Big Brother 14 – Willie Makes a Deal Boogie: “I would rather work with a player in the game with solid footing than another coach”

POV Holder: Shane Next POV: July 20 (Friday)
POV Used No POV Ceremony July 15 (Sunday)
HOH Winner: Willie Next HOH: July 19 (Thurs)
Original Nominations: Frank and Kara
Current Nominations: Frank and Kara
Have Nots /Slop Danielle, Shane, Ashley, Ian
Coach Competition Winner Boogie, Ian is safe
Next Coaches Competition July 21 or 22

11:01pm backyard Frank and Joe Joe is telling him that he needs to promise he’s going to drop Boogie and play his own game. If Frank will do this than Joe is going to go up to Willie and recommend that Frank stay safe this week. Frank says sure. Frank says he only tells a little bit of information to Boogie (look at picture) (Joe knows Frank is safe this coming week so he’s trying to make Frank thinks that the reason is because of Joe)

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11:06pm boogie and Willie
Boogie says he thinks Willie knows how to play this game because he knows getting rid of all the strong players early on is a bad idea. Boogie tells him it took him months on Big Brother to figure that out and Willie did it in days.
Boogie: “If you, frank and Shane roll you will own this game”
Willie knows that.
Boogie: “Wil is super dangerous”
Willie: “I dunno.. I don’t want you guys to nominate me.. next week”
Willie is nervous that Boogie is worried that boogie is working with Dan. Boogie explains to him that in the beginning he wound of worked with Dan but now Dan’s down a person with another on the block against his guy. Willie gets it he always did understand why Janelle was saying that Boogie and Dan were working together it makes no sense. Boogie: “I would rather work with a player in the game with solid footing than another coach”

Willie rolls out his big plan to Boogie and how Boogie needs Willie in the game. Willie will sway the people on his side to steer clear of Frank. Boogie is all in on this plan. Willie wants to make sure that this plan is a secret and Boogie cannot speak a word of it to anyone even his team. Boogie swears. Willi knows Boogie has control of his players and can pull this off. Boogie says he only has control of them for so long. Willie says that next week he plans on getting Danielle out and that will remove Dan from, the game. Wilie isn’t looking for a final 2 he’s looking for a 2-3 weeks deal. Boogie: “Absolutely”

Boogie: “When we lay or heads on the pillows on Monday night… cause you know this shit chances so rapidly.. that you wont Flip Flop”
Willie: “I’m not going to flip flop as long as you be quiet.. you’re good.. you’re solid”
Boogie tries to explain that this is a big deal and can he trust Willie. Willie tells him he needs Willie to keep Frank safe otherwise he’s the biggest target. Boogie:”Amen.. exactly”
Willie knows Janelle is going to go crazy but she’s not going to flip him.

Willie says he’s been doing some thinking about the numbers. Wil is connected to Kara and Shane is connected to Danielle, that’s 4 votes. Boogie holds up 4 fingers, “that’s right”. Willie needs Frank to help break up that block of four. Willie thinks after a couple more players leave that 4 will run the house because they will hold all the votes. . Willie reminds him not to tell Frank, Ian nor Jenn this is only between Boogie and Willie. Boogie tells him he’s totally right. Boogie says Kara will stay top 3 if we don’t get her out soon. They shake on the deal Boogie says they all want to be winners so maybe whats in their best interests can get them farther.

11:18pm HOH Ashley, Wil and Britney
Britney’s pushing the whole kara is better than Frank at the game angle explaining how Frank is a crazy loose cannon and Kara is calm listening to Dan and Playing like Dan.

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12:14am Everyone gets to eat regular food slop is over Boogie is in a great mood.

10 thoughts to “Big Brother 14 – Willie Makes a Deal Boogie: “I would rather work with a player in the game with solid footing than another coach””

  1. LMAO @ Joe. Aside from saying “I’m a straight shooter” and “I’d never lie to you” every 56 seconds, he’s EXACTLY like Shelly.

  2. If Kara is eliminated, BB likes to play the momentum swings so it’ll be a HOH comp catered to Danielle.

    Have we discovered what Danielle is good at? Only things I can think of is labeling the anatomy or a giant game of Operation.

  3. Wouldnt it be great if since Dan is down to one player(if things stay the same) and all other coachs have 3 he gets to pick one of the other players to come to his team.

    1. Exactly! Hell, knowing production, they’ll bring back Rachael for yet ANOTHER season. And they’ll make sure she wins this one too!

    2. Wil is playing too much strat socially too early. He’s running around spreading rumors and sparking drama for no reason! Total mistake. He acts like he’s on the block but he probably doesn’t have squat to worry about for another two or three weeks. I can understand why Boog thinks he’s dangerous.

      And WHY WIllie is telling Boog his strategy and cutting deals with him this early is pure foolishness. I mean, it’s freakin’ Boogie! Might as well tell Evil Dick all your plans while you’re at it.

  4. That would be possible if Frank stays in the game and take out Dan! It will be necessary of taking out the stronger threat like Frank and have Kara or Danielle win the next HoH. Fortunately, Dan & Mike Boogie would work together to take out a stronger players and leave the weaker players stay in the game.

  5. You see it all the time, someone (Willie) starts making deals with everyone and then it blows up in their face and they are sent packing soon. At first, I thought Willie was playing a good game, but now it seems like he’s playing too hard and too fast.

    1. So true. And everyone’s so caught up on the fact that he’s Russell’s brother and he threw out the fact that Russell played a dirty game but never turned on his alliance and they take that to mean Willie will do the same. He got lucky being handed the HOH this week but I personally can’t wait for it to blow up it will make good tv.

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