POV Holder: | Liz | POV Competition | Aug 15th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 10th |
HOH | Liz | Next HOH | Aug 20th |
Original Nominations: | Johnny Mac and Becky | ||
After POV Nominations: | ? and ? | ||
Have Nots | Vanessa, Johnny Mac, Steve |
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12:40am HOH room – Meg asks what do you guys think is the best this week. Austin says I think Becky. Meg says there’s two .. it doesn’t really matter to me. She is always trying to out you guys as her team. She’s won money already (10K). She’s going to jury and could come back but we could vote her right back out. Johnny is willing to work with us and throw something if he feels like he is with a group. We could get him to win the HOH or B throw something to one of us. Meg says right. Austin says I think Johnny did throw the veto because I did really bad on the first round. This is our chance to get her (Becky) out. I know that Liz feels more insecure with Becky. Meg says that’s who we have to go with them. Meg says I’m down, I don’t really have an opinion of either. Austin says I feel like Johnny Mac could be steered in a direction. We would need to make sure the veto doesn’t get used because he wouldn’t go after Steve. Meg says we have to get Steve out. Austin says well Johnny Mac doesn’t have to win HOH next week. If one of us wins, even better. Meg says no, hell no, yeah are you kidding me. Steve just scares the sh*t out of me. Austin says he is good and final 4, final 5 we can’t beat him. He is smart as f**k. Meg says Vanessa is a little less dangerous now. She has lost her power to manipulate now that we’re all on to her. Austin says that Becky said to Liz .. oh you’ve won as many competitions as me now! Is that her weird way of saying Liz is a bigger threat now. I wouldn’t base my vote in the end to who won competitions to get to the end. I would base it off strategic game play. If Becky so safe why did she knock me out of the way.

Vanessa say there were 4 bottles of win and four beer. Johnny says he came out of the diary room to a lot of energy. Vanessa says she misses home. Johnny says I always thought I would do alright with prison but not after this and in prison you can’t move from room to room. Vanessa says yeah but at least you get phone calls and visitors. Johnny asks if Vanessa is going to put a ring on it when she gets home. (Marry her girlfriend Mel.) Vanessa says yeah.
12:50am Meg comments on how next week Vanessa will throw it because she feels so comfortable. Julia says Vanessa needs to go. Austin says next week is her week to go. Hopefully Johnny Mac wins it and does it but I wouldn’t want the veto getting used and one of us getting f**ked. That’s why it would be better if one of us win it. Like sh*t what if I did it to her. People would either love it or hate it. Meg says she had her hands in everything. Steve and James join them. Austin says I think Johnny threw it to me. I haven’t talked to him yet but he saved me in that first round. He wanted to show an act of faith that he would go after Vanessa next week. Vanessa thinks she is safe from everyone. I told Steve not to believe anything Vanessa says. James did not start that 8 person thing. James asks she said it was me!? Vanessa is out to get me! Meg says you can’t tell James any more about her because he is going to blow up soon. Austin says we told Steve that Vanessa has been throwing him under the bus left and right. So he is pissed now. She is the one that put it in his head to go after Jackie. Meg says that’s sad. Austin says we’re all on to her. Meg says Vanessa has to go so that only one of them (Shelli or Vanessa) come back. If Vanessa was still here and Shelli came back that would be bad. She has to go next week. Austin says as soon as Vanessa goes up it would be mount saint helens. Julia says I’m going to tell Johnny he has my vote. Meg says I would wait because Johnny and Becky talk a lot. Meg says Becky knows the noms are going to be the same and said she would feel more comfortable if they did. Austin says I think next week I would need to put up Steve & Johnny Mac and then backdoor her (Vanessa). How can Vanessa win HOH next week if she has a deal with everyone.
1:20am – 1:40am Liz joins them. Liz says that she’s worried about Becky being mad at her. Austin says its not you sending her home, its us voting. Meg tells Liz that Becky wants the noms to stay the same because she is worried I would go up and then she would know she is going home. Liz asks what are you going to do about voting? Meg says she didn’t vote for me last week. James says Becky keeps calling us a damn group. James asks when he talks to Vanessa .. should I just take any deal she offers? Austin says yes and then we can use it next week against her. Showing all the deals she’s made. Austin says I would like to do it to her. James says Johnny Mac will do it to her too.. Like you’re a bit*h! Meg says we just have to make it till Monday and then Thursday. She (Vanessa) has to feel so safe so she doesn’t want to win HOH. Austin says Vanessa made me sell my soul to the devil that week I was going home. I’m still here and next week I can send her home. Meg says all Vanessa thinks about is being backdoored. They all head down stairs.
1:55am Julia and Liz check out the “Still H8 U!” written on James bed. Julia says you need to show him because he might run and jump into bed. He needs to know we hate him. They bring James in to show him and then push him onto the bed. James then chases them throwing chocolate at them.
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— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 16, 2015
1:50am – 2:25am In the living room the house guests make foil figures. They make fun of James “sword” saying it looks like a penis. James says it’s not a penis, it’s a sword! This is arts and crafts, you can express yourself without criticism.
2:25am Julia finds another foil and chocolate bed prank by Steve and James.
2:35am Liz tells Austin it would be really tricky if you won HOH next week to put up Vanessa because she would blow up all our games. Austin says I don’t care if she outs everything. Most of what I did was harmless. She would out the sixth sense alliance. She would out Freak and Geeks but no one wanted to do it, not even Steve. They talk about how awkward and weird Vanessa is being. Austin asks why didn’t we see her like this before. Austin says Brenchel never made it this far. Liz says I know we’re killing it! Liz says the jury house is going to be full of girls. She (Vanessa) would see it coming from you more than Julia or I. She made you sell your soul that week to stay. Austin says she might try to blow me up but everyone would be so happy.
3:10am – 4am Big Brother opens up the backyard. Steve says my bedtime just got several hours later. Steve and James head out to sit by the hot tub. James says I am pretty sure you and I are safe this week. Steve says I think the noms will stay the same. Liz doesn’t want any more blood on her hands. Steve comments on how there is only 5 weeks left. James comments on how 3 people are going to win cash prizes – 500K, 50K, 25K. I would be very happy with the 25K. Steve says he would as well. Steve comments that the America’s Fave has only ever gone to a jury member. James says I think I’m in the top four running for it. Steve asks James if he would come back for allstars? James says yeah. Steve tells James that he was scared of him the first week. You were the short Asian wearing a camo hat that was HOH. You had a successful HOH (Getting Jace out). James says and I didn’t really get blood on my hands. James says when he gets out he wants to pay the taxes right away. Steve comments that he’s nervous about the plane ride home with people recognizing him. I will either be loved or hated.
Steve talks about how he messaged Christine (BB16) and said he thought the hate she got was more than she deserved. He says she said thank you and the he said asked for his twitter handle and said wanted to be careful talking to her because he was apply for BB17. He says he didn’t hear from her after that. James says that in the “space ship” (sequester) they were told not to reach out to past house guests to ask about strategy or other things because would be eliminated right away. Steve says his conversation with Christine was back in January.
James talks about how he’s lived off 17 – 20K a year which has been hard because after paying child support there is nothing left. Steve says I can imagine that would be very hard.
10:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Its a quiet Sunday morning.
5am – 5:30am Steve is up alone in the backyard doing laundry / playing pool / talking to himself. “People are so mad at Vanessa. Could I beat Johnny Mac… Maybe. He hasn’t formed a lot of relationships. I might be cocky for saying this but I feel like I could beat Johnny Mac and Vanessa. I need to work on my relationship with Meg. I can’t tell if Meg likes all the Grandma stuff. Does calling her Meg make me closer? Or more distant because I’m not close enough to make fun of her. Meg is going to be here for awhile. She might already be the runner up. How the hell do I bond with Meg. Bonding with her would be so much easier if I didn’t put her up. For the record feeds I did not want to win that HOH. What can I do to gain Megs trust again. Steve wonders around and heads to bed.
- Goblins/Gremlins = James and Meg
- Generals = anyone allied with Becky
- SOS = Steve and Vanessa
- Rockstars = Steve and Jmac
- AUS-Twins = Austin, Julia and Liz
- “Brass Tacks” Gobins and Austwins
- The new “Brass Tacks” = Aus-Twins, Meg, James + Vanessa
“Freaks and Geeks”“The Scamper Squad” – Aus-Twins, Vanessa, Steve
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I hope the other jmac isn’t seriously thinking about throwing the HoH to Austin and the twins. If they win another HoH there will be no living with them. Its going straight to their head and not to their game. They could make a big move, everything worked out perfect but Liz don’t want to be the one to do it. Aarrgghh!!! Oh and that sword does look like a penis. Haha!
Austwins, meg and James exect Jmac to get rid of Vanessa, then they’ll get rid of him the next week. I hope JMac isn’t dumb enough to continue to play so emotionally, but judging from his game play so far, who knows?
No one wants to win HOH next week. The could be Meg’s week!!! LMAO
Can Austin be anymore off-putting with those white hair band ponytails all around his face. Judas, Barbarian, now Medusa. Do these get ups, along with his size and tattoos make his so imposing so as to intimidate houseguests who don’t put him up or make him mad?
Do the Twisty Twins loud, brash, nasty mouths do the same? They don’t come up on anyone’s target radar! Except Vanessa who simultaneously wants to exploit them and threatens Austin into submission like a lion tamer. They will end up in Final 3 out of sheer numbers. If someone doesn’t defang the 3-headed beast by taking down Liz, the game is over.
Vanessa trying to control her mental death spiral with Bible preaching is fooling herself if she thinks she’s going tI get Steve & JMac to do her bidding.
Rope-a-dope partners Meg & James just pawns in everyone’s game. Now even Steve blabbering about taking Meg to Final 2 since no one will vote for her game. Everyone’s too busy looking in the mirror and living out porn fetishes, still fooled by Steve’s drooling and goo-goo-ga-ga mommas baby arrested development act-thru think they can control him. Stop comparing yourselves to Janelle, BrenChel, Ian or anyone else when fear is running your game. This turned out to be the Amazing Race of the Stupid Whack Jobs.
Simon and Dawg thank-you for everything you put into this site. I really enjoy the spoilers and updates. I also love all the people that comment on here, even the ones I don’t agree with. Thanks again!
Save Becky! Save Becky! Save Becky!
They gotta get rid of Dr. Giggles…he’s not going to win comps, doesn’t wanna win…he is not going to make big moves…he just rolls over and gets peed on
Becky is more likely to get hit by a train than she is likely to survive this week’s eviction.
Seems as though Steve is a little cheater.
He contacted (fan mail, then Twitter) Christine even though he was applying to BB and knew that contacting past players was against the rules.
After seeing that, I am convinced that his mommy letter was giving him clues to the game.
I wish that production would step in and do something, even if it’s not giving him his letter and/basket if he wins hoh again.
Can people with Twitter please start tweeting about the possibility of clues/cheating in Steve’s mommy letter? I want production to at least look into it.
Yeah cuz Steve is totally smashing it right now due to his encrypted letter. I guess ‘sister getting engaged’ = ‘watch your back HOH is after you’. Give me a break. Are you for real? EVEN if he was cheating, it’s Big Brother for Petes sake, production would be the one planting it you idiot.
Seriously bro, moms is passing the DaVinci Code in the house?!?!.. You smoking what Vanessa is smoking…
I think he was being sarcastic.
He didn’t know not to contact former HG until he got to sequester. He had tweeted Christine months before.
Has ANYONE talked about how there are three Austwins going into next week with only 8 people left? If James/Meg/Jmac win HOH and waste it on Vanessa they deserve to lose.
This is exactly my point on why I hate Steve. He wasted his HOH on Jackie rather than the austwins when Jackie is at least workable and may take him as far as top two in comparison to a solid three person alliance.I really hope that JMac wins the next HOH because I feel like he will be smart enough to at least put one of the austwins alongside vanessa on the block. I just throw in the towel for the goblins, I was warming up to Meg after my initial disgusts with her due to her preseason interview but her recent shenanigans just justifies why I hated her in the first place. She’s a Victoria but worse, at least Victoria has that I am ‘dumb’ and is a mascot for the season, Meg on the other hand is trying to be a player but doesn’t have any tools at all to work with.
Props to Victoria’s spandex…
Meg got nothing on Victoria
HOH???? He only won the POV and didn’t control the nominations.
Sorry I was wrong, thinking of JM, too early for me.
well, you heard them. They are happy for just 25K. So obviously they don’t want 1st place THAT BAD.
It seems to me the Austwins are likable or feared in the house (and tough to admit, but its probably likable…)
Either the HGs are terrified if one goes, the other two would retaliate the following week.
Or they just like them, and don’t want to put them up. I really hope its one of these 2 reasons or else they’re just straight up blind/dumb.
and IT IS scary. Had not been James won the HOH that week, Clelli would probably still hang around for at least one more week cause not many ppl have the guts to do that.
Id say probably Jason and James and Davonne(?) had the guts to go after Austwins. But 2 are gone, and James is in a freaking alliance with them, so its very unlikely…
Im already preparing myself seeing one of them make it to Final 2. Ugh… ( need to restrain myself from throwing something at the screen)
Agree 100%. As much as I want Van booted, her day will come. If Meg or James wins hoh next and don’t go after the Austwins, they are complete idiots.
Austin’s constant hating on Van all of sudden is so obviously a ploy to get everyone going after Van and not the Austwins. Are these people that stupid to fall for this tactic?
Why is Meg talking so much. I didn’t realize that she was actually playing this year.
They should send her to jury or she’ll end up finishing 2nd.
Also how has no one including Austin not realized that the twins need to be split up?
My prediction….meg vs julia final 2.
Omg don’t you know…..Meg has had her hand in everything…she said it herself….POWERHOUSE :/
Is anyone else bored with this week’s wins and noms?
Steve getting Jackie out made the vote drama evaporate. Like the air got sucked out and is still vacuum. I do like this season but this week ugh. Steve not my friend
I agree Steve sucks for putting up Jackie. I think the twins have this in the bag now it all comes down to the numbers.
It’s boring bro….Becky should make Liz an offer she can’t refuse…what that is I do not know…..Vanessa has to get on that block…that might get things in gear
“No deals, I’m done with deals, I don’t ever want to hear that A word again,” said Becky the Rat.
What show are you watching Vanessa is the rat she’s running around saying he said she said and when someone hits her up about it she lies and cries no one is giving her information anymore because they know she’s a rat her game is over she shot her load awhile back now she gotta a competition to stay relevant now she doing nothing now running her mouth talking about back in the day nobody’s going to make deals with her anymore no more information no more game
Becky is by far the biggest rat. Even Andy agrees LOL
ya. It is a bit of a dull week. Especially after the last few weeks being crazy.
I’d love it if today everyone spent the day going to Liz and saying “whoever gets Vanessa out will be a God in the bb house” (like JMac already said). If everyone kept pushing that idea that Liz would be putting a huge “move” on her bb resume for in the finale I think there’s a 50/50 chance she would do it. That would make this week spectacular.
It won’t happen… I can always dream though.
Not much else to say about things. Just waiting for Thursday so a new more exciting week to begin.
Still loving this season though!!
I know, I am actually being productive lol. The only thing that could wake me up at this point is if the veto is used, but I doubt that will happen. Bye bye, Becky or JMac.
I hate the two idiots Meg and James. Are they playing the game for the disgusting couple Austiz? How many more people needed to be evicted for them to see the big picture? These two idiots are playing for second place. Does these two idiots know Austin/Liz/Julia will control the votes who will be going home next week if they are not on the block? The two idiots are still thinking they are running the game. Do they forget Austiz have the hand in Jeff and Jason’s evictions? Probably these two idiots will not win HOH next week, then they will wonder why they are on the block again, not Freaks and Greaks. Austiz will throw these two idiots under the bus next week if they do not win HOH. It is hard to watch the two idiots Meg and James strategize when they do not know the house dynamics and who will be in power next week.
why the rant? this applies to jmac, becky, vanessa, steve, pretty much everyone then.
what do you expect them to do? jmac already ratted out james and told austin/twins that james said he wants to work with them. also, jmac/becky have way more info than meg/james.
liz is hoh/pov. it would be dumb to try to make a move until after the next hoh. why trying to put a blame on meg/james for whatever you are upset about?
it’s a game and they are doing what they think is best for their game. james really has no one he can count on
About the vanasty covos , wait till next week ? WHATS WRONG WITH THIS WEEK U F ING IDIOTS ! the set up is perfect . every thing the village idiots are saying about NEXT WEEK , to get vanasty out . Is happening right in front of them now . YO Liz u r not Janelle or Brenchel . In some ways I am glad CBS and Dish are fight ing and I CANT WATCH THIS STUPIDITY !
Dish sucks bro…that’s what happens when you play 5 bucks for 12 channels…don’t be a cheapskate, get DIRECTV bro
LOL, the only way for Austwins to win this game is to sit next to each other in the F2, Brenchel what?
I really hope Vanessa wins HOH next week and puts up the twins, with Austin as a backdoor potential. Those three are getting too smug and need some bringing down. I would also like to see how the twins would manage without their meat shield around. See if they can actually play the game or not.
I agree- I’m prob going to get a lot of thumbs down but I am rooting for Van. She has actually played this game old style. They’re mad cause she made deals and lied? News flash… That’s the game your playing fools. Half those deals kept the Austwits/Steve in the house! She had the most insight through most of the game and even with her manic moments she see’s the forest through the trees. She has always been completely loyal even to the detriment to her own game. The goblins are a waste, lets blindly follow the power trio and help them get to the final 2, Austin has won NOTHING and is on a total power trip, don’t even start me on the twins and JMac slept through most of this game. His depression over Chelli is just weird considering they used him every chance they got and he was totally expandable to them at any point. Love her or hate her she has played and Austwit/Steve are still there because of her.
JohnMac knows he has to put Austiz on the block next week in order to backdoor Vanessa successfully. That is why he does not want to make any deal with Austiz this week even though he knows his game is in danger. I hope John will find his way to the end. John is the only player left I am rooting for. If John is evicted, I am done with this season. I cannot watch the disgusting couple Austiz, the pervert James, the useless Meg, the clueless Julia, the psycho Vanessa.
I use to like JMac but his obsession and depression regarding Clelli is just over the top for me. He is literally a downer to watch on the feeds, he always just looks so depressed now. You should probably just stop watching now, because JMac is not going to win BB 17. No way.
I wasnt the biggest brenchel fan but brendon was a hell of a lot smarter and better at comps than Austin. Plus his annoying showmance was actually legit. Same with rachel compared to liz. The reason this trio has skated by is stupidity and the big alliance during the Battle of the block part of the show.
I know bro, this harry neanderthal showmance is pathetic….there’s no bonenage
Vanessa HAD good strategy but she should have changed it up before now. She has blown her game by her failure to read the house and evolve. LOVE this season!
i agree busted. Van had all the potential to dominate but spent too much time talking and running around when she should have just observed and held info in.
I would still be rooting for her if she tamed down her freak outs. She’s just too much.
I have a bit of hope that after veto ceremony is over and she knows she’s safe she will start stirring up shit in the house again. I think come Thursday’s Liz will be regretting not backfiring her.
Liz who won’t be playing in the next HOH has a better chance of winning than Austin ….
Earlier someone asked why HGs seem to trust JMac easily. It comes partly from the fact he doesn’t run his mouth 24/7, so when he says something – short and to the (on) point, people listen and they believe. He comes across very honestly with an excellent BS meter and some leadership qualities. He’s a good communicator. What’s not to trust? In seeing his game the last week (for the first time), he HAS been playing this whole time, and playing pretty well. He has a lot of information, so has a lot of pieces put together. He’s had a big influence, game-wise, on Clay, Shelli, Steve and Becky. I would SO like him to win.
I don’t get all this infatuation with JMAC at all. Good communicator??? You must be joking! He hardly says anything in the circles of HG’s he around. His “talks” with Becky are all one sided; even his talks with Steve are very short one-liners which is NOT even close to good communication skills. Yes i know they dont want to be seen talking, but they still need good communication when they do – no wonder JMAC seems to have no real feel on the house dynamics other than whats been fed to him by Becky (his anger for Van was because of her hatred for her – he didnt come to that conclusion on his own like he claimed to, Becky fed it all to him – I remember the convos between them ). However Steve does have a good read because however social inept he says he is, he uses that “idea” to open up convos building somewhat of a sense of trust. Steve always turns HG’s questioning of him around to him asking the questions to them always concluding with how he can help them, etc just to get a read and make them feel like he’s completely in their pocket. JMAC does none of that! No – he’s is not just an introvert – he’s also socially awkward building a wall of anger around him instead of bridges to use/abuse. Theres no real strategy in his game but to daydream about Clelli all day and what coulda been. I seriously think he’s crushin on Clay more than Shelli. I mean who cries and mopes around for weeks like his highschool crush just got stolen from him! Instead he’s saying “I cant stand to be around them” and “I wont fake it” outwardly showing his disdain. GO HOME THEN! SELF EVICT if ya dont wanna play nice in the sandbox with potential allies! The only reason he’s still there is because production likes his laugh and DR sessions and HGs have no evidence against him. Too bad he couldnt be like that to the HG’s but he could care less to mingle for his game! He sketched Austwins out and they hated him just a day ago! Im beginning to think all JMAC was ever gunning for is AP. Like he’s deliberately playing the “Donny card!”
I wish I could give you more than 1 thumbs up; very well written and my sentiments exactly! First time I heard jmac I found him annoying but he became my fave because he was on the block so much and he’s good sportsmanship about it. But that became very disappointing after Clay/Shelli were on the block and jmac really had no game whatsoever. He was counting on them carrying him to the end I guess. I mean he had bits and pieces of info from Shelli, Clay, Becky and Steve, but did nothing with the info. You are absolutely right about jmac not really turning against vanessa until that confrontation and when Becky displayed her hatred for Vanessa.
I don’t know what jmac’s gameplay is being in a so-called alliance with Liz, Julia, Austin, Steve, and that convo he had with Steve that he would put up James/Meg with a possible backdoor of Vanessa.
To be fair I never understood Judd’s popularity during his season and although I liked Donny, I didn’t understand such a fan favorite that Donny was. Jmac is this year’s Donny; he’s actually popular for no apparent reason.
I watched After Dark for a bit last nite. See Jmac just sitting at table while everyone else was talking? He’s quietly watching and listening….taking it all in So maybe he looks like he’s a dud but underneath it all…………
…. but underneath it all…..
he has no game and he wants a team so he could be used as a pawn or throw a comp…
…he is an idiot who does not have a clue about what is going on. He does not know how to play the game, not even on a social level, and is now completely blinded by his personal hate for Vanessa. He is Peter Brown, get him out!!!
I don’t get why there are posters demanding that the twins get rid of Austin or Vanessa. Austin is a perfect F3. They can beat him in the endurance. They can beat him in the physical. He could win seven questions but after losing the first two he would not compete.
Vanessa buys them another week. If Jmac/ Becky (whoever stays) or James wins next week all they have to do is point them at Vanessa. Vanessa will have a hard time flipping the house on them because no one on the other side trusts her.
Liz is the only winner… Austin and Julia both are riding her coattails, both haven’t won jack shit…it’s not a trio, it’s one person with moral support
I don’t understand why they just won’t get Vanessa out, why keep prolonging it? They’ll only have themselves to blame when she’s getting handed the money at the end for winning big brother. Smh
Simple: She has all the information she needs to blow their game up. She knows more about those 3 than anyone else in the house. They will never risk putting her up, because they know what will happen.
Vanessa is the devil!!!!
Someone throw Holy Water on her!!!!
Uh no. That’s a bit dramatic don’t you think? It’s a game lmao
Relax Mel, don’t get so defensive….your girl will be out of jury in about a month…she’ll be home in no time to put a ring on it
Who tf is Mel?
Please send Liz home soon. That would destroy the Austwins, as Austin would be completely lost with Liz gone , and Julia doesn’t like Austin to begin with! Both Austin and Julia stink in competitions, so that would turn them into two very weak players instead of a strong group of three.
I hope Vanessa finds out about Austin and the twins plan to get her out of the house. She wins H.O.H this week and puts Austin and the twins on the block. Not a Vanessa fan but hope she does this deed before she leaves the house. Love to see Austin and the twins knocked off their high horse. Also the question is will Johnny Mac finally play the game or still be a lap dog.
Ya, why is JMAC being such a lap dog. That being said, why does he have such high ratings? I hope he doesn’t get America’s favorite. His DR sessions are humorous but that’s all I can respect now.
So Liz realizes the jury house is gonna be full of girls, and is planning on Becky and Vanessa going home in the next 2 weeks. Does she not realize thay after them, SHE AND JULIA IS NEXT?
This season is following the footsteps of BB10 and 15. A bunch of women in the jury after having a great advantage, and a guy winning. They deserve it.
WTF, when did they let Audrey back in the house? I swore when I saw that night vision snap of Vanessa, I thought that was Audrey. Scary.
Gawd, all I can see when looking at Austin and Liz, is a big ‘ol python wrapped around her neck…suffocating…gives me the heebiejeebies.
He reminds me of a teenager trying to score with a chick (hopelessly).
I think JMac is going to go. 🙁 Austin is holding out to get info from Becky. Becky is a rat and will throw JMac under the bus. Becky would throw Her own child under the bus if it means she could stay. Ugggg! JMac told her too much info because he trusted her and thought she was a friend.
I really don’t think so. I know a lot of people don’t “like” her (I do), but don’t think she’d go there. Plus. she’s expecting/hoping to get back in the game.
Austin thinks that he and liz are like Brenchel?? I mean yes they are annoying, but no, not even close. Brenchel had to fight and win every week to stay in the house, unlike Liz and Austin who have been in summer camp the whole summer. I wish they had to fight like Brenchel did, except, if they did, they wouldn’t come anywhere close.
Austin stop riding the coat tails of Liz. Win something dumb ass. He is super annoyyyyyyyying! He needs to stoooooop! This is not his HOH and he acts like it is. He needs to be a target.
I knoooooow!
Austin’s HOH is NEXT week… just listen to him. The only thing left for him to do is decide who he is going to nominate.
I may be mistaken, but I thought Julie said “your game may not be over”. I never heard her say, you can get back in the house. they are holding onto people because they think Who ever comes back will take out Vanessa. This could back fire (and I would laugh) if it’s not what they are thinking. Play smart…not stupid!
By the way, Austin’s Ex is so much prettier than Liz.
Austwits, the only reason Brenchal never made it this far together, is they weren’t floating under the radar playing “We’re at Summer Camp, Yay”, they were playing Big Brother, they had to work hard in comps and social game day after day, because people were constantly after them, they never had the entire house protecting them, as Austwits does. If the HGs were smarter Austwits wouldn’t never turned into a 3some, as the twin twist would’ve been exposed and shut down.
The only real smart play is for anyone else to put up the twits, they need to put them up, or they will constantly control the votes from here on out..I hope James wins the next HOH, and put up those twits. Knock them down a peg At this point they should worry about vanessa after them. I was really rooting for the goblins w/becky. but Steve came in and ruined that.
Stop the ASSSSSSWIPETWINS … pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeze I do not want to see the 3 headed shi**s in the F3,…Nobody is looking at them right now just Vanessahead.
If I have to hear- JJJAAAmmmEESSss or SSssssteveeee one more time in that nasal sounding, naills on a chalk board, I know this is giving me a brain tumor voice, one more time I’ll gyrtdersewatukkffffff!!
I think James would WIN Americas favorite Player, if he won HOH next, and put the twits up…come on James get bold again!!!!
That would be great. 🙂
I already know im gettin thumbs down for this post but ill put my 2cents down . I actually think Austin is alot smarter than hes comin off on and thats his strategy. Hes a wrestler, and from my experience knowing wrestlers, some commit to thier character 24/7. Hes throwin comps on purpose because theres always a bigger target than him. Hell even if they get Vanessa out next week, theyre more likly to target the twins because they are closer and theyve won stuff. Dont forget Austin was left up there with Johnny mac and steve for DE HOH. Knew he didnt need to win it so he bailed. Telling everyone that Vanessa has deals with everyone as hes making deals with everyone. And for everyone saying Austwins are idiots for not taking Vanessa out now…just because you dont like her dosnt mean people are going to ruin their game to please viewers. Out of everyone left in the house, based on strategy I want him to win it.
I agree I think Austin is just playing the “I don’t want to win” card to get to the end then he will win the last comp…He will sacrifice the twins in a way that will still get their vote from Jury…I believe he is sizing the others up to see if they will get the twins out eventually down the road for him…it does not seem he would trust Steve for this…Has he considered F2 with Vanessa and that is his plan?…..it’s hard to say if I’m giving him too much credit or he’s that good. Steve ruined this game by evicting Jackie…for a super fan he is a waste of space. I hope they can get a cast for next year similar to the older ones or have an “all stars” ….it’s hard to say where on earth they find these people for the last few seasons Amanda, Frankie and now Austin. I did not see earlier episodes but the “ChillTown” guys were sooo much sharper…and funny at the same time.
Dear Meg, I’m with the gremlins-BUT I must tell you, you are annoying the F out of me right now! How about you get out of your strategy sessions and F-ing WIN something!!!!
Much love and watch yourself with that walker!
Meg has severe Reumitoid arthritis…that’s why she walks the way she does. It’s very painful and cripples the joints. For as young as she is its sad…it progresses with age
Wow I feel so bad now….I thought she was having a fling with the bedpost
Jackie is going to come back guns blazing and nominate Austin and Liz (assuming Vanessa is the fourth jury member) that way no matter what one of those three go home.
i think Jmac an Shelli are also twins!!
What IS JMac’s story with Clay? He is so over the top depressed and now angry since Smelli got evicted. Get the HELL on with YOUR game!
You’re right something smells really fishy with Johnnys game? It’s odd….everything about it from his behavior, calls to diary room, isolating himself and really not relating or connecting to anyone in the house. Hummm. I always thought he had a twin but was told that was just a prank by his friends. If nothing is going on then I’m really disappointed in his game. He was my favorite:(
Jmac has his twin alternating with him, in the house…keep pulling it off ok? I just don’t know what keeping it from America is gong to do..I’ll eat my shorts if not true..
Maybe Shelli and Jmac are related… Twins? Jmac will stay. Shelli comes back in. Vanessa/shelli/jMac , play together … Most likely target austin/twin… Austin sent to jury… The final..Steve/shelli/jmac or vanessa/Steve/JMac or any of those combinations. Perhaps that is why Jmac was so sad when when shelli left?? I’m just trying to figure things out. There are some things going on that don’t add up. Nobody has to worry Austin won’t have a chance to win. The twins will flip on him the moment someone else wins HOH next week. Vanessa will be back to running stuff. I can see it coming … Very predictable. I know that there is a twist coming that no one will have seen coming. No one need worry… You will get what you wanted. Jmac/shelli/vanessa/Steve will be instant heroes for getting the big bad wolf out of the house?? Just a guess…
I can’t believe they think they are better than Brendan & Rachel. LOL {This year has some of the worst comp. players in BB history.}{ I am not a big fan of Brendan and Rachel, but they would of won every comp in the house with this crew.} I would of loved seeing Vanessa try to spew her “web of lies” to them, this would of been hillarious. I do know, they would not of gotten rid of Jackie as their big move during DE. This group lives in “LA La Land”, unfortunately for the viewer they play like it.
Just a thought, What if Austin is playing Liz. Does anyone think the reason why he doesn’t want to get Vanessa out this week is because Liz would have a better sell to the jury to win 500,000 than him? Maybe Austin wants to have that title of sending Vanessa out of the house for himself.
It doesn’t benefit Liz, Austin, Julia at all to get out Vanessa this week. That would be the most worthless hoh they could have.
Liz is no Janelle. Not even close. If Janelle reads that, she will be insulted.
Liz and Austin aren’t anything like Brenchel. I loved to hate Brenchel. They were annoying, they caused drama, there were fights and tears. I hated them, but they were competitors. Austin is nothing like Brendan in competitions, Liz would have been out of the game if stupid Shelli and Vanessa hadn’t thought it was a good idea to let them both come into the game. Brenchal made my blood boil. Liz and Austin are boring and don’t even inspire that kind of emotion in me. They are lukewarm.
At least Brendan and Rachel were genuinely into each other. Brenchel getting evicted was something I celebrated. When Liz/Austin are evicted I will not really celebrate because they had no business getting this far based on their game play.
I still don’t get why the 6 sense thought it was a good idea to bring Julia into the house. All that did was empower Austin. Yes, they temporarily had the numbers, but as soon as James and Becky won their HOH, it didn’t matter because their alliance was on the block, having that extra vote didn’t help them at all, now the twins are an obstacle to everyone in the house that wants to win the game, including Vanessa.
It was a dumb move but when they made the 6th sense, the Austin-Liz showmance wasn’t a thing yet. Vanessa and Shelli thought they would control the twins. It turned out to be the other way around.
Right now Austin controls the game, and the twins control Austin.
Question has anybody seen a picture of Johnny Mac’s twin I know the picture on this site who we thought was Donny was actually Johnny Mac. Not seeing his twin with his family on the interview is very suspicious. Also Julie Chen said a person will have a chance to stay in the game not come back in the game, could it be Johnny Mac’s twin.
Heres the post we did about Johnny Mac’s Twin
Thanks Dawg! I think a few weeks ago someone posted that this picture was actually Johnny Mac and others on this post said the twin twist was hoax. We probably didn’t see Johnny Mac’s twin in the parent interview because he doesn’t actually have a twin.
I thought I saw a picture of them in the beginning, when the show first started back in June. If I’m not mistaken, I’m pretty sure they’re identical. Originally when they first talked about the twin twist, I thought it was going to be him, not liz/julia. So he could still be involved with another twin twist. Things don’t really add him with him in the house.
There is no Johnny Mac twin, it was just a joke – follow the link to the “Donnie Mac” twitter.
If that’s the case, he’s even worse as a player than I thought. I really don’t know what to think about it.
Thanks, went to the link on twitter. It said the gig is up! There is no Donnie McGuire.
Just give the money to vanessa- JMac- or to Steve already! Sick of this season and the mean stuff going around. This game is a fake!!!
It would be so great if this was the reset week and James won HoH. Austin and the twins are wasting this one. Its to late in the game to waste HoH’s. Plus they would be so bummed it would be funny. Vanessa would flip out. Evev jmac and Steve would be worried about payback. James would finally be able to make his big move and Meg will finally get her a veto, who are we kidding, Meg will just be Meg.
I thought she said…just because your in the jury house doesn’t mean you’re out of the game
I would like to see Liz put into Jury just to see how Austin will survive. His hand is always on her. Seems stalker-like. Would be interesting as a psychological experiment.
He would ask the house mates to evict him and cry all the time.
What a bunch of knuckleheads! If you’re not going to get rid of Vanessa, get rid of Liz. Julia is a non-factor, and Austin wil huff and puff and do NOTHING. Liz is the biggest danger among the 3 and if she’s gone, they will try to align with the Freaks, Geeks, Goblins, Angels, Hellraisers whatever they are calling themselves now.
Yes. Liz has GOT TO GO. Next week for sure.
There is def another twist coming real soon u can just feel it. Liz and austin just got lucky but u watch there power trip will soon be over n if u think for 1 sec vanessa is not going all out to win next hoh they r crazy, she sees how they r all acting n shes flipping out inside. If i were liz n austin i wld be worried n take her out now cuz if she stays she will flip the script and possibly put them up n get one out n will have the votes to do it… keeping all 3 is not smart n one shld of gone already… jmac plz win hoh ur game isnt over but u need to pull something out here the numbers r dwindling n ur the easy pawn right now who cld go home if u dnt change the way ur playing… I feel bad watching him lookin sad n having to listen to these ppl with these stupid irish spring n hey boy or oscar it was ok for a day but all day everday is annoying the crap out of us bb fans… liz n austin ur not that good soo check the ego at the door b4 ur sittin on the other side in jury…
I realized why they don’t give them alcohol in the house.. Becky is boring… Julia and liz are actually super fun! if i was stuck in the house, i would totally hang out with them!
So why don’t they give them alcohol?
The twins are the type of people I cant stand nice to your face then bitch when you are gone.
This season is becoming really stupid. They are getting on my nerves. Why the hell aren’t they backdooring Vanessa this week? It makes no sense. I think James it the biggest idiot in not putting Vanessa on the block with Shelli. Clay is an airhead. UGH, Annoyed
Honestly…completely sick of this season. Austin and twins have done nothing all year, oh, other than hateful Liz winning a few comps. Vanessa is nothing more than a snake yet everyone wants to keep her and have someone else take her out. At least Becky tried! So done with this season. Sick of these dumb people!
Becky did that to herself. The way she handled her hoh was horrible. That’s why she’s in the spot she’s in.
God I really wish somebody nominates the twins next week then backdoors Austin… I do not think I can tolerate two more weeks of Austin and Liz without throwing up all over my computer. Liz (apparently) does not like Austin… so she says… yet she will cuddle up to him and let him kiss her. Is this good practice for her when she marries the rich old man for his money? Is this like Gold Digger practice? or Does Liz actually like Austin that way and is lying to her sister so Julia does not make fun of her or act a bitch to Austin? All I know is it serious disgusts me that with a guy she claims grosses her out.
I also do not like Austin any more… I know you can’t watch Big brother and say you are a fan if you can’t stand a person you don’t like in the house… but I want him gone then Liz gone… I think I kind of like Julia so she can stay. James and Mg are sooooo stupid. James if you win HoH please don’t forget “We hate You” and “We Still Hate You.” lock that in your pea brain and get Them or Austin out…… PLEASE. Somebody rent a Plain and send the Message “Austin, according to Liz your hair stinks… you’re just her meat shield.”
Gold Digger practice? lol she’s already a pro.
They are going to let the first four in jury compete to come back into the house. I am kind of hoping Vanessa wins next hoh and is told of Austin and Liz plan to get her out next week. Then she puts them on block with Julia as backdoor. Get rid of one of them. Preferably Austin. Then James can get her the next week. I can’t decide what Johnny is doing but it sure doesn’t look like fan favorite game play to me. If he is waiting for right time to make his move he better hurry. Not much time left to dominate.
No Jmac does not have a twin but Shelli does and it could be Jmac. That’s why he is so sad now that she is gone!
That would have been a good twist .. but they showed Shelli’s twin when she won HOH .. he looked a lot like Clay.
“Austin says that Becky said to Liz .. oh you’ve won as many competitions as me now! Is that her weird way of saying Liz is a bigger threat now. I wouldn’t base my vote in the end to who won competitions to get to the end. I would base it off strategic game play.”
So Austin is saying he won’t vote for Liz?
no he is saying people should vote for him because Austin has won absolutely nothing and people voting on that eliminates him. I hate Austin as well after this Liz HOH week.