Big Brother 16 Spoilers Veto Time! Caleb – “it’s 1 vs 5 simple as that”

POV Holder: ? Next POV Aug 23rd
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 25th
HOH Winner 1: Cody Next HOH Aug 28th
Nominations: Donny & Nicole
Have Nots Donny & Nicole
POV Players Donny, Nicole, Cody, Frankie, Derrick, Christine

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3:34pm Chit chat around the kitchen table. (Christine’s has become very annoying)

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3:51pm HOH Caleb, Derrick and COdy
Caleb – you ready to play..
Derrick – ya
Caleb – I hope so
Cody – the only thing I’m upset about is it’s Christine and not you
Caleb say it could have been worse it could be Victoria.
Caleb adds if it’s puzzles Christine might be stronger than Caleb.
Derrick doesn’t think Christine is very good at competitions.
Derrick leaves.
Caleb mentions how happy Donny was when Caleb wasn’t picked for Veto .
Cody – He wasn’t happy when Frankie was picked.
Caleb – It’s 1 vs 6.. it’s 1 vs 5 simple as that”
Cody – ya even if Nicole wins..
Cody says he will put up Victoria if the Veto gets played. (ballsy)
Cody – I would like to beat him in the HOH and beat him in the veto .. see ya later buddy
Caleb – you gotta gotta beast mode it turn into a monster. you guys are going to get dirty you are going to get messy
Caleb – It’s time for a wet mic.. this one has to do about Balance.
Cody – It’s about time
Adds that the only wet mic POV they’ve had was OTEV.
Caleb says production doesn’t want them talking about the competitions being rigged to favour certain players. Caleb starts parroting what production told him to say “The comps are picked months in advanced…“ Camera switches to the kitchen

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4:04pm Kitchen Frankie, Christine and Derrick
Talking about the morning music sounds like they had movie and TV soundtracks.
They had the Game of Thrones theme song. Frankie is the only one that likes or has seen Game of thrones. He rattles off some of the key points of Game of THrones, Murder, INcest, Rape, Torture, backstabbing…
Christine – People love that crap
Christine tells him she’s had a personal thing that happened in her life that makes her not ne able to watch game of thrones. She’ll tell Frankie later.
Donny pacing around
4:12pm Caleb gets called into the Diary room

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4:15pm HOH Frankie and Cody
CHristine comes in “Are you ready to get your butt beat soon.. Caleb just got called in”
Christine – GOOD LUCK CODY
Cody starts rubbing her hair rest his arm on her head “I’m going to beat you.. I don’t think this is for the veto”
Frankie yelling from the bathroom saying one of them three is going to win it
Frankie asks them what their strategy is if it’s the “Dropping one”. Christine says someone drops after Nicole another after Donny.
Frankie – OK whose who
Christine – It’s not going to be that one I promise.. lets make Derrick drop after donny
Frankie – OK
Frankie – we’re both good counters
Caleb – Donny could be a perfect counter
Christine – So Cody should drop right after Donny
Cody says he never felt that drunk last night.. Christine is giggling away.. “Ohh Cody.. I can’t wait to beat you”
Frankie comes out “I can’t wait to beat both you”
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4:20pm Feeds go to fish followed by Jeff POV Comp happening !

5:34pm Feeds still out

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90 thoughts to “Big Brother 16 Spoilers Veto Time! Caleb – “it’s 1 vs 5 simple as that””

    1. The only way Victoria could possibly EVER win an HOH is if it was a makeup & blowjob competition !! Go Donny Go……

    2. I have never in the history of BB HATED a cast of house guests as much as I LOATHE Christine, Frankie, Derrick and Cody. These four are the most disgusting as any that have ever been on BB and that is saying a mouthful after last years cast of losers, but these four are the worst. I at least watched all of last year, and I cannot sit through another hour watching these four vile mean and hateful people. They are too old to be as ignorant as some of last years; they are just vile and evil to the core. Poor Donny and Nicole and BB will do nothing about helping them as they have Frankie all season long. It is a shame production will not protect these two like they have others. These four must be just as disgusting and evil as the producers of BB!! Flocks of a Feather stick together.

    3. Wow, I guess Caleb let the cat out of the bag when he said Production does not want them talking about how the games are rigged; we want you to say the games are picked months in advance. OH YEAH BB your audience is not that stupid. It is evident they have been rigged for Frankie and I guess this one has been rigged for the little troll, Frankie, also from the way it sounds. So done with this season and not sure I can stomach coming back with these 6 sick individuals trying to ruin a man and his reputation. They are sick in that house.

    4. Now we know that Cody has been throwing comps to not looked at as a comp threat. He still sucks though

  1. I know the odds are not good. Heck, they’re terrible! But please BB Gods let Donny win this POV!!!!!

    1. Yes BB Gods.. Let Donny be the winner of POV and some special power to save Nic!!! Come on CBS save this mess of a season!

    2. Even if Donny wins this time, the odds are not looking too good for him but when have they ever I guess. I think the twist of this season should be give the Underdog a special bonus prize, 50k or better. And don’t even worry about America’s Fave this year since it’s obvious all Fakie has to do is get his sister to get her fans to vote, even if they’ve never seen the show.

      1. I don’t think Frankie will win America’s Favorite. Even if his sister has her fans to vote. I think other houseguests will cry foul, and I don’t think the votes matter. I think each year BB gives it to who they think the most popular player is outside of the winners. If Donny isn’t sitting in final 2 he will win America’s Favorite hands down regardless of how many votes Frankie gets. Besides it would look real odd if when Donny leaves (if evicted he gets a lot of cheers from the audience and when Frankie leaves he gets a lot of boos, or not as many cheers as Donny from the audience. I think Zach has a better chance of winning over Frankie.

        1. You must be living under a rock somewhere.. The breakout star of BB 16 is Zach Rance. There was an unprecedented on line campaign to save him earlier on and even know he is far and away the most popular player of the season.. Last Thursday’s live eviction with Zach on the block was this year’s highest rated episode. CBS blew it big time shifting their attention on Frankie, as the viewers embraced Zach instead.. If there is a chance that America’s favorite is chosen overall from all players except those heading into the final 5 then it will go to Zach Rance hands down.

      2. You must take into consideration the millions of people who only tune in to the CBS airings of the show, who don’t get the feeds, who don’t watch After Dark, who probably don’t even know about message boards. Now, knowing what kind of edits they are being fed, how do you think they will vote? Frankie or Derrick almost certainly imo. If only they could see what is actually a prancing, dancing, twirling, attention hoarding, vile, disgusting, man-child, and a controlling bully who won’t allow certain houseguests to talk to other certain houseguests for fear of what they might be telling each other. That being said, do NOT be surprised if either one of those PsOS wins America Favorite. . .arrghhh!

  2. If Nicole leaves this week, what a waste of a twist lol why didn’t they give her immunity? Did they not think this through?

    I don’t want Donny or Nicole to go, but oh well…

  3. I would like to see Nicole win this POV, and Donny get a DPOV. I would hate to see Nicole leave the week she got back in because she had no chance to really get back in the game without a huge target on her back.

  4. Simon-Something is up with the page. I can see your wordpress menu across the top, including the rights to edit your profile.

      1. I didn’t try Simon, although the menus appeared as if I were you so my guess is yes, I would be able to. The options are now gone for me because I navigated away and came back.

  5. Donny or Nicole ftw please. I really want a detonator to leave.. Who would have thought I would like Caleb more than half the other HGS. Christine is as repulsive inside as she is outside and Frankie is just awful. I need twists like we were promised CBS and bb!!

    1. I know, i wavered in the top 3 favourites between giving Caleb a vote or Dawg (having already voted Donny and Nicole of course). I am not hating him since Amber left and he found his mind again.

      i wish he was a smarter player and left his 4th place position. or 5th maybe. I’m sure Derrick will convince Frankie it is a really good idea to take Caleb out before Cody or Victoria.

      in least favourite poll i was surprised Frankie was higher than Derrick. he isn’t saying nearly as many hateful things as Derrick when it comes to either nicole or donny, but maybe he’s more aware of cameras.

    1. No ridiculous is hearing over and over play by play what happened to Victoria. Get over it already. Play the game or leave.

  6. I hope I forget about Frankie before the next season of Game of Thrones. I love that show and thinking of Frankie watching might eat at me. But Frankie is a lot like King Joffrey, I hope Frankie doesn’t come to the same end.. well maybe that wouldn’t be so bad.

  7. It’s bittersweet even if Nicole or Donny do win because unless they drop a real twist on these losers, half of Niconny is going to jury.

  8. Only Frankie has watched Game of Thrones, WHAT?? They’re missing out.

    In other unrelated news, I miss Zach. I keep rolling my eyes during their conversations and think “well, eventually I’ll see what Zach is up to…oh….” 🙁

    1. Watch Zack’s interview with Jeff. It made me happy. If anyone makes it big from being on BIg Brother, I think it will be him. He’s a great kid.

  9. Good God. I swear all the detonators have the same conversation just at different times.
    1. Lets get Donny out
    2. He’s such a liar
    3. We need to win this week’s competition (obviously)
    4. I’m so glad i still have you in the house
    Of course there are some deviations from the formulaic response. Caleb tells a tall tale that puts him in the best light ignoring all logic and reasoning, Christine informs us who she hates next, Frankie tries his hardest to sound incredible funny. And Victoria, well poor Victoria decides against speaking because her time is better spent on doing her makeup. She remembers that she has to look good while in the BB house, but so easily forgets that she’s supposed to be playing a game.

  10. Caleb says production doesn’t want them talking about the competitions being rigged to favour certain players. Caleb starts parroting what production told him to say “The comps are picked months in advanced…“

    Comps picked months in advance? What a Load of BS… NO doubt Production coached them to say that.. Yea, the BOB that Frankie won by himself was planned , yea right…

    1. I think the nfl comp was planned in advance. They had the cross promotion with the nfl to promote Thursday night football. They had to do it sometime, right? Maybe they pulled it out when Caleb was dumb enough to admit to just sitting down? Did production help Donny lat week by “just o happening” to pick one he can win by himself?

      1. Remember that was the one delayed for about 4 hrs from the normal time. It was probably already planned they just had to modify it to make the chains long enough so that one person could stand in the middle hold them both chains. Think about it….no need for the chains to be that long if 2 people were doing the comp.

        1. I am so glad to learn I was not the only one who figured that out! I was actually screaming at my tv “FOUL!!!!”

    2. Exactly. Even if production wants us to think every competition is impartial to all the houseguests, they should at least admit that they do make impromptu changes, whether they be good or bad. For example, production incorporated beer pong, corn hole, or the coaster tossing thing from season 6.

  11. If somehow he loses it, they’ll save him with Pandora. Cant understand why people are happy production intervenes to rig the game for someone that deserves to lose due to their poor play. Seriously hope the NFL rigs all the games for my team so they never lose, no matter how lousy they are. That would be super entertaining.

  12. I had a Big Brother dream during my nap.
    Donny did not win the PoV… neither did Nicole.
    They where sitting next to each other on the couch Thursday Night.

    Julie Chen says Donny the Nice Grounds Keeper is on the block with Nicole the Nursin… Screech zzzzz Screech screen goes Fuzzzy and clears up to Zach screaming it’s Big Brother HOSTILE TAKEOVER then the screen shows the Jury House laughing…. cut Away to Evil Dick, The Zing Bot and Julie Chen tied up….

    Evil Dick Hosts the show that night.
    He cuts the House guests to shreds as he recaps the week.
    Then go’s to the House Guests
    “Losers in a minute you will be voting to evict zzzzzz screech zzz and it is the Jury House…. Hello Fruit Loop Dinguses…. the Jury has voted and Donny and Nicole you are safe…. what? what? what?…. it’s all of them say it’s Big Brother Hostile Takeover…. Jocasta then says “Praise Jesus we are picking the new nominees”…. Hayden says “Derrick and Frankie pop a squat… because Cody is the HoH…” Then Zach says “I know you guys are bad at this…. but you have to say it to their face… NO ANONYMOUS voting….”

    In the Dream Derrick was evicted.
    Go’s out and is interviewed by Evil Dick

    Then in the Backyard the House Guests had to play a game called BACKSTABBED
    Where they play Back to Back and answer and identify the combination pictures of evicted House Guests (that they all back stabbed) loser sits down and the next Houseguest that was picked by the jury go’s up until the last houseguest has to play Donny and Donny wins HOH…..

    It was a great Dream…. probably be a hated Twist… but wouldn’t it be fun to watch.

    1. That’s FREAKING awesome!! How cool would that be if it is true. I, personally have had dreams that came true to a tee many times (documented as well). Anything is possible, and I could totally see this happening! Also, my naps are usually when it happens, and are the clearest with details. We shall see!

  13. It amazes me how Cackle-twat looks like someone who forgot to put in their dentures. I would bet she didn’t have teeth…if I haven’t had to see them every time she cackles. They must be really tiny and sharp…like a piranha’s…

    I have never seen Game of Thrones, but I bet it has a witch in it…and that is why Cackle-twat says she can’t watch due to personal reasons. She has to have been accused of being a witch at sometime in her life…probably often…

    1. What kind of bizarre ‘personal reasons’ can there be to not watch a show like Game of Thrones? I don’t watch it but that’s because the first season first episodes were filmed in the middle of winter in norway or something, cold and dark and I just don’t like watching shows however good that look that cold and miserable 🙂

      it’s my deeply personal reason for not watching Game of Thrones, so don’t tell anyone

  14. “Christine tells him she’s had a personal thing that happened in her life that makes her not ne able to watch game of thrones. She’ll tell Frankie later.”

    I can’t believe that. She’s too fugly for that.

    1. Christine probably went to a Renaissance Faire when she was a kid and thought that all the people dressed up in costumes were skeerry.

  15. Actually looked up beast mode cowboy. Interest definition:
    state of mind that produces an energetic, outgoing, sexual attraction to farm animals.

  16. Here you go Julie Chen, now’s your big chance to honor your “Biggest Summer of Twists” mantra and give Donny (America’s favorite BB player) a Diamond POV or Coup d’Etat power…. if you don’t, then millions will never watch again, and that includes ME!!!!

    p.s. Derrick you suck!

  17. There’s so many people that hate the detonators on here… They made it this far so obviously whatever they are doing is working. What are they suppose to do just let Donny win. He waited to long to try and make an alliance and this is what happens.

  18. Wow! Are these players (except for Don and Nic) not only the worst ever, but boring and predictable. They are so afraid to make any kind of moves in the game that you wonder what is the point of them playing. They are so mind boggling stupid that they cannot see past their noses that they are being played. What’s the point of Kotex defending his pitiful alliance when he will voted out as soon as possible. Protecting Pig Face and Skankie is such as waste and a sure way to loose. Doesn’t Kotex want the 500K? It only seems that Donny, Nic, Pig Face, and Skankie really want to win this game. I think I will skip watching until the final. What is the point of wasting three hours weekly on this season? Forget the Live Feeds. Time to watch the Dr. Who premier on BBC America.

  19. Unbelievable!!! *rolling eyes*

    It’s toooooo obvious there are certain players that pr0duction have picked to win comps n even for the top prize.

    I watched and rewatched that final H0H completion that M!ke B00g!e participated. It was so obvious Mike was given the answers, cos all his answers were very close to the right answers, and mind you these are mathematical questions.

    Also, they openly rigged for Rachel Reilly to win through veto, and loads of other B. $.

    *Reality shows are so rigged!*

    1. If that’s how you feel, and obviously it’s been that way for a while now, why do you waste your time and watch BB? Unless there’s a gun being held to your head…. just saying.

    1. What causes Calebs delusions about himself?
      Narcissism! Yep, Caleb is a delusional narcissist!

      p.s. Derrick you suck….and you’re lazy (Julie Chen’s words, not mine)!

  20. How do I make my Amazon purchases through your links? Do I have to add your site or what? Would like to help anyway I can for your great work here! Thanks

      1. Simon, wish I knew that earlier. Made a few purchases not too long ago. How long does your deal with Amazon go one for?

  21. Donny’s strong… He’s won many POV competitions when he needed to. The chances of him actually winning the comp are very slim. I’m really hoping that next week, there are twists and turns that make the Detonators (+Caleb and Victoria) turn on each other.

  22. Does anyone know if Donny’s DIY TA mission is legit, or is he making it up for strategy reasons?

  23. Did you all see me getting busy this afternoon in the rock room? I was grinding hardcore under the covers until Derrick interrupted me by walking out of the fire room. I yanked my hand away so fast…I felt like I was a teenager again getting busted by my parents. Can you blame a girl who has Cody stroking her all day?

    If you want to check it out, it’s at 12:18pm on camera 1. I understand that a vast majority of you hate my guts, but it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a witch like me enjoying some afternoon delight:)

    1. I usually love to see women pleasure themselves, yeah I’m a perv, but the thought of Christine doing it just makes me question my hetero credentials.

  24. Can’t wait for Christine to realize that Cody isn’t even packin a “tall” coffee. She may end up going after “lemon balls” soon. Too bad she is so pathetic Hey Tim, you can go better: try one of the baristas at Crave or Epic.

  25. The detonators are not that smart. The should have nominated donny and a pawn. Now they have drew a clear line in the sand against nicole. They could have just kept her off the block and back doored her if needed.

    1. I would kick Nicole out myself. TA is dead in the water but the fact that she ws out of the house and now back is a huge red flag. Also, her and Donny messed up when they nominated Jocasta and Vic as dual HOH. Should have put up 4 guys, back doomed the 5th or 6th.

  26. Something I do not understand is why people want production to interfere… I watched BB for many years and everytime they felt the production was interfering, they would have bitch for a while about it and now because their favorites are the targets and on the block it is okay for production to interfere?? double standard if you ask me 🙂

    That being said, I hope Nicole or Donny win the POV…. but by themselves because they can win it, not because production has something to do with it.

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