2:10am Up in the HOH bathroom – Amber and Frankie talk about what’s best to do for the replacement nomination. Frankie says even if Joey goes up on the block and Paolo does something crazy then everything could change and she could go home. Paolo could do something self-destructive and she could go home. Amber says we have a reason now (Joey talking about having a girls alliance). Amber says the other thing Derrick said Caleb could say is that she fell second. Frankie says f**k that’s brilliant! I didn’t even think about that! Amber asks who could you see in the final 4 with you and me? Frankie says me, you, Christine, Derrick and Caleb. They talk about the veto competition. Frankie says that only 2 people spelled words. They both laugh.
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2:15am Out in the hammock – Nicole talks to Christine about what to say to Caleb when he asks who they want to put up. Christine tells Nicole to say Joey. Nicole doesn’t really want to and says that she wishes she could say Devin. Christine says no don’t say that Devin and Caleb have been hanging out all day. It’s a good thing you didn’t say that. Nicole says if you or I get HOH there are so many opportunities with this thing. She says we could nominate someone who would throw the Battle of the Block competition. Nicole and Christine talk about how mean Devin is and how pissed off he gets about the littlest things. Christine says something is legitimately wrong with him. I am waiting for him to snap and get kicked out. I don’t know how he passed the psych exam. I think he’s on steroids. Maybe not now but before. People that are act like that.
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4:50am Frankie and Caleb are in the HOH bird nest bed. Caleb tells him that he never thought in a million years he would be on Big Brother sharing the bed with a gay guy. Caleb says but it doesn’t bother him. Frankie laughs and says that he didn’t expect it either. Frankie says that their friendship will last. They’re both happy they met each other. They continue to talk about the experience of being on big brother and having their families watching. Caleb starts talking about Amber and how he doesn’t want just a showmance with her. Caleb says wonders if Frankie can find out if she likes him or not. They go to sleep.
5am – 6am Devin is awake and cleaning the house.
6am Devin goes to the washroom and opens the door. He freaks out when he sees that Joey is in there. He says oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t see you there! He jumps all the way to the kitchen saying oh my god. Joey comes out and says that she’s never seen someone jump so high.. She tells him that she’s not doing well on slop. He tells her he’s sorry he didn’t knock first. She heads back to bed.
6:10am Devin is making breakfast in the kitchen. All the other house guests are still sleeping.
7:15am Devin heads to bed.
9:20am Hayden is awake and goes out to the backyard to get into the hot tub. At 9:30am Big Brother wakes up the other house guest.
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sure looks like joey is toast, at least right now, but it’s a long wait until the thursday vote. she needs to keep campaigning under the radar for now and look for opportunities. pow pow seems like a really nice girl, but i love joey.
maybe pow pow will have a breakdown and go off on the house between now and thursday – come to think of it, the breakdown will more likely be devin, not pow pow, just ask amber.
She needs to be making an offer to Caleb, not campaigning. The campaign idea is toast at the point someone is put up on the block it usually means that new nom is the one everyone agrees to go home. 🙂 but all the alliances in the house, there isn’t going to be many available for him to put up. I’d put up Jocasta simply because she is unlikely to make a deal, and very expendable at this point. I think a lot would agree they would find her to be a non-blood-on-hands option. Joey would have to explain the alliance deal tho, and to be honest, she should tell him who was in it, and how enthusiastic they all were, and the fact that PowPow came up with the name, and it seemed to come out of only talk about how there’s never been a successful girl alliance.
Does it look like there is any Xanax or Adderall this year?
I like this group, I am getting a good vibe.
Thanks for being here OBB!
As sushi as it sounds? What
He’s just trying to be cool. Everyone else says, ‘As fishy as it sounds’
I am a big fan if The Bomb Squad. It is really helping out Frankie a lot. I just hope ado by will lay low the next few weeks and make some friend ships. I would like to see Frankie/Zach in final 2.
I like joey but man lay off the lame hipster hats. As silly as the girls in shorts and uggs. Your in California in the summer not aspen in January.
Caleb is way ahead of himself…. If she says she doesnt want to be in a relationship, she’s going to be out the door in 2.
Caleb sez: I asked “The House” what I should do, and ” The House” sez I should tie Amber up in the have-not room and ask her why she doesn’t realize how much she likes me.
fatal attraction, she better run
The Caleb and Amber thing is horribly annoying!!! Next thing will be passing her a note in class!! “Do you like me? Y or N”
“House decision”…no please not again this year!
Someone needs to tell Zach its still the first week
Are there any smokers this season? Just curious.
Hi! Thanks for this great site, much appreciated. Can anyone tell me what the deal is with Caleb and Amber? Does she have any attraction towards him or is it one-way?
Zach and Frankie talking about final 2 in the first week… rookies.
Famous last words Zach….. Hopefully anyway.
Nauseating listening to Caleb profess his love for Amber every 3 seconds.