Big Brother 15 Spoilers “GOOD is going to overcome evil in this house” -Howard

POV Holder: Elissa Next POV July 27th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 22
HOH Winner: JUDD Next HOH: July 25
MVP: ?
Original Nominations: Aaryn, Kaitlin, ELISSA (MVP – America)
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy
Have Nots Jessie, Candice, Andy, Spencer


5:05pm GM, Kaitlin and Howard Couch
Confronting him about Candice throwing them under the bus. Howard says that Candice is close to Elissa.
GM says she’s always been straight with Howard she tells him that Candice has been up in the HOH throwing all their names out under the bus, “DUDE It’s going to get us in f**** trouble dude”.
Howard says they just need to stay committed with who is in that room.
GM says how can they be committed when one of them could go up as the MVP vote all the time.

Howard: “If one of you go up as MVP and you have 5 votes behind you it doesn’t matter”
Howard tells them that Candice will vote the way he wants, He says it isn’t personal when there is 500 thousand dollars on the line.
He explains to them that his dealings with Candice has to be subtle he just can’t start telling her what to do but he can help guide her. GM says she’s Italian and she doesn’t like Rats and what Candice is doing is ratting out everything they do and say.
GM: “And we don’t even say nothin bad dude”
Howard says they need to relax about the whole Elissa thing because her power in this game is only because she has that Big Power.
GM says it’s hard for them to protect Howard when they know someone on his side is going around bad mouthing her and Kaitlin.
Howard says Candice is only on his side from a game aspect he just needs her vote incase he goes up. Kaitlin points out that they need Candice because she’s close to Elissa.
GM and Kaitlin agree that Aaryn is pissing them off today.

Howard tells them that Aaryn is going home this week. He doesn’t want the two girls to lose it or buy into the game inside the game. He tells them that the people running this house are never going to be up for eviction.
Howard: “I honestly believe I will be next.. I actually think I’m going to be this weeks replacement nominee but that’s another conversation”
KAitlin :’He have to f*** win HOH next week”
The girls agree if anything bad is said about Elissa they are going to leave the room. Howard says the drama is killing their social game like it’s doing with Aaryn and did to Jeremy.
Howard says that Jeremy was a good person there was a couple instances that pegged him as a “butthole”

Howard: “What I’m telling you is GOOD is going to overcome evil in this house.. my word is bond.. I’m not shaky.. ”
Howard wants them to roll with him.
Kaitlin: ‘I just don’t want her throwing my name under the buss” Howard says he can bring Candice and Kaitlin/GM into a conversation and they can clear everything up. Kaitlin thinks that is a great idea.
Howard says at the end of the day Kailtin is good with Howard and Candice he’s talked to her about some of the things she said in the HOH it’s not going to happen again.
Howard: ‘I got candice I need you to trust me.. every since the moving company I haven’t lied to nobody.. you can be smart and chill.. the more you chill the harder it is to read you”
Howard says after Aaryn is gone Kaitlin will be the one going up for MVP. They are going to get KAitlin to react to Gimmicks and plans. “I don’t react to sh!t”
Howard: “We are freakin rebels we are.. but not every rebel has to be a fighter.. “

Kaitlin: A lot of things Amanda says is not true.. I’m learning that”

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5:14pm JUDD is free from solitary confinement
JUDD warns them to think twice before choosing that type of punishment. They give him a beer and pizza


5:57pm Hammock Elissa and Candice
They are talking about Amanda and all her “Racey” activities . The band aids over the nipples and the dominatrix act last night. Candice thinks those things will make Amanda popular,”People like that sh!t.. it makes for good TV.. like what she did last night people will think that is comical”

Candice: “conservative moms will think it’s funny they will try to do it to their husbands”
Candice says that people are going to like the McCrea and Amanda showmance because he’s a nerd and she’s a buxom girl .. “The nerd never gets the girl so they are going to like the storyline.. and They are always together plotting and scheming”

Candice: “The moves that Amanda makes are not quiet moves.. She knows I want her to go home it’s no secret”

Candice says it doesn’t make sense that America would give Elissa a power and then the next week take it away and give it to someone else. Candice thinks there is something else going on with the MVP vote.

Elissa thinks that this week it must have been the Most villainous player and the past weeks America gave it to the most valuable player that is why it’s different.

Elissa starts talking about Aaryn she says Aaryn has something against her family it’s personal. Elissa calls Aaryn weird.
Elissa thinks Aaryn got the most villainous player and that is why she was put up.
Elissa: ‘She probably thought she would win veto.. so it was worth the risk for her”
Candice doesn’t think it’s Aaryn she’s too young to think of a plan like that
Candace thinks it was America or maybe McCrae

They agree that the next person on the block will tell them who has the MVP.
They talk about how fake GM is, Candice says a week ago GM was calling Elissa a bitch and now she’s calling you ”ELIS” since when did you go from b!tch to abbreviated first name.

Candice: “One week you are showing your vag!na ring the next week you thinks it’s too racy to hit a booty with spoon.. c’mon now please”.

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6:13pm backyard Amanda and JUDD

Amanda tells him that Elissa is saying that JUDD looked upset when she got the VETO. JUDD explains the only reason why he was upset because he really wanted to get VETO and got 24 hours solitary confinement.

Amand: “Candice is starting sh!t to, she is going to saying things to Elissa trying to make herself look like an angel”

Amanda says that Kaitlin, Howard, Elissa and Spencer have an alliance going”
Amanda has seen them all scheming, “You know whatever Howard is doing that Spencer is on board”

Amanda brings a couple instances of Kaitlin and Candice relaying information to and from Howard. Amanda: “I tell you Howard is a f***ing schemer”

JUDD says he heard Kaitlin say Helen needs to go next. if Helen goes up on the block as the MVP replacement it will be a bad thing
Amanda: “They wouldn’t have the numbers”..
Amanda Counts the votes we would have me, McCrae, Andy, GM, Jessie.. Feeds cut..

JUDD: “We’re going to have to vote for Kaitlin just to be safe”
Amanda: ‘Ya”
JUDD: “You will have to get Aaryn under your wing”
Amanda asks him about the 3rd nominee. JUDD swears he’s not MVP he really has no idea who is.

Aaryn joins them, “Jessie is freaking out .. Was someone talking about Helen last night”
JUDD says yes but he’s not sure if he should tell them yet, he doesn’t want to be the target next week.

Aaryn says it wasn’t her. JUDD knows, tells her to keep laying low.

CBS Interactive Inc.

70 thoughts to “Big Brother 15 Spoilers “GOOD is going to overcome evil in this house” -Howard”

  1. i think i really agree with Howard on this one. He has had his
    moments. Aaryn’s wise mommy is in total chopper hover mode!
    i’m going to sit back and wait til WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY
    with a sublime patience! once we get past this week, the game
    will almost become predictable, perhaps or is it too soon, already?

  2. I like this alliance building between Howard,Candice, Kaitlin,GM and Elissa…. Time to run with it, Amanda and McCrae can’t hold down the numbers forever. When Amanda goes up Chaos Reigns…

    1. I thin the 3rd nomination in reality might have been Amanda, at least according to the polls on here. Lots of people just wanted to see things shook up a bit. That being said, even if that is the case, there is no way production would let her actually be put up given the current situation. Like her or not Amanda brings a little life to the show. They want Aaryn gone, so they will probably just make sure someone gets put up that will make that happen. Someone like GM.

    2. the pic of judd above with the drink after getting out of solitary reminds me alot of the weekend of dan and his 24 hour solitary dance party

      judd engaging the camera in solitary,”should i turn on amanda and mccrae?”

      yes judd

      hopefully its judd plotting amanda leaving this week…after so much disrespect from amanda, it would especially make jess happy

  3. Aaryn’s mother will only make it worse. What she is learning in the House is what she should have learned in college.

  4. STFU Howard …there is no *Good* or *Bad* people in this game ……It remind me some of past HG who were saying that

  5. I’m rooting for Elissa, Howard, Candace or Judd.

    1. Mcrae is a pu$$y whipped coward,

    2. Aaryn has said some very foolish things

    3. Gina Marie has also said some very foolish things and she has a “Glenn Close” fatal attraction towards Nick.

    4. Spencer is not a good player and has a potty mouth.

    5. Helen is your typical hysterical woman and can’t think or operate with a clear head when under pressure.

    6. Andy has no game and is a floater, and he dresses like a nerd.

    7. Kaitlyn is alright, but guilty by association with Jeremy.

    8. Jessie is a floater and went after Gina Marie’s guy in one episode (Nick) 🙂

    9. Amanda is a blatant racist and as someone else stated, she flagrantly admitted in on tv.

    1. What exactly has has Elissa done to win you over? Other than being related to someone who has won the game. Good news is your probably going for the right person in her… she is evidently who production is going for too.

      1. there is always a ton of people that dislike this comment suggesting that they have some sort of answer to this this question, yet no one ever answers it.

    2. People keep saying Amanda is a blatant racist, but none have provided me a specific example of what she has done. Wanting Howard out every week does not make her a racist.

    3. Someone else said she blatantly admitted it? Do you have a link or a live feed somewhere to prove this assertion? Not saying it didn’t happen, but I’m not taking people’s word for it. GM and Aaryn are OBVIOUSLY prejudiced because I’ve seen footage and live feeds. Blatant racism would be obvious so that even those in the outside world can see it.

    4. If Aaryn were the decision maker of who should get the money at the end and her choices were A. Howard or B. Elissa… who do you think she would give the money to?

      Thumbs up for Howard..
      Thumbs down for Elissa.

      I think she would give it to Howard….. gasp… that would mean……

    1. i want to see the look on amandas face when she is the one on the screen

      she will pop some adderal then watch as the chaos plays out

      everyone will deny they are mvp, because none of them are mvp

  6. Ok, so:

    1. Candice figured out the boys alliance first
    2. Candice is the only one I’m hearing that’s figured out the MVP twist this week.

    This girl is crazy smart. I dislike her choice in allies, but I can root for her.

    1. Nick, how can you root for candice when your soulmate/future wife Gina Marie is still in the house.

  7. The people this season drive me crazy. I think Judd and Andy may be the only normal ones and they barely say anything memorable/remarkable.

  8. I can’t wait for Andy to be a target…. He is getting on my nerves always running from group to group…

    1. maybe if David had hunted for a shorter word or stood in front of the mirror less, all would have been different.

      three of the guys were very loud and boastful, as people on the fringes of a given group did look like snitches.

      Andy has been sorta quiet, like as if he’s the new kid who transfers to a big high school who tries to minimize

      the number of times he’s going to have his books dumped on the ground. i was tending not to focus on him much.

    2. The way that this season is going so far… I’m hoping Powerhouse Joe finds a way into this season and wins it.


  10. I wish I were in the BB house. I would play the “evil dick” role. Because I got game and would be an ace on the competitions whether they were mental or physical. I’d be a real killer. Although I would play like Evil Dick, Dr. Will is my favorite BB contestant ever, but noone can play his game like he could!

  11. Whoa, whoa, whoa… Who has a vagina ring? And who the hell was she showing it to? And lastly….ewwwww!

  12. I’m so over this good vs evil nice vs mean these people really need alliance names. I hate Amanda but at least she named the opposite side week 1 when she was constantly bashing beiber fever.

  13. if elissa planned everything these dumb asses claim shes planned,she would be the best bb player ever,
    she got mvp and put herself up,and won pov,lol they think elissa is dan,
    rookies,it’s just funny now,these people are all nuts,lol

  14. Enough with the ‘this show is rigged by production’. this is getting so old. Ok we’ve heard it a billion times. stop repeating yourselves. you either believe it, or you dont. saying it over and over is simply moronic. let’s move on guys. If Big Brother is a rigged show then it’s the best kept secret in human history. Not even the White House has ever managed to keep things secret. Just put on your foil hats and shut up about it.

  15. I hope Amanda is the replacement nom. Then we will really see some drama fly. I would love to see that instead of the tiring cat fights of she said this & she did that boring nonsense. Also will be a wake-up call to Amanda that she is not the nominations & voting authority for everyone. I personally think even the HG’s are getting fed up w/her dictating to them on who they should put up & who should go.

    1. i want to see her go absolutely crazy trying to find out who the mvp is if she is nominated

      she will go psycho

  16. I watched the feeds all day long, and I have no idea who is working with whom anymore, it’s craziness!

    Simon, we need another alliance graphic. Do you understand what’s going on?

      1. the players at best are usually half honest and they
        can look wondrously deceitful before a group set-up!
        if a visual picture can sum up 3 weeks worth of set
        theory as people are placed in sets and sometimes
        overlapping sub-sets, maybe this can be sorted out!

  17. GM is finally playing Big Brother and not a dating show.
    She would be funny and likable if she would just let the Nic thing go for the rest of the show.

  18. if gina goes up you know that amanda is protected cause i look at the results in amanda was in the lead over gina so we will see tell you the truth i want her bossy behind up there eventhough arayn going home

    1. Maybe they’re saving it for the CBS edited show? I know Happy Birthday is public domain meaning they can show it without getting sued;

    2. Happy B’day To You has a copyright – if a profit is being made by it being sung – one has to pay – CBS makes $ on BB – ergo the cut to fishes.

  19. I think the 3rd mvp nom will be gm i’ve noticed the opinions and polls on this site never match “america’s” vote

  20. my predictions for next week here goes elissa wins hoh an put up mcrea an andy pawn mvp she put up kiklan in she win veto in take kiklan off in put howard up there in back door him kiklan elssia gina helen will be working together thats they plan

  21. please america read the information for mvp if you get to put up a target pick anybody but elssia in if it back to where the house get mvp you know im giving it to elssia next week plaese read before you start to vote

  22. did anyone watch BB Canada where the moron accidentally voted for the wrong person so the other person won? That was hilarious. She tried to say someone switched her key-even though there were cameras everywhere…..the entire season is on YouTube.

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