Big Brother 17 Feeds ON – Jace – “Jeff is such a lurker dude sketch master flex”

POV Holder: ? Next POV ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony ?
HOH Winner Team 1: James HOH Winner Team 2: Jason
Battle of the Block Winner ? Next HOH/ Next BOB July 2nd / ?
Original Nominations: ?
Current Nominations: ?
Have Nots ?

Big-Brother-17 2015-06-25 21-01-20-753

9:01pm Living room

houseguests collected in the living room. They’ve been told the live feeds are now open to the public. They start doing shoutouts to family and friends.

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Audrey is the first one up.

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Jeff thanks his mom and dad along with Eric his twin Brother.

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Liz thanks her mom and pop says the party doesn’t stop in Miami.

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Davone thanks her family

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Clay thanks his mom

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Steve thanks his mom and Dad he also thanks Gerri and the brother he’s not allowed to name

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Austin says his breakfast is made with real fruit thanks a bunch of people including his Sisters and parents.

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James gives a shoutout to his beautiful daughter Baleigh

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Johnny mac thanks his mom, dad and Brother. gives a shoutout to the people in the office

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Meg thanks mom and dad and “JONNY T THATS RIGHT”

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Jackie thanks Mom, Dad and Brother “So proud to be here”

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Vanessa Thanks Mel “I miss you so much, all my florida peeps all my vegas peeps whats up”

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Jason “All my bad bitches and hookers.. you know what it is hoe”

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Becky “So excited to be here.. Miss you girtls LOVE SHACK”

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Jace “All my family in england you mean the world to me”

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9:12pm Looks like Jace and Austin have become friends

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9:20pm Vanessa is missing her girlfriend.
Vanessa “It’s been 2 and a half weeks it’s been so long”
Steve and Jackie are comforting her.
Steve – Did I tell you about the research project I’m working on.. Have I shown you my math skills yet”
(They are laughing about this)

Steve and Jackie are nominated.

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9:29pm Austin and JAce

Jace – “Jeff is such a lurker dude sketch master flex”
Austin – “he’s got the dad body to”

They give out a bunch of shoutouts. JAce says he won’t give Dan gheeshling a shoutout.

Austin – We gotta make a final three with honeycut
Jace – I like Honey Cut
Asuting Liz is my main final three.. she is the clebrity chick
JAce – she’s hot this is hot
Austin – I got a girlfriend i’m in love with.. LIz is our Janelle.. Shelli’s gotta go

James is the HOH Steve and Jackie are nominated.

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46 thoughts to “Big Brother 17 Feeds ON – Jace – “Jeff is such a lurker dude sketch master flex””

    1. I know – I LUV Steve!! He is smart & witty & I really hope he sticks around for awhile! I know it’s early but right now I think my favs are Steve & DaVonne. I really like her too & she is a single mom – so gotta root for her. However those poker people reading skills may need some work since she immediately dismissed John as being a dentist! LOL! Though I can’t really blame her for misreading him – he Does seem a little twitchy/nervous to be a dentist! LOL! And I guess Austin isn’t gay afterall since he said he had a girlfriend that he loved. I like him either way.

    2. Agree. His line about working on a musical project that includes the alphabet, trying to get U and I together was cute.

    1. Yep – he’s trying way too hard! Hate to judge someone too soon but he got on my nerves almost immediately.

    2. What happens when you play to hard to fast……….. ask Cindy with an S! Might not be 1st but not long for the house if he continues.

      1. I love Sindy tho! She made a big move blindsiding her showmance which gave us good TV, I love good TV!!!

  1. I’ve got so much catching up to do.

    Not surprised Steve was nominated first. He stands out the most.

    I’m glued to BB After Dark right now.

    So I’m guessing Jace/Austin (Jactin) are a pair.

    Clay is close to Audrey/Da’Vonne/Shelli, and Meg could be a number for that group.

    Vanessa seems like a loner for now and on the quiet side. I wonder if she’ll be a true Floater this season like Jun.

    1. Austin and Jace is bad news for Austin. His size makes him a target anyway but Jace is baggage he does not need.

  2. as someone who don’t live in the US with no access to the feeds i really appreciate this! im gonna have to rely on the video you upload! thanks so much

  3. So apparently people are annoyed by jace..? I personally find Jason extremely annoying! But I can see Jace

  4. to see Jason out of the house next week. gone, never to return to our TV’s again. he is already annoying the heck out of me, and we are only 2 episodes in. scary.

      1. No, he’s obnoxious and annoying. I’m gay and I don’t like him either. If he were straight, he’d still be annoying.

    1. Would love for Jason to be instantly replaced by Job from Banshee! I’d buy and sit by the feeds 24/7 for that.

  5. Everyone seems to be behind backdooring Jace right now, he is majorly rubbing off wrong on the house. Austin needs to distance himself while he can.

    1. Geez! You don’t have to use God’s name as a curse word or to express disgust.
      You could have use any other name or curse word.. but you didn’t.
      It’s called blasphemy. And it’s a serious offense.
      Pls be respectful

  6. Jace is trying so hard to be like Hayden from last season, but he’s wayyy too over the top. Hayden knew when to turn it off, Jace doesn’t.

  7. Vanessa looks like Iggy’s older sister PS suck it up and stop crying

    Glad I’m not the only one Jace is rubbing the wrong way..I want Hayden back

    Bummed Jackie is nominated but not surprised obvs

    Let’s get this twin twist going!! I want the twins to be Johnny Mac and his brother

  8. Wth? First night and major meltdown already. Steve and Jackie on the block? Everybody hating Jace? Maybe we’ll get a backdoor first eviction. Let’s hope.

  9. Not sure who I like/dislike yet..just want to thank Simon and Dawg in advance for all the hard work you’ll put into our obession this season. Cheers!

  10. jase is so annoying! I know it’s early but, thus far I am not impressed with this cast at all from what I have seen on the feeds.

  11. If steve might be trouble depends how pov because a lot of people might compare him to ian like davonne and clay probably others. And does anyone think jeff probst comes with a twist like a return contestant or that two votes like in survivor to one person. So there 17 houseguests wow. Jeff is playing a jeff game from bb11

  12. Vanessa is either a really good actor, or going batshit week 1. I hope it’s the former, because if not I’d be so let down. I was thinking her and Da’Vonne would team up in secret.

    Okay so I’m guessing Clay, Meg, and Audrey are a thing? And are they already lounging in the HOH room? This was like the Diaper Alliance on BBCan 3. Will they play too hard to fast?

    There are a lot of strong personalities this season. I could see all the big threats take each other out and people like John make it to the end. But we shall see. Sunday can’t come soon enough!

  13. austin and jase are easily my least favorite so far! I really don’t want Steve to go but I’m not surprised he was nominated he is an easy target bc he stands out to much. I hope he can pull himself off the block!

    Thanks Simon and Dawg for all the work you guys do! I hope we have a good season!

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