Big Brother 14 Live Feed Early Bird Special Starts Today SAVE 25%

It’s that time of year again the Big Brother 14 Live Feed early bird specials will be available Monday June 18. BB14 start date is July 12th. A recent Video reveals that this season will have the most House guests ever plus 4 SUPER-SIZED Surprises. (Commercial available on Google+)

What’s the big deal with the Early Bird Special?

Watch Big Brother 14 Early Bird Special LINK

1) CHEAP 25% off the regular price. That means, for a limited time, get the feeds for 3-Months for $29.99. That’s only $9.99 per month!
2) Mobile plugin included
Last year you had to pay to see the mobile feeds but this year it comes with your regular live feed subscription. This is a great feature to have for all you iPhone/Android user. Also this year onlinebigbrother has released 2 free apps for both iPhone and Android. All the same spoilers you read on the site are now available in apps. Your total mobile package is now complete for Big Brother 14.
3) Flashback On mobile 
Flashback is great it allows you to “rewind” back to anytime on the live feeds and watch what happens first hand. Onlinebigbrother coupled with the flashback utility is the perfect combo. Simon and Dawg watch the feeds round the clock they’ll blog about what happens and supply time stamps. You can now use this time stamp to go back and watch the feeds.
4) Last Season of Big Brother Live Feeds available. If you like to torture yourself then go back and watch the feeds for bb13.

Why get your Live Feeds from

Every Big Brother website selling the live feeds offers the same deal, support the site that you enjoy by purchasing your live feeds with them.
Onlinebigbrother live blogs the entire season of the feeds if you like our Big Brother content buy your feeds from us and support this blogs.



First off thank you to everyone who has purchased the feeds from this site. Feed sales keep this site running and without them we wouldn’t be able to provide you with round the clock spoilers.

1) Real has informed us that there is a technical problem with the sign up process which is affecting users who have had previous subscriptions. I am in constant contact with them and will let everyone know when I know myself.

2) If you sign up for the feeds and the price shows 39.99 NOT 29.99 it is just a typo. If you click a link on this site you will be charged the early bird amount of 29.99.


21 thoughts to “Big Brother 14 Live Feed Early Bird Special Starts Today SAVE 25%”

  1. Most houseguests ever huh? Well that means 15 or 16. I feel 16 because if it is 4 giant surprises…4 4s is 16. Plus it is season four-teen. I’m feeling a play off the number 4 this season. 4 teams of four to start? 4 twists. Maybe 4 veteran captains? 4 double evictions to finish the season on time. Any other 4 ideas?

    1. BB9 had 16 so it could be 17+ CBS releases notoriously bogus promo videos so I won’t believe anything until the feeds start up July 12th and I can hear and see the players for myself

      1. Totally escaped my mind. At least 17 houseguests then. Sounds like a bit much. Or someway to throw 17 allstars in (1 surprise). Then have a pandoras box. (2). Then have a diamond veto (3) and then a coup d’état (4).

        1. Its going to be AMAZING! More house guests than ever before and 4 HUGE surprises! Can’t wait to share this season with all the BB Fans!

  2. Superpass is making you look bad, as you are advertising a service this is not working, and has not been working for 3 days now.

      1. Worked for you? its allowing you to watch videos, flashbacks , etc.? It let me sign up but when i go to the webiste it says technicial problems , its been saying that for 3 days. When I called them they said they would look into the issue but nothing has changed.

        1. Ahh Thanks for the clarification. I thought the sign up process wasn’t working for you, apparently there was bugs with it a couple days ago during the launch.

          Flashback is working for me on my desktop using both Chrome and IE. The free mobile app that comes with a regular subscription isn’t working yet and we are promised it will be released before the feeds start on the 12th.

          *they may have been temporally down when you tried, this time of year superpass is getting ready for the BB season so they may be tweaking/resetting their system etc etc.

          hope this helps.

      2. Thanks Simon for your response. It’s strange that it would work for some and not others, eh? I’ll give them another few days to fix the issue, but having a website not work after they’ve taken my credit card info, it’s very “Mickey Mouse”. Again, thanks for your help.

    1. That’s weird, I signed up for the BB live feeds on Monday to get the early bird discount and its working for me. I’ve been rewatching all of Big Brother 13 the past couple days.. It’s probably something on your end or something to do with your browser, I would try logging in a different browser or something. I dunno not a computer wizard … but all I know is that its working for me. At least its something that can be sorted out before BB14 starts … Good Luck!

      1. Thanks for the suggestion. I actually had a link to Superpass, which was working on the 17th, so it has something to do with the Early Bird special I think. All other websites work and from what SuperPass is telling me, I’m not the only person with this issue.

  3. Simon, has Real said anything to you yet about this issue? On other websites it seems clear that this is a widespread issue with multiple “fixed” false alarms. Are they not giving you any information at all? Four days is a bit excessive to be waiting as free trial is now over, with no access to service and no explanation as to why. I’m not very impressed by this whole situation.

    1. Hi bigborther’s big brother,

      real has told me there is continued problems with the live feed sign ups but it’s limited to people who are returning. As of yesterday they told me the problem had been fixed but it seems like that was not the case.

      I’ll let everyone know as soon as we find out from our rep at real.

      thank you for your patience

      1. Simon,

        Thanks for looking into this for me. This issue is not signing up as i simplyu started another account with a new e-mail. What is happening is that when I click the “Launch Superpass” icon, I’m getting a message that says webpage not available. I know this is not an issue on my end but I’m wondering if they are aware that there are multiple issues. Again, thanks for keeping me informed.

      2. Simon,

        FINALLY!! I’m in business. Sorry for bugging you about this but you know how this BB addiction can be. Thanks for all of your help and keep up the great work on the site.


        1. That’s GREAT to hear!!!!!! Thanks for letting us know that the issue has been resolved! We always encourage viewers to ask us questions and let us know if they are having issues. I am sure others are happy to hear that as well, so thank you for letting us know. We are so glad that it was resolved long before big brother 14 starts. We can’t wait to share BB14 with you and all the other fans!

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