POV Holder: | Jeremy | Next POV | July 13th |
POV Used | YES | POV Ceremony | July 8 |
HOH Winner: | Aaryn | Next HOH: | |
MVP: | Elissa | ||
Original Nominations: | Elissa, Helen and Jeremy (MVP nom) | ||
Current Nominations: | Elissa, Helen and Nick (MVP nom) | Last Evicted Houseguest | David |
Have Nots | Helen, Elissa, Candice, and Andy |
2:05pm Cockpit McCrae and Spencer
Spencer brings up the possibility of them dumping the Moving Company. Spencer says if they control the MVP it doesn’t matter who wins the HOH “Aaryn can go, Jeremy can go, KAitlin can go”
Spencer wants the vote to be unified so that everybody votes out Nick. This way they can rebuild trust with Amanda and Helen. (his trust)
McCrae says he was going to vote to Keep Nick no matter what and if the house flips his vote will be singled out. McCrae feels like he’s going to lose trust from Aaryn’s side now.
Spencer: “Is it time to cut them (Aaryn’s side) loose be like we got the MVP you can’t get rid of her we won’t allow that and we make it to the jury. “
Spencer: “Or do we Maintain an alliance I would love to maintain however…. but “
Amanda walks in and start complaining that they are talking without her. She says she’s getting worried. They ask for one minute alone.
Spencer says that Howard and him are down to get Nick out. Spencer: “This thing will dissolve it’s better now than when i’m on the block or you are”
Spencer says next week aaryn will go maybe Jeremy.. there will be nothing left of that side. Even if they don’t win HOH they are still safe with this plan they control the MVP.
Spencer: “I trust Andy, Judd and Helen more than I trust Jeremy”
McCrae seems on-board with getting rid of Nick but does appear to be a bit suspicious because his trust goes down in the house.
Jeremy comes in.. “Holy sh!t man you look like Detroit rock city”
Jeremy says Elissa doesn’t deserve to be here. Spencer says he totally agrees. They start going over the airport conveyor belt stats
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Jeremy pi$$ing people off for votes.
2:19pm Storage room Howard and Spencer
Howard saying their trading trust of one group for trust of another. Spencer points out that the other side has more numbers and MVP they have to jump onboard now.
Howard asks him if McCrae is cool with the new plan to evict Nick. Spencer says yes but he’s afraid he’s going to get thrown under the bus becuyase he’s gotten close to the other side. Spencer says they need to pull McCrae in and talk to him then Amanda.
Spencer: “You down”
Howard: “Ya man”
2:28pm Cockpit McCrae and Spencer
McCrae wondering if there is a way they can give one vote to Evict Elissa so that they keep some trust from the other side.
Spencer: “This is the move I want to make without any lies”
McCrae points out his not a very good liar
Spencer doesn’t like the idea of losing trust with Jeremy but they both know players like that do not last in the game and if they do they deserve to win.
Spencer asks him if he wants to move forward with the Area51’ers or Moving company.
McCrae is worried that he’s being set up by the moving company. Spencer swears that this is the best plan for them as a group. They are all voting NIck out that is what they want to do so they keep the MVP, “I don’t want you run to Jeremy because I know you have something going with him”
McCrae says he won’t points out that Amanda is working the entire house trying to get the votes to keep Elissa.
McCrae says Spencer and Howard are toxic to his side until their vote comes out against Nick.
McCrae says he down for the plan Nick is going to be voted out.
McCrae is going to go talk to Amanda.
2:33pm Bedroom Amanda and McCrae
McCrae says more votes are following in line to evict Nick.
Aaryn comes up to them starts talking about the sketchy people in the house says she’s knows the votes are locked and after tonight they will find out who they can trust. (LOL poor aaryn can’t really trust anyone but maybe Gina) Aaryn tells them that Jeremy has everything memorized from last night if they need any clarification they should study with him in the cockpit.
3:15pm Storage Room
McCrae asks him how many votes he has.
Nick: “MC plus Gina, Kaitlin.. it’ll be tight”
McCrae: “yeah.. dude they are not going to see it coming”
Nick: “Where is Amanda’s head now”
McCrae: ‘She’s rallying the other side”
Spencer comes in.
Nick is asking if Judd and Andy are going to go with Elisa. Spencer says yes.
Nick: “So the vote is six five”
Spencer: ”that is not a very good margin”
Nick: “no”
Spence: “not good at all… it is what it is.. gets the job done.. “
(Crazy awkward moment Nick is now certain he’s going home)
THe former MC disband..
Elissa comes in with just Nick in the room”you worried “
Nick: “no”
Elissa: “why “
Nick: “because I believe in the good lord our saviour”
Nick leaves
4:30pm Feeds on fish
4:31pm living room Feeds come back everyone nervous and studying the conveyor belt items.
4:41pm Living room and storage room Howard and Spencer
Howard is questioning about getting rid of Nick.
Spencer feels that since he’s already talked to McCrae it’s probably best to stick with their plan to vote out Nick. Spencer says if they Stick with MC they have Howard, Spencer, Kaitin and Gina, “I don’t think we can count McCrea any more.. “
Spencer says with them controlling the MVP they can take out some of Jeremy’s numbers which will weaken him and he’ll be forced to come back to them he’ll have no other choice.
Spencer is excited because he’s in an alliance of 9 People says they are good for the short term. Tells Howard to go talk to McCrae to clear things up. Spencer says the vote has to be 8 to 3 (To evict Nick) and McCrae wants it to be 7-4
(McCrae still wants to vote out Elissa by doing this he A) is good with Jeremy and B) will tell everyone that Howard or Spencer flipped the vote making them look bad with Helen’s group)
4:50pm Storage room McCrae and Howard
Howard: “Look dude… my word to you as a man no one is throwing you under the bus.. Me and Spencer are a bit in no mans land and whatever he’s telling Jeremy goes back to the other side” Howard points out that it’s serious stuff.
Howard: “I’m still loyal to MC.. no matter what we are doing right now” Howard wants them to make the vote 8-3 not 7-4 this way Jeremy has to figure out if he doesn’t join them he’s done for.
McCrea tells him they have to be very careful right now because the other side is going to be gunning for Howard and Spencer big time. Howard says Jeremy is tighter with “Those three girls” than he is with the MC .
4:53pm McCrea tells Amanda that Howard was telling him he’s 100% behind them. They both agree if HOH Howard is not safe. McCrea mentions that the entire house is Sketch out by Howard.
Amanda says she only trusts Andy, Judd and McCrae.
(looks like SPencer and Howard are going to be in a sticky spot after the votes go down)
Its amazing how quickly the tables can turn in the house, it will definitely be great to see Aaryn’s shocked face for a second straight eviction.
Houseguests Eventual Downfalls:
Spencer…lying and poor physical condition
Howard…association to Spencer/outing of MC after it folds and too good of physical condition
Jeremy…mouth and physical target
McCrae… Amanda
Amanda…adderall and Xanax
Aryn…mouth, emotions and ties to Jeremy
Kaitlyn….mouth, emotions, and ties to Jeremy
Gina Marie…ties to the soon to be evicted Nick, and the sinking jermkaitaryn alliance
Candace….attitude and ‘I don’t need nobody’ game play
Judd….flip flopping
Jesse….flip flopping
Andy…..flip flopping
Elissa….her name and power she doesn’t deserve
Nick….trusting the moving company completely
BB 15….Allison Grodner and her dumbest idea ever….Elissa gets her own personal nomination each week…
Vote McCrae for MVP week 3
I don’t honestly think McCrae deserves MVP either. I believe Helen deserves it this week.
I’m okay with anyone you can make a logical argument for playing the best game right now, and Helen is certainly a strong contender (although I’d argue she’s just riding the Elissa MVP wave, which is a valid strategy itself), i just don’t see how anyone can even argue that rachelissa is even in the conversation if we’re talking best game play.
No Elissa doesn’t deserve it in the least, I just don’t think McCrae is the best game player.
The most rigged season since EvilDick AmericanPlayer and Jeff-Jordan Coup d’ etat….The game of 6-7players all MC and Aaryn side is already over..HoH has no power if your not on Elissa Helen side…A complete joke of season…We can already predict the final 3 Andy Helen Elissa
If Nick does get voted out tonight…..Helen deserves MVP!
Vote for HELEN MVP of the week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Helen or Amanda. Becuase if it wasn’t for Amanda, the MC would still be in tact. If she listened to McCrea, then Elissa would be leaving.
all 10 of my votes for mvp this week will be for helen everyone should do that she is most deserving and it will be fun to see who she chooses (aaryn)
McRae is a total loser, he has by far the best looking smart woman he wll ever get coming onto him like crazy essentially he could have been doing her already if he wasn’t such a loser, I don’t even think he knows or has a clue whats going on. He doesn’t get the fact that one side of house is well like by America and the other isn’t and he still doesn’t seem to get the fact that this is the case. this should be the biggest reason why anyone ie Mcrae, spencer or howard flip because with the way that production alters and shapes the show to the emotions of the viewing public, u don’t wanna be on the side that America hates, its simply a bad place to be, especially with the mvp thing thrown in the mix….McRae is a total loser
I do think this twist is definitely in the running for worst in the game’s history. It’s completely tailored for one player (Elissa) and she didn’t even do anything to get it other than be a sister of a popular player. It’s also going to destroy one side of the house as long as its in place, leaving the HOH with no meaning other than temporary safety (until Elissa and her alliance pick them off with her nomination).
Just very bad all around.
I’m not sure how you can say the game was rigged in Elissa’s favor. I can see her getting MVP the first week, but she only got it the second week because of how she was treated, underdog status, and the hatred for Jeremy’s side. If Elissa makes it through, I don’t see her getting the MVP more than once (maybe next week). I think the MVP could make the game better because players will have to play better and alliances aren’t as strong as they once were. If Jeremy and Aaryn don’t piss people off the way they did then Elissa would be going home.
I’m not particularly a fan of Elissa’s, nor do I hate her. To me, loving OR hating her because of who her sister is seems almost as ridiculous as the biases we’ve already seen this season from this group of immature HG’s. Do I want to see someone else other than Elissa get the MVP? Yes. I think it would make the show more interesting. But am I actually voting for that to happen? Are you? I know, the argument here might be that BB production even “fixes” those votes, that they aren’t honest with the outcome. But if I really believed that, why am I still watching this fuck fest? Why are you? Actually, if something doesn’t change with this group of out of control obnoxious children, bullies, racists and ridiculous showmances, I won’t be watching at all.
America is voting. It was not tailor made for Elissa. America could have voted for someone else. Maybe America wants someone nice to win for a change. I did not even know she was related to Rachel when I voted for her to be mvp the first time. I just liked her strategy idea. This week i will vote for Helen, maybe Amanda. Why, because they are smart and not evil racist, sexist pigs.
Next year’s twist would be to give America a vote to evict. The person who gets the most votes by America gets an eviction vote. Now that would be a real vote.
that’s the way it’s done in UK big brother, the public decides
So, are we voting for the Rubber Duckie to win Big Brother… LOL
Wooohooooo I can’t wait for tonight. Lets see if Jeremy learns something from this! His mouth alone caused everyone to turn on him and his alliance.
Plus I’m sure he was playing everyone. His main goal is to keep kailyn to the end.
Soon he is going to be the king of his boat and kailyn the queen of a bar in vegas, showing her ass for a tip. Aaryn, Burger King is always hiring. Lol
I know that was mean but I just dislike them. :/
You’d be surprised just how scared a big company like Burger King is of being associated with racism in any way.
I feel for her since she will only get a job there if she wears a fake moustache to work every day.
We still have about 2 hours to go. It could change another 15 times.
I just don’t understand why MC just didn’t try to convince Jessie to flip back with them…instead of imploding like that…if they get Jessie vote..Elissa is gone…they even don’t need McRae…Nick just have to give her some attention…By the way..Does Nick know he is going home?…why Spencer Howard and company did not told him or try harder to save him…
It all must have started when Jeremy went around threatening MC members they better do what he says (yesterday). Jeremy has no one to blame but himself. He’s basically a more a-hole version of Willie and the look on his, and his girls’ faces, will be glorious too see tonight.
And we may have a fist fight later, lol. Jeremy vs Spencer or Howard.
Lol at that picture of Jeremy in bed with Jessie and Judd! Awkward.
LOL I hadn’t seen Jessie
just a little…… wow they are not in HOH …..jeremy is a pig….
When Aaryn gets evicted…..do you think it will be a live show – or prerecorded with no studio audience….it good get ugly it is live……just saying….
I’ll bet Julie Chen does not even want to do the exit interview.
Spencer has finally decided to make a good move!! This will help him if all goes dwn smoothly
Hardly, he is still despised by both sides. If the Mean Girls retain HOH, I could see Helen making a deal with him to get that oaf out
Jeremy looks like he’s humping Jessie, not that I have a problem with that she looks like she needs a good humping, but this is Jeremy……
Hope this plan sticks and Nick goes!!
If Elissa leaves, Helen will use her raged to win HoH so she will put up Aaryn & Jeremy and MVP is Kaitlyn as third nominee.
Damn they’re acting like it’s a double eviction. They’re all scrambling and it’s hilarious.
And the douchebag Jermey continues to mouth off on how Elissa and others don’t deserve to be there. So sick of this idiot claiming that others don’t deserve to be there and he does.
I’m absolutely loving what’s going right now! So much can change in a few hours. I think its a smart move for Spencer and Howard (even though I don’t really care for them) to disassociate themselves from Jeremy.
If Elissa gets MVP again week 3, I predict ratings drop by more than 25% in one week.
Nah, don’t think so. Plus I think Elissa may not get MVP for much too long. Some of the other players are really making bold moves. Amanda, McCrae, Spencer, Helen. They could have all just sat pretty and made it through one week, but they are all trying to manipulate the house to better their own games. They are really starting to outshine Elissa.
Week one, I understood Elissa getting MVP, because we didn’t know any of them, and it essentially was a popularity contest. Week 2 …I have now come to the conclusion that Rachel’s followers are the only ones showing up to vote for MVP. I have read several sources saying that ratings are way down, for many reasons, from the insane racial and gay slurs, to the Elissa tailored power of MVP, but for whatever reason, it must only be the die hard Rachel fans voting because there is NO self respecting BB fan that could honestly say she is playing the best game. Leave it to Rachel fans to turn the integrity of the game into a joke.
The ratings are down because BB has run it’s course and not as popular as it was was. Only when the racial and gay slurs became public the ratings went up like 16% according to ET,
its only week two and yet the only one to put up a male and someone the house likes is Elissa…. Helen is playing a great game and those to compliment each other… would love to see those two at the end …. ps .. thumbs down to all those Elissa haters …tell me how everyone would feel if you got the same treatment she has .. I also see Elissa winning MVP until there are lower numbers in the house .. would be nice if it went from Elisse to Helen to Amanda to Candace… get those dang boys out ..lol
That is exactly what I think. Elissa has only been given MVP because she hasn’t even been given a chance and she is on the side that is OPPOSITE of Jeremy, Aryan and Kaitlyn. Once this goes down, the votes will start going elsewhere because so many people are playing the game. I would love Helen, Candice, or even vulgar Amanda get it next week. I am really glad that Elissa put up Nick (not so stupid a move after all) because having the MC rule the entire season would annoy the SH!T out of me!
I don’t get what the Elissa fans see in her, she’s a TERRIBLE gamer, absolute trash. If you think any differently you’re just blinded by some sort of twisted fandom, that must stem from Rachel, I just don’t see how else you could like her. PLEASE VOTE FOR SOMEONE ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME TO WIN MVP. Thanks.
I agree Elissa isn’t a great player but she hasn’t done anything trashy. The Rachel fans and non-fans need to learn to separate her from her sister. They are two different people.
Could it be that the voting fans are about as bright as tis seasons players? or is it CBS = crooked bull-sh!*
fluoride n pharmaceuticals …they do wonders for the brain.
McCrae is the most pu$$y whipped househuest I’ve ever seen in my life, he cant go anywhere or talk to anyone without Amanda.
Truthfully, even if Jeremy wins HOH tonight, it doesn’t even matter, the other side will have the votes after tonight, and as long as MVP is still part of the game, the HOH has very little power. While I’m happy Aaryn and Jermy’s plan is failing, and to extent Elissa surviving this week. I wouldn’t be surprised if this game gets a bit boring for the next few weeks. I still don’t think jeremy is going to win tonight, but these next few days should be excited to say the least. It is hard to believe how quick the MC turned on Nick and Jeremy, but it is hard to argue that this isn’t better for their game.
Poor Aaryn, MVP screwed her HOH power!
If this continues, Gina, Jeremy and Kaitlin is next
unless Jeremy keeps winning POV.
Unless crazy stuff happens again.
This is why i like Big Brother, so unpredictable.
I hope the other side wins HOH (Andy, Helen, Candice, Judd) and makes the Aryan, Jeremy, Kaitlin, and GM havenots. Oh my god that would be so AWESOME to see!!!!
Jeremy can’t be a have not.
He won the never not pass during the first HOH.
Oh yeah, sorry I forgot about that. I guess I’m just blinded by my hatred of him. I guess I’d want the fourth to be Spencer then.
I thought he had a slop pass .. not a not a have not pass … which is it dawg…lol
Yeah jeremy can’t be on slop for the season
Jeremy won the privilege of never having to be a Have-Not this summer, in the first HOH competition.
Spencer finally has said something that…made sense? And he’s finally made a turn from his horrible gameplay? Hold on to your hats ladies and gents, its a Christmas miracle!
Oh my God….this is really happening….
production strikes again. regardless of how brenchel fans feel about this, it’s another sad day for big brother. nick tried to play the game, elissa has been nonexistant for 3 weeks(except sitting on her mvp for which she did nothing to deserve in the first place.)
don’t get me wrong, i want aarynazi and jerkemy out as much as anyone else, but elissa will continue to win the mvp all year–and not because of her amazing game play. it will be because of diary room coaching sessions, swaying houseguests. if at some point aaryn or her group want to save elissa.. you know it’s true.
it’s just so aggravating because it’s so freaking obvious that production is behind all of this. like i said in another comment, i believe that elissa didn’t even sign up for big brother, i think AG went out to get her. the MVP twist was put in just for a “fan vote on best game play” for her, and to be honest, how do we know that there are really all these people voting for rachel.. i mean elissa? just from watching diary room sessions(because i’ve not seen her talk game with anyone else), she has NO IDEA what she’s doing. she’s there for AG’s brenchel obsession.
it is big brother….production is big brother…they can influence the game however they want by creating paranoia….george orwell wouldn’t have it any other way
How has Nick tried to play the game? Sure he devised the plan to weaponize Elissa and the MVP nomination, but now it’s coming back to bite him in the butt. The other players have decided to run with his concept and use it against him. He isn’t playing the game; the game is playing him.
He may have come up with the “weapon”, but he sure didn’t do anything to protect Elisa and put it to any use.
I would have offered her protection, and so long as she did my bidding, she’d be safe. If she claimed not to have MVP, I’d tell her she better hope whoever does puts up my nom or she may find herself on the block. As long as the votes were controlled, you could throw her on the block to rein her back in. If she continues to disobey or she actually stops getting the MVP, then she’s just a cancelled vote that needs to go.
you are right … besides in reality Nick wasn’t playing his game he was trying to play Dan G`s game … hate those that cant come up with their own game play … BB Canada had one of the same in the name of Peter … what a major IDIOT he was is and always will be…lol
Yep, just like production saved Frank from certain eviction last year. The answer can be found in the shows name “Big Brother” BB is always watching and is usually in control of the game via the D room.
Yea you do realized they are paying for this? and people like to complain about BB having fun with the they are practically giving money away to thesefolks to eat free and argue. We all know production influences things but the final result is in the people in the houses hands, if they dont like what production is doing as a unit then watch the show and dont be that person that “Just Realized” that WWE Wrestling is fake
…. the WWE is fake?
I am outraged and take deep offense in the term “Elissa WON MVP”! 😉
Winning would be something active. Please consider “gets handed”, “is being blessed with” or “shoved somewhere” instead. Thank you 🙂
Forget mvp next year, and let us vote to put someone on the block. Maybe they will be on their best behavior next year. America puts one on the block.
I like Nick but I give credit where credit is due Ellissa beat him at his own game she took a gamble and it payed off no risk no reward.
Can he bounce back? I will be sad if he goes but he has no one to blame but himself.
I agree, he definitely put himself in this position with the way he interacted with her. I mean even though he really trusted the MC, he could have at least agreed to that two week deal she proposed and ensured his safety by having her nominate Kaitlin, but he was way too cocky and did not even give her a straightforward answer. Even though I hope her MVP streak is done because I want to see others win it, she definitely made a wise decision by putting him up because he definitely might have gone a lot further if she didn’t. Anyways we’ll see what happens.
Spencer thinks he can rebuild the trust lost with the other players like Helen but it’s not going to happen. I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes up this coming week.
Exactly Simon. Dumb move. He won’t last 2 weeks if he’s lucky
I think Howard and McCrea are going to look back on this day as the day they lost the initiative and their chances to win…and it will all come down to the fact that they never talked directly and allowed the weak and terrified Spencer to act as conduit. I think Howard expected McCrae to shoot the idea down, and then Spencer presented Howard’s position like he was all for it making McCrae think he was the last person in on a solid decision, and just like that they relinquished control.
Oh well, they don’t deserve to win then anyhow. Should be interesting to see how the house re-shapes now. Elissa and Helen can kid themselves (like the MC) that they can script the next five weeks, but it won’t happen like that. Either way, though, Elissa, Helen, and Candace are now in the catbird’s seat.
I agree 100% with everything you post on here. I just wish Nick wasn’t the casualty. I liked that he at least tried to play the game.
They didn’t know it when they talked to him, but McCrae had already decided to sell them both out (last night) and would have done so regardless of how they voted. This was the only choice they had.
There is no other choice to be made here. It’s a no-win situation as long as Elissa has the MVP and the bullshit nomination they’re giving her.
If he sticks with Jeremy, he’s screwed. If he sticks with Elissa, he’s still probably screwed in the long run but less than he would have been otherwise. It needs to be done.
You do realize that as it stood before Spencer hit the panic button the MC + mean girls were sending Elissa home, throwing the MVP up in the air where maybe Helen grabs it or maybe Rachel’s fans stay home. Either way the magic evict number goes from 6 to 5, Jeremy has two votes locked down, Nick had one, Howard is sealing one himself, and maybe McCrea could have eventually pulled Amanda…all while Spencer sat in a little harms way but not much as long as if he got nominated this week, there was at least one non-MC with him. Then he would have had the vote and the magic number drops from 5 to 4 votes.
Now he’s given it all up to appease a tiny Asian woman, keeping her best friend who has never talked to him along with her ability to nominate anybody, and as far as votes go, he better have Jeremy up on the block with him because after that he has maybe 2 votes.
I don’t really care who wins, but this move by Spencer, Howard, and McCrae makes ZERO sense for them. Even if you throw out everything else, they are evicting an ally to keep an enemy in hopes of appeasing the other enemies, the same argument Helen made all week to her allies for keeping Elissa. So if Spencer is making the best move, then Helen is the idiot.
Wooooow… Nick really doesn’t deserve (ESPECIALLY out of the MC) to go home this week. This week really goes to show that Elissa has zero chance at winning this game (Not that she was ever aiming to win anyways), all the players in her alliance are just using her as a tool to further their own game as she can’t even campaign for herself (Amanda and Helen had to practically secure all their votes and pressure MC to disband or be revealed). Next few weeks will probably be a landslide, with Aaryn/GM/Kaitlin/Jeremy going home. I’ll be back in 4 weeks when this “super alliance” has to disband and turn on each other, predicting that Howard will end up staying for the long run in order to become a swing vote. Crazy week 2, never thought I would be so into a BB season so early on.
I’m not saying I don’t agree with you about Elissa(she has never deserved MVP), but how can you deserve not to go home, sure, Nick has shown potential to be a great player, but he is the bigger threat, and I cannot blame Helen, Amanda, and co. for realizing this and using the MVP to their advantage. They are playing the game, and isn’t that what Big Brother is all about. The MVP twist sucks, but we knew this before the season premiered, props to the players for using it to their advantage, too bad Elissa doesn’t know how to use it, but got lucky when she decided to put Nick up.
It is poetic that Nick played Gina and now the other gals are playing him right out the door!!!!
Nick wouldn’t have gone home if Candace, Helen, Amanda, Andy, etc… hadn’t spent SO MUCH ENERGY fighting a problem they would NEVER HAVE GRASPED EVEN EXISTED in the first place without the CONSTANT DIRECTION OF THE DR.
The DR needed an embarrassing amount of attempts before something relevant finally came out of this.
Since it’s Amanda’s insistance that finally got the outcome to flip, remember how she agreed several days ago to McCrae that she’d “stop talking game, lay low and do whatever he wants”. Then, she had another DR session. And back on the hunt she was.
BB must be awkwardly blushing everytime a houseguest says something like “DR told me…” or “I know for a fact from DR that…”.
Soon, the common message “you are not allowed to talk about your diary room sessions with other houseguests” will become “you said DR, so you have been expelled from the game, effective immediately!” What a farce.
So NO, NICK DOESN’T DESERVE TO GO HOME. Since you talk about what BB SHOULD BE about. BB shouldn’t be about AG getting her way and exposing some houseguest’s secrets to others.
Nick doesn’t deserve to go home??? Seriously? When Elissa asked if he’d vote her out, he said he had to think about it……..to the person ABOUT TO MAKE A NOMINATION! That was stupid. He got too cocky, now he deserves to go.
Elissa made a promise with Nick, shook on it, then broke it-week 2.
Nick doesn’t deserve to stay? Fine, that’s your opinion, but the evidence by that same logic says she doesn’t either.
she also put up david and where is he now … oh yeah ..surfing and having fun…lmao …. it would of been hard to say who deserves MVP… too early …BUT . Elissa has shown no fear putting up popular guys .. plus how can one campaign when one side of the house is so evil and full of passion … and yet she still tries her darndest to smile and talk with the group … so may I say to all the Rachel and Elissa haters …. give the girl a chance … YOU GO GIRLS 😉
is it possible that we can see a successful girl alliance this season?!?!
You know what I’m more excited to see? Aaryn and Jeremy’s faces when Julie announces the votes.
You know what I’m more excited to see? Aaryn and Jeremy’s faces when Julie announces the votes.
You said it! I can’t wait either cause they are so arrogant!
Its the fourth quarter with 30 seconds on the clock and a hail mary has been thrown. Lets just see if its going to be a touchdown.
getting rid of the MC, and making the move on Jeremy, Kaitlin, aaryn, gina…..this might be the best day of BB this summer yet.
What’s the difference of ‘making it to jury’ or not? Does it matter if you’re evicted sooner rather than later?
2 ways to look at it
if you want a summer long stipend, and stay in the jury house summer vacation, you want to make jury
if you want to go home, say screw the cash, and just show up to the darn reunion, then that is why you want to go home pre jury(see elisa)
in fact, mcrae, spencer, all the guys are about to get totally screwed by this move
If Elissa stays still voting her MVP or Helen, I will never vote for MC never, I hate Jeremy or as I call him The Jerm! he thinks he is all that and he ain’t shit. Well in my book anyway, I Hate Bullies and he is one…
Oh good, so you’re one of the people we can thank for this repetitive and dull season. Every week is Elissa week until she’s finally gone. Yay. So glad I wasted money on the feeds this season…
Upsets 2 weeks in a row is repetitive and dull? The players are constantly scheming (hoping to get that MVP, probably) and fighting. I don’t see anything dull about this season, so far.
The twist was meant to force the players to adapt their social game…all they’re doing is figuring out how to use Elissa. They’re just bending the spirit of the game by exploiting the twist. It’s not original, it’s not imaginative….it’s Elissa winning MVP week after week. Repetitive, dull, boring. click.
All the guys are screwed anyway until production stops this MVP twist giving Elissa and her side all the power each week.
If a player makes it to jury, they get a 1000.00 stipend for every week of the game. I think that works out to 13k, which makes a big difference for people like Jessie (which I think in part explains her reversal to supporting Elissa)
You get a better stipend(13,000) if you make it to jury, and get to stay in the jury house the whole summer.
I thought it was because the longer they last, the more money they can make each week,
I remember, I think it was Spence maybe saying that how if they make it to jury, they make like $13000, but I’m not too sure.
Every week you are in the house you get $1000. Make Jury and they need you for the whole length of the game so you would get paid for 13 weeks.
Thank you all for answering – sort of a newbie. 🙂
The longer you last the more $$$ you make
what I think mcrae doesn’t understand, is that Jeremy WILL let people know about the MC, and Amanda is a lot smarter than given credit for, and is likely to figure it out anyway. I can easily see him sleeping alone tonight.
I honestly think Amanda has known for some time he was with those guys, that’s why she wanted him to vote for Helen, just like the “boyfriend” thing, I used to use that line myself with guys, if I liked em…oops, there went the boyfriend…jmo about that…
…And the implosion{MC} begins!!! Drama gold!!!
I can’t wait for the fallout after tonight’s live eviction. This is what live feeders and OBBer’s live for!!
Looks like Helen, Amanda, Judd, and Andy have showed us how, with a little gamesmanship, 5 can beat 10.
Poetic justice is beautiful. Can’t wait to see for Mr. wonderful to get a rude awakening.
Helen & Amanda have been slowly cracking the code of the MC this week & Helen just put Spencer on blast & he went running to the other side.. Priceless!!
lol watching MC and spencer talk reminds me of watching the titanic when the ship is sinking.
No no no no i really like nick! Itll be really sad to see him go. At least he has good life outside the house, he hated everyone in there anyways. I would have shot myself in the foot if i had to listen to GM all day. RIP NICKS GAMEPLAY 🙁
I dont get it why don’t they vote out Elissa?? McCrae said he is down with the MC what the hell is wrong with them don’t they think Jeremy will Expose them all once Nick leaves ? Howard and Spencer should vote to evict Elissa and appear to play on Aaron’s side of the house while McCrae says he’s on the other side of the house but still keeps Nick. McCrae said he down with MC I don’t get why they would abandon it. In one day they gonna loose 2 people on their side 100 percent and now McCrae will always doubt Spencer and Howard….
This is gonna be fun to see how it plays out awesome week so far for action on the feeds. Thanks Simon and Dawg you guys are the best much love.
Thats me ^
because they are MVP obsessed, and so if elisa will get it, they can use it. plus, lets be honest, who are her allies? Helen? are she and Helen going to make a big run of HOH and POV wins? I mean really?
Plus, it only makes sense to get a strong player out when the opportunity presents itself.
It’s not a guarantee Elissa will win MVP every week. I won’t be voting for her. Helen Judd and Andy did all the work. Mainly Helen. She doesn’t deserve the MVP. I still want her gone but I’m happy with these turn of events. Can’t wait to see what Jeremy does if they vote out Nick. He may go off right then and there lol.
I can accept one week, and maybe the second week. If Elissa escapes a third week without doing anything though…
Elissa doesn’t deserve to constantly be the target just because she’s Rachels sister, this is why she keeps getting the mvp, people want to see her play and see what she’s capable of. She’s new to the house just like the other houseguests and have to figure out what to do and who she can trust, so expecting her to go in and immediately kick ass is a lot to ask of anybody in the first couple of weeks. The mvp will change hands eventually, viewers don’t like big alliances taking over the game so anything could happen down the road. For now, Jeremy and his posse are the least favourite to the viewers and tonight will be epic if Nick gets the boot, it’ll make viewers tune in for the next episode just to see the meltdown..
while this is a good move and I don’t like aaryn’s side, i feel bad for nick being the victim. I wish he could stay. However when Elissa asked him about his vote pre veto ceremony, he should have been able to say yes he would vote out kaitlin and no not vote out elissa. That was a dumb move on his part one that wil cost him the game. If Kaitlin went up, Jeremy would have come back to MC perhaps but at least nick should have been able to lie to Elissa.
oh nick, I actually felt sorry for you, then you answer to why you weren’t worried was some silly religious answer. can you PLEASE leave that out of the game. is there a single religion out there that actually would believe their God cares about BIG BROTHER’s week 2 eliminations? smh.
the funny thing is I do not like Nick, Jeremy, Aaryn, or Kaitlin, but for some reason this just seems wrong to me. i guess it is I have never been a Rachel fan so having her sister in the house just burns me.
But when I think about all that has been said, all the really nasty comments and the gross behavior, when put all that next to Elissa, she is the lesser of the evils. Just hate the idea of her making it to the end, and possibly winning.
So Nick is going tonight and she is staying, just hope that something major happens and really kicks this season into gear.
Spencer has truly lost it.
He just had to stick with the plan, and Moving Company would control the house and get the MVP out.
Now he and Howard trade their rock solid alliance for people who they KNOW don’t trust them. Two of the worst BB players ever? They are worse than Jeremy it seems. At least he can win comps, these guys are morons.
You missed last night when McCrae jumped ship on the MC first. I think Spencer suspected something was up and adjusted accordingly.
this obviously isn’t the reason, but it sure will be nice to see aaryn for a 2nd week, wondering why she is left out of the big group. why people don’t like her, or trust her.
Can’t Wait For The Show Tonight. The Feeds Are Gonna Be Great No Matter Who Gets The Boot!!!!
Nick says he is staying because he believes in his lord and savior. Oh man! If lying and cheating don’t work, fall back on religion. So if Elissa also believes in this same lord and savior, how does he choose? Nick, will it be by whoever lied the most? You win on that point? Will it be by whoever has been the most two-faced? You win on that point again Nick. I guess the lord is on your side. Wait Nick, if you happen to get voted out, does it mean you were a bad man or bad player?
all I can think to say about this is…..
So excited for tonights episode! I was literally squealing to my husband while reading this. lol!
Such a BS concept, when it’s a known fact that everything about this game can be expected, it’s a very rare occasion when what happens on the show is truly unexpected. This week we knew DR was going to effect the HGs decision this week, and save Elissa, but the slightly “unexpected” thing was MC dissolving.
Only thing I had against Elissa is her having an unfair advantage for MVP, but at the same time I understand why, but she shouldn’t be in the game period…
AG called her up because she extremely desperate to the point of being pathetic for Rachel Reilly type of ratings, and Rachel didn’t want to do the show again. They set her up for whatever she goes through in that house, as the same would happen with ANY contestant coming into the game and finding out one of them is a relative of a famous HG or even other celebrity. Fans asked for ONE season of newbies, and what does AG do, bring in a newbie who’s a relative of a famous player..
Mainly I can’t wait to see Jeremy’s face when Nick is evicted! Jeremy can’t win every HOH and he’s defineatly the next out if he doesn’t win HOH.
There’s still the POV. I think Jeremy is this year’s Frank and win all the comps but he’ll get his eventually!
they will need to back door jeremy
Spencer thinks that this will help rebuild the bridge to Helen, but that bridge is burnt down and disintegrated by now. This might buy spence a week, but he will always be on the bottom of the totem pole in the elissa group. Do these people not think Jeremy isn’t going to talk?
It’s so funny when the cocky ones start scrambling! I love it! “Jeremy has the votes locked down” “Jeremy has everything memorized” NOT! Can’t wait til her, Katlin & GM see that Jeremy don’t run that house like they thought he did! priceless! Wipe that cocky smirk right off their faces! McCrae telling Spencer he won’t trust anything he says til after the votes was great too. Spencer & Howard got way too ahead of themselves, making demands of McCrae, You gotta make Amanda shutup, you gotta make Amanda quit talking to anybody, Amandas gotta go next week & all that but it was supposed to ok that spencer & howard & Jeremy & made side alliances all over the house! Give me a break! you go to the corner,let us play our game, don’t think or speak til we tell you can, yeah, that really worked out great didn’t it! Can’t wait til tonight! Helen for HOH, Judd or Andy MVP! hahaha, i know before anyone says anything, elissa will get it but i can hope!
I’m gonna be sad to see Nick go but at the same time I want the Mean Girls and Jerkemy to squirm and tons of drama! BTW hope Helen, Candice, Andy, Amanda, or Judd win HOH tonight!
I just don’t get it…All MC had to do is convince Jessie to return back with them and vote out Elissa….Instead of imploding like that…Now the guys of MC are done..their game is over…Do they really think Helen Andy and cie will not go after them now? What did production offered Jessie to flip side like that on one day…thats the question…Production didn’t wanted MC or Aryn side to run and win the game…I don’t think it would have been that difficult to switch back Jessie…Nick could just have give her some love and attention
So much stuff has gone down in this house, I was shocked when I remembered this is only the second eviction lol
Ther first two weeks have but nut balls!
But = been.
I think its great! Nick was one of those that said he’s throwing HOH and/or POV because he’s “CEO of the moving co.” Thats what you get when you play stupid. They overplayed too fast!
They’re ruining bb with this MVP twist. And if you want MVP, vote out Elissa who will seemingly get it every week! Then you can get it! Also it doesn’t matter if you have the voted anyways! If they stay solid, they would have the votes and control the house won all their sub alliances. Instead they’re going to leave their alliance and create a group of misfit floaters. Great plan!
I don’t think there are any floaters anymore. The house is pretty divided. MC thought they could build up and manipulate two opposing teams and cruise to the end, but they ended up building two opposing teams and got broken apart because of it. They made a monster they couldn’t control.
Voting out nick is the worst thing for The MC with Elissa gone i could see McCrae winning MVP. Spencer will be on the Block regardless where he votes because no one outside the MC trusts him and McCrae will start to doubt him now because he flipped so easy on Nick. With Nick gone i think everything is gonna blow up in each of their faces.
The only play I can see for the MC other than keeping Nick is they tell Amanda about The MC and recruit her in Nicks place. They have to do this before the vote and get Jeremy on board(unlikely) . This is the only thing that can save them because Amanda is smart and once recruited will be loyal.
Whoever is saying nick is a good game player is only half right. He hasn’t won any completions. He was excellent in week one, however his fatal downfall was telling Elissa “I don’t know if I’ll put you up, I don’t wanna talk game right now.” Obviously Elissa took that as “okay you’re voting me out” and instead of putting up Kaitlin, put up nick, who she knew would leave, just like David had a week prior. Elissa is playing a decent game and soon she’s gonna fade out and next thing you know end up in jury. But don’t run around praising nick like he’s a god because he’s not, neither is Elissa. However, had he told Elissa what she wanted to hear, as he knew she had the MVP, he would be safe and sound and Elissa or Kaitlin would be leaving. He has no one to blame but himself for his departure. Point blank period.
Exactly. All I’ve seen is cockiness from Nick. He’s all bravado, trying to emulate great players like Dan. His inability to reassure Elissa was his downfall. It was such an obvious mis-step; he doesn’t deserve any praise because of it.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Nick is going home from either complete arrogance or complete ignorance. Not sure which but either way noone to blame but himself if he does end up leaving.
I have been on board all these years with most of the “unexpected” but can I say I hate this MVP twist. The drama is exciting but not a fan of how one person can control the game so much and be secretive about it IF they choose to do so. Yuck!! I like Nick. I can’t stand Jeremy, Aryan, Kaitlin but Elissa has done nothing. Helen and Andy have done most of the work. BOOOOOO with Nick going home.
Can someone please clarify for me haw the votes will most likely go tonight? I’m a little confused where everyones head is at. Thanks.
For sure against Elissa: Jeremy, Kaitlin, GinaMarie
For sure against Nick: Andy, Candice, Judd, Jessie, Amanda
Wanting to vote against Nick: Spencer, Howard
Who knows: McCrae
thank you
TBH, I’d be surprised at this point if any others besides Jeremy/Kaitlin/Gina vote Elissa out.
thank you
Sum peoele be votin fu Elissa to stay, but mo peeple be votin fu Nick to go back to hiz crib.
thank you
As far as I know: (Correct me if it changes)
Vote out Nick:
Vote out Elissa:
*Those votes may change. I’m pretty sure the rest are locked in. Spencer seems to have convinced McCrae and Howard to flip.
Amanda is a carpet diver. With his long hair, if Mcrae gets electrolysis on his facial hair, he will make a good biatch for Amanda. He already has a vajayjay, which precludes the need for a penectomy.
Simon where is your link to buy the feeds???
Subscribe to the Big Brother Live Feeds![](http://ad.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/show?id=ZBPvjRdH9tw&bids=289776.36&type=3&subid=0)
Hey Simon. Rather than get the feeds, how about I just donate $25 to you and Dawg for doing all the watching for me?
Thanks, works either way 😉
Glad you like our spoilers
Donation sent. Best deal I’ve had since I donated last year.
Hope other will help out too since you guys do such a great job.
This site is GREAT.
No one can watch the show 24/7 so it’s good to be able to find out what’s happening when most of America is asleep….
“McCrae points out he’s not a very good liar”
Could’ve fooled me. I really thought McCrae was against the MC before Spencer mentioned his plan
So how long will it be til Amanda stabs McC in the back.
Why is Nick so threatening to everyone?
Because he has a brain, unlike most of the cast.
Because he stands between Elissa and her non-existent game.
Its not so much people want to get rid of Nick , its more people want to keep elissa and helen because they are switching sides and they want to keep the mvp power on their side and in their control.
They do feel Nick is dangerous because they say he is shadey and is in the diary room too long. They also say production is dropping hints and asking questions about nick. Production is doing to this to keep their baby Elissa in the game and screwing over Nick who is actually playing the game.
Exactly. So sick of their interference in saving the Reilly Sisters.
“Hey Rachel! Guess What! The duo twist is back!”
“Hey Elissa! Guess What! You won MVP….AGAIN!”
DR: “Rachel! Good news! You won the MVP again!”
Elissa: “No no…that’s my sister’s name’
DR: “Right! Right…I mean to say we brought the duo twist back to save you.”
Elissa: “Duo twist?”
DR: “Oh right! That was two seasons ago- Sorry Rachel 2.”
Elissa: “It’s Elissa.”
DR: “Come again?”
Burns doesn’t it?
LOL that’s right. Thumb me down. It’s all true folks, and your blind love for Rachel Reilly doesn’t change that.
The MVP twist is good for one BB season. But I predict that after this season, it will never be used again. Go Rachel, um, I mean, go Elissa!
Correct… Instead of a houseguest getting the 3rd nomination, it should have been America’s vote. Then Ayran could have seen just how much she’s loved….
I agree! I’ve been wanting an audience nomination for years now.
After getting pissed off with this season, I have decided to stay on board for a while longer, just to see the bigots walk out that door.
Can’t wait to see the faces after tonight’s eviction! Perfect!
Gee thanks, we here at CBS wouldn’t know what to do with ourselves had you followed through with your threats to not watch anymore.. NOT..
Gonna be hitting the MIller Lites tonight with this eviction….nailbiter !
I hope that Elissa stays tonight, I think that she will. And if Elissa stays, I will donate $500.00 to the “Emasculate Jeremy Foundation”.
I think their best bet is to out themselves to Elissa and Helen before the vote and before Jeremy outs them. Unlike some previous posters, I think this will make for great t.v. viewing over the next couple of weeks. Jeremy and Aaryn are going to flip their lids! There should definitely be some drama! Would love to see those two gone. I sure hope someone from the other side gets HOH this week.
so mccrae wasn’t going to flip but spencer and howard thought he was and andy talked them into flipping….wait andy pulled this off what on earth didn’t see that coming.
I love this!!!!!! Buh bye Nicholas! I hope Helen or Elissa wins huh tonight. But I think Helen deserves MVP this time. She was on the block and even campaign for Elissa…She even scared the crack outta Spencer lmao! Vote Helen for MVP!
I agree. If they pull this “flip” off, I think Helen or Andy should get MVP.
It’s really unfair if the same person wins MVP week after week. I think the MVP twist should be changed so that the same person can’t win it more than once or at least not twice in a row.
Ahhh, it’s getting dark out so the Rachelissa fans are coming out. Instead of anonymously giving the comment a thumbs down, why don’t you share your illogical reasoning on how in the world you think Elissa has the best game play and deserves the MVP?
I agree. Elissa does not know how to play this game. I think most people are not exactly rooting for her. They are rooting against Jeremy/Aaryn/Kaitlin. I want her to stay for the time being so that the MC can blow up but I do not think she should win.
Who cares if Elissa is the best player on not! She looks good in spandex and she’s Rachel Reilly’s sister!!!
Keep up the good work Rachael getting your sister voted MVP. Couldn’t stand you in your seasons but love you now. XOXOXOX
It is for the former MC’s best interest (besides Jeremy) for Elissa to stay, it’s a shame that Nick is a causality because of it though, he could of been a big threat later on.
Jerome is going ballistic tonight. Might even punch someone out and be ejected from the game. What a poor excuse for a Native American.
The only thing native about him is that he is a loser.
I’d want to put John Wayne in the BB house, but he’s passed on. Let’s bring in Clint Eastwood and let him go “Dirty Harry” on Jeremy. That would make all BB fan’s day!
I just bought the lives feeds because of what is going down tonight. I have never paid for live feeds and relied on this site, but I can’t wait to see what goes on after the show ends!!!!
I give you and Dawg so much credit and thanks for watching all this and transcribing what goes on. There are too many cameras to watch and you have to listen really well to hear some of them. Wow! I’ve always thought you did a great job, but now I know you do a fantastic, super amazing job! Thank you!
I have been reading alot about how this is a bad move for the remaining members of the MC… it really isnt at all… its the only move… If Nick stays it outs the Moving Company and puts the guys on an island… McCrae polished this plan off by acting dumb to Spencer and Howard… I do believe that Amanda will eventually become a casualty of this… but Jeremy and Aaryn and Kaitlin are done… Helen wins tonight… Mccrae MVP… its over for those 4… Besides they are going to act like animals after the vote…. Its going to be the Stop Light HOH most likely and it will flip the game.
Jermy told Aaryn she was the strongest female in the house. Anyone agree? Personally, I don’t think there have been enough competitions to gauge who’s strongest.
Maybe not the strongest, but she definitely has the smallest chest bumps.
I don’t think anyone can use the term “floater” this week at all. The “underdogs” are working their a$$ off to make this happen. If anything Aaryn, Jeremy etc are “floating” on their confidence. Who knows about the future but this week calling people floaters offends me….except maybe Jessie.
I wonder if when Nick is evicted if he will out the MC in front of the everyone. Just think Kaitlin/Aaryn/Gina learn about Jer being a part of getting out David and Amanda learns McCrae lied about a all guys alliance and that he was a member. Lastly I think it could hurt Howard/Spence the worst because the house believes they are playing both sides and now both sides will know that really they were playing both sides against each other, leaving them no side to ally with. I only see Nick doing that if the vote is clear that MC voted him out McCrae/Spence/Howard. I think that the house would be in major fallout mode if that happened and the MC may actually have to reform because no one may want to work with them once both sides realized they were being used.
I assume the feeds are off until after eviction now, right?
I can’t wait. We never got confirmation on the votes flipping, so anything goes, although Nick’s time is probably up if the only MC member still on his side is good ol’ Jeremy.
I don’t understand why everyone bashes Elissa. I’ll be the first to say I hated Rachel. But should she be guilty by association. She did a dumb move putting up Jeremy but at least fixed it by putting up nick and looks he will probably be gone tonight. I have to say at least the last two days have picked up and a stupid alliance with cocky men has been broken up and lasted only one week or so. Nick needs to go. His DRs are annoying.
Simon, or anybody? Don’t BB come on at the same time on East & West Coast? It is a live eviction….i’m confused right now, i know it comes on here in about 20 minutes…
6pm PST
but isnt it live on the east coast? im from ct and it is on at 9pm here
Oh ok then, I thought it came on at 8:00. dang, another hour! oh well, time to go feed my dogs, the humans around here are on their own tonight, lol…
thank you…i’m just so excited!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like production got involved on this one. In no way does keeping Elissa help any of the MC who flip. They will all get picked off one by one now.
Involved in this one.
I’m guessing they’re involved in each show, throwing a hint here and there, suggesting this and that based on what production knows about alliances and paying bonuses, unbeknownst to the others, to the players who play the way production wants them to play.
Sound crazy? No. It’s a show that needs to be entertaining and so production is always involved.
Well, newsflash: watching Elissa pretty much getting handed the check already by CBS is far from “entertaining.” If production’s goal really is just to make the show entertaining, they’ve failed miserably.
I hear what everyone is saying about Elissa’s game, but I think she gets some game play credit for choosing the right people to put up this week. Game play comes in different forms. I like Nick but am happy to see him go just to see the look on Jeremy and Aaryn’s faces.
Does anyone know where I can live stream tonight’s show online? I am West Coast and I don’t want to wait!
C’mon Mccray. Pull something out of your a$$ to get Howard alone and explain no one will trust them now and they’ll be the next to go and if he keeps following Spencer he won’t last another 2 weeks. Let Spencer vote Nick while you Howard and Amanda vote Elissa so It’s a 6-5 vote throwing Spencer under the bus. C’mon pull out a miracle
The fact that the “secret super” alliance has already fallen apart in week 2 makes me respect the Brigade and what they did in Season 12 even more. They had side alliances down to a science. However, because of Elissa’s power that producers have given her, it makes it a lot more difficult for the Moving Company to remain incognito.
I think that this is going to affect the ratings even more because a) Nick was a strong, likeable player that was playing the game hard and for his alliance which BB fans love and b) TRUE fans are sick of seeing Elissa win MVP EVERY week! What makes BB fun is feeling like the producers are not involved.
Like MC or not, Nick deserves to stay!
Players that I want to see in a future All Star Season: Brigade members, Dom (season 13), and Nick amongst others. Darn MC (specifically Spencer and Howard) for crumbling to threats from “the other side.” We want to see BIG moves and that means going against the house in Week 2 if necessary!!!
not sick of seeing Elissa win MVP. she went in with a disadvantage in the house just by association. give the girl a break. let those outside the house help her out a little. it will be okay. Nick isn’t that fun to watch anyways.
Dom was a horrible player, and Nick has been all talk, he hasn’t actually done anything, he won nothing, and all he really did is convince other players to use Elissa to secure a nomination, and that is what is sending him home.
the moving company should have started with judd instead of jeremy i think they would be in good shape now if they would have done that
would have been pretty solid and i don’t think they would have flipped
Jeremy is the one that put them all together though.
I think if they would’ve continued on, Howard, Spencer, and McCray would’ve figured out where they actually were in the pecking order.
If I was in there, I’d try to take Spencer to the final 2. Nobody really likes or trusts him. He doesn’t have as big a target on him (yet) as Jeremy and Aaryn. There’s no way any of them would hand him a half million dollars!
And about MVP. For a social game the word valuable takes on a whole different meaning. This is not sports people where strongest ,smartest ,most talented win. . Who is the most valuable person to have on your side (for your favorites) in the house right now? Not necessarily who is playing game best. CBS did not give rules as to how to pick them. The criteria are purely subjective. I am sure if Elissa was on Jeremy’s crews side those supporters wouldn’t be complaining so much.
I just want someone besides Elissa to get it and preferably a loose cannon (like a Judd) would make it REAL interesting!
It would be great if after Nick is voted out Elissa stood up, looked Jeremy in the face and said ” You’re next …JEROME… “. Would make Jerome crazy, calling out the members of the MC, going in incoherent mode, spitting and yelling and telling everyone that single handed he’s going all the way. Would be AWESOME.
I’m tired of certain people blaming AG for the decision to get Nick out. These people are living rent free, eating free, have access to basically a free gym (workout equipment, pool, hot tub, huge rooms) and even getting paid weekly to be there and possibly sitting a chance of winning 500 grand. For odds like that she should be able to persuade who she wants in the house or out of it. Not to mention over half these people should have been evicted for breaking the rules weeks ago.
it comes down to consistency. You said it yourself, many of these people have violated so many rules that they should have been kicked out (helen included for her earlier comments about her conversation with, “GOD”/DR). So why weren’t they? Because the show is rigged. Therefore, it’s not REALITY TELEVISION. It’s a joke, and the viewers are the punchline. They just mindlessly eat up Elissa’s DR sessions and soundbites, never questioning the people behind the camera feeding her a personality.
I wonder if the people who actually edit the show are cursing the players for doing this to them hours before the live broadcast?
Doubtful, since they are the ones orchestrating it.
Plus, they could just recap it at the beginning of Sundays show.
McCrae straigtened his hair LOLOLOL
I can’t stand that red-headed hairy train conductor……..that big ole’ Howard…….that fake Elissa or whatever her name is and I don’t like Helen at all ! ! ! I’d be happy to see all of the above go bye-bye ! ! ! At least Nick and Jeremy are real men ! ! ! ! That little Howdy Doody Andy is really sickening, too ! ! !
Jerome is misogynistic…. but apparently you believe he’s a real man.
Real men, there are more ways to be a real man, then to act like a giant douche like Jeremy.
I hate everyone on the non-jeremy team. Not that I support Arryn. I wanted Elissa out. damn. Season over for me already.
me too, cancelling my feeds asap.
Tonight, after the eviction, Elissa will say, “Floaters, get a life vest”
I’d throw one at her at that point. She’s done nothing substantial this game that wasn’t handed to her on a platter. Her game was designed for her. If she were a normal contestant, she’d be so freaking lost as to what to do with herself.
If she says that without having won HOH , she would look pathetic.
Only WINNERS deserve to say that.
I agree!
I have a problem. Is there a reason why I can’t download obb app for iPhone? I have tried several times and searched manually too. The link not working for me.
The app has been discontinued until I can find someone else to build it. Apparently it works for a few people but doesn’t work for me
Either Helen or Amanda should get MVP this time around with all the gameplay they did.
If MVP was chosen for who’s playing the best game, yes Amanda and Helen would be top candidates. Unfortunately it isn’t chosen that way, so the for the 3rd week in a row the least valuable player in the house will get it again.
Elissa staying this week is an absolute joke. It’s unbelieveable that Nick, someone who’s actually playing the game well, is going home over someone who gets an amazing amount of power because they’re a past player’s relative. Too bad that Nick trusted those spineless drones he calls allies. If the live eviction wasn’t pushed back a day Elissa would be out the door. Don’t get me wrong, I want to see Aaryn and her alliance meltdown as much as anybody, but at least they’re playing the game. Elissa can do NOTHING all season long and still make it ridiculously far or even worse, win. If that were to happen. I think I would stop watching entirely.
Ben, I love that your perfectly logical post got thumbed down almost immediately…be wary, there are many drones outside the house too, and they go by the name “BRENCHEL UNITED”
It seems to me that staying in an alliance and relying on an alliance that has Jeremy in it is risky at best. Making an early secret alliance and orchestrating side alliances are only good if you can harness the potential for failure. The MC’s decision to stick with Jeremy could be their downfall. They should have acted quicker to remove Jeremy from the team and adjusted to the momentum of the game. It looks like Nick wasn’t proactive enough and risked too much for Jeremy’s sake.
Nick is not playing well! He opened himself up for failure when he infamously said, “If I get nominated I will just laugh”. Let’s see if he laughs tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND………………………………………………………………………………..In the past decade and a half, I’ve said that if I would stop watching over two dozen times if …. so and so. Guess what? I”m still watching, Elissa is going to win this season and you’ll be watching again next year, BB is addictive, as is Simon and Dawg’s forum.
1. you don’t know me.
2. you’re not george zimmerman
3. your name isn’t funny.
4. if elissa wins this season, it’s only because she had it rigged for her the entire way, and unlike you, I stand by my convictions. I will stop watching.
1. I do know you, wish I didn’t
2. I’m not George Zimmerman, but if I had a son, he’d look just like him.
3. The name may not be funny, but that last statement (# 2) was!
4. Elissa will win because she looks good in spandex and she’s Rachel Reilly’s sister. See you next year on this forum.
A jab at Obama. That’s the best you came back with?
Yeah dude, your names’s not funny.
You got a problem?
Ha. Now go grab your other 11 personas.
It’s spelled “person” !!! Also, “gangster” is the correct spelling, not “gangsta” !!!!
It comes naturaly
Let me paraphrase what Ben just said, “waaaaaaaah, waaaaaaaaah, waaaaaaaaaaaah, I need my binky, waaaaaaaaaaaaaah”. Just don’t watch if it bothers you so much.
Mad because someone on the internet shares an opinion that differs from yours?
Ah, your typical Rachel and Brendon fan. Screeching for equality, until, well, you know, equality means they fairly and rightly lose.
Not that I think Elissa deserves the MVP or to stay in any form, but Nick doesn’t deserve to be here more than anyone else in the house, frankly I commend the other player for getting him out against a non-threat like Elissa, especially since Helen can control Elissa as the MVP. Sure he is playing the game well, but wouldn’t that be a reason to get him out, and obviously he wasn’t playing the game that well, since he is getting evicted.
Why? Why are Spencer & Howard so worried about how many votes goes where? The “weak” ones in there ain’t scared of the big bad Jeremy, he’s gonna know he ain’t head honcho after this, they can’t cover their asses ALL the time, get over it already! I swear after listening to Andy I could win this HOH tonight.
I think Amanda had some fun with me today… It actually looks tidy.
this is a season saving night. to blow up the MC, it just would be chaos as aaryn and co also wonder wtf is up. its PERFECT for big brother
Nick is a joke what has that guy done besides complain about what food is in the house makes for boring tv
Howard has let Spencer drag his game in the dump.
Howard and Spencer over played
So glad Elissa will get to stay !!! Bye Bye Nick!!
one day can make a big difference for the person who is being evicted!!!
one day can make a big difference for the person who is being evicted!!!
shocker wow cant wait for this show to start because i am anxious who will win …. jeremy is going chima up in bbh after this lol cant wait
when jeremy ask who’s idea was this howard and macrea pointing finger at SPENCER LOL pricless
ahhhh Aaryn, did MVP just screw you lately. Maybe you feel much better of getting evicted next week.
Thanks for the heads up. I was on vacation last week and now late to the season. Took me Sunday to catch up on everything. Yay! It’s finally getting good this week! Thanks Simon for ur hard work.
Howard may get MVP next week. CBS was sure spending a lot of time showing what a good, deserving guy he was. Even if he doesn’t “officially” get the votes (CBS does the counting) they may give it to him all the same, just to spice up things. He’ll put up Amanda and get Candice to convince the group to back door her.
Oh yea…… Oh yea.
20 min and counting so super excited for tonights vote and see Jeremy Head Explode thats what he gets for BULLYING People Lmao
howard is quite a liar…talking to Helen in the have nots room…..he does it so easily.
Yeah, but he tripped up with saying Spencer threw HOH comp and said Amanda apologized and he back tracked…
I REALLY hope the audience boos Aaryan again just so I can see that dumb look of shock on her face!
Where can I watch tonight’s episode live online???
I hope even if Elissa “wins” MVP, CBS will consider just giving it to somebody else. If Elissa keeps getting it, these weeks will just get boring.
Let’s be real: Elissa’s going to keep getting it all summer because that’s what the producers want.
This season is pretty much already decided and it’s only week 2. Might as well cut Elissa the check now and spend the rest of the summer showing more Big Bang Theory reruns. What’s the point of even playing the game when Elissa basically gets full control over who gets sent home because she’s Rachel’s sister? The MVP is the most blatantly rigged “twist” in Big Brother history, and on top of that, it’s shockingly poorly-thought-out: how the hell did they not realize it would render the HOH power useless?
Howard needs to just stop talkng,lol, he keeps stickning his foot in his mouth, just told Helen he don’t want to appear a strong player & threw the bbq comp & Helen says WHY? you could have give it to me? & he can’t quit talking crap about amanda, give Candice & Helen a little credit They made up their own minds about this! He can’t seem to think they can’t make up their own minds, They kept telling Mccrae to “reel in amanda” but they sure didn’t try to “reel” in that bully Jeremy…
Ok, i hate rachel, she annoyed the heck out of me. However elissa is a different person and the moment that the others suspected who she was, she has been treated like crap. I like elissa because she doesnt stoop to aaryns level. She has shown a certain amount of class the the others havent shown. Im starting to root for her. The game play the past few days has been great! I was close on giving up on this season.
Elissa’s a pig. She doesn’t deserve mvp. I hope bad things happen to her in real life.
People! Please! Let the production rigging comments stop! This is a game where we can see the best, and the worst in people, and unfortunately, we have seen the worst in some of the house guests. At least I hope they can’t get any worse. These people have no idea what we, watching, think of them. Jeremy and Aarynn had virtually the whole house scared of them and were convinced they owned it! And their little groupies were just as pathetic. How many times have you watched an underdog get screwed over, and wanted to tell them what was going on so they could see for themselves? I know I have! And how many times have you watched it happen and wish somehow the good guy would come out on top? With all that has happened, if production “enlightened” the underdogs, I, for one, am ecstatic! I really thought this season was going to Hell in a hand basket, but now the game will really begin! I can’t wait to see what happens! I really don’t think Elissa will get the MVP again, not until she steps up her game. The ones who truly deserve to have it are Helen and Amanda. Those two women FLIPPED that house! Fasten your seat belts America, Big Brother is taking off!
Ellisa plays with style her or helen to win
So… The plot thickens. Out with a too confident jerk. In with a part of the nerd crew. The bigot bullies are running scared.
I would love to see Jeremy and Aaryn as nominees, and Kaitlin as the MVP’s nomination.
Give the MVP to Amanda….Just sayin’
Helen for MVP!
the twist is not favorable to elissa necessarily-it has a downside which has put her on the block twice and in serious jeopardy. with every strength is a weakness. i’m surprised people dont see this. study some game theory. the show is not ‘rigged’. there are far too many variables to rig something like this. you can slant it a bit like when they do the hanging on a slant competitions which favor women because of their lower center of gravity but the show and human psychology are much too unpredictable to ‘rig’. if the show is ‘rigged’, how the hell did Adam win BB 9?
Nick’s fatal mistake was acting like an entitled brat. stealing the wine and yelling at people. smugly declining elissa’s offer to work with him twice when she has obvious power-just pure little kid dumbness. Dan would have promised her the world then screwed her. He is nowhere in dan’s league. he just thought he was. so glad that annoying punk is gone. Nick: if you hog all the wine, other people get to yell at YOU, not vice versa. Do you understand anything about human interaction? Apparently not, because you’re the SECOND ONE EVICTED. and you were a member of the only alliance. You gotta really screw the pooch to have your own alliance members vote you out in the second eviction. elissa was a powerful tool-you could have used that you short sighted dolt. dan would have took her all the way to the end then dumped her like a booster rocket. THAT’S how you win big brother. I am hoping for elissa to win this baby. because she came in the underdog and i always root for the underdog. without the mvp twist to even things up she would have been gone week one.
Good back and forth but the mvp needs to go to someone else next week.