1:51pm HOH Jocasta and Devin
Jocasta says she’s sorry about Zach calling him out and bringing up his kids.. Feeds flip
1:53pm bathroom Hayden, POWPOW, Derrick, Brittany, Zach, Jocasta, and Nicole
Talking about Amber’s lies
Hayden tells everyone Amber, Devin and Caleb were the ones that hatched this entire plan it was mostly Devin. Hayden and Nicole were put on the block to win the HOH and POW was going to throw it. “Amber is trying to go around saying she wasn’t part of it when she really was”
Nicole says he’s telling the truth
2:05pm Hayden and Frankie have nots
Hayden says he had nothing to do with Devin’s plan and he cannot believe he was thrown into it this all . Hayden says zach told him about the bombsquad and how Devin controlled it. Frankie there so many things now we’re all caught in the middle.
They agree to keep Zach over POWPOW.
Frankie -Zach’s a competitor and he will help us take down tho three people
2pm Out in the backyard – Derrick, Cody, Amber are talking about Zach blowing up the bomb squad. Cody says that he doesn’t think its right that Zach got personal talking about Devin’s daughter and his Adderall addiction. I think that’s going to affect him negatively. Cody says Caleb is heated! Cody says I would have gone off if I was him in that position. Derrick says can you really blame Zach .. We made a deal from day 1 not to put up another alliance member up on the block. Plain and simple. Cody says who is really screwed is Pow Pow at the moment. Amber says I just don’t get why everyone got so heated. I don’t see why I need to be a target just because I was HOH with Devin.
In the bathroom – Pow POw tells Brittany again that she thought she made a deal with Devin. Brittany says to Pow Pow why would I make a deal with him?! I just tried to be nice to him. Why would I make a deal with someone .. whoever one in the house hates. Would I change who I am just to make a deal with him?! NO, that makes no sense. Pow says I am going to get into his head (Devin) today and tomorrow and just f**king torture him!
2:15pm The cameras switch to the backyard couch. Pow Pow, Christine, Hayden, Amber, Victoria, and Nicole are talking. Amber comments on how she doesn’t like how the comments got personal. tTe others agree it shouldn’t have gotten personal. Can we just give the HOH to Pow Pow or Brittany next week.
2:09pm Derrick and Frankie
Derrick says he wants to honour the Team America deal “I’m going to tell you everything.. Zach just blew up the bombsquad”
Frankie knows.
Derrick – ‘We’re team America and they will vote to keep us.. I am going to be 100% real to you until I go home.. if there’s a twist to keep team america they will give us team america” Derrick goes on and on about Team America.
Derrick says Zach called him out by name
Frankie – so do we bite down and send him home
derrick I don’t know
Frankie – “I trust Caleb and Devin more than Zach at the moment”
Frankie tells Derrick to stay close to Zach and figure out if they should keep him “You’re closer to him than me”
2:17pm Have nots Derrick and Cody
Derrick says Cody just blew up the bombsquad.
Cody – “The other side of the house is going to start picking us off.. OH MY GOD DUDE”
Cody say Caleb is going to explode on Zach. Derrick thinks it might be Devin because hio big thing was never put up an alliance member.
Cody says he’s through with Frankie. Derrick – Obviously it’s subject to change who are we keeping”
Cody -”It’s gotta keep Zach”
Derrick wants to know what they tell Devin and caleb. Cody is going to be straight up and say he’s not voting out Zach.
Zach comes in, Derrick says he has to play down the bombsquad. Derrick – ‘Hayden has been making deals with Caleb”
Derrick says they have to play lilek they never took the bomb squad seriously they only did it to stay off the block “We’re in on it but never was going to follow through on it” Derrick also thinks they should start making a joke about it.
Amber comes in looks scared.
Amber asks Zach why he exposed the bomb squad
Zach – ‘I was just put on the block.. Aamber.. I’m on the block I have to do something”
Amber says he has the girls that trust her so much.
Derick say the original agreement was not to put any alliance members on the block
Amber – what do I do?
Derick – It’s coming out.. say you were strong armed
Amber, cody leaves. Derrick says he respects what Zach is doing to protect his game, “You me and cody need to survive after all this gets dismantled”
Zach wants to build a new alliance Derrick says they already. have one. Zach wasn to bring in hayden. Derrick agrees but says give it some time. Derrick – “you are 100% staying.. Pow and Brittany completely blew up their games” Derrick says he’s talking a little too much though let things with hayden simmer
2:20pm In the hive room – Frankie joins Caleb who’s sitting alone. Caleb says Zach is such an idiot. Frankie tells Caleb that Zach just blew up the bomb squad. Caleb says well I told Hayden that I have his back and nothing’s changed. Frankie says well you’re going to need to talk to him because right now he is on Zach’s side. Frankie says we need to make some moves. Caleb says Zach thinks he has the votes at the moment. Caleb says Devin made the biggest boo-boo and he is going to pay for it. Him saying he isn’t going to send home a mother of 3 kids… she has plenty of money. Amber joins them. Amber says she is denying the bomb squad. Frankie says Zach has to go. Frankie says we can get Jocasta too because he threw her under the bus too. Frankie tells Caleb if he can turn Hayden too …then we’re fine.
this is when is gets good! its time to see what type of player zach is!!!!! I’m excited to see how he handles this i think he can do it if he gets derrick hard on his side he would probably automatically get frankie and donny i think he can pull it out and flip the house! i think it is al going to rely on that nicole christine hayden alliance and i have no idea where they stand
nvm frankie is pissed zach screwed up he is gone
It’s still early in the week. Anything can happen. Maybe America will tell the team to keep Zach!
Usually i’m against riggings, but yes to that!
I didn’t see many Zach love. I said it before and I’ll say it again, Zach’s my favorite entertainer. I still like Zach and Hayden for final two and instead of Brittany, I’m now thinking Christine.
I lost all respect for Amber when I saw last night’s episode where she’s practically in tears nominating Hayden and Nicole. Yes, Amber, you must play if you want to make it til the end.
You sound stupid, Arby.
I’m glad he did something exciting, but I am bummed he did that to Frankie. I think w/out Frankie, Zach doesn’t stay. I would MUCH prefer him over Pow.
Frankie kept telling Devin to put up Zach and get Zach out. Frankie didn’t have Zach’s back at all! Frankie should be called out about playing everyone
Say whatever you want about Devin, whether you like him or hate him he’s great TV. I love Devin, he’s such great entertainment.
to me he is not great entertainment, and I love a good game player, I even enjoyed Russell Hantz’s first 2 trips through survivor, I appreciate Boogie, I just can’t grow to like this guy. he is like that one day Russell from BB went off on Ronnie, but 24/7. with crazy mood swings and he scares people ONLY because of his size, not his intellect or because of any other intimidation factor
I hope he is gone next week, this isn’t Rachel who was great TV, this is just a mean guy who then spends most the episode talking about his daughter and stuff that is out of the house and has nothing* to do with in house gameplay. stop using her as a prop, I am sick of hearing about his daughter.
Don’t think about it as Russell or Boogie, but more in terms of Tony this season. Was golden in alliances, but very paranoid and easily manipulated. But I think tony had a little more brains than Devin.
I think he looks and acts like a OJ Simpson ready to explode!
Devin is an idiot…he does not make great tv, unless it is an ad for bi-polar medication. He gets on my nerves. I think he thinks he is the godfather of the house. He needs to GO!
You got that right, Gizmo. I paid for the live feeds and Devin gives me at least a couple of good laughs every day. I want to see idiots act like idiots, and Devin is an idiot.
Anyone who down voted you should be carful what they wish for, a house full of Nicole’s and Christine’s would be a snooze fest.
Hoping PoohPooh goes. Love Zach! Not too smart player but, he has balls. This season is finally getting some drama. That is what I watch for. Chaos!
This house is cray yo!
Zach is the NIck Uhas of this season in a bad way. Because they are full of themselves and he is about to be evicted in the second week just like nick.
This is gonna be good!
Boom yo!
Bye Bye Zach!!! Don’t worry Cody is right behind you!!
Devin is a nut job! The BB staff needs to get their doc to prescribe a antipsychotic med for him along with some lithium for his manic depression.
why? Please specify why? Because of his big brother gameplay? Sure makes a lot of sense…
his gameplay? he is a full on psychopath! he def has serious mental health issues
I think the real psycho is caleb, walking around with a women’s dress around his neck all day. he is the one people should be scared of. this is just like the bullshit with howard last season. because he is big and black, he is automatically scary.
I keep reading comments about Devin being black. Has this been confirmed? I thought he was Somoan. Either way, the fact that he freaks me out has ZERO to do w/his race and EVERYTHING to do w/his behavior.
That said, I’m not on the “he’s a psycho” bandwagon. Then again, I don’t watch the feeds; I just read the updates. But it does seem this house drives most people a little nutty. He could just be a really intense guy and it comes off scary in the house. I highly doubt he’s actually “psycho” like people keep stating as fact.
I doubt it has 0 to do with it but i know its not 100 percent the reason….everybody isnt like that….And yes Devin may not be full black but he is at least half and he maybe part samoan….I know what he is not though and i also know what Country we live in.
Oh grow up, this country is so full of closeted bigots and racists minded people and BB is one of the best places to see it come alive.
There is definitely a lot of racism hurled towards Devin…”he looks like OJ” and the popular “I’m so scared, he threaten me, he bullied me,” there is a house FULL of cameras, and Producers all around set, not too mention a half a million dollars up for grabs and people like Victoria think “he’s going to murder” her!??
This is the “big scary black man” syndrome.
But with that said, no one is more of a racists than Devin himself. He totally hates him self and his race, he said he doesn’t think Amber’s great cuz she’s black but he’s black haha
Just wait until he sees these white kids play him.
im talking about a few of these people here not you personally
Oh spare me with the racial stuff…it is purely due to the fact he is an idiot…he doesn’t even know his own mind and gets made if anyone questions him or has a difference in opinion, then he is automatically against them…he doesn’t have game, he is just playing based on his mood for the moment…one second he is preaching integrity, the next minute he is promising then breaking promises…ughhh!
A little paranoia doesn’t mean he’s JTR. Cut him some slack, he misses his daughter. Not saying he is a good player now, but its almost understandable.
Thanks for reminding us that he misses his daughter, i kind of forgot about that the last 99999999999999992 times he has brought up his daughter.
^ Ha Ha Ha!!! ^
I literally just laughed out loud at your comment…
Nut job? No.
Emotionally unstable? A DEFINITE YES!!
Yay! Lurker is back!!!
Let the madness ensue!
Kaboom… BS everywhere.
OMG!!! I can’t believe he went through with it. Bye bye Pow Pow! Stuff is going to hit the fan big time. I might have to sign up for the feeds…
oh yeah baby..zack is nominated, chaos started after zack oust the bomb squad, people running around with their hammers trying to fix things..haha perfect 🙂
This is going to be a great week!!!
it’s so funny to see the rats scurry, especially frankie and caleb! will this move save zach? who knows. the hypocrites are acting like it’s zach’s fault, after they lied to zach’s face, all while devin changed his mind on every decision and acted on his own, anything devin could do to undermine the alliance.
devin, frankie, and caleb all knew up front that zach would blow up the squad if he was nominated, and now they act upset because he followed through and did what he said he would? too much! i hope it works out for zach, but even if it doesn’t, i admire his game over devin’s any day.
How is Caleb a rat? Frankie sure, but Caleb has been faithful to the Bomb Squad alliance and Devin from the beginning. It’s been Zach, Cody and Frankie that have been planning to backdoor them from day 1.
Whether you hate Caleb or not, the guy has been loyal to a fault to a sinking, stupid Devin.
Devin is horrible. He is so paranoid and never shuts his trap, its annoying. I have never disliked someone as much as him on big brother. Yuck!
Ugghhh I am so over Devin as HOH!! I feel like I lose brain cells every time he talks, like he is ridiculous!! Also I feel like he should be called Crazy Eyes.
I’m really happy he pulled Britt off the block BUT I think he’s an idiot for putting Zach up as the replacement!
I would’ve liked to have seen a floater put up as a replacement but specifically Victoria
Zach is too entertaining to go this early! I’m also waiting for Frankie’s game to blow up..he can only play an “Andy game” for so long without someone picking up on that unless he wins another HOH.
Hope they keep Zach because the chaos that will come next week will be awesome!!! Can’t wait to see how this pans out!
I highly doubt Zach is going home. Devin is crazy and unfortunately Pow has become a victim.
To be truthful Pow Pow has not done anything worthwhile to stay!! This is very amusing! He told them he would do exactly what he did. I love the scurrying about. If Zach is serious about having Frankie’s back, they can work it!! Too flippin’ funny.
What happened to the thumbs up/down button? =(
Theres an issue with it at the moment. We will get it fixed just don’t have the time at the moment.
its working for me now 🙂
It’s working for me now, too – try clearing your cache/cookies and reopen your browser.
Working here too thanks
Devin winning HoH and POV were the best outcomes for the show… What a crazy week it has been, I love Devin he’s amazing television. First Devin was targeting Brittany (and rightfully so because she was targeting him too), then he changed his mind to Victoria and now he’s changed his mind to Zach. He convinced Pow to throw BoB and that he’d save her, but instead of saving Pao who actually listened to him, he saves Brittany who he was the first target all along and who he’s wanted out (and who wanted him out) since early last week and now he has a crush on her…. Devin is so indecisive it’s actually amazing, sure it’s bad gameplay but man it’s entertaining! I don’t mind bad gameplay if it’s entertaining, if you guys only want good gameplay but horrendous entertainment watch BB15 and Andy’s gameplay while it was amazingly intelligent gameplay it was such bad TV. Devin makes good TV and he’s much more valuable to this season then most of “the better” players of this season like Nicole and etc. I don’t want Devin to leave, he’s great entertainment and a great asset to this show. Anybody watched last season of Survivor? He reminds me a little of Kass from Survivor, she was so indecisive and flipped a lot. Either way, a lot of people hate Devin and say ridiculous things about him like he’s a bad person and what not. Even Derrick admitted that Devin’s a good guy, I get the sense that he’s a good guy but just a very confused player but he’s always entertainment and he actually brings something to the show unlike the floaters in the show. (While he’s playing horribly) at least he’s playing which I can respect (people who try to play over the non-entities who do nothing). You guys may all hate Devin now but once he’s evicted his presence will be missed.
Zach with the idiot move. the house will be stupid not to vote him off now. going at Devin insulting him as a father and adderall addiction will keep the votes close this week. I hope it comes down to Devin with the tie breaker.
Wanna know why this has been such a crazy and entertaining week? Because of Devin.
If you’re still waiting to sign up for the live feeds, you waited too long. It’s absolute bedlam in the house, everyone’s game just blew up, along with the B.S.
Can you watch the live feed from a smart phone?
I’m speechless that was epic.,, cannot wait for more dram.. The outsiders must be enjoying this.. Lol
Hope Hurricane Zachary stays. Things need to be shaken up a little bit more
I want everyone to vote him to stay for two reasons: Devin wants him to go (against his alliance, and because in an alliance, he doesn’t once check with the alliance as to his moves as HOH), and because Frankie is talking to others about how Zach has to go.
Now maybe F is only saying that to specific people that he think needs to hear him say that, but i don’t think so. And he must know that Z is in a better spot to keep, both as a target and as someone who will act to get Devin out. In any case, they need to keep players not just bodies, and PP is a body.
Devin is the hurricane Zach is the left over damage
it pisses me off that frankie is acting like the victim tho he totally deserved that he was encouraging it and trying to throw zach under the bus what a snake he is
Well Pow Pow if you didn’t throw it then you didn’t keep your end of the deal so why would Devin take you off? an eye for an eye, Zach you told him to put you up so there you have it. Hey ppl you are forgetting the motto… “expect the unexpected” In this game you will make last minute decisions when revelations are at your HOH doorstep. Devin is playing his game just like everyone else.
im so done with Frankie
Devin made the fatal mistake most men do, he started thinking with his dick instead of his brain. Many of men have fallen because of this.
I think it was half brain half dick. Zach was one of the main people talking about back dooring him next week. I dont understand how people dont realize that. Devin actually made a pretty good move. And further more anybody who wants to win this game or is thinking with any ounce of strategy would keep Pow and get rid of Zach
So didn’t Frankie go to Devin & basically tell him to put up Zach? Now he’s pissed cuz Zach somehow (not sure what the details are) called him out in the POV? Hilarious! Sounds like Frankie is only throwing a fit because he’s losing his control over people & they aren’t playing to his benefit!
For those who are hating on Frankie, you will see just how good of a player he is if he succeeds in turning the lemons thrown in his direction into lemonade.
Frankie’s the one who told Zach to say something demeaning to Devin about being a father. And now Frankie wants to dig her claws into Zach??? He got what he deserves, and America’s player or not, I hope he goes down with Devin.
well, i don’t know what to think about all this, even tho it was no secret it was going to happen. I’m surprised Frankie feels that whatever Zach did threw him under, since prior posts kind of indicated he was clearly not going to do that. Frankie running around and saying he did tho ensures everyone else will know he’s part of the BS. keeping quiet or acting confused would have helped more.
not sure if they would keep zach over PP. They might think he is a far better chance to help get rid of Devin, since it seems all agreed PP is the last resort, a vote and a body for the block and that’s about it. I totally believe she didn’t throw the BOB, I don’t think anyone tried to throw it, it was just the worst comp ever, since the only way to win was by the other side getting their answer wrong. The Brit side tried to answer more often than the Nicole side, and that is why they lost lol. had they kept quiet, they would have won by all the wrong answers of the other side.
Yes! This is what I’ve been waiting for! All the power lies with Christine, Hayden, and Nicole. I don’t think they know that nor do I have any inclination on what they are going to do. Thoughts?
its funny because Frankie doesn’t even realize that it wasn’t Zach who screwed up his game…he screwed up his own game by dropping Zach at Zach’s first sign of issues with no food/paranoia. my gosh, you sank your own battleship, and now its becoming andy like. notice how cody never jumped ship? Frankie is a fake.
I actually think it will hurt Frankie more going against Zach than trying to keep him. No one trusts anyone after this, and if Frankie really has not done anything rat-like, it makes more sense to keep someone who is so obviously manipulated into going nutso!! Pow Pow is the one you put up so her opponent goes home. Who would you rather face. Getting Zach to melt down at the right time really takes the attention off you.
Pow Pow is so insignificant, people can’t help but notice what you are doing.
BIg Brother when all is said and done is still a game for 500,000 dollars I belive Devin still knows this and as much as they may like Zach the HG best chances of getting that 500,000 is to vote Zach out pow pow is never ever going to get it she has no gameplay but shes a better pawn for a HG that does i.e. Devin,Derrick,frankie,calib etc. Zach is a huge threat to any of them winning the 500,000 best get him out while they have an opportunity despite how it may make the show not as exciting!!! Hopefully the other HG’s will keep their eyes on the prize(half a million bucks or about 375,000 after Obama gets his take) and get rid of Zach!!!!!!!!!!
I think POW POW needs to just lay low and be quit if she wants to save her game
I don’t care who doesn’t like who in the house, Im loving this. This is what big brother is all about everyone scrambling trying to come up with whatever to stay safe. No more unanimous votes…fingers crossed
this is awesome!
Best move is America’s team & HayNicChris. And keep it secret!
you know Devin is the underdog of this season he reminds me of Rachel in a way but i give him respect atleast because he’s playing the game, people have to be evicted eventually, there will be only one winner i think that Zach needs to go and let the players that actually want to play the game some space yesterday he said he wanted to leave bla bla bla bla he’s acting like a spoiled trick. I cant wait for Cody and Britney(i like her) to leave this morning i watch them for 3 hours talking bad about every houseguests they are bad they’re not doing anything at all they need to leave i actually like Devin the guy is playing the game.
whats up with this deserve shit this is a cutthroat game. these people are like drake on a sunday morning all in their feelings.
Nice… Britanny and Victoria are safe… I just hope Zack goes home now.
I want Britanny to win HOH next week and keep Devin safe.
Say what you will about Zach but that speech took brass balls! He is ruthless! This is so awesome.
It’s too bad he made it personal, though. I blame the lack of sleep and food, but he did say in his opening interview he would “say anything to anybody”. Honey Badger don’t care.
Watching Derrick and Frankie go around is awesome. Derrick may emerge to be the real leader of whatever alliance forms out of the Bomb Squad.
Truthfishly, I want Pow Pow to go. She’s just like Gina Marie without the competition skill.
Dawg tied with Devin in the polls! Something is very wrong
And now the game really begins!
the game is on.
Am I the only one that finds it amusing that Frankie is mad at Zach for kicking him under the bus, when Frankie has been kicking Zach under the bus all week. They should just shake hands and compare tire tracks.
That bus has been very busy so far and is only officially week two (Getting to know you week never really counts.)
This Alliance has seemed to spent most of it’s time focussing on how to get the Alliance out of the House than the Who is not in the Alliance, no wonder their Initials are BS…., at least the Horseman had the good sense to not admit they where BS. Look at us we are Big Brothers best Alliance the BS.
They have pretty much all of them kicked an Alliance member under the bus since week one. At this rate the final three will be
Jocasta (the bow toe that shows up and it will mean that there will be three more weeks of winter.)
Donny… Oh shucks, You are so kind to me
Nicole: Where is everybody? I was taking a nap.
Simon: think my previous comment is floating in space. Are live feeds available outside of North America? I am in Caribbean and do not want to go to trouble of signing up for feeds only to get notice “content not available in your region”
Sorry taylor I need to check this for you and am too busy with the live feeds at the moment. send me your email and I’ll check it out when I have a chance. [email protected]
Hey taylor got an answer.. Feeds are not available in the caribbean you would have to use a VPN to gain access. I use this one.
Does anyone remember the Glass House? Thought about that show when Alex was on Worst Cooks in America last season and when Andrea was on a rerun of Family Feud.
Any idea how Brittany ruined her game? Simon and or Dawg,any hints on what she said?
Don’t know the house is a insane right now
Take the chill pill Devin!!!!
Relax Devin!!!!
I’m pretty sure zach make the same exactly mistake that judd made in the nominations speech, trying to do something brilliant but digging their own grave.
Hope Zach pulls off something good. I would love to see him make it far into the game. Devin is a nut job
Zach was 120% loyal to Frankie… Unfortunately that extra 20% came out of Zach’s obedience to Frankie… Which is apparently all that Frankie cares about.
Send Pow Pow packing, Zack is making this show interesting this season! I am so sick of Calab and Devin acting like they are running the show time to dethrone them…the uprising has begun and the crazyness thanks to Zach
Devin is flippy longstockings
There once as a House Guest named Devin
Who thought his HOH would be heaven
The along came Zack
Who went on an attack
And then the whole BB house was leavened.
How does Zach get all the credit for the explosion when Devin is the one who pushed the button
Here is my take on the players
Devin: He is too indecisive. And I don’t find him entertaining. Just annoying. What Anon posted at 2:41 is true. Devin is not intimidating because he is smart like Boogie. And Rachel was entertaining and at times annoying but she won comps and didn’t ride the coattail of her showmance and she fought to save her self at all times. Devin is only intimidating because of his size. He tries so hard to be a legendary player. But unless he can form a strong alliance (Brigade) and make it through the game that way, or make it to the end by being a powerhouse without an alliance (Rachel) then he is not entertaining. If he can’t learn how to work together he needs to learn how to win knowing that whole house hates him. He also needs to think ahead. Don’t be upset that Zach comes after you later on for putting him on the block. also, he said he has seen only season 10 (Dan’s first season). And maybe that is why he thinks that he can win this game by being honest and kind. He needs to know that Dan was the exception and not the rule.
Amber: I now honestly believe that she is using Caleb to get to the end. She is a recruit that doesn’t know what she is doing. If she had seen past seasons I think she would do better in the game and know what happens to people who are constantly strong armed by their alliance members. I think (as long as Caleb leaves before her) She might end up getting brigaded later on.
Christine: She is confusing me at the moment.She is in an alliance with Nicole and in the BS. But Nicole doesn’t know about the BS and supposedly Christine’s alliance with Nicole is the real one. I guess time will tell. Currently, she is laying low for game purposes but in a while she might achieve floater status if she doesn’t do something noteworthy or game changing.
Nicole: She is a sweet girl but you can tell that this game has definitely changed her because she is becoming increasingly catty. She is so afraid of doing the wrong thing that she may end up not doing ANYTHING. and eventually become a floater. Her fear of letting people know where she stands is going to get her in trouble. People have already picked up on it. I guess we just have to wait and see. I do think that if she or Christine win HOH the game would definently be shaken up.
Caleb: He will only be remembered for his obsession with Amber kind of like Danielle is only remembered for her obsession with Shane. This whole Amber thing is really clouding up his gameplay.
Jocasta: Why is she here? She said in her Jeff interview that she wanted an alliance. But if after the first week and half and you haven’t been approached to make an alliance than you clearly need to go ahead and make one yourself. I think she is the player that ends up becoming collateral damage or a pawn that goes home.
Donny: So sweet. But his personality may prevent him from doing making any game changing moves.
Derrick: he is my favorite and has a real shot at winning. Everyone likes him but he shouldn’t be trusted. He gets info about everyone so subtly that they will eventually be surprised when that info they gave him comes back to haunt them. I really applaud him for being able to talk Amber out of Victoria up on the block.
Cody: I think he is craving authority. He is rebelling against Devin and Caleb because he is tired of playing BEta to their Alpha. But if he breaks off and forms an alliance with Zach and Derrick I’m afraid he might end up doing the same thing. He seems like the kind of player to make is far (final 3,4 or 5) but eventually be sent home because of his relationship with the girls. He may not be the best person to take to final two.
Zach: Definitely not as much as a jerk as I though he would be. I feel embarrassed for him because of his relationship with Frankie. If he is gay, he is basically out of the closet now on national tv. and If he isn’t people are going to think he is gay. I’m afraid he might be a little too much of a loose cannon. I just hope that he will be good at keeping quiet when he needs to be.
Brittany: I like her. She has the strongest backbone out of all the girls. At the end of the day, she is going to do what she wants to do. Though, I think that is what will get her in trouble. If she hasn’t noticed, she isn’t in an alliance. And unless you are a powerhouse in comps, then you won’t make it far. Also, I do think she needs to mend her relationships with some of the girls, since they are her only lifeline and they are have deemed her controlling.
Victoria: If she had to go home this week that would have been fine with me. But she really is suffering from a language barrier in the house. Hebrew really is a very direct language. And now that she knows that the rest of the house isn’t okay with her behavior I think that she will change. I think BB is trying to portray her as the Jessie(BB15) of this season even though that is not entirely her personality.
Paola: Floater. And I don’t think she will get much better than that.
Frankie: I just hope he won’t be the next Andy. I am confused with his gameplay. Is he with Devin/Caleb or Zack/Derrick/Cody? He does have a great social game though, but he will need to start winning Comps to protect himself now that others already know that he is sitting pretty and plan to get him out.
Hayden: He has a shot at winning. He is laid back and level headed and a great at comps. I think he might win HOH this next time. But I don’t know who he is after or aligned with (aside from Nicole). Sometimes I think he thinks that BB is a vacation. But if he wins HOH we will finally know where he stands.
What going on with the comments. It is showing 68 comments and only show page 1 and one from page 2….
so excited to see frankie being mr, drama queen its only a matter of time before hes gone and hopefully prejury
Does anyone know where Jacosta/Jameka’s head is at ? Or did she go missing again?
Perhaps Officer Derrick needs to issue an AMBER alert to find the always missing Jacosta.
I love Devin, I think he’s great tv. There’s nothing psychotic about him, he’s just impulsive, but he’s a good guy. This whole notion that he’s terrible for putting up an alliance member is garbage. They were 100% coming after him, what else is he supposed to do? Might as well take out the biggest flop this season in Zach. He needs to go and they better not make Team America vote how “America” wants to vote cuz what’s the point of playing the game when it’s rigged that hard. If the houseguests ultimately vote to keep Zach, fine, but if it’s done through Team America, then it’s total BS
Well everyone wants to give Jacosta crap but she is playing the best game. Everyone else in this house is absolutely nuts!
1. Zach may go home and all he had to do was stay loyal to his alliance until the final 8, but instead he had to run his mouth. Self destructing his own game.
2. Victoria is exploding and ranting about how she hates Amber but she isn’t even on the block, just shut up and LAY LOW!
3. Pow Pow talked ALL that crap in the beginning about how she was going to run this game and somehow she’s been made as a permanent seat holder on the block LOL…goood job Pow Pow
4. The way I see it Jacosta, Donny, Nicole (although I will pay to see her go)–the top 3 floaters are sitting pretty because there name never comes up, and no one is looking in their direction.
I like Frankie, but I think I’ve heard him tattle tale and I don’t like that Andy type of behaviour. I also don’t want him being Devin’s puppy.
Didn’t think it would get this crazy so early in the game. Devin has been a flipflopper since day one