POV Holder: | Chrisitne | Next POV | Aug 30th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Sept 1st |
HOH Winner | Caleb | Next HOH | Sept 4th |
Nominations: | Nicole and Christine | ||
Have Nots | Derrick and Nicole | ||
POV Players | Victoria, Nicole, Caleb, Cody, Christine and Derrick |
Donny was sent to the Jury house on Thursday by yet another unanimous vote. The HOH was played and Caleb wins. The plan is to get Nicole out this week. They decide to nominated Christine with Nicole. If POV is played on Nicole Caleb says Victoria is going up and is going home however this is not the true plan. The true plan is to send Christine out if POV is used on Nicole.
Last week for POV players to be picked. Frankie is the 1 player to not play. This opens up the possibility that Victoria could win it and use it to save Nicole. Cody, Caleb and Derrick agree Christine will go if Nicole is saved. Derrick calls it a Nicole/Donny scenario regardless of who goes home a target is send packing.
Christine wins the POWer of Veto
5:04pm Feeds come back, Everyone covered in green paint.
Cody went out first he’s wearing a dinosaur costume.
5:07pm HOH
Caleb – “Looks like I put the best candidate up”
Christine – when I walked out there I was like this was meant for me.
Caleb says she’s glad Nicole didn’t win it.
Christine – it was CLOSE
Caleb – for a minute there i was like Dang
Christine – I’m final 5 baby.. we did it
5:14pm FIREROOM Derrick and Victoria
Victoria is concerned she will go up as the replacement nominee
Derrick – ANything is possible he’s not putting up Frankie.. Look Nicole is going home”
Victoria tells Derrick she wants to talk tonight.
Derrick – Absolutely
5:23pm HOH Frankie and Caleb
Frankie asks Caleb who he’s putting up as a replacement nominee
Caleb – Victoria..
Frankie – it will be so simple… next week she has no chance of winning in the double evict
Caleb – she’s going home
Frankie – we’ll do the final 5 now
Caleb we’re for sure the final 5
Frankie – I hope Christine wins teh double evict.
Caleb – I’m scared for her to win double evict
Frankie – no Caleb she’ll send home Victoria (no she won’t)
Caleb says when there is so many beasts at the top she might take a stab at us
Frankie – that is paranoia talking
Caleb explains to him that this late in the game why take out the player that you
Caleb – you know we’re all really good friends but in the game we all want 500 thousand dollas
Derrick rolls in.. They agree Nicole is done and she knows it.
Frankie – you did great Derrick i’m so proud of you
5:32pm Kitchen Christine and Cody
Christine – Thank you Jesus.. I’m so excited to see you in a dinosaur
They chat about Frankie and all the sh1t he pulls in the house. Christine says he told her if he was in the veto he would have won it or at least gotten close.
Cody – “I don’t know I i’m going to be able to go the rest of this week without calling him out”
5:40pm HOH Frankie and Derrick
Talking about the TA task Frankie essentially blaming Donny for last weeks failure.
Frankie hopes the next one they get is achievable
Frankie – Honestly I feel like if Donny wasn’t part of Team America we would have been able to design a better mission .. us hanging out is fine
Derrick says he sucked at the play but he thinks if Donny was in their alliance they could have complete that one mission where they had to cause a scene after the Nomination
Frankie – he came up with the mission he came up with what he wanted to have done
Frankie says 100% the reason they didn’t get the money because Donny had proposed a mission to them at first.
Derrick says it doesn’t make sense because all the fans cost DOnny 5000 dollars .. “out of principal… why cost him 5000 dollars to prove a point.. maybe they just didn’t like it”
Derrick suggested maybe it was edited to make it look boring.
Frankie agrees says that is why it failed it was edited poorly by production., “Caleb was not into it”
Frankie thinks it was over the top demoralizing when Julie said it , “Was like a jab a punch in the face”
Yes, Nicole’s going out! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!
I hope the backstabbing begins, but there is still the chance that the boys can keep it together and evict Christine during the double eviction. But I can only hope that paranoia takes over their minds this week, they start plotting against each other and we have an explosive episode on Thursday!
Oh, and maybe she’ll find get a clue, that it would have been her going out if she hadn’t won this. All she’s doing right now is telling everyone she can beat Caleb, Derrick, and Cody. They can’t get her out this week, but you can bet if Nicole scraped by to win it, they’d be thanking their luck that they would be able to get Christine out now.
All they really need to do (and Caleb won’t,so it’s not even a possibility) is take Frankie out this time. Like I said last eviction, they have a chance, they shouldn’t blow it, and they passed it by. Now they’ve got another one, they none of them want Frankie, that seems for sure, even Caleb, so why not do it now? The only thing they are doing for sure is keeping someone who can win comps (Frankie) and voting out someone who isn’t winning anything lately (Nicole).
POV looks like a Jurassic park theme 🙂
Of course you’re assuming someone in the house has a brain. Dumbest collection of people I’ve ever seen.
Not so much dumb as low BB IQ. But this is mostly the result of people feeling way to comfortable. The sort of smugness that comes from never seriously being in jeopardy of eviction.
Speaking of OMG. Victoria saying to Derrick we need to talk later…. Don’t want to go on the block! What is this delusional do nothing douche bag thinking. One of the guys is going up as the replacement? This ones dumber than a sack of rocks. Say what you want about the delusional idiot Danielle Mumphry. She actually tried in challenges and had some successes to. These 2 are in a race to the top of the sack of rocks award…. goes to………… I think pimple popper wins on the F4 use of veto on Dan but Victoria is trying really hard!
A not so brilliant prediction. The double on Thursday will not see Victoria follow Nicole out the door. I figure Derrick targets Caleb. Keeps Victoria his F2 “fantasy” SECRET! I see Caleb out followed by Frankie who went along with the Derrick plan to get out Caleb.
That leaves F4 Derrick, Cody, Victoria and Christine. F4 evictee will come down to POV winner. Derrick takes out Christine if available if not Cody, never Victoria IMHO. Cody takes out Christine 1st then Victoria if Christine was HOH F4, if Derrick takes out Cody and writes the 500K cheque out to himself… maybe way to soon. Victoria isn’t winning no POV F4 contest.
F3 sitting pretty. No brainer these idiots handed the least deserving BB runner up trophy and 50K to one of the 5 worst players in BB history. It would be poetic justice, in a twisted sickening way, if Derrick finished 3rd and the dirty filthy trash bag Christine wins the money.
I have a gut feeling that Derrick won’t be F2. I’d give Cody a shot but for the fact he won’t turn on his Derrick F2 deal. Derrick will get him as a result.
I guess you didn’t watch Season 14, then. Or, you’ve forgotten about Shane and Danielle. She put her boyfriend Shane up in the Final 4 because Dan told her he was uncomfortable trusting Shane, and then Dan (predictably) turned around and evicted Shane.
With the exception of the Devins and Victorias and Calebs and Ambers, this season has been filled with players who are actually pretty good at the game. Nice change of pace, haven’t really seen that since BB10.
Well if Derrick can’t see this one…..he’s been hanging around Cody too long!
Christine just won ANOTHER comp. She is MUCH more dangerous to his game than Nicole.
If she stays, she’s a strong contender in comps, she says she hates Frankie but will align with him in a second if it gets her farther, & she’s aligned with Cody (her future husband LOL).
Any one of these is reason to take her out…..think Derrick mentioned it once already.
Would much rather see Frankie go. Maybe when Christine takes herself off, they can replace her with Frankie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Victoria yuk doesn’t she know Derrick is married Christine looks like a bird with a large nose hope Derrick wins. He is smarter than all of them put together and then some
The fact lying and backstabbing has NOT already happened in this game shows how bad and boring this season is. Theres what about 20 days left and yet we’re STILL waiting and hoping for Big Brother to finally be played by these people?
The twist this year was stringing the audience along with this cast.
In-between the Bible readings, of course…
Frankie wins comps. Period. This may be their only chance to boot his a$$.
You are probably a jerk who likes Frankie
Goes to show what scum Frankie is when you start insulting people by calling them “Frankie lover” and they respond.
You only have approximately 500 Thumbs Down so far!!! Lol
well. this blows.
I’m too emotionally spent from dealing with this season to attempt an angry, snarky, sarcastic or sad post.
Instead I am going to open the box of blueberry PopTarts I bought today, toast one, and have it with my tea in Donny’s honor. I think he’d chuckle at that.
I don’t think they will make any big move at this point. Derrick won;t let it happen as Nicole is not their side. when it done to Christin or Frankie, Frankie may be packing the bag to get Celab, not now yet
guess there dumb enough to win hoh or go home when they are against each other Frankie wins hoh derrick or cody is gone hope they know that Frankie thinks he can control caleb and Christine so even if one won veto other is gone with a 2 to 2 vote Frankie breaks tie hopefully derrick gets this my favs were Donny Nicole liked derrick in the beginning he really played the best game by far but liked him less and less each week take Frankie out or 500000 is gone promise you
I vote for – Vaginnosaurus Rex, or V Rex as he’s known in Jersey.
Cody can’t be Rex, that’s reserved for Kings. Cody sounds more like Castratesaurus Regina.
It’s Frankie who blows………………any woodie…………….even if it means he gets splinters on his tongue.
Frankie is vile but at least he is not married and vile. Derrick is both.
Christine wins POV. Wake me up when this nightmare is over.
I hope they bring back Pandora’s Box or give TA a mission to save Nicole. This season is too predictable and boring.
if they are smart backdoor Frankie then Christine cant play in hoh its those 3 against Nicole then they could put up Christine and Nicole if one of the 3 win hoh then for sure one of them goes home that’s what I would do as paranoid as Frankie is guarantee he puts up derrick and cody if he wins hoh you could probably convince Nicole if you save her she wins hoh Christine and Victoria go up I even think she would honor that the guys aren’t as smart as they think and a few will get there throats cut because of it The alliance members sould by now realize the people not trustworthy are all in the alliance and have been
I just died a lil inside.
Way to go Christine. Looks like it’s time for Frankie to hit the road.
UGH NO!!! I was so hoping she would go home this week. Just awful. Another predictable week.
Thankfully football is back.
I want Victoria to win. That’s right. Victoria. It will be the only surprising (and exciting) thing to happen this season. Maybe she can pull a Jordan and start winning back to back comps at the end. Keep hope alive!
Nicole’s going out! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!
I heard u the first time. But I think they will back door Frankie.
They;ll talk talk talk about it, then Derrick will pretend to be on board, then he’ll slowly pick away at the idea (like, really, why would it be a bad idea Derrick, tell me that Frankie is not a bigger threat than Nicole. You think Nicole is suddenly going to start winning stuff after losing badly 2 times, and not so badly once? You take him to F4, assuming Chrisine is the next target, and he will win the comps, which at that point is how you stay in the game. You take him out instead of Nicole, who still has no allies, or at best, Victoria, and voila, finally done. You all get in a much better spot.
Let’s face it Derrick, are YOU going to win any comp against Frankie? or even Victoria? Yeah, I don’t think so either.
what was up with all of the talk about what frankie said about victoria getting picked up by tmz?
You are a putz .
Who cares?
Way to go Christine. Looks like it’s time for Frankie to hit the road.
Now Nicole goes home. Great TV. This show is exciting as a colonoscopy.
No shit. (Just couldn’t resist!!)
Kathie are you related to Michael from Canada. Curious
Not related at all. Don’t even know what part of Canada he is from. I’m just outside of Toronto Ontario.
No, but Canadians all know each other of course. We both live down the street from Justin Bieber.
Actually I used to post as Michael, but then a second MIchael showed up, so I had to change it up. So I took a page from Kathie’s book and rep’d our home and native land. Plus I posted a lot in BBCAN2 so I thought people might know me from there (I was the one that didn’t like Neda).
Pleasure to know you both then.
Michael and Kathie I have not lived in Canada in 30 years but I recall both of you vividly. I too am from outside the GTA although it was not the GTA 30 years ago. Refresh my memory — are the streets still muddy trails and does it still snow in July and August in Toronto? Do out of country cars still arrive in July, with roofracks covered in skiis, snowboards and iceskates?
How about Allison from Canada. Lol
Was just teasing Kathie. I thought it would be a little light humor since the show sucks. Your a great sport. If I recall you were a Donny fan. Myself as well. Guess we can go back to watch the rest of the house guests entertain us.
Donny was a sweetheart for sure. I’m at the point now that when I watch the garbage that is left I have this overwhelming urge to take a shower. ;). lol
But at least you get good drugs to knock you out with a colonoscopy…
Can we do a re-do and get Donny back.
Crud,crud,crud oh well she can win all she wants,will still be a terrible person!
I am DONE, this season SUCKS ASS!!!!!!!
At this point the only thing that I can pray on is that Caleb grows some balls and backdoor Frankie, but with this group of losers, I doubt anything but the expected will happen, great try Nicole but GOODBYE….
I am over this season I cannot watch another day of this show. I used to love this show. Christine winning I cannot take it and Caleb as dumb as dirt- I hope Derek get the win this year he is the only one trying to play the game. I will check back next season and if it is anything like this season I will not watch any longer. I mean lets keep someone we all wanted out because it is Arianna Grande’s brother, really???? They are complete idiots and boring. Maybe tonight they will sit around a fire and sing kumbya. Please bring us players like Rachel, Dan, Jeff etc.
1/2 brother to be exact, if any cares
Same mom, different dad. Apparently Ariana’s dad had the talent gene, not Frankie’s.
“Christine – when I walked out there I was like this was meant for me.”
Made for fugley people?
Too bad Crustine, doesn’t know Thursday is DE, which means she’ll be joining Nicole
Which also means Victoria will be getting Britney’d(What Bragade did to Britney)
Yuck. Just YUCK!
they need to make this show more interesting, its so predictible , get a clue caleb a get the pink diva out of here 🙁
Maybe, just maybe he’ll have one of his VERY random moments of clarity as the POV ceremony is happening and put up Frankie.
Maybe just maybe Frankie will be the one thrown out for jis disgusting comments today and Nicole stays!
Since Frankie is sleeping with Broke Back Cowboy in the HOH bird nest, BBC might get confused as to exactly what “backdooring” Frankie might literally mean… at the end of the day… literally…
I just went to my CBS app and sent an email telling CBS to step in and do something about Frankie. He needs to know he can not get away with the things he has said against the women !
Worst season of Big Brother ever. Hands down….. Well maybe tied with last years rejects of an house guests. Frankie, Caleb, and Cody disgusted me with their comment about breaking Victorias virginity. OMG these people are sick. Even if joking around it was not cool. I’m 26 and and am 10x more mature than these idiots. Btw is Fraankie still lying about his age in the game? Because honestly the guy look like he’s in his late 30’s or 40’s so I don’t get how he can fool these “people” so sick if everyone of them
Frankie does look much older than 30. His face looks really aged. That’s probably why he enjoys putting on make-up. It makes him look younger. He looks to me like he could be in his 40’s. Perhaps going blonde with the pink boa down the middle of his head as well as the over exuberant acting display was designed to make him look younger to the 20 year old kids. If Donny had cut his beard for the show, I think he and Frankie would have looked closer in age.
I believe all the tanning has aged h. Oh and also the sheer nasty that oozes from his pores. Both are really bad for the skin.
He’s 31, going on 12…………
Derrick is trying to relive his glory years of when he was a street thug. Sad to see a married man act this way.
“Frankie, Caleb, and Cody disgusted me with their comment about breaking Victorias virginity.”
Dude, Frankie made the comment, Caleb was stupid enough to go along with it, but Cody and Derrick were like “that comment was wrong and disgusting!”
Please everyone, stop wrongly throwing Cody’s name in there when he’s clearly NOT guilty.
well Crustine may have won POV and she will def use it and Vic will go up, BUT its double evict and u know she has a huge chance of going out!
Well then…season is over for me. See ya next season for more of the same.
BWAAHHHHHHHH!!! That’s awful news.
Thank you for keeping us updated <3
I really want a DPOV or pandoras box to show up…….I like nicole and don’t think she should have been treated like shit……frankie needs to go up and instead of nicole going he should go but it’s predictable and caleb willmput up gictoria
If this means Freakie is gone, great. If not, watching Crustine and her big head this week will suck.
Christine pull yourself off the block, DO NOT BELIEVE ANY OF THESE JAMOKES TELLING YOU YOU ARE SAFE AND TO KEEP THE NOMINEES THE SAME. They could flip on you at the last moment. Make Cable a replacement. Either Derrrick or Frankie, as long as they take this opportunity to backdoor one of them,
Opps,,,, Make Caleb name a replacement
I hope Derrick and Cody push Caleb to put up Frankie. They can definitely will go!!! They have the chance since there isn’t any way he can save himself. Come on, Derrick you know how!!! And Cody can just say “yeah, yeah and yeah whatever Derrick says.”
Hahaha… Final five. Then she’ll be the next one out. Bye bye you ugly troll.
How does Christine figure Final 5 automatically? Nicole leaving will leave 6. How does Christine know she won’t be the next one gone? Can she count?
Lol I hope her Fugly ass goes right behind Nicole next week!!!!
……..ugly as a monkey’s a$$ with glasses.
Why are you insulting monkeys!?
Same reason you are insulting colons.
Oh for crap’s sake
It’s official. The show has aint worth spit now.
And the fucking nightmare continues…….Pls let a miracle happen and Grande gets put up….who am I kidding. Damn this sucks
Whoa, they’re putting Frankie up? Nah, they haven’t smartened up that much, have they?
I hope Lawon’s spirit possesses Frankie and he volunteers to go up on the block!
No they have just had a lapse of better judgment, don’t worry they will talk themselves out of it.
Can this season get any worse?? All the guys and Christine sit around and discuss the rape of Victoria by double-teaming a drunk Vic. And then Frankie shows us how it will happen as everyone laughs, even the cop in the room. Earlier Frankie talked about punching Nicole in the face. When is CBS gonna wake up and realize that we are disgusted by the cast this year. Frankie needs to go and so does Derrick. Who sits back and instigates all these things. I’m so done. BB Australia can’t come soon enough. Utopia till then.
Production needs to step in and insist that Frankie be the replacement nom and sent packing or they will air the entire conversation about gang raping Victoria on tomorrows show and let America see who these vile people really are. Christines family should be demanding her leave voluntarily … she has embarrassed her family to the point that they can no longer let it continue and if someone doesnt insist on Caleb getting psychiatric help, he is probably going to hurt someone when he gets out of that house for real. Victoria should be informed of the conversation that took place at 2 21 today by production… show her the feed! Im honestly not sure I can handle any more of this.
I totally agree. Production needs to step in. This is tacky and is not good television!!!
maybe i read a different a different recap than you, but who said anything about rape? christine said that victoria was the one who would initiate. so, like, the opposite of rape. you really shouldn’t throw accusations of rape lightly because it belittles people who have actually suffered that heinous crime and must cope with it for the rest of their lives.
I agree with this. What they said was disgusting and indefensible, but they were not talking about rape (unless there were comments missing from the text).
Christine said that Vic gets feisty when she drinks at which point Frankie suggested they guys double team her. I’m thinking that under that scenario, it could hardly be called consensual. Maybe the word rape wasn’t spoken, but the implication is there especially when you consider the follow up comments that were made. Pretty vulgar conversation.
I person who is intoxicated cannot give consent…Thats rape. And then Caleb mentions how blood would be everywhere while Derrick suggests Zingbot and the Frankie acts out how Zingbot would rape her. Also Frankie’s comment about de-virginizing all of Vic virginites. They are all scum. Specially Derrick who works with Rape victims and took an oath to protect, whether on or OFF duty. Maybe instead of trading what happened, watch it. The real thing take on a whole different feeling than reading it
Well one way to to put pressure on BB executives to push Skankie out of the house is to make those comments at 2120 public via social media, etc. as occurred last year with the racist comments.
I have to agree with you here…absolutely. I was disgusted when I read it but reading it the way YOU wrote it put it in a whole different perspective. I am actually surprised CBS hasn’t stepped in on this. Frankie is such a pig and I am extremely disapointed in the other males who have females in their lives in some capacity. I’m glad at least Derrick tried to squash it. CBS can do better than this. Geez.
Since I’ve been out all day, I needed to catch up on what’s been happening and I’m almost sorry I did. Bad enough that Christine won POV, but reading about what Frankie and the boys said about Victoria is horrifying. This is not acceptable under any circumstance, and I plan on voicing my disgust to CBS on their Facebook page. This isn’t the least bit funny, and he needs to be evicted immediately.
What a scum sucking pig.
How.fukin predictable…
Screw big brothet this show sucks already
Good job letting d.detonators ruin diz season
once Nicole goes im not voting for week 11 favorite cause their is none
good thing she be with Donny hayen. zack .an jocsats having a great time
The jury house is definitely more entertaining I’m sure. I can’t even root for any of these people now. They are the worst group of people I have ever seen.
At this point I don’t even want to see the jury house. Nicole told Derrick when she gets to there she’s going to campaign for him to win it all. OMG – I can’t take this any longer.
Well this definitely complicates things for the boys. They may have won by getting Nicole out but Christine is a formidable opponent now. I don’t think there plan about getting Christine out of the house will be so easy.
The motto for this season should be expect the expected Instead of expect the unexpected
Most twisted season ever? Maybe we can file a class action lawsuit against cbs for false advertising.
What gets me is Disgustine is happy about being final 5, yet she’s the most hated within that group and nobody in the jury would probably ever vote for her, even against Vic. Go on and be happy, you hateful witch.
Oh well F me! Cannot stand this toucan sam looking batch from the slapahoe tribe. She is the original recipe for alpo.
Bye Felicia (nicole) :-/
Guess if Nicole still couldn’t win 1 out of the last 4 comps when she needed it most she doesn’t deserve to stay but damn it I was pulling for her this whole game. As annoyed as I am with these jerks, I’m annoyed with her for giving them the ammunition by losing.
Um…..”final 5″ …..i guess they didn’t tell you christine. Oh well i guess they’ll surprise during the next eviction.
Can she not count there are seven left and when one leaves that is six – her saying final five is stupid – on Thursday she is the next to go if they do not back door Frankenstein which they should do.
She isn’t counting Velma. She doesn’t understand that Viola is Derrick’s final 2. Can’t wait to see here face when the realization sets in, that yes, they really did consider you just a girl. A little more useful than the others, but still expendable. So, here’s to you, Violeta, I hope you take the 500k and enjoy. By being the barnicle attached to Derrick’s butt, you earned it! CHEERS!
I hate to say this but it might be good for Nicole to go
so they start turning on eachother in what if Victoria wins hoh
during the double evection one of them have to go home
that’s painful for me to say but they do know only one person win the game
I see derrick and Frankie final 2 cause they know Donny America favorite
an Frankie want get nothing so final 2 give him 50 thousand
an derrick takes 500 thousand the first person out of the team I think it will be cleab then cody
then Christina
Backdoor Frankie now! The sooner he goes, the sooner he can find out how much America hates him.
Nicole goes bye-bye and Frankie will strike the first blow next week. What a bunch of maroons. I want to apologize to Anon on a couple of articles back. I thought someone was screwing with my handle and that wasn’t the case. Again I’m sorry. Cheers!!!
The best picture yet of Nicole is the one where green paint is covering her face & shes is not visible.
I hope Disgustine doesn’t pack a bag this week thinking she’s all good and she gets booted out next week, wearing the same stinky clothes for 3 weeks. It would be just what she deserves. Most hated in all the land and even within her own alliance.
Damn Christine. I want her to go first then Frankie then Derrick. Final three Victoria Cody and Celeb. But Christine needs to go FIRST. She kills me when she had nerve to say Amber is not that pretty. With a serious face. Really? Has she looked in the mirror lately. She is just pathetic. Ugh!!!!!!
Fantasyland…. Cody is going to call Frankie out….lol
They’re too close minded to take any deals Nicole might offer. They’re too stupid to realize whose running the show here, and they’re too stubborn to break away from each other. What’s worse is that they really honestly think that after Nicole leaves, that Victoria is the next to go. I mean who is that STUPID to evict Victoria, when she is the absolute guarantee that you will win this game. Seriously who?
But then again, they are just SOOOOOO STUBBORN to make ANY GODDAM MOVE.
The show has NOT YET PICKED UP!!!!!! During a normal season, things get intense after the second or third week . We NEVER EVER had to wait this long for someone to make an interesting move.
I will concede and say that if i had someone as loyal as Caleb has proven to be or as nice as Derrick has been, I might keep them to have numbers. But Christine is dead weight, Frankie is conniving and Cody never says anything productive.
None of that matters however, because TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!!!!! You have to get out the people who have a chance at winning the game. Such morons, i swear.
Well the only good thing about Nicole going to jury is the backstabbing shall begin!!!! Dumbass Caleb or Dustine will be the next to go hopefully during double eviction next week!!! I haven’t watched in weeks, but I will be watching Thursday to see how it all plays out!!! I can’t stand those egotistical jackasses left in the house!!!!
Frankie saying that they should gang rape Victoria is beyond words – Production should say something about that and kick Frankie out – because if I was Victorias father I would be sueing them on just the idea of that. I have a feeling that he is going to sue them too. That is a physical threat its against the law and Frankie should be spoke to about it, and Production should be cover themselves with some good lawyers. I believe that Victoria’s family is going to make them pay for it.
It shocks me to my very core, that these people focus more energy on whose going to win America’s favorite player than whose going to WIN BIG BROTHER.
Forget America’s player, this season warrants America’s most incompetent. There will surely be multiple recipients, and it could even be named The Victoria Award.
Lets see if Derrick actually does try to make a “big move” this week and get Frankie out. Before the POV he seemed to be hinting they needed Christine to go bc they were afraid of her and Frankie together. The fact that she just won proves that she is a big threat. So if she did win HOH and put them up, they’d have an easier chance of winning against Nicole and Victoria than they would against Frankie. And hopefully since Victoria doesn’t want to be the replacement nom she will talk to Derrick into putting up Frankie instead too. But we’ll see if they convince Caleb, bc they’ll have the numbers to backdoor him.
Completely agree!!! What is going to be interesting is who will win HOH during double eviction.
If anybody but Frankie wins…….he’s gone.
Christine right after.
I honestly believe Frankie has hated Nicole from the moment Zach said he had a crush on her. I think he is jealous of her and has stated in the live feeds that he doesn’t see why most of the guys have crushes on her. Frankie loves the attention that he gets from the guys.
people want Nicole to win and yadda yadda. it ain’t happening. not with this group. its best for her to go now, and then we can finally get to the people who refuse to turn on each other to fight it out. even Victoria is property of someone in that house, so you have to figure once Nicole goes, they will all feast on each other
still won’t be as interesting as when Zach was in the house. go figure. Frankie SUCKS
Of course she wins with how the season has gone down. No big surprise. What makes it so bad is that some of the more unlikable people or the off the walls people are good or wild cards at comps. Frankie is a comp threat so I find it interesting they are leaving him in the game. It would be a good time to back door him. If Derrick wasn’t so obsessed with Donnie being onto him than he could have “allowed” Cody to put Frankie up. Leaving Frankie in the game is like leaving a mouse in the house to roam too much at will.
I am with you, if Caleb could muster up just a couple of functioning brain cells right now he’d see that it is the absolute perfect time to backdoor Frankie. The votes are there and as much as they like to make Nicole public enemy #1, she is clearly not a threat.
The part of me that might not be so sad about Nicole leaving, is that FINALLY we’ll get to see the alliance crack. But then i think, no. When the double eviction comes, and the opportunity strikes they will evict Victoria. Because, they just need those damn numbers. I mean its gotta be 5 vs 0, because reasons.
Can’t watch after the rape talk. How sickening. CBS, BB16 DO SOMETHING. I PRAYED THAT VICTORIAS PARENTS PRESS THE ISSUE.
Frankie quit blame Donny
for team America last misson you could of save Donny
an won the money but you wanted to send Donny home an get the money
if I could vote no 500 times I whould of in by the way Donny did a great job on the play
bb Frankie has got to go
Donny did one of the best, if not the best, interpretations of another HG than anyone else did. He made the BB Play almost bearable. plus he got on board with it without complaint after the other two made it very clear saving him as a mission wasn’t going to happen.
I mean, there was a reason why it was meant to take place before the veto meeting dudes. it’s true Cody made it super obvious he wasn’t wavering, but all that meant was that Derrick would have made more suggestions, and point out more Nicole stuff to the point that they all would have been willing. HOWEVER, that would have entailed Derrick saying something other than ‘i’m on the fence’ after Frankie said “i want nicole out’
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Nicole’s best pitch to one of the guys is that they need to take her to final 2 if they want to win. Its risky for 2 guys from the same alliance to go to final 2 b/c they’re splitting the votes from former alliance members in jury (ala Hayden and Lane of Brigaide). If they take Nicole, they guarantee themselves all the votes from alliance members in jury and will definitely win. I don’t know why no one understands that yet. And Nicole being pretty good at comps (not so much lately) is the best shot to help them get to final two. The guys would be stupid not to do this, but I guess if they think its more important to stick together to final 4 then they deserve to sweat it out in the end.
just occurred to me, after reading a couple of other comments, that it seems like the majority of them are playing TV, not BB game. They don’t appear to be that interested in gaining an advantage over other alliance members or getting them out when it is clearly good for their game. They are playing TV, meaning that it is more important to them that the ‘alliance’ wins to the final 4. The original members have to make it to the end, that is their goal, and the F2 or winning seems to be less important than ‘good TV’.
That is why they are also so focused on ‘what am I doing today that will get me more votes for America’s Favourite’. Or why someone who is not on the block and not likely to be a replacement is all uptight about not being picked to play POV. Playing TV means playing POV, and winning gets more air time. He should be happy with hosting, since hosting gets airtime too.
Seeing Frankie’s picture, I thought it might be the Village People challenge.
Two things: First, I think it would be cool if Nicole was Team Americas replacement and that sent a loud message to Derrick & Frankie. Second, big brother should consider a new twist next season – whoever wins POV, should they choose to use it then they are responsible for the replacement nominee and not the HOH. A little shift in power would make it more interesting. 🙂
Perhaps if you use it on yourself, then you get to select the replacement nominee. If someone who was not nominated for eviction wins and uses it, then the HOH can name the replacement.
When zach and donny were on the block when caleb wouldnt play with frankie for the BOB I was praying for him to lose but nope production had to step in for him to win it by himself……..I so wanted him gone that week and not have to hear his rude remarks anymore
can they evict Nicole and then just move bigbrother cameras to the jury house and let those people fight for the 500k?
Let the games begin
Swapparama baby!!!!!!!!!
Oh my! This season’s of Big Brother is a textbook definition of personality disorders: obsessive-compulsive, narcissistic, histrionic and border-line. Last year we heard remarks based on racism and sexism and this year we have ageism.
Thanks to the Bold and the Beautiful, who will be taping some donneisms and we will get to see Frankie’s shockisms right before he shows his assims.
Cody is going to call Frankie out. Frankie will just reply, “no biggy, I’ve been out for years now.”
LOLOL!!! Best line of the day:
Cody – “I don’t know I i’m going to be able to go the rest of this week without calling him out” (talking about Frankie *snort*)
Ohh I’m sure you’ll find a way Cody.
Hope this Thursdays CBS allows America to vote for the two nominations for Double Eviction instead of doing an HOH. Since Team America is a bust, this would be a good idea, especially if they actually want someone to watch the rest of the season then they would be smart to get viewers involved during the show.
Frankie wants to be backdoored
If these fools don’t make a move on Frankie they deserve to lose.
Cody’s dinosaur name should be Cody the Dumbosaur!
He’s a doucheasaurus.
Oh my god, Skankie now blaming the failure of his dumbass play on Donny. This vile piece of waste is the most arrogant trash I have ever had to witness. When will someone finally take down!?
Who will the Frankie haters focus on when he leaves the game?
too easy……….Chrustine,& Cotex,
Was just watching the best of season 12 on YouTube and I think CBS could fix this horrible train wreck of a season by having Britney come into the house and roast all the remaining house guests live on Thursday night. This season is awesomely awful, even compared to last year. Frankie, Christine and Derrick. Oh the humanity!
I would SO much rather Evel Dick come in and scare the shit out of Frankie & Chrustine
Derrick: It doesn’t make sense…the fans cost Donny $5000 by not voting yes
That’s because the thought of giving Derrick and ESPECIALLY Frankie an award for putting on a disgusting play and ignoring your own allies plead for for safety does NOT deserve a yes for 5 grand under any circumstances!! If we voted yes, Derrick and Frankie wouldn’t know how much America hates them and Donny would have still been eliminated which means America loses out twice! If I were Donny i would be happy to see that they didn’t win the money cause it’s quite obvious it pissed off Frankie….overwhelming no HA!
Donny was loving that overwhelming no. It looked like he knew it was coming the whole time too.
I usually follow this page religiously every year and the live feeds. I have not watched the live feeds once, what a waste of money! This is the worst season ever! Last year was a mess, but at least there was drama. I can not stand to look at Frankie another minute and Christine turns my stomach. Frankie is as arrogant & an embarassment to the gay community. Christine is a dirt & ho bag. If I was her husband that marriage would be over. I don’t know what more to say, but I am glad to see that I am not the only one that feels this way.
Seeing as The Vile bunch is a terrible version of Bragade 2.0… The question is.. Who will get Britney’d 1st, Princess Victoria? Or Crustine?
I think the remaining TA members will be surprised when there are no more TA missions (I hope).
I guess Cody lost something in the POV comp, and is wearing the costume?
I’d like to see Derrick and Cody talking to Caleb about the replacement. The only one I’ve seen him confirm the nom is Frankie, and of course he’s going to say Victoria. too bad for Frankie that no one feels threatened or unhappy with any other of their alliance more than they seem to dislike him. I got excited there for a minute when Cody said something about calling Frankie out on his sh1t, then I remembered, oh right, that’s Cody talking.
Are U kidding me??? Skankie feels demoralized by what Julie said to him!!!!!
Well Skankie….How does victoria and her family feel …when U suggest and demonstrate she get gang banged by cody and Caleb….or how all of America feels and cringes every time U start Humping everyone with a pulse and some inanimate objects….Well let me tell U…U old HAG….We feel DEMORALIZED too!!!
My Lord…there is something seriously wrong with your mind….U FREAK!!!
Well said!!! :). He really is the scum of the earth.
I absolutely LOVE the fact that the “Overwhelming NO!” is eating away at Frankie two days later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it invades all his dreams! And the fact that Donny’s popularity is still driving him crazy is WONDERFUL!!!
Hope Veronicas parents bring a lawsuit against Frankie & his family (great press for lil sis!).
……oops Victoria………
I don’t know if her parents can press charges since she is an adult….BUT…seeing she is in persieved DANGER, an threats were heard by others, and she is in a situation to not be able to call out for help….I believe the parents could file a restrining order …..
NOW THAT WOULD BE A TWIST!!!! LA COPS entering the house to serve MR. Broadway/YT mogal {Frank {the snake] Grande with papers….Wonder whos fault that would be???
Donnie. The all purpose scapegoat.
Oh Hayden….If only it had been you who won the buy back. Could this show suck any worse? Unfortunately, yes. Look who we are stuck with.
Frankie, who is becoming more hateful by the hour, is making Andy Herron from BB16 look like little Opie Taylor, by comparison.
In the past if someone even acted like they were ready to fight, in the face and chest bump, they were kicked out right away. Now they allow guys to talk about getting a girl drunk and taking her virginity with her blood everywhere and nothing happens! CBS needs to step in NOW and do something !
Would love to know how to BLAST CBS with text …emails…calls…Skank has really crossed the line with the suggesting drunken rape of a woman….He is a very SICK BASTARD!!!!
I think Britney should lay into Christine first . I don’t think the princess would know who Britney is anyway. Just duct tape all their mouths and let Britney loose. That’s how you do good TV
Hey guys I’m kind of done with this season of BB Ive seen ever season of it except season 1 but I was wondering should I watch BB Canada cause I keep hearing good things about it and ppl keep telling me BB Canada is for the real BB fans and all the house guest are actual fans of the show and not recruits how it should be here in the U.S. instead of recruits and they keep telling me BB Canada 2 is better than BB16 so should I give it a watch? and if so were can I find the episodes at?
BB Canada is so much better. With the exception of a couple, the houseguests are pretty good people. Much nicer. More twists. Canada was HOH, had a seat in the jury. And they had three house guests in a secret room for a week watching the houseguests. And the viewers got to vote on which one could enter the game. So much better. Not sure where you can watch it but someone on the chat boards will tell you.
BBCan was much better than bb16. We also had gay men each season. One was flamboyant (Glitter Gary) and one hid it for awhile as part of his gameplay though he did tell them partway through. Neither of them were as disgusting as Frankie.
To me Frankie stands for:
Full of crap
No filter
Kisses all the boys
Extremely dirty (mind & housekeeping)
Though I haven’t watched earlier seasons of BB, BBCAN2 was one of the best seasons I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately it’s on YT. There are streaming sites and of course downloads, but I cannot endorse such things on this good site. I’m sure it would only take a little bit of Googling though.
*it’s not on youtube.
They also had a big alliance of six in BB Canada. The viewers put two of them on the block to break it up. Wish we would have had that option with the bomb squad.
Both BB Canada and BB Australia are so much better than BB US. I watch the episodes on youtube. BB Canada 2 was recently finished and BB Australia starts on September 8th. Yay!!!
Frankie = most vile houseguest in the history of Big Brother! Even Joshuah, Rachel and Demanda are better than Frankie!
I can’t believe I agree that he is worse than Amanda. Woulda lost a lot of money on that bet. Didn’t think it was possible.
Loving that Frankie is still bitching about his play & its hilarious that he picked up on Julie picking him to ask about the apple pie because it was a slap in “his” face. Now he’s trying to blame Donny for the play failing??!!! OMG!!! Still laughing at him saying earlier that people have never seen a man in drag and they couldn’t handle it. Uh, ok, yeah that’s the reason. You bet – oh yeah, none of us have EVER seen a man in drag on tv or movies!!! (dumbass!!!) There have been a helluva lot more famous men than him dressing in drag on tv & in movies – some of them before that dipshit was even born! My gosh, he’s so self-absorbed he doesn’t even know what the hell he’s talking about! Leave it to a delusional wanna-be like him to play the victim & blame America for being gay-bashers as the reason he didn’t win for that dumb-ass “play”.
Frankie and Derrick saying production edited the Frankie show to make it look bad that’s why they lost?! LOL. Actually, they edited it to make it look very good. If you had seen it on BBAD, it was really terrible, apart from Donny’s part. On cbs it was good. On TVGN, it was hard to watch. If anything, cbs did them good. Isn’t it funny how even though they’ve evicted Donny, they still fear the beard… Hahahaha. The ghost of the dreaded beard is haunting them.
Also hope he keeps complaining about Julie so he gets roasted in an upcoming episode like what happened to Christine when she was hating on Julie!!
Yes Skankie, We’ve never seen real men on TV that where gay…Ever here of Liberace you Moron ??
Thank God for Project Runway…. I’ll have something fun to watch on Thursday night…. damn Defiance had it’s Season Finale last Week, No Penny Dreadful, Game of Thrones…. Dr Who is back but that is on Saturdays…. watching it now.
I do not dislike Derrick, I think his game play is so far quite good…. it is the other house guests I question. In any other Season it would be discussed more that Derrick is never on the block and people would compare notes and realize there are final two’s with Derrick all over the game. If Caleb, Frankie or Cody were not so self absorbed they would have noticed Derricks double talk… downstairs all for keeping Donny and upstairs when Cody is there I just don’t know.
Perhaps that is the secret of Derricks game… He does not stick out and the others believe that they are Stars or Seasons Super Evil Villains…. also this Season lacks a certain courage. No one can say it to a persons face and the threat of conflict makes them almost pee in the pants with fear.
Nicole you are going home… do some good old fashioned Call Out House Meeting… You are going Home any way… Blow their crap up.
I agree…I keep asking why in the heck aren’t they saying anything about Derrick never being nominated!!! So crazy! Also, I wish Nicole would blow their crap up too but they’ve all been outed before & it didn’t seem to matter…they just go back to their hug & hump fests. Plus unfortunately she still think Derrick is the good guy so she won’t call him out. She probably will defend him in jury but if he makes it to F2…he would win by default cuz I don’t see anyone else worth winning either.
Great post, EricCA.
can’t believe Chris won, finial 5 don’t think so Chris. Why has production done nothing about fankie calling Nicole the “C” word and saying he would punch in the face, then he talks about gang raping Victoria. This guy is a lunatic . AG and Production are you going to wait until does hurt someone. Time to get this guy removed from the BB house. Then he blame Donny for not wining money because of the play he just had to do.
After Nicole gone, that’s the end of bb16
All the hateful hg still in the game
OMG. There is something seriously wrong with Frankie. Blaming the editing for not getting the votes for that horrendous play? He is totally dillusional. Come on, Derrick. I know he is TA but get him out. This week. Please! I know you can do. I don’t know if I can take another week with Christine and Frankie. If she can’t go, he has to. For the love of all that is holy, GET FRANKIE OUT!!!!!!
Another no, and not Toronto Guy either.
Christine winning POV means Nicole is going home, the puppet master won’t let Victoria be evicted.
Derrick if you want America like you…..:.:.tell everyone to back door Frankie!!!!! Save Nicole get out the gross discussing Frankie!!! Please let go HG! Wake the fu(k up!
If Crustine wins HOH next week she said in an earlier post she will not put Victoria on the block so that means The Pink Pansy & Dumbass Caleb will be in the hot seat!!! Here we go again with Cody talking about calling Frankie out…with his no balls ass!!! I just can’t wait til Thursday to see who goes out behind Nicole!!!! I haven’t been watching but will i be tuned in on Thursday!!!!
Hey Caleb, Frankie said that he was going to get a tattoo of “BMC” (Beast Mode Cowboy) on his left *ss cheek but decided on having the tattoo done on his chest, he really likes you. Why don’t you return the devotion by giving the Skag what he wants, BACKDOOR HIM!
I just wonder if another houseguest mentioned hitting Frankie in the face, and also encouraged rape…what would CBS do? Don’t get all bent out of shape on me…just wondering if the shoe was on the other foot.
I’m pretty sure that immediate action would be taken if the guys got together and started talking about holding Frankie down while each of them crammed something up his ass until he was bleeding. And just for the record…if a conversation like that ever did happen, I would totally be on board with BB removing the person who suggested that type of behavior. They should get Frankie out of there immediately. What they will do is put a bug in Derrick’s ear that they (BB) need Frankie gone and to rally the boys and get Frankie voted out this Wednesday. Then they need to keep a guard at the jury house to protect Zach!
“Cody – “I don’t know I i’m going to be able to go the rest of this week without calling him out””
Here we go again….
The Legion of Doom just keeps on dooming this season. They do realize that they can’t all win,right? Derrick doesn’t win anything,is non-commital in a group when they ask opinions about who goes up,convinces everybody he’s playing for 2nd escapes being nominated,openly discusses strategy with his partner Victoria,spends time with the untouchables (the people on the block) whenever he chooses. I could go on and on for days about how he breaks every rule of a good player of the game, yet he’s going to win.
As predicted the brain dead blob alliance will take each other out. Small minded and easily distracted by their own (false) beliefs of greatness,they don’t see the biggest threat in the game. Unbelievable.
If they had any brains or should I say balls they would backdoor “Frankie”! I sure would have liked to have seen Christine’s face when she was evicted this week! Can’t stand the “B”!
Well Cornball Caleb if Frankie’s annoying everyone, now is the time to get his ass out of there!!! Don’t be mad when your dumbass is in jury & he’s made it to final 2!!!!
If Cody calls someone out this week, that might just be the most entertainment we’ve gotten all season….
Too bad he’s a P.U,S.S.Y.
“I don’t know I i’m going to be able to go the rest of this week without calling him out”
Ughhhhhh! I hate that Nicole lost again. Sadly I think she is going home on Thursday. Glad football is coming back on. Tired of watching this boring predictable season.
Cody’s dinosaur name obviously is Pussy. He’s a pussy, no other words describe it. Get the freakin’ green suit off, ffs. He is a stripper after all.
So this is what young morons do… Get Tatooed and have sex on TV. Hey Cody’s dad, since you are “touchy feely” how’s about putting your daughter on BB next year? We would rather see her stroking some tattooed dude. HA HA
Derrick, good job. You are still a dork though.
Donny, congrats and enjoy all of your money. Take it easy in jury
These HG are idiots! !! They keep saying they don’t trust Frankie, that Frankie won’t nominate Victoria if he wins HOH,… yet they refuse to backdoor him!!… What are they waiting for????
I’m starting to think that Derrick getting to the F2 is not a lock for the win. These hg are to stupid to realize what he’s doing. When he gives his final speech they want believe it. They actually think they make their own decisions. I believe this will hurt him bc they might consider him to be a floater. Am I the only one who sees this?
I considered this last night when he was working on Caleb. He is taking a chance by pouring it on so strong, but on the other I think he is still doing the right thing, because you have to get to the end to win, and second place is still $50K.
I think Derrick has played the best game I’ve ever seen on this show.
The four HG involved in the rape discussion should immediately be removed from the show and be replaced with the thee jury members and the four previous evictees should be placed as alternate jurors (even though they haven’t been sequestered).
Justin was removed in BB2 for holding a knife to another HG neck.
The rape discussion is one step before.
Otherwise Victoria and the other girl should be told of the danger that they are in and they should be allowed to remove themselves from the house(and program) without any penalty. Also, they should be given the opportunity to play next season.
CBS has legal risk and should consult an Attorney. Now.
Actually there were 5 Caleb, Christine, Cody, Derrick and Frankie. Kick them all out, do not stop at the jury house, forfeit the stipend and any other prizes they have won Let the four in the jury house vote and America votes the tie breaker if needed
How did Viola get this far in the game?
The great Hillary Clinton said it best!! What difference does it make Who gives a shit who wins. What really is good is these fruit cakes find out how they are really looked at. Disgust , detain and creepy!!! And Frankie will fall apart he is hated and no one will offer him a movie contract, Derrick will be so distraught thinking he is the darling player and people finding him dishonest and disgusting . Cody thinking he is a stud and finding out he is a Pussy. Caleb s ego will be deflated finding out he looks and acts like a Jack Ass. The other two wont make it. But at least one needs to be in the final two to make someone the 500K
They Should take a shot at Frankie while they have the chance.. They’re so hung up with getting at Nicole who hasn’t won the last four comps she was in… Frankie will win another HOH or POV and he will take the shot first! idiotssssss… backstab now not later! I just hate Frankie so much, I do not want to see him in F2!!!!
Lord luv a duck! A plan conceived by, planned by, and executed by, that tired, nasty, crusty ol critter failed and it’s still Donnie’s fault? Give us all a break! Surly even Derrick doesn’t believe that crap. I know he is the king of bullshit mountain, but he has to know it was all Funky. I just wish someone would tell Funky off. Oh I know, Cody can do it. He’s really good at that sorta thing.
I sent a email to CBS about Victoria remarks let’s hope CBS does something if they don’t I’m done with CBS.
Sadly, the Villains look like they’ll ride to victory with victoria (she’s too simple & absent to be a villain)
But all Villain-centric stories end with their demise…
And they’re setting it up by being so fixated on trying to convince themselves that Donny is not an American favorite and how popular they’ll be when they’re back in the real world (when infamy is more like it)… AS IF THE CAMERA AREN’T CATCHING EVERY BIT OF THEIR VILLAINOUS VIRTUE VOID!!
So, here’s hoping Karma, due justice, just desserts, whatever you want to call it catches up with these Bullies on the Block (unfortunately, not the BB Block) and…
Donny & Nicole get opportunities like being paired up in The Amazing Race, get endorsement deals, appearance fees, blog love, more Soap Opera-tunities (c’mon, that’s good stuff!), whatever else that the rest of the Crusty Crew will have no choice but to witness or learn about so they can reflect in perpetuity, wallow in their misery and wonder… “If I had only worked with them, I could be riding their coat tails now. (sigh)…”
If, as expected, Nicole gets evicted, Derrick is the only one left who I could stomach to win the $. Actually, I think he’s all strategy, deserving to return in an All-Star season, and not a bad dude at all. He is by far more intelligent (BB manipulative) than the rest of the Fart Bombs combined.
Christine needs to go home next week. The only way they’re able to get rid of Christine to back door her. But the Christine knows how to play the game which be hard to back door..
Plus I’m sorry if Christine claims she loves her husband like she does would not be surprise if her husband filed for divorce . Sorry if Christine says flirting a game move to stay in the house. Then what does she do out of the house when husband not around?
You all are getting worked up into a frenzy. The huge amount of negativity on here in unsettling. So let me get this straight- everyone is making horrible remarks about the contestants looks, their IQ, their mental state etc. I mean absolutely disgusting remarks. But you think you have the right to send emails to CBS?! Crazy bunch. You complain the cast is boring bc they dont have an evil dick, or other exciting player, that a big group of people have remained loyal to one another with no in fighting. You also complain when they do have an ounce of drama. There is a ton of pots calling the kettle black. The remarks on here are horrifying as well.
ugh. well there is the last chance of anything interesting happening this season. Backdoor frankie….of course not. What are you people thinking? Have you watched this season? Unless there is a pandoras box or twist in the game nicole is done, and so goes all interest I have in this season. I have never watched a season I have been so utterly bored to death by. If I see another unanimous vote or hear “its what the house wants” from derrick I am literally going to blow up my tv. Please big brother, push the issue and have something happen.
I’ll be the first person to say that I hate it when production rigs the game in favor of their favorite players (ahem… Frankie), but I really hope they step in this week. Nicole should not be the one to leave this week. It’s too boring and predictable. It’s really making for some horrible television.
If CBS and production really want to make the viewers happy and create some good television, they need to find a way to get Frankie out this week. Either get inside Caleb’s head (which shouldn’t be that hard, honestly) and get him to put up Frankie as the replacement nominee, or give Nicole a Pandora’s Box this week and give her guaranteed safety as well as some power.
The returning houseguest twist was horrible this year. They bring back Nicole, and two weeks later she’s gone? The game hasn’t changed a bit since she returned. The Detonators are still ruling the house and nothing interesting is happening. Production has to give Nicole something that will make the other house guests scared of her.
Long story short: Nicole rocks, Frankie sucks.
Hate! hate! hate!!!!! this season. Soooo borning and predictable. Worst season yet.