
Big Brother 14 Cast Wil Heuser Tried out for American Idol

Big-Brother-14-Wil-HeuserNot surprisingly after the release of the Big Brother 2012 cast there is a LOT of information turning up about the new reality cast. Probably one of the most interesting characters picked to be on the 14th season of Big Brother is Wil Heuser. If he looks familiar it is probably because you have seen him audition for American Idol Season 8. Take a look at his audition and tell us whether he has a better chance at winning Big Brother 14 or becoming an American Idol.

Wil Heuser’s American Idol Audition:

Tanning Mom feat. Sweet Brown – TANNING LIGHTS Video:

The “Tanning Mom” has finally gone too far! Her home tanning bed exploded and burnt down her apartment complex! Thank god Sweet Brown was there to regale the blazing tale!

A Social 180 chat with Wil Heuser:

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4 thoughts to “Big Brother 14 Cast Wil Heuser Tried out for American Idol”

  1. This guy is ACTUALLY a dunce. All of these people are fools this season. I think it’ll be lots of fun.

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