Big Brother 13 is still a ways away but the news is starting to trickle in from all over the Internets. Its slow but is building every week as we get closer to the premiere date. The casting team is now underway trying to pick 14 (or so) houseguests that’ll piss us all off this coming season of Big Brother 2011. Thank god the crazy rumors haven’t started yet, Boston Rob and/or Russell Hantz on BB13? ..maybe lol..
- | Nude Big Brother Show Sounds awesome I wonder if theirs Live Feeds?
- BigBrotherGame | New Season new Blog BB bloging @ its best
- Facebook | Russell Hantz on Big Brother 13 I vote Russell and Dick on the same Season, Big Brother 14 blood sport
- Hitting the Nuts | DVD release | Featuring Big Brother 8 Jen Johnson, Trailer is funny as fu*k
- Ihatebigbrother | Big Brother 13: Are you ready? looking forward to hating Big Brother this season
- @Kassting | Open calls announced Next Week never thought this before but Open casting calls work
- RealityRocks | Chen Bot Nominated Best Reality Host Does she really have a chance againset Heidi Klum, Jeff Probst and Ty Pennington
- Twitpic | Rachel Reilly Still Classy
Make sure to stay connected with Big Brother 13 Spoilers. Dawg and Simon are back ready to catch everything on the feeds, we’re on Twitter, Facebook, Twitpic, Flickr, RSS, Tumblr and old fashion email subscription
Every week up until the live feeds start dawg and I will summarize the headlines from around the internets.. if you’ve found some news or have a blog you want listed send me a email [email protected]
thanks so much for listing my last blog post… u are the best! can’t wait for the new season to start. hope we get some krazy kats that will keep our blogs buzzing!