Kevin that he, Christmas, and Paul had been in an alliance for final three for weeks, and Kevin was the last target.

  11. It is so fitting that the worst 3 are now left in the house ! Just glad that Kevin no longer has to deal with them. And the jury is hilarious! Especially Raven who thinks she did so much !

  12. These are probably the last people in the house I wanted to see make it to final 3. However, I’m going to thoroughly enjoy watching Paul lose to another little blonde girl. It’s going to be delightfully entertaining! His tears will be delicious.

    1. May be in the minority here, but I’d rather see Paul win than Christmas. She’s just as vile and cocky as he is, probably even more so. Except she hasn’t impacted the game nearly enough to be so full of herself. I don’t like Paul as a person but we all know he dominated this season.

      And Nicole was a genuinely good person. I’m okay with her winning. I have a hard time understanding why people are rooting for someone like Christmas to win just to spite Paul.

        1. Simon I have read you call her Shitmas for a few weeks now…it isn,t funny any longer. Let’s all call you Ass Wipe till the end of the season, because as someone who is supposed to be a moderator of this site, I find your mouth to be a little too big for your britches

            1. A$$ Whipe for the win!!
              $hit Head (nickname I am giving Dawg) for AFP!!

              I love how people criticize you guys on YOUR site. This isn’t CBS. You can say what you want.

              GREAT JOB again this year $hit Head and
              A$$ Whipe

              1. Paul started it all with his potty mouth influence. I wonder just how many times Paul used the word $hit?

                Was thinking CBS could make a cute video of all the potty mouthing he did, but it would all be bleeped out!

    2. It’s f*d up if Sh*tmas wins. Here’s her resume:

      1. should have been out of the game on medical leave
      2. couldn’t participate in most competitions
      3. had her only wins handed to her
      4. thinks she has a good heart but is actually evil and condescending
      5. spent her time being a puppet
      6. got played just like the rest of the cast
      7. is so full of herself doesn’t want to win because (her own words) she’s pretty
      8. wants to win for her skill but pumps up her boobs for the TV veto ceremony
      9. says she’s a motivational speaker but then participates in bullying

  13. Wanted to see Kevin’s reaction tonight when he realized Paul was just using him, and when Paul said xmas went rogue I almost hurled. I hope Kevin was just being a gentlemen with his reaction because if he still says Paul was his man after the veto was not used he is possibly the most clueless person who ever played this game. Cody sure gets what CBS has planned and I wonder who counts the votes for favorite player, probably same person who counted the ones for Paul to get 3 weeks safety. Ravin, only one puppet she was pulling on in the game.

  14. I am praying Josh wins final HOH and takes paul out.

    josh could say in his speech, “Im sorry Christmas but I have to vote out Paul so he doesn’t get any blood on his hands” hehe

    1. I think Cody was playing a different game. He’s a smart ass that makes people laugh and he’s handsome, but he’s no BB player.

  15. I’m voting Mark for AFP. He has been the coolest guy this season, never said anything malicious about anyone else and even though he was constantly attacked by Paul and his minions he stayed competitive, won safety four weeks in a row and kept it classy on his way out. Especially after tonight’s jury segment, Raven’s middle name is “deluded.”

    OMG…sorry for the loud laughter, still can’t get past the part in Thursday’s episode where Raven calls herself “Puppet Master.”‘
    Can’t wait until she gets out of the house and finds out the public calls her ‘Trailer Trash.”LOL

  17. Just watched CBS version of BB…………………….the 3 that are left, are the most vile people to ever play BB. YUCK
    Kevin has to be one of the stupidest people to ever play BB, there is no way I could vote him AFP.
    I loooooved the JH. Raven is ridiculous, Jason got a real eye opener, ………… favorite part……………….”we were all aligned with Paul”……………..Cody………..”I wasn’t”, and for that remark he should win AFP!!

  18. Im worried paul can still win bc it seems like puppetmaster, cereal killer, alex, kevin will vote fir him, all he needs is one more, the loser of josh and xmas most likely …

    1. That’s the main thing that drove me crazy about Cody. I can’t stand all of that alpha talk. It’s immature and bad science I wouldn’t worry too much. The jury hasn’t been sequestered during jury questions since before Ian’s season, so they’ll see the audience smiling and laughing at josh, and rolling their eyes at Paul, and because they want to be liked by the audience, they’ll vote for josh. One of carny AG’s many tricks.

      1. Whoops, That was supposed to be two separate replies, the first part I never finished was to someone else about Cody. I don’t know how I combined them. Anyway, I’m voting for Cody but the alpha thing was annoying. He needs to mature a little but I think deep down he’s a good guy and has way more sense and integrity than anyone else in that house.

  19. Noticed when I voted, and the pop up window came up I was able to vote well past 20 but tried again and each time I closed out pop up window and voted from main screen 20x and it finally told me I had hit my limit. I think if you click on vote again on the pop up screen that it wont count.

  20. I am personally voting for Cody right now for AFP, that might change.. My three for AFP would be Kevin, Cameron or Cody vote. Seeing how the fans are reacting (the cat fans the ones that matter) I think it’s going to come down to Kevin or Cody.

    1. Remember when he gave a lesson to Jason and Paul on how to get away with cheating on your wife? No of course not! Also don’t remember that really uncomfortable coddling and caressing with Christmas.

      Cody AFP

    2. Cody, IMO, does not deserve AFP. Cody is not the Anti-Paul.

      Watching Charles “Paul” Manson lead his cult has not been an enjoyable BB Season, IMO.

      CBS/Big Brother Producers should have intervened to prevent Competitions from not being played. CBS/Big Brother Production should have never allowed Charles “Paul” Manson to have all of the power, use his power to psychologically torment others until submitting themselves to Paul’s will just to make the torture stop.

      Big Brother Game Players should never be permitted to not participate in Competitions. The “Race HOH” when non of the house guests raced should have never happened. Big Brother Production should have intervened to make sure that each Big Brother Game Player followed the rules of the game.

      Following the rules of the game of Big Brother to the win is not what Charles “Paul” Manson accomplished. Paul maliciously attacked and abused HGs. Game players folded as a result of wanting so badly to make Paul’s abusive antics end. Game players were afraid to play the game as playing would result in Paul’s wrath. Instead of watching the game of Big Brother – we watched HGs attempt to figure out “what is the best way that I can avoid being assaulted by Paul.

      Big Brother Producers might as well of given Paul a gun allowing Paul to say “do this or I will shoot you.”

      This season of Big Brother was like watching a Cult Leader watching as his (the cult leader’s) followers ingest deadly poison knowingly and willingly — as a result of being mentally, emotionally, and physically taken advantage of by a malignant narcissist; People trapped in a Polygamous Compound trying to avoid cruel and violent treatment; This season of Big Brother was like watching a NBA game where one person is given a gun to take to the court, and, all other players are told that if they leave the court/game they will lose their NBA contracts and all monies earned via NBA association. Player with weapon is allowed by referees, NBA Team Owners/Managers to tell opposing team and fellow team members what to do or they will be shot.

      NFL Players / NBA Players could certainly use verbal and physically violence to win. However, such behavior is not tolerated as such behavior is not part of the rules of the game. If NFL / NBA players were allowed to break the bones of the competition and/or purposely injure the best players (so that they could never play again) — NFL Games and NBA Games would not be interesting.

      There would not be any game play – skill – natural talent in game players. The NFL / NBA would be “pits” of violence — or a bunch of people following the orders of one person.

      All games have rules — the rules are part of the game. Children playing Tic Tac Tow have to follow the rules of the game. A child that says “put you O here or I will tell everyone you peed in your pants … ate your own and others nose snot” — would not win Tic Tac Tow because they were an interesting or great Game Player.

      Again, Big Brother Production should have intervened — in the same manner that NBA/NFL Team Owners / Managers / Coaches would intervene if a Player was breaking the rules by knowingly and willingly inflicting injuries on other game players to “win.”

      America’s Favorite Player should be a person that ensures that CBS / Big Brother Production “refs” the game of Big Brother. Had BB Production refereed this season of Big Brother house guests would have played the game. No one is going to be able to play the game when 1 player has a gun.

      Cody/Jess will probably take delight in “rubbing” AFP Paul and his followers’ faces. Cody will use the money to pay for Jessica to have plastic surgery; buy Jess a ring — and when Cody runs out of money we will probably see Jess w/ Paul. Cody failed at playing the game of BB. This year’s game players should have seen a vet as an obstacle – worked together to get the vet out. The vet had power given to them – this year’s hgs had the power of numbers. Cody abruptly reacted without factoring in the long term consequences. Instead of working to earn the trust of a strong group of hgs – Cody decided to “fall in love” in a matter of days. Cody was more interested in Jess than the game. The presentation of emotion we saw from Cody/Jess was in regards to them being “separated” – especially after doing what Paul wanted. Paul and Cody’s Big Brother Game Play is both equal and lacking.

      Production knew that Paul needed protection in the beginning – Paul was given protection to give Paul a fair chance at playing the game. Then production allowed Paul to abuse other hgs making them afraid to play the game.

      AFP should be a person that fans of Big Brother can use as an example of: Regulate the game. We want to see the game of BB being played. We are not going to adapt to watching Big Brother Cult, Big Brother Hostages, Escaping Big Brother. All games have rules that serve to regulate and maintain the integrity of the game. Rules that govern the game so that the game properly functions.

      Winning Big Brother by having control over a house full of hostages does not epitomize “great Big Brother game play.”

  21. I am disgusted…I could only watch tonight’s episode after consuming 1 bottle of wine..,CBS has that little twit all the way to the end..,.what an insult to the viewers
    After seeing the jury house. My vote is 100% to Cody for AFP…he stayed true!
    Kevin I still like as a gentleman because he endured torture and bullying6, but too much of a puppet for me.
    I hope the twit (beard boy) gets second place)..

  22. Finally!!! I finally get to see jury house. Codys attitude was hilarious. Im 100% sure his POW survival training from the military allowed him to survive he jury house bc you know he wanted to walk right out! I am voting for Cody PURELY bc he had to nominate like 1/2 the house in the first week and because he’s the only one who had the sense/balls to take a stab at Paul. The Raven=Puppetmaster thing was HILARIOUS!!!! She TRULY believes that! I die!

  23. There ya go………straight from the horses’s mouth. Kevin says he was the most loyal to Paul. That’s a damn good reason for me not to vote for him for AFP. Well, besides already winning 25K and having no game at all.

  24. Has everyone forgotten that Cody and Jessica were incredibly mean to Josh early on? Or how rude Cody was? I didn’t like Paul last year but this year he has played everyone. He outplayed Cody and Jessica because he is in the house and they aren’t and he had everyone else do exactly what he wanted. You may dislike him but this is a game and he played it and everyone enough to coast to final three. I have no idea why anyone would think Cody deserves AFP. The only person who knew he should get rid of Paul and did a ridiculously poor job doing it. Cody’s game sucked. AFP should go to just about anyone but Cody.

    1. Have you forgotten what a dreadful, out of control basket case Josh was early on? If Cody failed to get Paul out it is because he wasn’t allowed to see all the land mines preventing it that we were able to see. He was thwarted by “the game” at every turn.

  25. I hope the rest of BB nation will vote for AFP based on personality and good game play. I’m shocked so many on this site want Cody to win. He doesn’t even want to be there. He has the worst attitude and is just mean spirited. Kevin all the way! Seems like a good man and deserves it way more.

      1. He did have game play. It’s called social. Everyone liked him and he would have won if in the final two. Unlike Cody with his death stare and doing nothing except Jessica.

    1. If you were surrounded by people who can’t see the forrest through the trees you’d quit giving them the time of day. He had a stance from the get go, get Paul out. Had these house guests saw it that way we’d have a different game. Had Kevin not taken the money we’d have a different game. Lastly had Megan not quit we’d have a different game.

      1. Kevin was the first to buzz in. If I recall like half of the, buzzed for the cash, Kevin buzzed first. I’d check on my pvr, but I needed space for, well, nothing….. but I really wanted to delete this shit storm of a season…….

      2. paul was his 4th choice, he wanted whoever it was he nominated first but ended up winning the pov. after paul couldn’t be nommed, he badly wanted xmas out.

        paul and xmas were satelite members of his 6 person couple alliance, so even tho he had to make more noms than anyone else, he still had others to pick from. his mistake was choosing 2 out his group of 8, and the real reason they turned against him because he proved he was disloyal and possibly really dumb. no one wants to work with someone disloyal and/or dumb.

        he doesn’t deserve anything, neither does kevin. i’ve always chosen someone who actually works hard and comes up thru adversity. i would have backed alex, but she ended up being really dumb and vicious, rather than just a good competitor who loved the game. there is a huge difference between any other AFP and kevin, cody, or alex. last year we had vic, that was an easy choice. this year i will only vote for jason. his ride or die was truly dumb, and he suffered for that but he won stuff, and he still made some of his own choices in spite of being bombarded by tiny people trying to get him to do their stuff, not his own. he refused repeatedly to isolate the ‘targets’, and refused to let anyone stop him from talking to nominees targeted for eviction, based on paul’s idea of what he should be doing.

        and he did that while winning comps and not threatening to bash anyone’s head in, unlike cody and kevin.

    2. He’s mean spirited????? You make me laugh!!!!! Love Kevin but he doesn’t even know what world he’s in. Can’t get behind someone who’s ok with being told to shut up, stay in your room, and on and on. I guess you need Cody to roll over like the rest of them. By the way, hiding in your room is NOT game play.

  26. Paul claims he had to play a different game this season . . . ? ? He used people to get to the end just as he did last time. He floated to whom ever had HOH/power to protect himself. The same “me” at all cost, lie to your face, no blood on my hands approach should get him what he got last time. Second place.

  27. Sadly listening to jury it’s a lock for a Paul with Alex, Raven, probably Matt as well as Cody who previously said he’d vote for Paul. Then top the count off with Xmas and Kevin. Only ones who won’t vote for him will be Mark, Elena and Jason.

    1. I don’t know about Mark and Elena’s votes. I know they can see how Paul manipulated them and got them out, but I don’t get the impression that they would vote based on bitterness. I can see them voting for Paul to win because they think he hustled and played the game. I think Raven will vote for Paul to win, which means Matt will vote for Paul to win. I think Mark, Elena, and Alex could be swayed. Right now, I only see Jason and Cody as definite votes for the Anyone-but-Paul HG.

  28. So, yeah…..absolutely the most emetic self-perception ever on Big Brother….EVER (and this includes Aaryn Gries) I’m so totally dumbfounded by these evictees blinders. IMHO, the only thing that could have saved BB is a celebrity edition. CBS isn’t that stupid after all. Go figure. Let’s just hope “celebrity” doesn’t include former house guests!!!!!!

    *Granny goes back to knitting an extra tight mouth gag for the defunct dodo bird, repeating while she rocks, “Puppet Master?….HA….social game?…..HA…….don’t dance on karma, little girl…..karma don’t play….pffpst…..”

    I was once a red head….before my locks became chemically dependent. That Raven girl is not a redhead.

  29. We know for sure that Kevin, Matt, Raven, Alex will vote for Paul. Raven is such an idiot. She is in for rude awakening when she gets back in the real world.

  30. Voting Jason for AFP, Kevin already got some money. Only thing that will make this whole painful season worth the time we’ve wasted will be seeing Paul go out 3rd place with nothing.

  31. Vote CODY for AFP. He was the only one to see through all the BS. He actually played the game. Kevin didn’t win one single thing! He threw comps! He was just another one of Paul’s puppets. Just imagine if Paul loses 1st place and Cody wins AFP how awesome that would be.

        1. What is your problem????? Are you just jealous? You must be Paul, Xmas, or Josh’s mommy with the attitude………..maybe your the person who wants to start their own blog and you think by smearing Simon and Dawg that people are going to want to go to your site …………………Dream on. We love Simon and Dawg, they were the only ones that kept BB interesting, and heaven knows they deserve an award for having to watch this garbage this year!!

  32. Can’t decide who to vote for as AFP= either Jason or Kevin. Two dumb guys who had no clue about how to win BB, but both were likeable, loyal to their alliances and entertaining to say the least. Jason was able to beast the comps and Kevin was able to befriend everyone. So I have been giving 10 votes to each every day.

    Would never vote for Creepy Cody or the others who were either flipping or floating aimlessly without any sort of game plan, much less a winning game plan.

    1. Jason was my favorite player and would have voted for him but after the TMZ article I don’t think he has much of a chance. I think it will be between Cody and Kevin and because I hated Cody’s gameplay and attitude I am voting for KEVIN. I also love the idea that by Kevin winning AFP he will make as much as the 2nd place winner

  33. If Cody would of done something other than just screwing Jessica I could vote for him. He had the second chance and they didn’t get out of bed. They laughed how they are the first couple to conceive a child in the house. They were well more her than him just rude. Voting for Jason he was funny his done fall was Alex wish he would of broken away from her.

    1. Yea you’re right, sleeping around on TV, talking about hymens, bullying Josh telling Josh he’ll take him out outside of the house, destroying Jessica’s game by giving her bad advice…no.

      Kevin has wit, humour, was mentoring Ramses… Funny what he said to Julie after she said what a fine dresser he has been ‘that he might have been the only dresser in the game’ (the others were all practically naked most of the time!)

      And why did we see Kevin in sweaters and the rest topless or in bikinis most of the time?

  34. This season is so hard to watch! I cannot vote for Cody for AFP. He has had an attitude since day one. All he and Jessica did was hide in a room all day. If I had to pick a player, I choose Kevin because he will be the closest competition for Cody. Although Mark or Jason would be the most logical winner. If I HAVE to choose who I want to win this, it it Josh. This would be the perfect ending for the three who are left.

    1. Omg! Cody is still a cocky ass. Still a sore loser and it shows. Doesn’t want to give any input and always walking away like the jerk he was and is. Please don’t vote for him, he doesn’t deserve it!

      1. Yes you are right. It is better to get into these useless screaming fights with a pack of mindless, immature jackals. Yeah, you’re right. lol

  35. Josh has made it clear that he would take Xmas to final two. But I’m wondering about Xmas and the possibility that she’s been scamming the gnome big time. I mean why would a badarse competitor pass on the chance to take a seat in F2 and give it to a punk 11 years her junior? How could anyone throw away the opportunity to possibly say I not only won BB, I did so with a broken foot? With an ego like hers, there’s no glory in being just another Paul minion.

  36. Why does anyone think Cody deserves AFP?! voting for him is a continuation of this crazy season. He does not deserve it. Any reason you have could easily give Jessica the same vote. Cody putting up Paul regardless of his safety would have not ended in him leaving because he had already gained so many people’s trusts. Cody’s game was ass.. he had a second chance and spent the time screwing Jessica.. please! …

    KEVIN for AFP

    1. Because it’s AFP, not best player. I like him because although he failed, he knew to take out the vet. He was competitive. Because he doesn’t give a damn. Although Shitmass did also, he served our country which did something for ME. The other HGs could not even give me an enjoyable season.

      1. Kevin was way more likeable.. I actually heard kevin talk more than 5 times and he was a great comic relief. He sustained longer and just for that deserves an award.

  37. I voted for Kevin +++AFP Kevin +++AFP
    Kevin +++AFP Kevin +++AFP Kevin +++AFP
    (Cody had a horrible game and sat in a cushy house for most of the summer. Kevin had to be nice to these meatballs and was ignored by them.)

  38. As bitter as jury appears, it’s probably more show than reality.
    Even if some truth to it, Paul will still have votes from Arkantrashy, Kevin, Shitmas, PettyCat… question then becomes does he get Cereal Killer or Giant Meatballs…
    Matt may try to save face in his eyes and not give his vote to Gnome. If that’s the case he may second fiddle again.
    That’s all assuming that the bitter jury is just for show….
    Beyond Cody’s comment, I think was Mark, but may been Jason, who flat out said Paul wasn’t winning with this jury…I believe was Mark…either way, the votes for who ever is final 2 is going to be as much a cluster-f*** as the season itself was.

  39. Josh said tonight he “stayed true to his morals”. He must not know what morals are or his family raised him with an alternate set of morals that most of us aren’t familiar with. Raven is so dumb I almost feel sorry for what’s going to hit her when she gets out. I want a whole hour of just jury house. I really dislike sending Dr. Will in to steer the vote. There’s already been enough steering this season.

  40. This season of BB is absolute garbage. I am so over the entire concept of bringing back previous players. As if they don’t have a substantial advantage. The idea that the events that transpired in the house are fair is laughable. BB is scripted garbage. Production controls the game. It’s funny how people should “expect the unexpected” only when production isn’t happy with how things are going. I hate Paul. He is a collassal douchebag and the only thing that would make me happy would be to see him lose to one of his crying little sychophants.

  41. The sad part of tonight’s show was that Raven was dead ass serious when she said her and Paul was pulling all the strings! Then Matt was like yea me , Raven and Paul been working together all this time….. Josh is out last hope… He is a real fan of the show and you can tell that by his DR vids and He is the only one that’s been o to Paul’s bullshit and that will vote him out! Sad to say it but Shitmas with take Pail to final 2 over Josh who has been very loyal to her

    1. If Raven was running the show, she wouldn’t be in the jury house and if she truly thought Paul was with her then why isn’t he in the jury house…Raven is delusional. I’m glad Josh tells the truth in the messages, he at least is owning his game. Paul should be telling the truth the the goodbye messages. Will be hard for him to now say in his final speech he played everyone. Looks like Paul overlooked that step of the game.

  42. Voting for Jason for America’s favorite player I believe Jason is a hard-working person and he came to win the money for his family

    Two things I would like to see Josh wins HOH first and third excuse me I just like Christmas so much I just like Paul because he wasn’t satisfied just voting people out he had to hurt and humiliated them

  43. As a dedicated watcher and online big brother reader, I am having a hard time understanding why Cody should win anything! He is in the top 5 all time worst cast members of big brother. I am totally on board that this is one of the worst seasons of big brother, but this guy was terrible as a gameplayer(social and strategy) from week one. Simon I am guessing that the thought process is simply a big fu to cbs for a bad season, I’m hoping it’s not because you actually think his gameplay was good.

  44. Mark: “It’s one big happy family in this house. Cody likes his alone time and me and Elena do our own thing. But then we all come together, so it’s fun.”

    -Cut to Cody-

    “No I don’t enjoy my time in the jury house.”

  45. I think paul has overlooked one thing, he should be owning his game in the goodbye speeches. Not still acting shocked. By owning it, he can use it in his final speech but now using it after even lying in the messages is not smart.

  46. When you have been grifting people half your life it’s probably not that hard to bullshit people (Raven and her mastermind insanity) the way she tried and Matt (insert facepalm pic).

  47. I cant vote for anyone for AFP that lied in bed getting/giving BJs all season. – No on Cody, matt raven mark elena
    Alex- Biggest blunder not putting up xmas josh
    Jason- Pretty offensive dick on BBAD
    Kevin- On several feeds he pointed out how rigged the game was. So anyone who takes a shot at Pigface Grodner gets my vote

  48. I don’t blame Cody for being an A$$ to everyone in the jury house, remember how they treated him. They kept saying it’s just a game, but they got personal. I’d be just as salty myself and not forgive their sorry a$$e$ either.

  49. There is a logic error I’m seeing.
    Paul’s plan is to basically say he had to stay five steps ahead of everyone else in order to win.
    Here is the logic error: he’s been leaving goodbye messages that belie that in order to avert a bitter jury. Instead of pacifying them, he’s playing dumb.
    To Jason: if you hear this then we’ve both been betrayed.
    To Kevin: if you hear this then Christmas went rogue.
    He can’t go up in front of the jury and own his puppetmastery if he’s been playing the ‘it wasn’t my doing’ card to the jurors.
    He should be owning it. He isn’t, and due to the jury messages, he can’t without creating fresh bitterness right before the vote.
    What he should have been doing in jury messages instead of playing dumb? Owning it and buttering them up with I couldn’t beat you so you had to go.
    Part of jury management if you are playing the puppet master game is letting the jury know that you owned them, but then making sure that they are still inclined to vote for you to win.
    Btw, why wasn’t Alex shown goodbye messages? Oh, to keep her on the Paul boat. Got it.

    1. agree 100%. Alex wasn’t shown goodbye messages because she was evicted on the surprise night. There wasn’t time to film them.

      1. There wasn’t time in the two or three days she was sitting in the have not room to film goodbye messages? okay.
        No. they didn’t film them because she wouldn’t hear Josh telling her Paul has been plotting her exit for weeks.
        Since Raven and Matt have the credibility of graffitti on a bathroom wall, and Kevin isn’t really listened to with any credibility… They needed to have someone bitter but not fully informed to act as an advocate for Paul in jury. Though let’s be real, the jury vote has become just as contrived as the d/r or actual strategy that doesn’t match planned storyline editing. All they have to do is hand out a recording development contract, or promise of appearance on a stupid cbs show as walk on twit number one to get their sag card, and they can get most of them to vote however they want.

  50. I LOVED the way jury house did not buy Raven’s spin on the game play……the facial expressions were worth watching after this horrible season.

  51. They fixed the voting. Anyone can vote, you just have to sign in on the CBS sight. You do not have to have All Access, and it will stop you at 20.

    1. Hi Simon,

      You may want to change you’re intro. It may be confusing some people.

      Thanks so much for your hard work this season! You made it enjoyable.

  52. I think the only real reason to vote for Cody as AFP is that he was basically the only one who saw through the bullsh@t. He may have sucked socially but he was very refreshing on a season full of sheep.

  53. As much as I would like to see Paul eliminate in third place, I would much rater see him take second place AGAIN.
    KARMA’s a BIT$H and she is SO looking to put Paul in his place, hopefully more than ONCE!!!

  54. Best Jury house I’ve ever seen. These guys are hilarious! Jason is so funny. Says it like he sees it. I really hope they do not give Paul the win. I do not like any of the houseguest who are left in the game although one of them wins in the end. I truly hope the Jury gets the last laugh. Paul looses in the end.

  55. So, Matt still never caught on that PAUL was running ALL aspects of the game? He still thinks that Alex and Jason were running the competitions, and that Paul was only running the social aspects of the game? Really???

  56. Paul reminds me of Alf! That comedy about an alien. Go check it out! Paul looks and sound like Alf! I think he’s a direct descendant!

  57. Scene from the jury house:
    Raven: I was helping Paul pull strings.
    Chorus: Everybody was.
    Cody: I wasn’t.
    Hilarious!!! Cody DOES have a sense of humor, after all… It’s dry, but it exists. : – )

  58. I think we have a real romance as our only redemption for this season. Did any one notice how close Elena and Mark were? She was stroking his arm and they sat hip to hip, and please no rude comments, I think they looked cute, and I think they may be a coup,e that makes it work outside of the house.

  59. When strategic voting for afp comes down to a) who didn’t follow production edict and instead targeted their little bearded asshat and then wouldn’t play along and is only staying in order to collect the stipend and plane ticket…. or b) who was the least annoyingly painful to watch day in and day out but didn’t really do anything at all….. damn.
    If that doesn’t sum up the experience of bb19, nothing will.

  60. You all are funny. You say the whole show is rigged and totally scripted. “Just all actors playing a part” then see something you like in the jury house and act like that’s real. Jury house is all scripted as well. The show has writers. You btched all season “fake” “rigged” “scripted” because you didn’t like how the scripting played out in the house. But jury “oh god that was so great” yet also scripted and fake.

    I can just see the replys here now. “No you don’t get it the in house stuff is all fake. But jury house is real cuz we liked that” BOFL:-p

  61. As much as I want the jury to nail Paul for his dirty gameplay, I think he promised most of those people on the jury about all the cool things they would be doing with him once the game was over and some are willing to cling onto any remaining shred of dubious ‘celebrity’ Paul may have to make those pipedreams come true. Hopefully common sense will prevail and that half pint malignant troll will be put in his place for the second time.

  62. I don’t think the jury is as bitter as it should be. Sadly after watching the jury episode. Matt, Raven, Alex, Kevin, Christmas/Josh.. will all give it to Paul. Alex is stupidly trying to convince Jason to do the same as well.

    As for AFP, I’m going with Kevin. He was pretty positive throughout and got treated like crap, especially behind his back (I assume no extra chairs will be added to his Thanksgiving table). Realistically, being twice as old as many house guests and never watched the show before, he never stood a chance.

    I will also send Cody a couple votes for at least going against the grain.

    1. If you believe that Dr Will will call attention to what a horrible season it’s been and that he will call out Paul and the ” Gifts” of 4 passes on eviction and 8 ” friendship” bracelets, don’t hold your breath ….he works for and is paid by CBS and just like the tweets that CBS posts during the broadcasts he won’t say anything negative about how this year sucked.

  63. Is there a jinx since Josh started drinking his champagne while Paul was still pouring for Christmas and himself? Does Josh have bad manners?

  64. After watching Big Brother After Dark, I was in disbelief about how Paul and then Xmas were suddenly in…”Let me explain myself ” mode. Suddenly Paul was talking about how hard he had it coming in to the game…and having to play a completely different game,..trying to show us his perspective. Trying to show his humanity…talking about how he worried about how people might perceive him. Really never addressed the bullying or egging on – more about how what he did was about keeping the focus off him and him in the game. Xmas talks to Josh about how people perceive her as hard and not caring with no heart – but goes on to talk about getting thrown ouit of a retail store for arguing with the owner. Talks about how hard it is to be a trainer. You have to be tough because you get lots of criticism. I saw NO actions of bullying on Kevin like they had talked about doing so MAYBE production talked to them…But production must have given them more information than just saying don’t go through with yoiur bullying plan of Kevin. Suddenly Xmas is sweet-er with Kevin. They are talking to him – not spewing hate…. All three of them talking like normal nice human beings.
    What a dramatic difference – They are pivoting and trying to make people feel compassion for them…no more hate talk…but its too late. You can’t erase everything you said and did guys and gals. Its on record. All of your warm stories/ we are not so bad stories might be true but they can’t cancel out your bad behaviour. Its not forgotten or forgiven.

    1. Exactly! same with Josh. Just a day or so prior he was supposed to call Kevin every name in the book (old, wrinkly, fat etc) but come eviction day, he’s all hugs. Shut up fool, they all showed their true colors several times but CBS aired non of it. Hopefully fans flood Kevin with video clips of all the crap they were talking about him and open his eyes.

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