Big Brother 17 Punishments 2400 Battles and 24 Hours of Shining

POV Holder: James Next POV Aug 1st
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 2nd
HOH James Next HOH Aug 6th
Original Nominations: Shelli and Clay
Current Nominations: ?
Have Nots Austin, Liz, Julia

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9:00pm Jackie has to wear a knight costume and and Vanessa has to follow her around “Shining her”
Vanessa – when She sleeps I can sleep.. I get interrupted throughout the night Time to buff”
Vanessa has to constantly shine JAckie for 24 hours.

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9:22pm Clay and Meg Chit chat
(They’ve been spending a lot of time together)

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Shelli has to complete 2400 “Battles” she can take a break and complete them whenever she wants. In the backyard there’s medieval obstacles. While wearing a polyester medieval costume she must to swing a sword, Stab a sword and Chop with a sword. When she hits 100 she goes into the house and rings the bell. If she cannot complete the task she isn’t able to play in next weeks POV.

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9:57pm Shelli doing her task while the rest of the player play charades. Lots of cheering and good will.

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Shelli is trying to get as many as she can done tonight. She doesn’t want to do it tomorrow when it’s hot.

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11:17pm “She has to stay outside until it’s done she has to protect the palace”

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11:18pm Looks like Vanessa just has to buff jackie’s shield to satisfy the punishment requirements.

11:40pm Shelli completes 400 battles.

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11:55pm James and Jmac
James giving reasons why he went back on his word and nominated Clay and Shelli. “Had to make a move man.. didn’t want to waste a HOH”
James – I’ve been straightforward with you.. I’ve never pressured you to vote anybody..

James – I think they all have been on the block besides austin
Jmac .. Vanessa
James – Julie
Jamc – Everyone tims will come.

12:09am Kitchen Austin, James, Jmac, Meg
Austin say he has slop brain it’s like Zombie brain when you slur your words
James says listening to Meg gives him slop brain
they all laugh

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12:11am 500

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12:15am Austin Vanessa and JAckie
Austin – The punishments are on this week Everyone has something fun (The twins and him are have nots, Shelli has the battles, Jackie and Vanessa are attached.)

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12:40AM 600

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59 thoughts to “Big Brother 17 Punishments 2400 Battles and 24 Hours of Shining”

      1. I’m not a Shelli fan…and maybe it’s the punishment, but her and that green outfit and orange tights….I’ll be honest, she looks, Whoa. Kinda delicious…..
        Don’t get me wrong she has to go….I believe it is due to her galloping back and forth

        1. She kinda looks like She-Ra. I guess Clay could be her He-Man Austin could be Beast Man and Steve could be Orko. (Masters of the Universe kids!)

  1. Shellie’s going to hurt like a mother when she’s done with this punishment. Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it??

    1. Shelli is gonna beast her way through this punishment. It’s obvious she’s a comp threat, but people want her to stay. Smh.

  2. I’ve been saying for the last two weeks that Meg is thirsty for Clay. It was obvious that she wanted Shelli gone and was trying to avoid Clay going up with her. Her reaction when she found out that he was telling the house to vote him out instead of Shelli was so transparent. It’s funny seeing Shelli have to do her punishment…while she watches Meg take the opportunity to cozy up to Clay during them. It is probably motivating her to get through them as fast as possible…so she can break that $#&% up!

    1. Given her play to this point I’m sure Megan doesn’t even know it’s a great game move to get Clay on their side by crushing on him. And given Clay’s inability to think for himself he would go straight to her cuz she likes him. Like or dislike Shelli the game play IQ of this group will drop upon her leaving. Should be fun to watch !!

      1. LOL, On Jason’s twitter *@jason_bb17″ he’s loving Meg “stealing” Shelli’s man. Ding Dong the wicked witch is dead……

          1. Whether it was or not is no reason to call someone an idiot. Why do some people have to resort to childish name calling if they disagree. Come on-try to be a little respectful even if you think someone is wrong. It’s not that hard for goodness sake.

      2. Oh good lord. Clay knows he’s hot and he’s screwing with Meg’s head cause he wants her to do what he wants, which is save Shelli and him. And Meg is stupid enough to fall for it. But for a few IQ points, Meg really is this year’s Victoria.

    2. Yeah Meg has been hot for Clay since the beginning. Now that Clay is telling everyone to vote him out instead of Shellie I wonder if Meg will try to get James to use the veto on him so he can’t be voted out.

    3. First Meg went for jeff and now she goes for Clay. Like Jeff said, she just smells of bad decisions. girl is a trainwreck outside of the house, it just shows.

  3. Question for the “real” fans of BB that are on this site not the people watching the edited CBS show. Thanks Simon & Dawg!! If you could pick 3 from this years cast that you could chill with (outside the game itself) which ones do you believe you would choose ?? I think Meg, Jason (I’d have to ask him to slow down on calling girls “bitches”) & Julia seem like who I would be most likely to. Just curious cuz I’m sure we all see it differently.

    1. Hang out? so a 1 time hang out? 3….

      1. J-Mac…there is so much more to that guy, and I already love the tiny bit he gives us
      2. Vanessa- lets face it…she likely has some solid connections, would probably be a fun night out.
      3. tough one…James is too childish but his moves this week make me want to put him here just because……ah heck who am I kidding, I’d totally pick Jackie.

    2. Audrey, James and Jace. Because I don’t have any time I ended up in jail stories, and they’re the best bet to get one.

    3. Jackie: She cracks me up when she is blunt.
      Jason: Hysterically funny, would fit in with my friends perfect.
      Vanessa: It would have to be in Vegas with Jackie and her living there.. She is smart and fun.

    4. Vanessa, brains for days and interesting and big heart
      Julia, just fun and nice to the nerds like me
      Audrey, just out there if her hilarious twitter feed is any indication
      Steve, just because I really enjoy brainiacs
      That’s 4 so push comes to shove I’d drop Julia

  4. Seems Clay will be going home this week but the look of Meg towards Clay shows she clearly has an endearing look towards him… Should be a fun week to see what Clay/Shelli do with James to try to have him remove one of them with his POV…

    1. If this week is a double eviction like they think then the power of the house is up for grabs. So Clay or Shelli go home and then HOH comp and if it’s a fast forward double eviction, nom’s, pov, and another out and another immediately and then another HOH comp. Sounds fun, let’s do this !!

      1. double eviction is not this week. julie would have announced it last episode. most likely two weeks when jury starts so they have more than one person in jury at all times.

    1. ok, seriously, the 4 people out there who actually vote down a comment on punishments, I’d LOVE to hear why that is instead of hiding behind the thumbs…

      you don’t like punishments in Big Brother? especially the POV competition based reward/punishment? why? I mean really, I can’t fathom a reason why someone would be opposed to that and am legitimately interested.

  5. I bet she tired!! Crying and whining!! BooHoo!!!! Bye Shelli, don’t hit your door way out. Thank you James, for turning this around.

    1. OMG if these idiots really want to keep Shelli over Clay they deserve to lose the $500k to Shelli! They are SO STUPID!!! Someone PLEASE tell James what Clay said and get his ass off the block! Putting up Liz ensure the 2 votes they need to get rid of Shelli! Come on Production, clue in James would ya??

  6. Shelli’s *punishment* is really a reward. A trimmer waist…maybe even thinner thighs 🙂
    She is taking it like a trooper…but then….she is fuelled by anger. Those sword thrusts her mind..James, Meg and Jackie.
    Also..she’s thinking of the accolades from BB fans. Oh..OK. ( eye swivel here)
    Clay is behaving as though he’s in a romance novel ( Fabio comes to mind..LOL) I remember those * it’s not real butter commercials)
    It now remains to be seen..if James gets wind of the *sick* sense wanting to keep Shelli.
    I think more to spite james than anything. Because keeping Shelli..will result in quite a few evictions. ( Becky, Julia, Steve, Liz, Austin.Vanessa..Jackie, Meg…( not necessarily in that order…either as HOH..or paranoia..or votes..and taking Johnie Mac to finals
    Cold eyes..Fake toothy grin. And in denial. Actually..Fake all over. Hopefully..someone wakes up….and Shelli and Vanessa go buh-bye.
    Could happen. Or………..maybe not. BB production mixing things up to keep ratings. Merde.

    1. She’s taking it like a champ because she probably was given a special power that will save both her and Clay on Thursday.

  7. I was watching earlier, and Vanessa was telling the Story of Jackie the Knight in a Scottish brogue, she had a very good accent and quite a good story. Jackie looks horrible in the Knight’s outfit, way too big. Shelli looks nice in her outfit. There is no game talk going on right now, but as soon as Shelli’s and Vanessa’s 24 hour punishment is over, it is going to become very interesting.

  8. Seems like most people on here aren’t pay attention
    The “plan” is to continue letting James think that everyone is voting out
    Shellie so noms stay the same … Then vote out Clay instead
    (Plan = Twins, Austin, Van, Steve, JM, n Becky )
    If this were to happen James, Jackie, n Megs heads are going to
    spin around and explode on live TV
    It’ll be great TV! lol
    Clay is telling everyone to vote him out and keep Shellie
    But … As usual, Clay can’t keep his big F’n mouth shut and tells Meg to vote him out
    Meg of course tells Jackie this. Jackie will tell James sooner than later I’m sure.
    I still doubt that James will use the POV … He will most likely keep noms the same.
    Then there is the Austin ego factor … Austin wants to be the one to fall on the sword to protect his woman … Clay might steal his glory? So Austins jealousy and stupidity may once again come threw and he might get Liz and himself to vote out Shellie?
    Also Clay might be thinking if he were to stay he could get a little Meg action going?
    I wish Shellie had walked in on Meg n Clay in the bathroom … would of been great
    Meg was ready to F Clay right then n there on the BR couch
    So at this point anything can happen … I’m hoping Clay goes myself
    We’ll know on Thursday

  9. I was just on Twitter and LMAO when I saw that Andy said he loves Jmac and Becky because one Rat can smell out the other Rats. And I don’t get JMac crying of Shelli and Clay, when all they’ve done is use him and Becky as Rats. He’s latching unto the wrong people over, and over again (still shocked how close he was to Jeff).

    *Da’Vonne about Shelli on Twitter*: “I would never make a deal in front of the house & then go back on it” oh, hey dark moon alliance where’s Jason

    Clay giving up, is sickening. I don’t understand why people get picked to be on the show when they don’t even audition, and then give up. Day, Audrey, and Jason auditioned, and while they are gone, they made the feeds enjoyable (and gave us one of the best fights in a few seasons Day vs. Audrey). I’m so tired of somebody just getting casted because their “pretty.” What about substance? You wouldn’t need excessive twist if you casted a diverse group of people who are bound to clash, and make good TV.

    Interesting that Jmac mentioned how Vanessa has yet to be on the block. He and Becky seem scared of her, but are too afraid to make waves and go after her. They could always BD her. The DE would be the perfect timing. I just really hope James catches wind of what Clay is doing from Meg and Jackie, and makes the smart move of taking Clay off the block (because he’s not nearly as strong of a competitor as I thought he would be), and slap Vanessa’s a** up there. Vanessa is way too emotional, and I believe it will lead to her downfall. She wasn’t even in danger of going this week, and is still trying to start s**t, and go against James when all she’s ever done is go against other people’s wishes.

    James could build even more trust potentially with Austin and the Twins if he didn’t nominate any of them as replacements. I wouldn’t be opposed if AJL/JJM teamed up to sweep BJSVC out of the game. I don’t see it yet, but one can hope.

    1. fwiw, it is possible to bring in a pretty boy (or girl) and them still be a BB fan or superfan. That’s BBUS’s downfall, their insistence that the cast has to have some models in it to appeal to who exactly? Not being done for the fans.

      On BBCAN3 they cast a pretty boy football player, but he was also a superfan & had traded twitter arguments with Peter Brown. It is possible, and I doubt if it takes very much effort to find someone who is both a fan and still be somewhat attractive.

      as far as Shelli, goes, if the punishment is not playing in next week’s POV, isn’t that reason enough to not complete it? i mean she is being a good sport (finally) but seriously, does she expect to be here next week lol

      I don’t see why the other HGs wouldn’t vote shelli out, unless they are just following vanessa’s orders again. makes it a good thing she is tethered to someone where she can’t have the conversations with anyone for a while. Let people keep who they want, and who they don’t want can go. clay & shelli are interchangeable in terms of being a target for the other side, and for seeking revenge on the other side. i don’t see a problem with getting shelli out now they have a chance to do that, and i think it is a mistake not to take this opportunity that fell on their laps to do it.

  10. Why oh why is Johnny Mac given so much credit. Everything was given to him as far as comps. He does not really do anything. I’d hate it if he won after everyone else put in so much work. Vanessa all the way!!!

  11. i am ready for Jackie to go, I have never seen a woman look in the mirror and play with her hair more than her, always checking herself out, gross

    1. The basic plan is no matter which HG wins hoh
      they put up Jackie n Meg … Jackie goes if possible
      The replacement is James if pov is played
      That’s the current agreed upon plan
      But as we all no, on BB nothing is written in stone

    2. Apparently you didn’t pay attention to Victoria last year if you think Jackie looks at herself too much…..

  12. At this point the only houseguests that want the $500k are Vanessa and Shelli. If the other houseguests wanted to win, Shelli would be going home this week, not Clay.

  13. I’m afraid Shelli will stay. James can only count on 2 votes, Jackie and Meg. If Vanessa wants Shelli to stay then Shelli stays. The only way Shelli goes is sitting next to Vanessa…
    James and crew may have come into power too late.

  14. They all have ego’s. They wouldn’t be there if they didn’t. Pride, vanity, image,pride of intellect…and more. So what. It’s a game, they are human. Its normal.

  15. Jason leaving hasn’t really made a difference, gamewise or for entertainment. He really didn’t leave a big hole at all. Same goes for all the people who have left so far.

  16. magay are going to get it on as soon as shilli gets voted out, problem with this is I don’t think they will vote her out, I think the 6th sense will keep shilli and vote out clay do fuck the other side of what they want

  17. I guess not easy being in house with so many ppl. We see this year after year wants to be in the wrong crowd. Somebody just needs to play to win n hell with the rest. Set yourself on winning hoh n pov. Use prayers ppl. It moves mountains

  18. Did anyone else feel uncomfortable watching Shelly in the beginning of her punishment acting all cheery and fake and loud? Seems like she is overcompensating and trying to sell that “it’s so fun!” It’s so phony it hurts….

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