Who is going home?
Jeremy pissed the majority of the house off and was back doored. You can’t steam roll through the house being an A$$ to the one player that gets special powers every week. Jeremy was a douche to many people and a big threat no surprise he’s nominated. Once the Power of Veto was played last Saturday it become more or less a given Jeremy was going up on the block and going home. A last ditch effort in the wee hours gave Helen and Elissa a convincing argument for keeping Jeremy but in the end it was turned down. Helen and Elissa know they don’t need Jeremy in the game to win HOH for them. They have Elissa winning MVP, which is much better.
The MVP Twist the seasons biggest groan
I was excited about the MVP twist at first, the anticipation of who will get it and the crazy powershifts that will happen every week coupled with this dynamic cast made me declare THIS IS THE BEST SEASON (since 12 lol) … Sadly the exact opposite happened for some reason CBS thinks it’s best to give the Most valuable player power to one of the most un-valuable players in the game. I’m not hating on Elissa so before you toss some cats at me give it a thought. If she never had the MVP power Elissa would be as influential as Jessie is; she’s a vote nothing more nothing less.
Still this is only week 3 so no need to get too caught up with this stupid twist, as Big Brother fans we’ve been in tougher spots before. There are plenty of powerhouse players left in the game that are fully capable of changing it up and giving us some excitement. Howard and Amanda that was your cue, go get’em!
My Predictions
Jeremy goes home with all the votes against him, except for Kaitlin’s. She will vote for Spencer.
Who wins HOH.. Hmmm.. does it really matter? Other than safety HOH isn’t as powerful any more. The Head of Household Competition will be an America Votes Majority Questions Competition, so it could be anybody’s game.
Confirmed Eviction and HOH results
Jessie votes to evict Jeremy
Howard votes to evict Jeremy
Kaitlin votes to evict Spencer
JUDD votes to evict Jeremy
Amanda votes to evict Jeremy
McCrae votes to evict Jeremy
Candace votes to evict Jeremy
GianMaria votes to evict Jeremy
Andy votes to evict Jeremy
Elissa votes to evict Jeremy
Evicted house guest is Jeremy
Your the MVP now America who do you think should be nominated? (I wouldn’t stress about this one Aaryn will be nominated)
HOH winner is JUDD?
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I was excited for the MVP twist too & while I don’t have anything against Elissa I would like to see someone else win MVP.
I’d be surprised if Jeremy didn’t go tonight but if he doesn’t then I really hope Aaryn does!
Howard was supposed to go home this week, but the DR wouldn’t let Helen or Elissa nominate him.
Jeremy was forced out by production unfairly giving another player immunity.
They portray aaryn to look like a sociopath lol
And with the audience as the new MVP, she is assured the 3rd nomination.
So CBS is rigging the game for the Superfriends, while pretending to change the twist. I don’t really know why I would keep watching.
Because you’re addicted just like the rest of us.
Judd has been saying all the time that he won’t nominate Aaryn ( GM and Kaitlin most likely getting nominated) but he did say he would vote her out so lucky for him America will make that nomination for him and hopefully that despicable little girl gets sent home! Aaryn is lucky Jeremy was such a douche ’cause she would’ve been on her way back to Texas tonight!
I would like to see America put Amanda on the hot seat .. then watch the she devil come to light …lol .. I hope they don’t tell the guest that America voted for MVP ..would be fun to watch them try and figure it out .. voting Aaren would be to obvious …
I hope hope Judd doesn’t nominate Aaryn that way she can be America’s nominee (come on she’s a sure thing). I think CBS/Julie Chen did it on purpose to get the satisfaction of revealing to her that she is the most hated player voted by America. The payback begins…
The cast for the most part .. Bottom of the barrel scum .. Expect the unexpected … Nobody wins? CBS gives the money to groups who fight against racism and bigotry ? Lol .. Anywho .. I still love this show and these trash bags aren’t gonna ruin it for me !!! Thanks simon and dawg for keeping up with everything !!! I hope you get some kind of compensation !! Heck you two should get the $$$ 🙂
Please vote for Jeremy to go not Aaryn which he will go because he is a bigger target than Aaryn Woooooooooooohoooooooooooooo gooooo Aaryn STAYYYY im begging and WIN THIS HOH TO BE SAFE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Aaryn:))
Welcome to Big Brother Hall of Fame Class of 2013, let meet the third inductee, The friendship alliance. Congrats on being inductee into big brother hall of fame class of 2013
The Friendship was bar none the worst alliance in Big Brother history. Your “Hall of Fame” schtick sucks.
Whatever happens please do not let Mccrae,Amanda,Kaitlan or Andy win Hoh
Is this Big Brother or the Aaryn and GinaMarie Show!! There trying to show DRAMA of which anyone that watches the live feeds knows its a done deal and Jeremy is GONE!! Unless PRODUCTION throws another twist in to keep viewership..It will be interesting where the new story id going with Amanda and McCrae family talk about lol BS talking about Ellisa she is in CBS pocket.
Aaryn being portrayed as Adolf Hitler and Gina as the unbstable crazy biatch.
If anyone is to be portrayed as Hitler it should be Spencer since he is such a big far, Aaaryn is just a ignorant young stupid girl, but GM is a racist and a crazy nut!
Wow – again, I know this is big brother, but I find it amusing that Candace is being all happy & we’ve worked it out when if you watch the feeds she admits to not meaning it. Not that any of them mean anything in the house……
Gotta love the editing. All of Helen’s bullying was conveniently left out. Rachelissa and Helen are completely in production’s pockets.
WTF seriously they never showed once Helen becoming a power hungry monster?
That’s production for you, good thing we get the real s**t on the live feeds….
that would’ve been much better tv than showing us Amanda & Mc’s family.
I’m voting Helen for MVP nominee!
Yep – some grade A editing on this show for sure. The super friends look so super. I just hope whoever wins HOH will cause some drama or this is whole BFF season will be awful. Of course, if no drama then we’ll see a new twist! LOL!!
Holy S**t! Simon and Dawg, I know you guys said GM has lost it, but seeing with my own eyes was like a slap in the face…with a terrifying hand
This season should be call season of sluts.
Big Brother Bachelorette. These woman are desperate and pathetic. GM needs a head doctor
Did spencer just thank Dave Grohl in his speech? Foo fighters?
Yeah, I wondered if anyone else caught that. He thanks Dave Grohl before his parents and the girlfriend. wtf?
It disappoints me that Dave Grohl is more remembered as a member of the Foo Fighters than Nirvana….Jesus….Get some culture….
I think most people remember his Nirvana days.
I also think because he pretty much IS the Foo Fighters that is why he is associated more with them.
You have to admit, Nirvana was more about Kurt, he was the “face” of the band. (And yes, Grohl and Novoselic are great musicians too)
Dave however shines so much more with FF. I would never have known what an amazing guitarist he was before FF.
Sorry for going so off topic Dawg and Simon…..just had to comment…..
OK, on another note….Is anyone clear on whether Spencer really thanked THE Dave Grohl?
(OK wait he is talking about it right now on the feeds lol, I think he DOES mean FF Dave Grohl!)
Alright I am off to listen to “For all the cows” lol.
Amanda’s mom is NOT happy with who her daughter is hooking up with lol and McCrae dad is proud for his son to have a rich and older woman! lol What America MORE power! another vote what a scam!! If they counted the votes that is one thing but they DON’T! They tried to let America vote in season 1 and it was a disaster!! with low ratings that is why they changed the whole game!!! BYE Jeremy!!
It’s going to be a mountain to climb to make them respect a damn pizza boy, but he still got a chance to win their hearts, if he gets a real job.
They’ll like him better with a half million if he can take that in the end.
Look at Julie rocking the bump-it & hair extensions! LOL!!
Jeremy might have been rough around the edges and most of the times un-likeable, but he left very classy.
Left classy? The whole time he was talking about great he is. Tried to say he was humbled but then next breath how great he is, how strong he is, how intimating he is, he is a tool and good riddance!
PRODUCTION got what it wanted but Jeremy maybe BACK with Pandora’s Box!
BWAHHAAAHH!! We’re the MVP – somebody must be listening – LOL!! not that it matters – unlike here, we never see what the breakdown is. LOL! Time to go vote for….
You don’t really think production will allow that, do you?
Elissa goodbye messages, fake as hell, just like her sister… SHOCKER!!!
She better gohard in that HOH to prove she actually wants to play the game, and not continue to be protected by the twist..
ZOMG, America is the MVP, the only way Elissa wouldn’t be voted , another SHOCKER!!!
Thanks Production…..
“America” as the MVP really means production will be putting up whoever’s the biggest threat to their pet Rachelissa. This season is so blatantly rigged.
Well, at least we get to be MVP.
I’m going to do what Elissa did for the past 3 weeks, I’m just gonna sit back and make a choice. Easy Street
how many times are you gonna go watch it then come on here and says it blows and then again watch it .. if you think this show is a total fix then STOP watching and complaining like an Aaren .. geesh .. enough already with its fixed ..
they should give America the MVP vote to shake it up !!
Holy Crap! The MVP twist is gone! WE get to pick who the 3rd nominee is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For a week at least..
ILLWILL, this is your thrid ” pseudonym ” om this board. We can tell it is you. Same BS.
So WHO will PRODUCTION pick as MVP this week? Howard / Candice or Aaryn? Whats your thought? Because they have no problem collecting the money for the voting TOO BAD they won’t count those VOTES!! lol
So, who are you voting for eviction America?
I’m voting for the dictator Helen
Who’s going to vote for the Canadians? I want Amanda up!
We on the same page, American and Canada, working together to split up the superfirends
I voted for Helen, Andy, and Amanda(she got the most of my votes bc she is very pushy and I get tired of hearing Howard’s name every 5 minutes). Aaryn, Spencer, and GinaMarie will be gone in due time so I didn’t vote for them.
Let’s give Gina the boot or at least the nomination, cry babies need not stay…..
Very disappointing decision by production to bring such a powerful twist to BB with baggage (Elissa) attached to it! I don’t blame nor mean any disrespect to Elissa; it’s just that I think this twist would have brought ratings for BB and therefore CBS regardless of Elissa’s inclusion in the game. In fact I happen to believe it would have brought more ratings and would’ve motivated people to vote instead of them feeling discouraged to vote thinking that it is a locked vote. Bringing a house guest who already has fan support before the game even begins defeats the whole purpose of mvp being a mystery and a surprise game changer. She has done nothing to earn such power and this is just a slap in the face of fans who have watched big brother every season for so many other reasons than rooting for Brenchel!
hmm – look how excited Helen is about Judd being HOH. I hope he puts Helen & Elissa up…. Can’t wait till they hear that America gets to vote the 3rd nom & not MVP. Guess that means Elissa’s usefulness is over….
Because she knows “politely” bully him into doing what she says.
Nope, Amanda is already in Judd’s ear to backdoor Howard.
I hope it is a backdoor, that way Howard won’t go up because America has the vote
Woooo hoop my man won!!! Yeah!,,, Couldn’t happen to cooler dude!,, love him, hence my name (yes I’m a girl)
Judd the stud as HOH….. Didn’t see him winning this type of competition………. so i guess the super friends live on for one more week. But if he nominates AAyrn, who will production/american nominate?
Judd(by way of Helen) will nominate Howard and Spencer(Aaryn), and Production will nominate one of these 3 Kaitlin,Aaryn(Spencer),GM
I voted for Aaryn as a third nominee.
VOTE Helen as the 3rd nominee. She needs to go after her attitude and bullying last week. Don’t like her anymore at all!!!
Helen is not a bully…….Aaryn is a bully
It’s funny how when “America votes” it is considered “rigging” even though the polls states otherwise. Seriously, if you think the show is rigged why bother watching it?
Looks like Kim Jong Helen gets another reign of terror.
Still vote for her though… Let’s use our new transparent power to nominate a HG to make an impact.
I wonder if they will be revealing to the houseguests that America will be the MVP this week. I have a strong feeling it will be Aaryn. Would love to see her face if she finds out that it was America who voted for her to be a nominee.
Don’t vote YOU are wasting your money unless you vote online for free then you are wasting your time! ;lol
production know we are tired of one player keep getting mvp howard time baby …. judd will nominate gina how she blames him… gina katlin or aaryn … the house guest are going to start kissing judd ass harder this week
I voted Amanda as the third nominee. She needs to sweat a little instead of making other people sweat. I’m sure Aaryn will already be nominated. Don’t waste your votes on her!
so america who are we voting for? I know aaryn is going to win the vote but I’m guessing she will be one of the people nominated
Will Judd and Jessie share the HoH bed? Would seem a bit awkward as their relationship seems more friendship at the moment. Can’t imagine Judd sharing his bed with anyone else.
Except that Judd gave her some kisses on the cheek just now… eewww…
The first 2 live eviction shows were fantastic. This one couldn’t have been a bigger snore fest…
Deciding between Helen or Howard. Hmmm…
Vote Howard! I know CBS won’t allow it, but I want them to see that America isn’t as head over heals for their pets (Howard and Elissa and Helen) as they are.
Speak for yourself! I am head over heels over Howie! 🙂
This new twist could bring some drama, if BB doesn’t tell them America is the MVP. They will go crazy trying to figure out who it is.
They can’t tell them. Imagine: “HG Name America wants you out.”
Online uproar of how much Elissa sucks & shouldn’t get MVP, so production decides to do what? GIVE MVP TO THEMSELVES! LMAO!! What a joke with all this america vote bullshit! Isn’t there a show called The Glass House that does that?
Yasss at Elissa being safe
Yes!!! All hail to King Judd!!!
Wouldn’t it be funny if people voted to evict Elissa because they thought they were voting for her to be MVP … And they waste all their money on that … Haahha
ROLMFAO If Rachel get’s drunk off her ass and copy and pastes #VOTEELISSAMVP, they just might evict her. It would e EPIC fail, but in a god way.
No hate on Elissa, but c’mon that s**t would be hilarious.
We can only hope that is what America does and we finally get rid of Elissa!!!
uh wait a sec Simon – can you give a live feed day/time for the howard dong shot? asking for a friend.
Are you kidding me???? Judd is the new HOH?? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO but hey at least Aaryn stayed and at least Elissa,, Amanda, Jessie, McRae, Spencer, Andy didn’t win now im hoping BB MVP will switch it up and give it to Aaryn or Kaitlyn or Gina and to be honest I kinda want to see what they do with the MVP SWICH THE MVP UP make some DRAMA who doesn’t love drama?? Meee:)) Im am just hoping crossing my fingers that Judd the stud doesn’t nominate Aaryn and nominate’s like Amanda and McRae or Helen/Elissa I HATE LOOKING AT AMANDA and yes actually Amanda, McRae, Helen, and Elissa HAS TO GOOOO NOW give MVP or some power to Aaryn or Kaitlyn would love to see some DRAMA:))) Wooohoooo go Aaryn win this game:))
The whole time they were playing for HOH I kept thinking to myself that Julie is watching who turned around A or B and could have given whichever answer she wanted based on who turned A or B around…. so she could pick HOH. lol I also have no doubt that none of the votes for MVP nomination will be counted… Production will put up who they want based on who the writers script the show… not wasting my time voting. It wouldnt matter anyway. The only way we would have known by a chance that HOH comp wasnt rigged by Production would have been for them to post the correct answers prior to airing the show… which they didnt. dooped again.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing, my son even said, “Julie sure is taking her time saying the correct answers, like she’s waiting to see who has what answers on their boards” & that was like after the 3 or 4th question, then she got kinda obvious about it.
If they really were trying to rig the competition you really thing Judd would have won it? It would have been much more interesting if Aaryn or Amanda or Howard won it Judd will keep the status quo. Julie delayed giving the answer because some people were indecisive and she didn’t want to reveal the answer until everyone was locked in. If you people are that skeptical why do you even watch?
Who’s your new HOH, it’s that mumbling redneck you all love, it’s the stud, it’s the J U Double D…
Now bend Jessie over the HOH bed and show her what a stud you are playa.
Assuming the polls are already open, the votes will certainly be skewed by the time they announce the third nominee. The polls should not open until we know who the HOH has put up for eviction. Otherwise, if America wants Aaryn out, but she is already on the block, do they go to the second place winner (loser)? And what if that person is also already on the block. Do they take Americas third pick?
They should wait…
Just voted for Helen 10 times!
There’s the link for anyone else who wants to vote, I suggest voting for Helen to maybe knock her down a few pegs.
Isn’t it important to know who the HOH’s noms are before selecting the third? Really, you just voted for the first nominee.
Got my 10 in for the dictator..
Watch the camera 1 feed at 7:12pm tonight it shows the camera on a rail going around the whole house!! while they were filming from one room to another! Passing each window til they got to the storage room… behind the scenes
…..dark & creepy……
Aaryn will be nominated by America(MVP).
judd will nominate her for sure!! 100% no brainer. so the nom will be the one with the second highest votes. if you believe in a fair game. i would guess production will pick one.
IF it’s a straight up vote by America the order will look something like this–1.) Aaryn 2. Gina Marie 3.) Spencer 4. Kaitlin 5. Jessie
COME ON America vote for Power Hungry HELEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m such an idiot! I must have been making dinner when they announced the MVP twist…and then didn’t read the voting page. So instead of giving 10 votes to Amanda to get the MVP…I voted 10 times for her to be put up! *DOH*
You did good, superfriends are gonna be subtracting a members soon.
Since I think that there is already a pretty good chance that Aaryn will be one of the HOH noms, I do not want to waste my MVP vote on her. Instead, I think I have to vote to make Amanda the 3rd nominee. Everyone has been complaining about Helen being out of control with her HOH…doesn’t ANYONE remember how Amanda completely took over McCrae’s HOH? She acts as though she is the Queen Bee and that she should have the final say in everything. Remember how she acted when Elissa balked at putting up Howard…how Amanda basically TOLD her who she had to put up – so that Elissa would be the one, yet again, with blood on her hands? Now, she has already started in on Judd telling him who he has to nominate. Besides all that, it is time to split up that showmance. Amanda for the MVP nominee.
so who will be the replacement nom if the MVP vote wins the POV?
say people he going to put up gina an ayran so in my opinon we should put amanda up there america here why i think she will never have to fight she not going home with ayran up there but lets make her work so im voting 3rd person amanda or mcare we the only one whould do it they want like you said give somebody else a chance at mvp let give amanda a chance to know what it fill like being on the block but i know lot of people might vote for aryan but why whould you do that cause she might already be on the block it will be a waste that why amanda whould be a great choice even though she want go home it tell the cast uspect the unspected people will be shock if ayarn go up they be like we thought so i want to suprise these people do you if not amanda then mcrea up for 3rd person
It depends on who Judd will select to be on the block. If he does what he’s been saying all week, it will be Howard and Spencer. Supposingly Aaryn or GM will be nominated as the third nominee.
I just hope Judd has more good qualities; like BIG BALLS ’cause he seems kinda’ scared.
Hey Simon, on your next post can you include a poll for who OBB thinks should be the 3rd nom?
Nothing will be left…..but a bunch of unpopular NERDS ! ! ! ! ! Watch CBS’s ratings go down, down, down………..sorta like American Idols did …..you wait and see…………….who cares about a bunch of geeks and creeps…………….LOL
Good riddance Aaryn. Can’t wait till next Thursday!!!!
Amanda is already on a rampage to get Howard out..Bitch tries to control every HOH
Sooo…. I think BB shouldn’t even tell them about the twist. Just tell who the nom is & let everyone go crazy which is what should’ve happened to begin with – the MVP isn’t allowed to tell anyone they got it.
Why do you think the MVP isnt allowed to tell anyone they got it? They all know it has been Elissa the whole time… except for the few that McCray told he got it… They tell. They are setting Aaryn up so they can tell her as she goes up on the block as the MVP nomination that America hates her and put her there… gasp…. NO WAY PRODUCTION WOULD RIG THIS TWIST?! btw… If Judd suggests putting Aaryn on the block…. production will call him in the DR and suggest he doesnt… because that would ruin PRODUCTIONS big plans to have AMERICA destroy Aaryn. …. those of you who do not think this game has interference from Production need to stop drinking the hot tub water… and watch the feeds and read Simon and Dawgs updates… not just watch the edited version of BB 3 hours a week.
We all know America will nominate aaryn but if Judd puts up aaryn and Kaitlin as pawns can aaryn still be the third nominee if she’s already on the block? I don’t think so..here’s where it gets interesting because if aaryn can’t be third nominee or kaitlyn the MVP nominee might be the person with the second or third highest votes which may be Amanda just because CBS showed on tv her trying to get Howard nominated and America loves Howard..omg imagine how much trouble this could cause. Let’s say Kaitlin wins veto and takes herself off that means Judd can still put up Howard and back door him or will mvp still choose the replacement? There was a reason Julie didn’t let the houseguests know the twist..they want to confuse em and I think the reason they are doing this is because they are trying to save Howard. Watch Howard finds a way to stay this week
I hope Howard can be saved because everyone is against him. Maybe if Amanda goes up tshe will wonder why. She will have to start rethinking how she plays the game.
Woohoo! Judd wins HOH!!!
Yes omg Amanda has to go i dont like how she keeps gunning for Howard she is already in Judds ear like shut up already i hope Judd doesnt fall for her b.s and just does he wants i hope he puts up Aaryn and someone else
It was such an anticlimactic show tonight. We all knew Jeremy was leaving. They didn’t show any of Helen’s dictatorship. How did Amanda get the Mccae ? Wrong?
I feel neither good nor bad about Judd winning HOH. I’m glad Kaitlyn didn’t win it, but maybe that would have made this coming week more interesting. Maybe Judd will go rogue and shake things up this week? Gotta keep the faith that can happen, right!?!
Amanda needs to go.She is already in poor Judds ear telling him what to do i hate how Amanda and sometimes Helen bullies everyone telling them who to vote for..I didnt like how Amanda bullied Elissa like why is Amanda trying to get Howard out so bad she needs to go i want to see how her poor baby bitch Mcrae runs around crying
Simon & Dawg finally signed up for the live feeds I did it thru your site. SO de we think America will be nominating the 3rd on the Block? I am so happy for Judd he is the sleeper this season people underestimate him he hears and see it all, Amanda thinks she can tell Judd who to put up I dont think she realizes Judd has his own mind. I was so hoping that Howard or Cadence got HOH or the MVP I feel they have got a bum rap.
Hey Retta, THANKS for buying the feeds through us!
America will vote Aaryn but she’s going to be nominated so I don’t know who is going up..
I’m confused are we voting who we want to evict or just the nominee?
Amanda is putting a huge target on her back..looks like Judd isn’t buying her bullshit
thats fucking awesome
Lets Get Amanda how i dont like her being so bossy..Amanda for MVP I voted 10x for her maybe the house might open there eyes when they see her gone.
I’m definitely voting Amanda as the third nominee. Her obsession with Howard is really starting to get annoying
This season the house guest rely on each other too much like they dont have brains of there own they got plastic Amanda bossing them around and getting mad at everyone who doesnt do what she wants its zoo annoying like Amanda for MVP the house guest needs allittle push to get Amanda out and see she isnt who she says she is..
Expect the Unexpected houseguest Vote out Amanda put her up as the 3rd nominee
BB knew that if Elissa got MVP again she would be strong-armed into putting Howard up (or back dooring him) by the rest of the house. So BB is taking that ability away because they don’t want Howard to leave. Way to manipulate the show yet again CBS. CBS wants Aaryn out…she is a liability for them, and they will use this new “twist” to get what they want done. They will put up someone for MVP that none of the Friendship alliance would vote against…so they will be forced to vote out Aaryn.
For the sake of argument, say CBS isn’t rigging the MVP. Wouldn’t it be funny if America nominated Elissa. After giving her the MVP 3 times, her ass is nominated by the same people who (supposedly) gave her the power. That would confuse the F out of the whole house.
I know that CBS is rigging this one too. They have edited Aaryn to be the only racist person in the house, and yet everyone in this house is racist with Gina Marie and Amanda probably being the worst in the house with Spencer a close second. It sucks but wouldn’t it be great if America voted for CBS’s little darlings, Helen, the dictator, or Elissa (little princess), to be the third nominee. CBS SUCKS!!!
LOL I voted that Heffer Amanda x10 Every1 vote for her get her off her high horse. I really liked her in the beginning but she has soured and its Disgusting that she is kissing all over MC when he barely showers Yuck. America please Vote Amanda and lets see her SWEAT
@CBS SUCKS because Amanda keeps bringing up Howards name when he doesnt desreve to go home she does..But i think that CBS could tell that people were getting annoyed that Elissa kept wining
Amanda talking strategy (well actually dictating game) with Judd and with Jessie in the room. JESSIE IN THE ROOM. Is she nuts, Since when is Amanda so sure that Jessie isn’t working with Elissa – especially as Amanda is indicating openly how mistrustful she is of Elissa. She seems to have forgot that Jessie isn’t in the main alliance.
Eliisa is desperately concerned that Howard goes on the block. I’ve gone from sort of liking Elissa to sort of hating her.
amanda hates jess and has no respect for her and has relentlessly bullied her
judd knows jess does not like amanda
if i were judd i would tell amanda to piss off so he can enjoy his hoh with his friend jess
judd: “you know what would be really great amanda? if you could go ahead and shut the fuck up and sorta get the fuck outta my room…that’d be great…mkay…thanks a bunch.”
i voting for amanda she think she the boss then next week get ayran out
what a moron. his speech was he fights when he eats sleeps and poops. wtf? you fight when you poop dude? what a neanderthal. it’s back to the zoo for this feces-slinging ape.
people keep saying the MVP vote is rigged by production. this is like those sore losers who lose and blame the ref. yeah everything that doesn’t go YOUR way is RIGGED you utter imbeciles…..
It is rigged… did you miss the after dark show where Helen and Elissa decided to put Howard on the block and Elissa got called into the DR and came back and said I get the feeling Production doesnt want us to put up Howard… so they didnt..
Nothing about being a sore loser… just about watching more than the 3 hours of edited BB a week like you obviously are.
They can’t dispute that CBS is rigging this game. They wouldn’t let the HOH or MVP put him up.
All they can do is downvote you because they don’t want anyone to know about it.
Instead of downvoting him, say something. You can’t. CBS is rigging this for Howard/Elissa/Helen.
Vote for Amanda for MVP Stop voting for people the house all ready hates .This game is getting so predictable like i already feel like i know who is going home when they are on the block and i hate that i want suspense plus Amanda is fucking annoying like Howard doesn’t deserve to go yet and i dont want him to go up and i say ohh i already knew he was going i want to see people i never expect to go up together and people would see who is really part of their alliance not this Full house shit
LOL I see Aaryn is back to her witchy ways I knew he nice act could not last long lol I hope Judd Puts Up Crazy GM
“I’m not hating on Elissa so before you toss some cats at me give it a thought.” LOL Simon… good one!
Ok I’ll say something. If CBS is rigging the game, why would they air Elissa saying “I get the feeling CBS doesn’t want us to put up Howard’? Use a little logic, for once. Taking a comment out of context when you have no idea whatsoever what was said in the DR and making your whole case out of it is bad science. There are 53 cameras in the house-CBS gets to pick what they want to air on after dark. There’s a word for conspiracy theorists: NUTBURGERS.
lol… I bet you believe in Santa Claus as well.
thats your big argument? the old ‘you believe in santa’?
You are an idiot.
ha ha really-“anyone who doesn’t agree with my wacky conspiracy theories must believe in Santa”…..I believe in Santa more than I believe the show is ‘Rigged’….
I can see CBS saying something like ‘remember you’re all being watched by America. Any racial comments could go bad for you. Keep that in mind.’
Not rigging the game, merely trying to keep the show from spinning into that racial territory. Then Elissa interpreted that however she interpreted it and made that comment. Think outside your little conspiracy box…..
Probably they said ‘race is becoming an issue this season. we’re telling all the houseguests to be aware of that and watch what you say and do’. I can see Elissa interpreting that as ‘dont nominate Howard’….makes sense….