After the double eviction we finally saw a shift in who holds the power in the game and witnessed a whole wack of games get destroyed. As was planned Zakiyah went home, followed by Corey winning both the HOH and Veto. Corey put up Bridgette and Michelle and told everyone he wanted Bridgette out. Paulie rubber stamped this. Bridgette goes home followed by Victor winning the second HOH of the night.
Paulie blew a fuse after what happened the days leading up to and after Zakiyah leaving. It was clear on Thursday night that Corey/Nicole and Paulie are alone, the rest of the house wanting them out being sick of their sh1t for the past 5 weeks. Before nominations Nicole gets the Super safety Care package. This protects her from being nominated. the nomination ceremony goes down, Victor puts up Corey and Paulie.
Corey,Paulie and Nicole hope if they can win the Power of Veto someone from the other side has to go up and they can flip 1 vote, at this point they think they can flip Michelle and get Natalie nominated as the replacement. The thing is this is left for Paulie to pull off. Nicole and Corey essentially lock themselves in the Tokyo room while the rest of teh house parties in the London room.
Paul, Michelle and Natalie call Paulie out one more time before the Power of Veto Competition. They bring up his scheming and pitting them against each other, they bring up his douchie comments about Natalie and Bridgette, They highlight his comp wins and shady behavior. People brings sup how shitty he was about Zakiyah.. etc. Paulie does himself no favours and blows a fuse.. After the blow up JAmes lets COrey and Paulie know that one of them is going home regardless of who wins the POV.
Victor wins the Power of Veto ensuring both Paulie and Corey stay on the block. At this point Paulie knows he’s the target, he has a mental break, Tells everyone his psychiatrist told him he’s playing with fire being in the house.. Paul wants the other side to put paranoia in Corey and Nicole. Make them think they are all on the fence and leaning to keep Paulie. They encourage Paulie to campaign telling him he might have a chance. Paul wants to rattle them so much so they don’t win the next HOH.
Paulie tries to cut deals with everyone in the house. Before the POV Ceremony he’s trying to claim that he was always just loyal to the boys alliance. Tries to get Victor to use the veto on Corey so they can get out a girl. He uses things like his aunt having cancer, being a loyal person like Cody was etc etc.. Victor doesn’t budge and keeps the Veto unused..
After the POV Ceremony Paulie starts up another round of campaigning this time saying they can “weaponize” him to get James or Victor out and if he doesn’t pull it off he’ll just quit. At one point he told a group of people he wouldn’t put any of them up.. Victor later pointed out that leaves just the plant .. Paulei even asked them all to open their tickets up so he could know what his ticket was. (It’s ridiculous)
After the the Veto was played the week more or less became dull, they really didn’t pull off making Nicole and Corey paranoid. There was a couple times but ultimately James reassuring them every 5 minutes Corey is good didn’t help. It’s sad cause this would have been fun to watch. Paulie didn’t go all cut throat on Corey and while he did campaign it’s was ridiculous campaigning. Corey and Nicole are isolating themselves from the rest of the house, in her mind they are Jeff and Jordan. Her delusions are starting to become becoming more and more.
Last minute campaigning by Paulie hours before the live show.
Predictions for tonight
Paulie goes home by a vote of 5-0
Paulie has the round trip and wins HOH. Michelle wins the Co-HOH puts Corey up. Corey goes home. Nicole latches onto Victor for a late season showmance.
Actual results
In Paulie’s eviction speech he stays positive and at the end tells Michelle she missed out on one thing this summer … a showmance. He then goes to dip her and give her a kiss.
Michelle votes to evict: Paulie
Nicole votes to evict: Paulie
James votes to evict: Paulie
Natalie votes to evict: Paulie
Paul votes to evict: Paulie
Evicted House Guest: Paulie by a 5-0 vote.
Paulie has a one way ticket and will not re-enter the house. That’s the end of round trip ticket twist … what a flop. Paulie says he was trying to play the sympathy card in the house and says crying doesn’t work as well for men as it does for women.

Paul had the round trip ticket. He jumps up and says solved the riddle and got the round trip ticket!

Please note: The #BBLF will be back up tonight b/t 10-11pm PST. The Houseguests are filming something awesome! #BB18
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 19, 2016
Tomorrow’s special Friday episode the county fair party with Ziggy Marley.
Julie Chen announced that there will be a jury buy back.
Oh hell no!
Fuck you production
Now that I’ve cooled off, bye bye Corey. Nicole, you’re next bitch.
So what did Production do?
Jury buy back. Julie announced at end of show.
this is ridiculous now! a jury buyback? they announce this crap after production’s inside investment player Paulie got evicted tonight. the round trip ticket/secret room was a total failure. Paul got screwed. he was the first to solve the secret room puzzle, and actually had the round trip ticket. you’re trying to tell me production couldn’t find a way to have the round trip ticket still in play, instead of wasting more time trying to insert an evicted player from the jury house to the BB game again.
Someone so sour! It’s just a prediction hahahha
Paulie telling Julie that it was his ‘game play’ for his annoying behavior the past week. Paulie thinks Julie and America buy into his bully, tantrum, childish out lashes as mere game…LOL go sell it to a 2 year old Paulie !!
Paulie basically admitted he’s a scumbag, to Julie, by saying everything he did and said was strategy. So, there’s no aunt dying of cancer. He’s disgusting. He doesn’t deserve to come back.
I am with you about what production should do to themselves I am sick to death of these buy backs. Paulie, hell they all had a shot to get back in with the ticket. Didn’t happen. So what now? Skeet shooting….soccer….won’t be something the women have an equal athletic ability for I’ll bet you. This is their way of letting Paulie back in. I hate when they have favorites that we don’t like and they ram them down our throats. If I am wrong about Paulie coming back in I promise I will post and apologize. But Bridgette is the only one I would like to see come back and even then, I don’t want a buy back at all. Poor old Frank is the only one who had no opportunity this season to buy back in. Not that I liked him but it does seem unfair.
Live Stream of tonight’s episode ==>>
Is there another link to use? This one is not working for me. ????
Link did not work on any of my devices. Damn football! Preseason at that. CBS needs to not put BB on a football night. Ok rant over. Thank you Dawg and Simon for all you do. If not for your spoilers I would have to stay up til 1:30 to find out what happened on BB tonight.
LOVE your predictions! Can’t wait to see how it turns out!! Hoping and praying he doesn’t have the round trip ticket, but I feel he likely does, so fingers crossed.
Simon you’re funny.
I hope things are stirred up tonight. This week was too monotonous.
I hope Paulie gets boo’ed so he can see how much everyone really hates him but if he doesnt its because BB filled the seats with staff and security.
I think I heard a couple.
Hate to tell you your dream of him getting booed doesn’t happen!
I hope your prediction is correct. Except for the part with Nicole and Victor. OMG it sounds crazy
Thanks for live feed! Thank you thank you.. Can’t watch here cause of football! Tnx
Victor didn’t ask Nicole directly. But he did say she had a great personality and would like to hangout after the show and that Natilie couldn’t carry a conversation that interested him. Vic said to Paul and Jozea she wifey material and pretty. Nicole got pissed at Corey for opening his big mouth to James who spreader around the house. Nicole started crying because sh didn’t want it get around. Victor and Nicole squashed the date rumo because she denied he asked her out. But Nicole lied and said he didn’t ask her out because he was being backdoored.
What happened? Why is that first person freaking out?
The first commenter likely posted before the “actual” results were posted. Simon posted “predictions” for tonight’s episode, which included Paulie having the round-trip ticket. That person must think that production fixed the round-trip ticket for Paulie to reenter the game.
Is there a different link? I can’t view on the one posted
Noooooooooo Paulie has to go!
we have not seen the last of Paulie.
That look on James face when Paulie starts crying. Hahaha
I bet any amount of money Paulie is gonna have the round trip ticket!!
“Corey goes home. Nicole latches onto Victor for a late season showmance.”
HA! Simon and Dawg – I love the humor y’all bring to the updates!
Paulie goes home by a vote of 5-0
Paulie has the round trip and wins HOH. Michelle wins the Co-HOH puts Corey up. Corey goes home. Nicole latches onto Victor for a late season showmance
LOLLLLL Simon…this is why I have been coming to this site since it was named BB8spoilers
Someone needs a chill pill. It’s a game!
CBS won’t come in. Started streaming online 15 mins in. What did i miss?
Paulie doesn’t have the ticket… I know it!!
Someone please give me a legitimate reason why Nicole is so hated on this site!
Because she has done nothing but whine all summer and clung to Coey 24/7 and not engaged with anyone. Waste of a cast member to just sit around.
James have done the exact same thing. NOTHING
Sooo correct on Nicole, She wines about everything, her voice is even winey!! I been routing for Nicole to be voted off scence week 1 when she so Raluctantly “didn’t want to be HOH” …. UGH, Just can’t stand Nicole! !!
Um, she doesn’t play the game, she just latches onto a guy and hangs out in bed all day, she doesn’t socialize with anyone and so much more but you said just one.
All she does is lie and whine… She wins nothing and is exactly the player she claims to hate.
Hope this helps
– she whines incessantly
– she’s glommed on to the first guy who looked at her
– she’s extremely jealous
– she whines continuously
– she is a slob and doesn’t clean up after herself
– she is a mean, rude girl
– she hasn’t played the game AT ALL
– she whines
I think that about covers it. Anyone else want to chime in?
Nicole talks to no one except Corey, Paulie and the odd time to James
She has zero balls too. Everytime she answers a question that has a yes or no, she would exaggerate her answer. Nicole would always agree to the person’s question by saying “I agree” or “I think”
Nicole does not know that Hawaii is part of the USA
Nicole is still a fruit loop dingus until the end of time
And she whines
All that your saying about Nicole goes double for Nat.
Nat destroys Paulie’s game. She ended his chance of winning $500,000. Nicole has done ZERO
Wow Misty, sounds like you are what we all know as a big bully that don’t know the difference between real life and a game….Learn to play nice!!
Bite me. My summary was no better or worse than the others who also comment on Nicole’s lack of game. Go have a cookie.
There’s no good reason…. Just haters that forget their watching a “GAME”…. It’s only a game people …. HA
About 10 minutes away from production rig.
Oh well. It was a great season. Thank you everyone
yes paulie is gone
Glad to be wrong
So much for the conspiracy theories. Hopefully his exit interview revealed to the rest of America who he is and is not awarded America’s Favorite Player
Hi HO the Witch is DEAD
Bye Paulie. Don’t let the door hit you where the Good Lord split you!
No return ticket!!
Praise the BB Gods!!!! I’m having an extra glass of wine today!
What an arrogant SOB right to the end. He obviously think he is the golden boy of the season! Can’t wait for the reality check heading his way! Not going to miss you fool!
FFS this isnt Big Brother, its Big kiss Booty. Eviction messages all about love and friendship. one week Paulie’s hell’s spawn, next week, he’s gods gift to man kind. Make up your minds.
Ummm cause Jury. Plus they didn’t show Natalie’s which she admitted was pretty viscious.
out with the Champagne!
Oh Paulie, you’re a giant douchecanoe and the edit you got on this show was more than you deserved. Peace out Boy Scout, you’re the worst.
Bye bye Bawlie!
Betting Nicole had the round trip ticket
Big Meech will certainly be glad she wore panties!
She was wearing shorts although her top and bra were not meant to go together.
Very impressed Paul aka BB 18 winner
What a relief!!!!!!! Thank goodness Paulie’s out!
Should have figured that it would be Paul who had the ticket
Congrats Paul on having the Round Trip Ticket.
Oh Paulie Those girls in the Jury House are waiting for you. Karma is a Bitch and you’re going to be their Bitch.
No HOH? Next big twist? Everyone who said that those expecting a juror back were idiots can SUCK IT!
then i hate to break the news to you: julie announced a jury back comp. the current 4 plus next evictee will compete to get back in the house. so it is pretty important i guess that these people are able to evict corey, that way if either of them win the come back, the other will not be in the house to work with.
that and hopefully bridgette soldiers thru and wins the comeback?
perhaps you should have held off calling everyone idiots until the end of the show. Your poorly timed comment certainly shows who is the idiot.
No I said that there would be a jury buyback, and I was called an idiot
My apologies. Thank you for clarifying. I commented that I felt certain we would be “blessed” with the second coming of Paulie and I was down-thumbed.
Simon & Dawg, what ticket number did Paul have?
I don’t remember
I think Paul’s ticket was #9.
I don’t think this twist was a flop. It did create tension during the evictions. There was a slightly less than half chance it would be used. We all knew that from the beginning.
I knew there would be a jury buy back.
Julie just announced that one of the first 5 jurors are coming back. >:(
4 jurors and Frank.
The first 5 jurors. Frank is not a juror, the next evicted houseguest will have the chance NOT Frank. he’s home, he’s watching, he knows too much.
Would love to see them when Pauline’s plays the tape in jury and the Meech kiss.
Simon, was it you who predicted that they would have a Juror renter the house?
It was everyone
So Paulie is coming back anyway… Should’ve just given him the damn round trip ticket. Such BS.
I hope everybody else opens their tickets now. I want to know who had it.
I bet it was Natalie.
What was the twist that Julie announced at the end of the show?
A juror will reenter the house. Someone predicted it on this site but I forget who it was.
Another buyback?! Now I wish Victor got evicted and won the buy back again=) I’m not fond of this many shots at getting back in but I guess they wanted to give the vets as many shots as they could. I just hope it’s not a physical comp. I’d love to see the buy back being something similar to the hold the button and last one is back in.
This buy back was probably responsible for Paulie’s mood swing. I’m sure they told him he had another shot even if he didn’t have the ticket.
So when he disappeared last night maybe some production/family negotiations that he goes out in his terms. Money or agreement he doesn’t actually stay in jury house!?! He was waaaaay to “normal” at the end and it seems like the edit and cheers were so fake.
They are having the last five jury members fight it out to come back. Boooooooooooooooooooooooo
And the second chances keep on rolling. You know Paulie is gonna steam roll the other 4 jury members and return to the house. Why even have evictions anymore?
Let’s see if Paulie will count the jury comp he wins to come back in as an actual win … If he can do it … I’m hoping that one of the girls beat him. Sweet revenge lol.
Why is there a jury buyback :/ Hopefully it’ll be Bridgette or at least Da. If its Paulie I’m done
I’d like to see Brigette return as well. She was evicted as collateral damage in the double eviction! She might be able to light a fire under these passive girls and get them into the game in a meaningful way.
i have to assume that it is happening because no one used the return ticket. not sure why we have to endure getting someone (other than bridgette) back in the house, they could just eliminate one of the DE nights if that’s the problem. has to be plan b this buy back, when the return trip twist didn’t happen.
and yes, who doesn’t think that paulie won’t win it? or of course if corey is eliminated next week, best case scenario so the two cannot be reunited. maybe corey can pull out the win. as long as james/nat aren’t HOH and aren’t the ones putting nicorey up, chances are no backlash for them. backlash on them would not be as interesting as putting up vic and paul obviously, 🙂 not that they can with the game changing co HOH
Oh hell no – that buy back competition better not be tailor made for Paulie.
BTW, what’s the over/under on Zakiyah winding up in his bed? Da will be spitting fire!
Now a jury member has a chance to get back into the house. WTF? Enough already!
Have they ever had it twice in one season before??? Why!!??
What if victor gets evicted Again and then comes back Again and then win, one for the record books
the whole second chance thing is lame imo.
Another thing about Paulie’s ridiculous assertion that his pitiful crying and temper tantrums was all an act, He’s not that good. He choked under pressure and wigged out and that was his pathetic attempt at covering it.
Slow it down. First 5 juror buy back?! (Dirty word!!!)
Hope Big Meech gets HOH
I so wish we had live feeds in the jury house! I want to hear those girls tear him a new one!
Too bad Z won’t get to hear Paulie’s answer to Julie’s question about his feelings for Z. She seems like a very weak person and unless she gets hit by a freight train loaded with the cold hard truth that he was using her, I can see her pursuing Paulie ad nauseum.
Z will pursue Paulie until he totally ignores her in the house & outside the house. Any kindness he may show she will think is interest. Its obvious it is purely physical whatever it was they shared, becuz Z couldn’t spit out a sentence in convo with Paulie. She appeared very uncertain of herself when speaking to him, almost reverting to a childish behavior instead of a woman. He’s a player and she allowed him to play. She had more red flags popping up from her head than the fourth of July. Sad!
Jury buyback… C&*%P I hope it is a vote back or Da’Vonne wins her first Competition ever. If it is an Americas Vote can we get together and pick who we are going to Vote back in… by a poll and stick to it. I think if it is an Americas Vote VOTE Bridgette Back.
Way to take out all of the joy that Paulie had a one way ticket. I hope it isn’t a House Guest Buy Back Comp.
That picture of Paulie is GREAT! He looks like a damn serial killer!
They should make the “jury buy back” be based on a vote by America-bring back whoever America votes to come back (I know that will never happen!)
Does frank get a chance at the jury buy back or does he get screwed for being evicted to late and to early??
Frank is not in the jury so he’s not getting a chance to return.
Y’all need to watch season 3 to find out why they sequester the jury
Can someone explain the jury buy back please? 🙂
I think Frank and the first 4 jurors will have a shot at returning. I’d rather have a rewind.
Frank cannot come back into the house, he’s been home watching the show getting info.
Da’Vonne, Zakiyah, Bridgette, Paulie and whoever gets evicted next will have the chance.
NOT FRANK!!!!!!!!
Is anyone really surprised that there will be a jury member returning? It will be Paulie and I am dead cert that AG and minions organised this buyback to keep Paulie in line. He was too calm tonight and it would not come as a shock to know that prod probably had negotiations with Paulie. Bollocks.
so sorry my apologies. I should not have used the word boll**ks. Just a bit miffed right now.
Very glad that Paulie is gone tonight but now he has a chance to get back into the game with the 5 jury members having a chance to compete to return to the game after the next eviction. Glad he did not have the return ticket. Though production did show a clip of Paulie refusing to bake a pie they did not show the rest of the antics. Oh well I am accepting what they did show mainly because this website through live feeds learned who Paulie really is as a person. And I DO NOT believe for one minute it was his game strategy for symptoms that he acted that way. Plain and simple Paulie lost his $&!T because he could not handle losing. Enough about Paulie because he does not deserve any more of my time. I really think the show is going to get interesting and I am excited to see how the rest of the HG’s play their game. Now to go give Victor more of my votes for ACP. Again thank you thank you sooooo much Simon and Dawg for this wonderful website. You guys keep it real and classy.
Paulie was his usual cocky, obnoxious self tonight all the way to the end. Picking up Julie like she was just some fan girl was rude and disrespectful of her position . Paulie is just all around unattractive. Glad to see him go!
I think Paul really likes Natalie. Not in a sexual way but has true #friendship with her. I also think he wants her in final two with him and he is trying to figure out a way to make that happen without being the one that chooses. Seriously though, the convos with James, Natalie, Paul and Vic this last week have been enjoyable.
I kind of wanted Paulie to have the round trip ticket. I wanted to see the drama it would of caused. Now I’m afraid that the rest of the season is going to be boring. I really don’t like Paulie but I don’t like how they all went after him right before the VETO, especially Paul. I hate that Paulie is getting all the blame for the past when Paul was just as much a part of it as he was. I hope everyone turns on Paul, even Victor.
If the HOH comp is the slip n slide one where they fill up jugs then I could definitely see James or Paul winning that one!!
so my dvr didn’t record BB , it said it was recording as I had the Olympics on . when I went to start watching at 40minutes in no bb on my drv list . I went back and forth to tv dvr . then it pops on the list . I selected bb from the list and it started showing usian bolt from the 200 mt Oylmpics I was watching 5 minutes earlier ! so I only saw crybaby Paulie with Julie saying people ganged up on him and the rest of the mess about the jury being able to come back ! that’s bull ! enough of this coming back in , special powers and VETS ! enough with the VETS mixed in . how about an all gay cast but one srt person house , how about just one token white person for once or how about an all fans of the show house . man I am pissed I missed the one episode I really wanted to see ! THANKS SPECTRUM .
I didnt catch the end of the episode tonight…. Did they say why there is a special episode tomorrow?
I don’t buy Paulie saying his boo hoo crying was all part of his strategy. So why was he crying in the DR?! Obviously the house guests can’t see him cry in there.
Paulie bye bye!!! No return ticket, paul had it #9… He shld get it he got code first… Now jury buy back which sucks cuz we know paulie will be back… Now doesnt that include who gets voted out this thurs gets to play too for jury buy back? Go vic for co-hoh and Nat for hoh!!!
Frank is not in the jury. I think it is whoever gets put out next week and four already in jury house.
Glad to hear that production still wants Paulie to return to the game.
Holy balls.
Jury Buy Back. Terrible. Sometimes you don’t need to throw all these ‘twists’ into the game, takes away from the actual game play.
You want to do something, production? Get rid of Nicole. Forever. Floater. Again, this season.
Right said Fred.
Ruins the game.
Paulie was so full of crap that he was acting and trying to manipulate. Fool had a melt down.
Since the jury buy back is the first 5 jury members, that means whoever is “clipped” next week will compete.
I don’t want Vic evicted, but it would be amazing if he got evicted next Thursday and then beat Paulie’s ass in the buy back comp. especially since Paulie doesn’t think Vic’s battle back wins count.
Paulie would need a sedative. Lol
The jury buy back is because nobody came back in from a round trip ticket.
Paulie looked like a cartoon kid on a bazooka bubble gum comic
Say what you want but only Bridgette (mainly) or Davonne deserve to come back. Obviously nobody likes Paulie, and Zakyiah earned her title as a flop, when she kept running back to Paulie and defending him.
I don’t for one minute believe all that crying was for sympathy. Why do it in diary room? Paulie was crying because he is a p***y. Big old TI**Y BABY. Then pretend it was all for game. Yeah right.
Exactly. You know production told him about the buy back. That’s why he changed his tune. If the buy back is physical then we’ll know it’s set up for a guy to return. To be fair, it needs to be a mental comp. I pray it’s Bridgette that returns. Definitely not flop Z or Paulie.
Frank is toast.
Hoping the person who wins the Buy Back competition is not automatically the HOH. They won’t be able to get a Care Package, maybe to balance things out they will become HOH.
Loved seeing Brendon and Rachel’s baby but where on earth did they get that name? smh
Thanks! See you in 20 years…I’m bred to play BB!
I guess you’ll form an alliance with the love child of Paulie/Zakiyah.
Fuck no! Enough with the “twists”. We the audience do not want Paulie to get back into the house. Can you say rigged?
If the season were to go as its unfolding it will be one of the most boring ends to a descent season ever. There is is No one really to pull for anymore. you figure Corey/Nicole go next then James and down the line to Paul and Vic. Corey and James may as well be the same person, lead by girls and well..esspecially James is just a weak minded floater. I used to like him but I’m so tired of just seeing him played …last season and this season.
Nicole… i can agree with everyone saying she isn’t doing anything either, I disagree with the snake comment. Meech is one of the meanest girls to ever play the game and like Paulie can’t handle it wen things go against her. Natalie IS FAKE and extremly annoying and Paul…OMG he’s gotta go had enough with “friendship” and he;s just continuing Paulies game. So that leaves Vic a competition beast with no mind of his own. Just a soldier doing what he’s told. at least a buy back will make it interesting at least for an episode
What was he saying? I can’t make it out.
I’m so over these evicted HGS keep given the chance to go back in the BB house. Eventhough, I was rooting for Da’Vonne earlier in the game, I don’t think she would last. She has been gone too long, just like Frank. Sorry but, Z is irrelevant. Bridgette and Paulie could only do some damage in the house. I’m not getting my hopes up high about Paulie being evicted until after the jury comp. I’m still alittle suspicious of all these twists.
James and Natalie are going to ruin everything. They are believing what Nicole is telling them about Paul. They want to take out Paul. How can they be so stupid. Hope this blows up in their faces.
From what I’ve seen what they’re saying about Paul is true , Paul lies about Everything maybe it’s his turn as the next paulie
Damn I thought Paulie had the round trip ticket for a minute I actually screamed but it was Paul lol and ugh a buy back again?! They really are trying to make this the longest season oh well at least Bridge might have a chance to come back
Paulie had to get in one more sexist dig before leaving. So much for a graceful exit, @$$hole. Still has no clue what a tool box he is.
Is it true that Meech is a real bully outside the BB house? All seems to be true…. Need to rethink it before voting a care package or anything for a real mean girl….. Just saying
Wow, Big Brother sucks big time this year… Especially don’t like Paul … Anyone that can say I’ve only lied one time this whole game is full of s@$&! They all suck!! Done watching… At least my hubby can have his shows back now… Lol
James was Jealous of Vic and the guys. Couldn’t get rid of them so he’s pissed. Also Vic and Paul said someone did the deed in the bumper cars and didn’t wrap it , maybe that’s what’s on his mind now… her prego, they are so dumb.