Big Brother 16 Spoilers Week 7 POV Results ZACHATTACK

POV Holder: Zach Next POV Aug 9th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 11th
HOH Winner 1: Nicole HOH Winner 2: Christine
Battle of the Block Winner  Frankie/Ca;eb Next HOH Aug 15th
Original Nominations: Nicole’s Noms (Caleb & Frankie) Christine’s Noms (Zach & Donny)
Final Nominations: ?
Have Nots Donny and Zach
POV Players Christine, Zach, Donny, Nicole, Caleb, Derrick
  • Jocasta is evicted by a vote of 6-2
  • HOH winner is Caleb his Nominations are Donny and Hayden
  • POV Winner is DONNY who uses it on himself. Caleb’s replacement nominee is Nicole
  • Hayden is evicted by a vote of 5-2
  • week 7 HOHs Christine and Nicole
  • Nominations are (Caleb & Frankie) Christine’s Noms (Zach & Donny)
  • Battle of the Block winners are Frankie and Caleb, Caleb didn’t participate in the competition but as luck would have it actually helped Frankie.
  • Christine promises Cody and Nicole she won’t back door them but no one can really tell for sure what her true intentions are.
  • POV Players are Christine, Zach, Donny, Nicole, Caleb, Derrick
  • POV Winner is Zach

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8:33pm Zach says that was the most fun.. He wins the POV

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8:40pm Zach and Frankie
Frankie – I’m so happy you won.. I figured that once you won and were safe they could have a conversation
Zach says he loves Frankie as a person but as a gamer he hates him.

Frankie – can we be best friends again
Zach – we are best friends
Zach – the two characteristics i look for in people are brains and humor and your the smartest person i have ever met my entire life… If I was gay i would be on my knees s**king your D**k right now I’m not lying.. I was hurt bro I felt like my wife just cheated on me”
Frankie says Zach made him feel the same way yesterday
Zach – You cheated on me first”

Zach say they were in a very good spot and everything was working well but Frankie had trust issues with him.

Frankie – we’re still good
Zach – I have not game
Frnakie – with me you have
Zach – ya right
Frankie – I F*** you and you F*** me back
Zach – you’re the f** man
Frankie – We’re b1tches

Zach – You were scheming to get me out of the house
Frankie – I did do that..
Frankie says the plan to get out Zach was concocted by everyone Cody, Derrick Christine and Frankie.
Zach – You are so much smarter than me you had the game in the palm of you hands and you tried to get me out..
Frankie – and you tried
Zach – after your tried
Frankie – yes I understand.. we’re even now..
Zach – You ruined my game
Frankie – you ruined your game
Zach what did I do
Frnakie – you divided the group because of the information you were sharing

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like a boss

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9:09pm Frankie wants to sign a pact that they don’t believe thing that Cody and derrick say about the other
Zach says Cody and Derick don’t talk crap about Frankie so he doesn’t know what went on.
Zach – i’m not talking game to anyone.. I’m done talking game to Cody.. all I’m going to do is win Competitions
Frankie – sometimes you have to go through really bad things to trust each other
Zach says Frankie is really good at words he could be lying to him right now
Zach mentions he talked sh1t about him, Zach never did that about Frankie
Frankie says hiding this amazing thing was eating him up he needed to get it out.
Frankie wants Christine to backdoor nicole but she’s probably putting up Victoria, Frankie – “SO donny is going home”
Frankie asks him if Christine is still coming after him
Zach doesn’t think so. Zach says he spilled his entire game to Nicole “Obviously you were included in a lot of it”
Frankie – Amazing..
Zach – She told me all these things about me
Frankie – She lies
Zach – Frankie!
Zach brings up Christine telling Nicole that Zach Approached Frankie about the detonators
Frankie denies it
Zach knows it’s true give Frankie a look.
Zach – F** christine I hate her she’s a snake
Frankie – I’ve stopped talking to her completely.. we have to win HOH this week
Zach where does Beast mode Cowboy fall into all this.. I like him more than anyone know
Frankie – We’re in the bomb squad again..
Frankie thinks they got played by Christine and Nicole. Zach mentions everyone was supporting Caleb throwing the BOB competition so Frankie would be on the block.

Zach – lets do this
They hug it out..
They agree to send home a none bombsquad this week.
Zach – I love you Frankie
Frankie – Love you Zach
(Sounds like they’ve buried the hatchet)

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9:12pm Victoria and Derrick
Derrick tell her they have the votes DOnny is going home
Derrick says Zach will vote the way they all vote like he does every week, “If you are on the block trust me”
Victoria is worried “Donny is good with his words”
Derrick I don’t want to hear you doing this again..
Derrick – you can’t hide the fact he’s won 5 POV”she’s going to be very difficult to get out..

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9:19pm Cody and Derrick

Cody is pissed Zach won the POV says he’s in the Storage room with Frankie right now..
Derrick – Obviously if Victoria goes up Donny goes home.. and if Zach tries to flip the script we vote him out next week.
Cody say if he wins HOH he’s putting up Frankie and Zach he can’t stand the way Zach acts,

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9:29pm Frankie and derrick
Frenaki says he’s cool with Zach, “Nicole has been lying a look very well”
Frankie asks him if they are still cool him, Cody and Derrick. Derrick says he was good with Frankie anyway he was just surprised.
Frankie – Zach is OK with keeping Donny, I would like to keep him I don’t think he would put us up. Derrick tells him to be careful how he mentions that to Cody and Caleb they don’t want to keep Donny.
They want Nicole up. Frankie is going to work on Christine but he’s not sure how close Christine and Nicole have become.
Frankie – I think Christine is accidentally playing us.. there’s a leak it needs to be plugged or eliminated
Derrick thinks Victoria going to be the replacement nominee
Derrick asks beside Derrick and Team America who is Frankie closest to
Frankie says Caleb
Derrick points out that Donny’s target is Caleb.
Derrick – Victoria… when is she ever going to beat us.. never..
Frankie – And she’s never ever putting me up
Derrick – Victoria f** loves you.. never said a bad thing about you.. she doesn’t
Frankie says Nicole said Victoria talks ah1t about him
Caleb joins them
Frankie says he wants to get Nicole up she’s been lying lying and lying
Caleb – Donny won’t beat me in a HOH comp Nicole can”
Frankie thinks caleb and him can work on Frankie

Frankie – we’re all square everything that happened the past few days is over. we’re bomb squad again
Caleb – we have no reason not to be..

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“The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie

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190 thoughts to “Big Brother 16 Spoilers Week 7 POV Results ZACHATTACK”

    1. lmao yall are silly

      Cooper says:
      August 8, 2014 at 12:52 pm
      Spoiler alert. Donny and Victoria end up nommed by the end of the week

      53 137 Rate This Comment

      I got 137 thumbs down when it was blatantly obvious. DEAD.

      1. I just give that a DUH. The slaughter continues. Fish in a barrel, as I’ve said before. Oh well….there’s always next year. (My husband and I are both Cubs fans, so we know what to say…LOL)

      1. Top 3 in polls should initiate a one-week alliance with Pinky and Christine for the lone task of dethroning King Derrick. The perks: Christine gets to have Cody to herself as they remove Cody’s life source. Donny gets his main target (and still has the two flaming queens as targets next week — i.e. Pinky and Cody). Zankie gets to strike back after a couple of misses from the Hitmen. Nicole avenges Hayden’s early out. They only need three votes (Zack, Pinky, Nic) and Christine breaks the tie. Pinky might even take Victoria off of Derrick’s mist to vote him out. Just dreamin.
        If Donny returns from Jury, it would end any hope of giving Hayden a second chance at the game. Like I said, just dreamin’.

    2. It is not like we needed further proof of what a liar Frankie is, but whether we needed it or not Frankie just stuck his smelly foot in his mouth once again and proved again what a liar he is. Remember he claims he is using ALL THE MONEY and building schools in Africa, but Zach just asked him how many he would build if he won the 500,000 and he said 3 and how many if he won 50,000 and he said 2. Simple math and it means he is keeping the majority of money for himself. Wow either Frankie is so stupid he cannot count, which he probably is, or he is a LIAR. I am going with LIAR, LIAR, LIAR!!!!

      1. Been a crazy couple of days.. I think it’s funny Frankie thought his bubble gum pop sister would get him off the block.. But I think that plan already backfired. Even zach still says he doesn’t trust him but he loves him as a person (he needs to do everyone and himself a favor and come out the closet) but he will not play the game with him bbad was great the last week.

    1. Are you serious!? Ugh, just when I’m starting to like and root for Zach he goes back to Frankie… I HATE ZANKIE!

  1. Poor donny or Nicole is now screwed, why THE HELL doEs everyone still trust Cody and Derrick after theh made an alliance with haycole? ? Like I dint get why frankie is taking all this heat when those two back stabbed so much worse smh

    1. Beats the shit out of me why Derrick and Cody are untouchable. No one even questions them. Whatever. I honestly don’t care anymore. I just want to see some of their faces on elimination day.

    2. Maybe because as soon as Nicole became HoH, Frankie ran to her and strongly suggested that she put Cody, Derrick and Zach on the block. None of those guys did that–until they found out what Frankie did.

    1. Donny’s getting evicted this week unfortunately. I can only hope he wins a chance back in the house out of the jury members. It could be better this way since Donny stands no chance with this bunch over the next few weeks. If he’s gone for a bit, that gives the others time to really start cannabalizing each other then Donny can come in closer to the end and slide into the finals. That will take a miracle though. lol Production needs to start favoring the good people for once instead of the stupid Frankies and Elissas.

        1. I think you are right. Donny may be a long time BB fan but his sense of decency and his high morals make things difficult for him. Lying and backstabbing does not come easy for him. I hope he is voted back when the other side has fewer members. Better yet, a double twist and both Donny and Hayden come charging in on their white horses and save the fair Nicole.
          Sorry to see that Zach is buying Skankie’s shite again. Hopefully it will not come back to bite him in the bum.

      1. That was the essence of an earlier thread I posted on. If your a Donnie fan him going to jury is a very good thing. He or Hayden will get back in. Viewers choice it’s Donny if it’s a comp Donny still has a big chance. I want Nicole to leave only once and permanently!

      2. I agree…… Production interferes with the game play to push their own agenda…. just like they interfered with Survivor players………. MVP is a joke – again , not fair and the player realize this….

      3. frankie should be pushing to do the TA thing. He should be able to appeal to Derricks greed. If F wants Donny to stay, he’s going to have to push the idea of Victoria agreeing to be a pawn they can vote to evict. donny would agree to act like he knows he’s going home, and they can play off not putting up someone else or Nicole because V will agree to what derrick says. zach would have to push for nicole to not go up so christine isn’t the only one. Christine has to simply admit that they have an obvious agreement of not putting each other up, and someone at some point has to be smart enough to say that one of the 4 evictees is coming back. They need to not send nicole out, because she and hayden will work together to make sure one of them gets back in the house, not jocasta or whoever else is gone.

  2. Why does Frankie think its cool to put a streak of glitter near his left eye? Your 31 years old……. Its not fabulous, but a little dragulous.

    1. You guys hate Frankie’s game right? WELL THEN STICK TO IT! What the heck does his makeup gotta do with it?
      Are you angry that you can do that because you’re insecure? Weirdooooooo thumbs down this comment you crazy cat men. LMFAO

    2. I think that what kinda looks like glitter is some type of makeup made for lights but you can see it sometimes if the light hits it just right. I notice it around his eyes sometimes. He must be doing some major covering up.

      1. I think it’s called “Eye Light” to make your eyes appear brighter under the lights. It’s the opposite of eye black that athletes use to cut the glare.

  3. Just subscribed to the live feeds through this site to watch
    Zankie make it offish and have make-up sex all night long.
    #TeamZankie FTW

    #ZACKATTACK #WILDCARD what sweet justice will it be when ZACH SENDS FRANKIE HOME!!

    1. I don’t believe that will happen. Zack is up Fakie’s butt again. He didn’t learn anything. He’s back to acting like a fratbrat. Guess there’s no hope for that kid

      1. Let’s just wait and see, sometimes it takes acting like an “A” hole to catch one, I don’t think and I hope Zach didn’t forget plush he’s has Nicole there to remind him. Fingers and toes cross.

      2. don’t you tell that Zack actually is falling love with Frankie? even he doesn’t realize this and think himself is straight, not a gay.

  5. Christine please make e big move and put either Derrick or Cody on the block
    Doubt she has the guts to do that though

    1. Do you really think Ratine will suddenly go against the guys and it wouldn’t matter anyway they will vote Donny out unless she backdoors Nic. It depends on what Fakie tells her what to do. Oh the life of a minion.

    1. They’ll keep Victoria because she doesn’t seem to have an original thought in her head. Donny is smart and good at comps, so he’s a threat. Hurry-up and get Donny out, so he can have a break from stupidity and immaturity. Then he can come back in the game – all rested and ready to go!

  6. Maybe Team America will decide to try to complete their task. They get Victoria to volunteer to go up on the block (unlikely, but Derrick could make it happen…) and then get her evicted instead of Donny. *crosses fingers*

      1. Not sure you’re right about that one. Frankie and Zack want to keep Donny. Frankie is trying to sell the idea to Derrick because he’s smart enough to realize Donny has no alliances and will go after Derrick and Cody before him or Zach. Frankie also knows Victoria is a number for Derrick and Cody. Bottom line, Frankie also just wants to win more money.

        1. And so does Derrick. He’s still pissed that he missed out on that one that Donny refused to participate in. He might cut Victoria out to get a guaranteed five grand.

        2. yes if frankie and zach are telling the truth to each other that Derrick and Cody need to go, it means actually they need to work on getting victoria out. frankie is delusional if he thinks she is in his back pocket, she is only in Derricks and will always be a derrick vote. Getting her out, sticking to Zach who wants to stick to Nicole who is with Zach in keeping Donny, plus Frankiie should be keen on keeping donny for the TA. Derrick is completely wrong, and Frankie needs to be a lot more vocal about this, that Donny doesn’t want to be TA. he didn’t want to do that one single task, this is an opportunity for them all to do another 5.000, it is an easy one, no problem getting vic on the block, and then Donny is around for more tasks. Why they assume the TA will continue if they both target one of their own members is bizarre thinking.

  7. Bummed for Donny and would be more thrilled for Zack, but he’s back to being Frankie’s bit$h. WTH! He wins POV and they are making up in the have not room.

    1. I’m betting Zach is going to be backstabbing Frankie. I don’t think he’ll just forget what he did.

  8. What are the odds that Derrick keeps Donny because of TA? Honestly, Nicole deserves to go because of her stupidity. She keeps trusting people who aren’t even doing a good job lying! Done with her.

    1. I don’t see Derrick trying to keep Donny for TA because Donny made it clear to them that he would not jeopardize his game for TA mission. I think the only way for Donny to save himself is to convince Frankie and Derrick to pursue the TA mission. Other than that, I don’t see Donny staying (even though I would love him to stay and wind). Hopefully if Donny leave he will be the Jury member to return to the game and win.

    2. Rooting for Nicole is like rooting for JUDD last year, i wanted him to win yet he keeps making the same mistake over and over again. Likewise I just want nicole to hear out Donny, Derick is no good to her and yet she keeps going back to him.

      Assuming Donny is out and someone from the jury will come back, at this point I want Hayden to come back because Hayden (from an interview) wants to get rid of Derick and Cody and he may actually have the job done, in contrast to Donny, Hayden has a lot more influence in the game.

      1. Hayden was and still in a very clue less person. He did nothing in the game. And if he comes backs he won`t go after Cody or Derrick just like Nicole did not do it.

        Im sure Production will tell Derrick to keep Donny, just like they did last week with Zack

    3. none what so ever… Victoria will be the replacement nom and since derrick is planning on taking Victoria to the end,he will not save Donny. everyone wants Donny out. Donny needs a special power like a diamond pov… don’t worry he will be back in the house soon… he will be one of the two jurors to come back in the game.

  9. Yes! Zach won it! Now time for him to get to work to shake things up. Victoria is getting the boot, is my prediction.

  10. I literally just did a happy dance! Way to go #ZachAttack winning that POV. Now c’mon production, save Donny this week like you saved Frankie #wildcard

  11. Not the outcome I wanted, but at least Zach won as oppose to Derrick/Christine/Caleb. Looks like Donny is going to the jury, but anything could happen. He also has a chance to come back so there’s that. Please let someone talk Christine into backdooring Derrick/Cody as unlikely as that sounds.

  12. If Zach forgives Frankie I will be livid. I really hope this does not end Donny or Nicole’s games. The house divided is much more entertaining. Unfortunately even if Christine puts up Victoria the four idiots(Der,Cody,Caleb, and Frankie) will still vote out Donny. Ugh! My only hope for this season is that one of those four don’t win HOH next week and we may finally get some real action and scrambling going.

  13. With Zack coming off the block TA will convince Victoria (she’s the most gullible) to go up as the pawn and vote her out.

    to go up as the pawn

  14. Maybe TA will put Victoria up and try to get her sent home for 5k.. Knowing Derrick tryna keep Victoria around it won’t happen but hey “America will be so pissed at Donny for rejecting that mission”. Well lets see who rejects it now because you know Donny is gonna push for it.

    1. america respected donny for that decision, imo plust it was one of the stupidest tasks ever. Some of the tasks have been really stupid. It’s one thing to create some havoc by hiding someone’s stuff and blaming another person. but actually making 3 people vote against the house at that junction was asking all 3 to risk their chances. Donny was right to refuse it, and giving up the 5000 i think made people admire him more. If Frankie assumes he is America’s favourite, my guess is donny’s actions have gained him a lot of votes.

  15. Surprise Surprise Zach won. Yeah right

    Donny will be evicted. Then Donny will win to return to the game.

    “Expect the expected”

    1. I agree 100% with you.

      You know what would be funny?.. when Julie says “Houseguest expect the unexpected” if everyone would say back ” expect the expected.

      Im sure Nicole will go home this week, especially because she was saying out loud the BOB was set up…

  16. MaybeTeam America will get the idea of having Victoria volunteer (play it as saving derrick from going up and possibly out) and vote her out… easy 5K as the only real choices are her and nicole.

  17. To be honest, whoever Derrick says will go gets evicted because these people are so stupid especially Cody! I feel bad for Donny but am happy Zach won and it will be better if Donny stays and Victoria( princess wanna be aka floater) goes home.

  18. I wish they would get Cody to volunteer to go up and send him home. He’s useless. Can’t trust any man that pee’s sitting down.

  19. Zach is the kind of person that is an unbearable douchbag when he’s on top, but when he’s down and out, he’s a great person and you want to root for him.
    Power doesn’t agree with him at all. And
    Sadly, I don’t think he’s going to go after Frankie. Hope I’m wrong.

  20. Don’t worry Donny fans he will only be in jury for one week. I firmly believe that after four juror are in jury, battle of the block will be the way for two jurors to get back in the house? this is the only way for the season to end on sep 26.

  21. The whole game is making me ill right now. I hate it when my favorite is in real danger. Donny is going to have to really work hard to stay.

    1. I’m hoping that Zach is going to play Frankie’s game and smile and reassure him to his face and then stab him in the back!

  22. Will the four-eyed troll Christine put up Victoria? Maybe…… but it doesn’t matter who goes up, Donny is for sure to go next! This BB16 is so lame and dull!

    BTW Julie Chen, where are these so-called Super-Duper summer of twists? You lied to us!

    1. I think because all the people this year are so stupid and chicken, that any kind of twist would not even work. Nothing changes in the game this season. Got stuck and will stay this way all the way to the end

  23. Or that Zach will see through Frankie knowing he’s still trying to save his butt with Zach since he’s staying?

  24. Definition(s) for the term “New York Minute:”

    1. The amount of time that Derrick/Cody waited before talking to Christine about the POV result.
    2. The amount of time it took them to decide to “INSTRUCT” Christine to put up Nicole as the replacement.
    3. The amount of time it will take Christine to agree to do it.

    BTW: “INSTRUCT” is the correct word. If Derrick/Cody told Christine to take a dump on the hammock, she would do it.


      They would probably tell her to put herself up a Paw….

      Christine said she shoppes at Walmart right? Well , having a brain like she does, I guess she will spend her whole life shopping at Walmart. She will never make it anywhere.

  25. “If I was gay i would be on my knees s**king your D**k right now I’m not lying.. I was hurt bro I felt like my wife just cheated on me”

    Really? REALLY???

  26. Honestly, this might be the perfect TA mission. .convince Victoria she is going up as a “pawn” like every other week…..and then BAM, VOTE HER OUT!

    1. I think Victoria is playing a very strategically game.

      She knows people plays personal and they don`t like her, which means they won`t ally with her.

      She knows Derrick is the master mind of everything. That`s why she is close to him, and told him she is alone in the game and she only trusts him.

      I think Derrick would take Victoria and Cody to the Final 3.

      But Victoria could win the last HOH and vote Derrick out.

      FInal 2 – Victoria vs COPussyDy

  27. Yes another week of Zack attack haha without him in this house bb would be boring! I hope Christine doesn’t screw nicole over!!!

  28. I bet who ever has done the most activity with their little wristband they wear, will come back. Only those in jury though.

  29. screw cody, saying Zach has been a bitch all week.

    ok cody, you are the biggest wuss in BB history. you will go down as a pee sitter and a floater who sucked Derrick’s you know what the entire game. oh right, and played rub down with Christine every day.

    good thing he didn’t win that nfl trip caleb won, because if it was a stadium with a trough he wouldn’t be able to go…..LITERALLY.(ha, used it correctly, something cody has failed to do the 165 times he has said it)

  30. I’d rather see Nicole backd@@ored then see Donny go home. Donny has tried to no avail to open Nicole’s eyes to what’s really going on in the house. Her stupidity should not be rewarded.

  31. I am a Zach fan, but what distrurbs me is how people get so bent out of shape over his sexual orientation. what if he is bi? WHO CARES. what if he wants to blow Frankie. WHO CARES. why is it an issue with people. at least he isn’t sitting there rubbing on Frankie like Christine and cody do to everyone in the house

  32. Frankie talking like he knows EVERYTHING Zach says and does


    well it helps when production tells you everything, Frankie. I mean lets be real, I can guarantee most of that info came directly from them. it has been PROVEN that the second someone mentioned a Frankie backdoor, he gets called to the DR, and comes out asking about it. pisses me off

  33. Yup looks like Vic is going up. Unless something crazy happens. I see a unanimous vote to evict Donny.

  34. the worst part is how they will edit this on CBS. they will show Zach striking first, even though Frankie dumped on Zach over a month ago. SMH.

  35. Donny has too much class to do it, but I would blow up Team America asap. Throw them both under the bus before pov noms

  36. so easy for cody to sit there and judge people on how they act, when he has never had to even face the block. freaking ridiculous. you have NO ROOM to talk cody. you haven’t spent 1 second in any danger in this game. you spend all your time with derrick talking about how Zach is going to expose your game, even though only 8 people remain and EVERYONE knows who is with who at this point

  37. if we lose Victoria, jocosta and hayden that isn’t so bad in 3 evictions. hayden obviously beats them to get back in the house, and we are finally rid of the non players.

  38. WTF…Get RID of My LITTLE Pink PONY…I can’t STAND HIM. He truly believes he is America’s FAV. ZACH you are so stupid for trusting that pink weasel!

    It sucks I can’t believe any comp is genuine. Donny lost the POV so he’ll be evicted come Thursday, then brought back immediately by some rigged bullshit. I’m hoping they prove me wrong. I’m so beyond frustrated with this season. I love the concept of the game and have been a fan for years, very disappointing. Fuck Christine fuck Derrick fuck dumb as shit Cody fuck vain famewhore Victoria. Caleb is one of the best house guests cast yet, he’s a racist, biggot, womanizing, small minded, insane obsessive stalker sociopath, I wouldn’t be surprised if Amber filed a restraining order against him immediately. That would be EPIC

  40. Gosh either donny will be voted out and come back from the jury or production will nudge them to complte the TA task leading to vic going home either way donny will most likely coming back.

  41. Frankie just said, and I quote “It is in the houseguest best interest that I get 2nd or 3rd place, that way one of you guys can get Americas favorite.” Well Frankie, you, sure as heck aren’t my favorite and I, think most of America agrees.

    1. He actually said ‘first or second ‘ place. Since those two aren’t eligible…’s really disgusting to hear him promise trips to Africa to Zach, telling Caleb his sister might help his singing career, and on and on……I really find it hard to believe this is how production wanted this play. Franke is just looking like a dushebag!

    2. Glad I wasn’t the only person to pick up on that! Hilarious that he thinks that highly of himself!! Can’t wait for him to see how America feels about him now!! Team Donny!!!!

  42. Now the showmance is back on for Frankie and Zach?? What the hell, are these people schizo or just plain stupid???

  43. For Goodness Sake………get off Derrick for a minute and look at what Zach is doing. This stupid ass has gone right back to Frankie, told him everything. Thrown Nicole under the bus, and believes that she is a liar. Why, you ask. Because beloved Frankie has told him to. Now that is genuine stupidity. At least Derrick has a brain and is using it. Get over it!!!

  44. This. sucks. Donny going home and he’ll have to fight against Hayden to come back in. Rather have Donny come back but it seems as though Haydens game came to an end too soon. He was aware of who was manipulating who but he waited too long to strike. Its too bad we won’t them both come back

  45. Hilarious that Frankie thinks he would be America’s favorite player! Can’t wait for him to get kicked out and realize everyone loves Donny!!!!!!!

  46. I wish they’d kick Derrick’s stupid butt to the curb. I’m sick of looking at his freakin woodchuck face!

  47. While some people may not Frankie or Zach, before they were pitted against each other they were the most loyal of all final 2 deals. People on here seem to forget that Zach is in love with Frankie like literally. It’s beyond a showmance lol! Frankie and Zach need to turn on Derrick and Cody though.

  48. Hope Donny, if evicted will re-enter the house. Maybe the activity braclets they wear will have something to do with it.

  49. I love Donny but he never made any alliances and its killing him now not that he didn’t try. I mean its hard to go against the house to begin with but this BoB crap allows zero shift in power and makes this the most boring season ever. I hope Donny blows up team america though i doubt he will he’s just too nice. Last year the cast was horrible and disgusting, this year the cast is extremely boring.

  50. I am trying to watch BBAD but I can’t take Frankie talking about his sister anymore. I NEED him to SHUT UP!!!!

  51. Frankie really wants to save Donny…wow. If he somehow pulls this off (I doubt it though because Derrick will just mist him), I might just regain the tiniest respect for him. Maybe.

  52. His sister is currently asking her fans to follow him on twitter. She says following him is really following BOTH of them. UGH

  53. “Cody say if he wins HOH he’s putting up Frankie and Zach he can’t stand the way Zach acts.”

    Here we go again. It only took Cody 48 hours to remember his Zach hatred.

  54. Donny needs to start campaigning. That’s one of the weaker aspects of his game. I cant believe how much Derrick is determined to keep Victoria. I guess he doesn’t want to get to end and be outnumbered by Cody and his two girlfriends(Nicole and Christine). That the women are just being used as pawns or numbers thus far is very sad.

  55. Donny has just opened Nicole’s tiny mind (I hope) to the fact that Derrick is running everything! Will somebody BD Derrick already? The look on his face will be priceless!!!

  56. I wish BB would cast a “normal” gay guy and stop casting these stereotypical gay guys like Frankie. I’m gay and I act nothing like Frankie, and I’m 6 years younger! He is a very immature, clingy person.

  57. I doubt Derrick will vote out Victoria even for $5000. She is his ticket to winning the game. He’s going to do the same thing he threw Donny under the bus for in the DR and forgo the TA Mission for the good of his entire game. It would be awesome if Christine BD Cody (even though I doubt she will). I think she could have the votes to get him out if she works hard-at least get a tie and send him out. *Did anyone catch that Frankie thought Derrick was a cop? Production leak, maybe???

  58. thank you Frankie for trying to save Donny thank you you just earn a fan an many more thank you for trying I hope it works

  59. I’m pretty confident (after listening to Donny) that if Zankie makes it to the end (and I hope they do over Derrick, Cody, Victoria, Christine, and Caleb) Zach Attack will win! Hahaha sorry Frankie at least you can build 2 schools. Zankie for the win! I get the sad feeling Donny may be leaving. If you do Donny, come back!

  60. Well, it looks like my bearded brother is going to the jury house. Damn shame, but he really had no chance. No real alliances, and when he did have some sort of trust with a houseguest, they were evicted. With everything going against him, he made it farther than most would have. When production has their favorite, “The Queen of social media”, Donny was on the outside looking in. Beers to you Donny. You will be missed.

  61. We love Donny. OK……but listening to him talk game is not easy. Just being the guy who distrusts Derrick I get it. …. Derrick made alliances, was deceiving (um, its BB, not Sunday church) and Donny is the guy who didn’t wanna talk game. That’s an issue …. In this particular household, he should have been able to be the listener and wiseman of the group, something derrick has unwillingly been now. And derrick is STILL not on the block. Donny, if you could get advice, it’s to have been more open earlier on w/ everyone, made a decision to seal up an alliance,(& I mean SEAL) and make sure he had angles covered. He can get back in the game, like last seasons Judd, but he’ll end up like him, gone soon after. Dammit Donny….. Just……dammit …. Its like, too late. Baahhhhhh

  62. People just imagine a Zach, donny, frankie, christine, and nicole alliance. To make sure to get Derrick and Cody out of that damn house. I hate both of them. Derrick hate his gameplay and Cody i just hate as an all around person. He seems like the biggest douche/bitch i have ever seen who flirts with every thing that doesnt have a dick.

    1. Wishful thinking. Not happening. Love it when dopes like yourself bitch about a tight alliance. Boo hoo Kev. I share the same name, too bad huh?. Thumb it down. I’m a waiting !!!!!!

    1. Why would ANYBODY talk game with her??? It’s WAY past time for little miss “NEEDS A NOSE JOB” to leave the house!

  63. Looks like Donny’s only saving grace would be if Frankie can convince Christine to backdoor Nicole. Which he said he was going to try to do. But the chances of that are slim to none.

  64. Devin ( The rogue Ninja Turtle)
    Zach (The anime character)
    Victoria ( The puppet/princess/nun)
    Derrick (The Pig Officer)
    Frankie (The Half Parrot Half Weasel)
    Christine ( The rat)
    Cody ( Superman )
    Caleb ( The cowboy hog killer who wants to meet Justin Bieber)
    Donny (Duck Dynasty guy)
    Nicole ( IDGAF )

  65. What is with everyone, Frankie just lied to Zach’s face and he called him on it but Frankie wouldn’t admit to it. Frankie just kept saying we’re in it together, lets do this. I only trust you and actually nothing gets hashed out… And then he’s forgiven. What is wrong with these people

  66. Victoria can not complete a sentence without watching herself in the mirror… she just can not stop admiring herself… its pathetic.

    1. Victoria is constantly looking at us because she is confused why her reflection doesn’t look the same in us as it does at home. Maybe because as you got older your Mom retrofitted the house with carnival mirrors to protect her little princess from the horror of what whe really looks like.

  67. Aww cody you mad zach won veto! I hope he wins HOH and puts you on the block. You are so overrated in this season! Derrick has been carrying you all season. If you and derrick are final 2, there’s no way you will beat him

  68. i love the top three in the poll there: donny, nicole and zach. All three are the only people those idiots all know for sure they want out asap.

  69. I am over the moon to see that Zach won POV! And I don’t have a HUGE problem with Zankie reforming but if I was Zach I would be cautious and/or stab Frankie in the back. Even if Frankie says they’re square, you can bet that Frankie would just as easily do it to Zach all over again.

  70. I actually want Cody to put up Zach. Then Zach will know where Cody’s loyalties lie and try to get him out. As much as I hate Frankie, Cody and Derrick were really the ones that started the whole “get Zach out” plan.

  71. Anybody still watching this crap. you don’t have to because it’s obvious every week what’s going to happen. Whatever they plan at the beginning of the week ends up changing by the end. Case in point the last 2 weeks Zach is going, oops no he’s not and this week Frankie is going and now he’s not. If nothing else this has been the most predictable season ever from week 1 on the same people have been running the house and will continue to do so as they continually pick everybody else off. Yawn…somebody wake me up finale night when Derrick and Cody are in the final 2 since no matter what everybody refuses to put them up, bunch of dumba$$es!!

  72. This is suppose to be the “new” frankie and how many lies has he told already. Just him calling Nicole a liar is Frankie telling a lie because Nicole does not lie.

  73. Finally Donny knock some sense to nicole that derek can not be trusted and now Victoria doesn’t trust derek either perfect his game is crumbling

  74. Does anyone else think it’s ironic captain bacon looks like a pig? Anyways.. He’s looking at Frankie like how could you lie.. Dude you’re whole games a lie. Donnie’s onto him.. Hopefully he stays. I liked Derrick till this week.. Bugs the crap out of me he’s a detective.. Seems like a narc to me.. Probably made his way to sergeant by planting evidence.

  75. Zach just spilled everything to Victoria. Now she doesn’t trust Derrick. Good game move by Zach. This should rattle the cage a bit, and knock Derrick’s game down a peg.

  76. Zach just talked to Vic for 30+ mins in the bee hive. Told her everything from day 1 in the game. She convinced him to not trust Frankie. Zach said he only trust Vic, Cody, Derrick.

  77. Every year has a floater that floats all the way this year it’s Victoria.. Lord I hope it’s not the the final 2..

  78. Frankie says hiding this amazing thing was eating him up he needed to get it out.

    that is the lamest thing in BB history. seriously Frankie? wtf is that. and to above, cody sucks, he is jealous of the TV time Zach gets, and its obvious. he is forgotten, and only Christine wants to stroke him now. soon derrick will realize going to the end with Zach is a FAR better move.

  79. Can’t believe the feeds right now. Cody is talking to Nicole, Nicole is telling him everything. Derrick is talking to Christine, Christine is telling him everything.

  80. Twice I’ve seen Frankie brush his teeth. Both times he brushed for less than 30 seconds and neither time did he brush the inside of his teeth, just the outside.

  81. If Frankie ( according to zach), is the smartest person he has met in his entire life,……then it doesn’t say much for the academic environment at the University of Florida!!…….relax Gator alums and fans, I’m just kidding:). I was really hoping zach wasn’t going to fall for Frankie’s bs but it doesn’t look like it. Looks like Donny wasted his words of wisdom on him:(

  82. Cody is a piece of work!! Saying he can’t stand zach bc of the way he acts!! Look in the mirror, simpleton!! You’re feeling up a MARRIED woman!! I wonder what your mother is truly thinking of you!!!

  83. Hope the Americans get a chance to nominate 2 house guests & put them on block for eviction. ( Same like BB Canada 2)! Would love to see Frankie & Derrik’s Face when They will be nominated by America!

  84. Donny is my all time ever favorite player. He is the reason I’m following this season so religiously. Every now and the we need to see good win out over evil even if it is just a silly game. It gives us hope. That’s why we all love Donny. He is us. His conversation with Zach last night broke my heart. His unselfishness and love for his family is so inspiring. Unfortunately the traits we all live about him are allowing him to get eaten alive in this game. I hate production interference but I would not mind it just this once. Please save Donny! It will save your season. Regardless I hope he gets the last laugh and gets Americas favorite player. This house is so clueless about what we are all thinking. Sorry Donny but your not going home unnoticed as your humble wishes reflect. You’ve become a symbol of what is good and right in the world and you are bigger than the game. Team Donny!

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