Nominations Ceremony Shelly and Adam are up for eviction. They were nominated by Porsche Briggs the current Head of Household. A massive fight breaks out in the house against Rachel and Shelly.
7:00pm Have Nots Room Rachel cannot believe Daniele is doing the deal with them. Rachel adds if Porsche wins the Power of Veto she won’t use it. Porsche wants Shelly to be evicted this week (really hard to understand what they are saying… they’re whispering)
7:16pm Have Nots Room Mini house meeting (everyone but Adam and Daniele) Shelly asks Porsche if Rachel told her that Shelly wanted a final 3 deal with her. Porsche says YES Rachel did tell me that. Shelly Yells that is A lie. Rachel: “But Shelly that is the truth you did say that”
Porsche: “I heard that you wanted a 3 person deal with rachel but rachel said no becuase she never trusted you.. You also said that you wanted it once Jordan went home”
Shelly shoot straight tells them that it’s all a lie.
Rachel: “Shelly it’s the truth you have been saying that.. There’s a lot of final 3 deals going around right now with you”
Rachel: “You said Hypothetically that if Jordan went home that you wanted final 3”
Shelly: “Rachel you are a liar”
rachel: “Why are you calling me a liar.. it’s the truth”
Shelly: “I am disjusted in you RACHEL I am disgusted…”
Rachel: “Don’t call me a liar..”
Kalia: “I heard that to Shelly”
Jordan jumps in give a shot at shooting straight says “I have made no deals with anyone” (Lie)
Jordan: “I have only talked game with Shelly, Brendon and Rachel” (Jordan why tell everyone that)
Rachel: “Do you care telling everyone what you’ve been saying behind my back.. All those nasty thing”
Shelly: “why don’t you tell me since you want… I’ll just calm you down like i’ve been doing all week.. You have your Brendon back so sit and be happy”
Rachel: “yeah and you talk bad about me behind my back.. and now we all know you are a liar”
Shelly: “You don’t need to glare… i won’t get into it with you thats not my style”
jordan: “Where are all these stories comeing from?
rachel: “From Shelly”
Shelly: “hahahaha Rachel you’re a piece of wrork”
everyone wants to know where the stories have been coming from because every time there is a new Head of Household little bits of stories get passed all around and it’s causing all the fights.
Jeff: “Soneone is running around the house playing telephone”
the meeting breaks up everyone scatters to their own sides. In private Jeff asks Jordan why she called that meeting. Jordan says that she wanted to call Porsche out for all the stories but in the end it all came back to Shelly. Jeff reminds her that Shelly is on their side they need to keep quiet.
(Straight Shooter is done for.. Still don’t know what Brendon and Rachel are thinking about this Daniele deal, but I’ll know before the end of tonight)
Ugh, shoulda been Rachel and Brendan
Straight Shoot right to the jury house
who are the havenots this week
I’ve been trying to figure it out and I can’t. Maybe there aren’t any this week?
Shelley will feel right at home and immediately begin cleaning the already CLEAN house.
OMG….I’ve been waiting for this. This game really does change week to week. I hated BR yesterday and was pissed that Brendon got voted back in, but I’m loving them today. And this Deal with Dani sounds good to me. BR have been hated for a lot of things, but for the most part they do keep their word when it comes to deals and I think they are being genuine. I actually think Dani is less trustworthy than them and I’m a Dani fan saying this. Team DBR! Shhh. It’s a secret. 😉
Seems to me BR are upfront more so than those that complain about them…… to the point that I think Rachel speaks too much and lets it all out and it hurts their game……. i’m not a Dan-yell fan as I feel she is really two faced and does a lot of what she blames others for……. Its a game but those live feeds seem to bring out the best and worst of the house guests……. Haven’t kept up with why Dan-yell put up the two she did….Took me totally by surprise.. need to read on …………
Niki – what show have you been watching? When have BR ever stayed true to their word. Not last year, not this year!
First, sweet I’m a douche
Shelly, unless she backdoors Jeff, which I think they will wait a week or so to do.
I am pissed off at Jeff! I was rooting for him until I heard him yell at Jordan then called her dumb!! You know what, she maybr but for him to claim to love her then call her names. I am so over it. Jeff your on my shit list. I am te Dani now. But I hope Jordan wins Amercians fav. I don’t care if they both (Dani and Jordan) already won money their season. Jeff your a douche!
First, sweet now I’m cool
Simon– I just got the feeds– how do I get to the flashback calendar? I tried on my iPhone and iPad…
Finalllllly they have some brains. Good Riddance Shelly
yeah, that what I thought. Dani, better not screw this one or backdooring. If you don’t four angry veterans will come after you.
1st… my penis is bigger than Brennans and Shellys
i guess were all 1st place losers
My homeboy Jeff is gonna get the “good ol backdoor.” Im sure he must realize it and how B/R have a deal with shemale monkey Dani. By the way just saw Rise of the planet of apes and Dani has the starring role as one of the apes. Didnt think BB would allow a “movie star” to be in the house. Oh well GO J/J!!
Find new jokes that one is old and lame
stop talking bad about Cornelius
ha ha !
Ouch – what IS your problem, dude?
Completely unrelated but props for the user name.
I’m hoping Shelly pulls it together, love the old gal’s manipulations! The devious ones go down in history. BTW, donating is easy on your site, I use paypal and the entertainment factor is easily worth a movie or a week’s worth of latte’s or some of the food I buy that goes bad, so keep up the good work and I’ll keep sending $$ cudos. Thanks!
Hmm nice putting shelly up I hope she gets voted out.
It’s all kicking off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ugh this BRDK thing is not looking good for my beloved JJ… As long as Kalua doesnt win i’ll be happy though, she sits there and insults jordan for being moppy and not wanting to be in the house but up until she won the HOH ALLLL she did was cry about how much she hated it.
Call me a stupid chimp. I mean really, can someone PLEASE explain to me why Dani thinks Brenchel can be trusted????????????????
I don’t think D even thinks she can truly trust them. The POV comp., winner and then D’s next move after that, will determine allot, especially if D has even accepted BR’s deal.
Because she is not using her brain at all. They will stab her in the back the first chance they get and besides that Jordan and Jeff along with Shelly and Adam will have the jury votes to decide who wins the money and does Dani ever think they will pick her now. She just made one of the dumbest decisions ever if she wants to win the money. Her master plan better be to backdoor Brendon or Rachel this week if she wants to win the $500 and then play nice with everyone else and let the chips fall where they may. Not playing smart DANI!!!
Or maybe she is playing smart and it’s just too complex for you to understand. 😉
hahaha!!! Good one! Clearly people do not understand this game. An alliance with BR is the best move for Dani right now in this game. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer! Go Team Dani!!! DFTW
Dani doesn’t trust them but she trusts Shelly less.
I agree with you!
Dani can’t be trusted either. Maybe she is telling the truth when she says she wants to backdoor Brendon.
Dani can’t be trusted either.
Dani’s trying to make lemonade out of those lemons she’s been handed. Let’s just hope this is a true detente. I still think B/R will figure out a way to betray this alliance after the POV is safely behind them.
If BR betray D they’ll not be safe. They’ll put a bigger target on them than there already is and, they’d still have to win the next HoH. D had better work to secure this alliance with BR or P & K need to win the next HoH (chances??).
How can Rachel be trusted??????? Your gal Dan-yell is the worst at trust………..
what a fool. BR are protected with JJ and with D. She should have put up JJ to make sure BR were true to their word!!
Please someone make Rachel stop talking. I notice she isn’t telling JJ about her little deal with Dani. BTW Jeff is smokin hot in that black shirt.
why dont the other hg think the ppl dani put up is kind of strange? B/R & D have been going at each other for long time now. I would think they cut a deal if I was a hg.
What makes it believable is the blow up with Shelly and Porcshe and Kalia and Shelly – that others witnessed. Also, JJ know that Shelly was running back and forth last week feeding info/converting Kalia so they may think that Dani is on to her. Adam just a pawn. Anyone else up against Shelly would make her look like the pawn. Also, either B or R would result in a 3-3 tie and Dani would have to tiebreak. Either JJ puts a target on her that Dani doesn’t need this week. If Dani decides to backdoor Jeff, B said that he would go along with when Dani whenever she said the time was right.
If this deal between BR and Dani gets solidified and remains a secret, it may just prove to be the greatest alliance of the season. I cannot contain my glee at the prospect of Jeff blowing up a storm in the house after he finds out.
Haha yeah man! If anything could bring Jeff and Jordan out of their reclusive safe haven it would be this!! Let’s get some confrontations happening – and I aint talking about some lameass highschool Rach vs. Cassi shiet but real Jersey Shore style fighting. Ratings would hit the roof!!
I agree this may be the best alliance of the season and should heat things up. But “Jersey Shore Style”, lets get a life, who is interested in that CRAP?
Obviously A LOT of people since its season 4 premiere garnered record breaking views. I whole heartedly agree that it is crap, but viewers LOVE drama which is precisely the reason why Brendon was voted back. Look at it this way, if Shelly biatch-slapped Rachel ratings would SOAR!
I know, right. Team Brenchel and Dani, greatest alliance ever!
Rachel, Dani & Brendon, final three. Brendon and Rachel should make Dani the maid of honor. Super duper final three. Love it.
Here’s hoping ………….
: )
let the games begin!!!
i cant believe dani took the deal. she’s going home next week for sure, she’s just as dumb as kalia now.
Wanna bet? Who do you actually think will win HOH next week? Guarantee you Dani isn’t going anywhere being teamed up with Brenchel. Team BRD rocks!
Go Team BRD! This is sooooo awesome! Dani was very smart to make a deal with Brenchel. Dani only has Kalia and possibly Porsche who probably won’t be much help. Brenchel had JJ, but JJ didn’t help their game at all. Now, it’s time to form this power triple alliance. This is great! I hope to see Straight Shooter get evicted. Just watching her get called out is priceless, too hilarious.
Today, the straight shooter’s lies got shot! 🙂
HAHAHAHAHA! The straight shooter’s lies got shot today!
The plan is on to Backdoor Jeff .. let the backdooring begin.
Straight Shooter exposed, all those straight shots she forgot to put on a bulletproof vest
Even her leather skin can’t protect her now.
Did the site go down earlier? I was having withdrawal symptoms!
I see snake Shelly’s lies have come back to hit her in the face. She’s been busted but still won’t own up to anything.As much as I want her out, I want I still wanna see B/R/J or J gone.
what the hell is going on? whats rachel doing? self destruct 2.0?
Not a good day for Shelly. Her BS has finally come back to bite her.
Jeff might be screwed. If BR are really going to join up with Dani. Jeff better not let Adam or Shelly win pov.
so dani and brenchel are an alliance?? awesomeeeeeeeeeeee
Shelly’s time is up!!!!!!!boooyahhh
Please someone make Rachel stop talking I notice she isn’t telling JJ about her their little deal with Dani. BTW Jeff is smokin hot in that shirt.
Part of the deal is that JJSA need to believe that BR are still anti DKP.
good for u dabi i think that was a decent game move
I called it! lol Yay!
Hopefully her plan is to Backdoor BRJJ and cut a deal with whoever she takes off. Maybe she is betting on the fact Adam and Shelly suck in comps.
Team Dani!
Im not sure she will have the ability to backdoor Jeff or Brendon. Whoever took themselves off would be insane to vote one of them out. So if Adam won POV he would not vote Jeff or Brendon out and if Shelly won she wouldnt either. They would say good-bye to the other and stick with the strong alliance. Dani is putting her eggs in the deal with BR basket and is probably fine with getting Shelly out with BRKP going after JJ next week.
unbelievable, Dani is the exact replica of Kalua. Doing the same dumb thing, you watch this will bite here big time. What a joke, just as gullable as Kaluha!
i want one of BRJJ finally evicted this week, especially B. he’s 0-2 in BB. GO HOME!!!
CBS wants Dani to win. So she will be good. I personally do not like her. She is a bit arrogant, thinks she is running the house. If she wins POV she will save Adam and BD Jeff or Brendon.
This is a real deal between real players. The other one was a dumb floater getting played by a smarter floater. It’s not the same.
Except Dani is smart and isn’t playing to be friends with Jeff and Jordan like Kalia was.
I am so happy with how things have been going. I am pulling for BRD thats a awesome team and they all can win comps. Let’s get the floater (drink) out.
I see a backdoor very soon…or straight shooter going home lol
Live feeds are hilarious right now. Everyone is onto Shelly;s bullshit and Jordan is trying to clean up. Not gonna work Jordan, your spy has been outed.
Someone is definetly getting back doored.
What is going on in the housee???
I guess Dani is getting the floaters out.
Nope, BR are staying put.
And BR are the floaters now, whether anyone else sees it or not.
i would love it if dani backdoors BR. however, she’ll probably be convinced to nominate kalia at this rate.
Good, send the straight shooting liar out. doesn’t she look identical to Charlize Theron’s character in Monster?
No need to insult Charlize Theron! 😉
Shelly don’t look THAT bad, they really made the gorgeous Charlize look like a inbred monster literally
i have been saying that all along. shell HE is a MONSTER and when she leaves I will enjoy this show sooo much more. I can’t stand her voice, her manly mannerisms, her lying, backstabbing and most of all her chapped, cracked lips and yellow teeth ( from the chain smoking).
I have said it once and I will stand by it
goodbye and good luck on the “real L word”
Agree! It’s a hell of risky move for D, especially if BR don’t plan on honouring their deal with D next week (& BR happen to win the next HoH).
Regardless, it’s at least going to blow the JJAS and JJBR alliances to smithereens, as JJ have to now know that BR have copped a deal with D. Looks like no more coat tail riding for A & S. It’s going to entertaining to watch S slither even more than she has been and, A finally having to get off his ass and do some serious competing in this game he claims to love and respect so much.
Only drawback to this whole thing: BR and their codependent, over-the- top, annoying as hell relationship, on national TV longer than I may be able to stand. Shit, I’m going to need to stock my liquor cabinet for this one!
Which would make S her 1st cousin.
DR save the good liquor for me. I’m telling you I’m trying to figure out a way to self-edit BBAD so I can get B/R out of every scene. I’m so tired of seeing those two coo and then argue and when they get bored with that, they resort to paranoia.
If you figure it out, please let me know how you did it. I have the urge to shower every time they start going at it.
I’ve got a bottle of my best liquor with your name on it!
YES! I hope Jeff is backdoored. JJ are nothing but a couple of floaters. Hell the whole JJSA alliance are floaters. And I guess BR are tired of carrying them.
On another note, I like BR when they start thinking strategically, but when they start to get over emotional and personal is when their not likable.
AGREE! I hate when BR start acting in their own corny sentimental drama but on the flipside they are one of the most strategic players of the game and actually EXECUTE on their plans unlike some other HG’s (JJ).
AGREE! I hate when BR start acting in their own corny sentimental drama but on the flipside they are one of the most strategic players of the game and actually EXECUTE on their plans unlike some other HG’s (JJ). O
How are they floaters? They won an HOH and POV. They don’t flip where the power is, and they have stayed pretty true to their alliance. HOW are they floaters again? The only floaters in the house are Adam, Shelly, and Porsche.
I couldn’t agree with you more!!
LMFAO @ the Dani fans…now all of a sudden BR are great players,strategic players etc.12 hrs ago you all were bitching and moaning how rigged his return was,he’s a neanderthal,3 toed,skype-abator freak.Oh God and who can forget every nasty word since the season began about Rachel from the Dani fans mouths,now all of a sudden their great players blah,blah,blah. In all honesty I believe you all deserve DKP/BR that way when they backdoor her ass,which they will first chance,us JJ fans can laugh and read how you Dani floaters instantly do a 180 yet again and complain it was rigged and your never watching BB or this season again.BTW I see Dani backdooring Brendon,not Jeff.
You get the OBB grenade for the day. Your sad we all know it.. don’t worry JJ are still in the house

You must be a mad JJ fan. You mad? Stay mad! Nobody said that BR were the most strategic players. I said I like when they play the game strategic and not personal. And crying about Brendon coming back? Ugh…no! It was blatantly obvious he was coming back. I actually like Brendon when he’s not an egotistical asshole. I can tolerate Brenchel when they act normal and they’ve been doing that for the past 24 hours.
I said Dani fans,no one in particular!!!!!!!!!
I don’t think you know what a floater is. A floater is not someone who doesn’t win comps, a floaters is a person who kisses the HoH ass who is in power. And that’s what JJ did. JJ were hell bent in exposing Dani and telling her she’s going home, now their all laughs and giggles with her because they think BR are going home. And JJ not winning anything makes them even worse players. They’ve won 5 comps in 2 seasons. Not even comparable to Dani or Brendon and Rachel.
I do know what a floater is…JJ have yet to go talk game to Dani,BR has and Adam has and I believe JJ has won 2 comps and you really can’t say they haven’t won shit compared to Dani or BR.Different seasons and different situations.Dani had to fight almost every week in her season for her and her dad to stay.BR really didn’t have great players in thier season.sometimes just winning when you need to is smarter than winning every wk.And apparently you don’t know what a floater is,bringing up wins.Wins mean crap about whether your a floater or not.BR started this floaters are players who don’t win comps.So because JJ are being nice to ppl,their kissing ass? well that would make every damn HG an ass kisser than.Every HOH get’s that from the players,enjoy your party now,it’s gonna end soon!!!!!!!!!!
I love that straight shooter shooting straight comment, every time I read it I still chuckle it never gets old 🙂
Someone in the big brother house please put a muzzle on Rachels mouth I can’t stand listening to her whining shit any more!
If not for the twist Dani would have pulled off an escape worthy of Houdini. She evicted Brendon. If not for the twist and a giant brain fart by Kaluless (I love that name) Rachel would have been evicted. And this week with the HOH she could have sent home a gloater (no spelling mistake) by putting up Jeff and Jordan. It worked before, try it again!!!! Instead she listened to those to mongrels. If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. I fear she has been had.
Straight Shooter’s Shit is Hitting the Fan….
That was great!
Shelly learned a hard thing this evening! ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO AN END.. 🙂
I love that she used and abused K but it drove me nuts watching her deny all the crap that she says and does.. Time to pay the piper Shelly!!
OH MY GAHHH.. AMERICA!!! why did you bring that MORON back!! My gosh!!! AT least get rid of one of them (BR) again this week! I hardly doubt anyone will be coming back again!
Ok.. of topic but how do I post using my name and not Anon? I have no problem standing behind my words and it drives me nuts that they are under anon
Dani CANNOT win by herself people. If she were to get rid of BR, she’s next on the radar! And the same thing goes for BR if they get rid of Dani. Nobody will send home JJ before BR. Which is stupid IMO because I wouldnt want to sit next to JJ at final 2.
screw shelly i cant stand her & what was with Jordan callin that so called house meeting to try to call out Porche? all it did was expose Shelly even more thanks Jordan for sinking shelly’s ship even more
Jordan called it to expose Porsche but Porsche hasn’t done anything or said anything of significance.
All fingers pointed to Shelly and JJ’s third wheel has just went flat.
Branchli new alliance lol
How about Brenchiele?
Jordan is great at saying a whole lotta nothin’. She doesnt even make sense or understand what shes even talking about LOL. Jeff was pissed at her. I thought it was funny when he straight up called her dumb…CBS did you catch that? Americas sweetheart called is own girlfriend dumb and yelled at her…even thought i do agree she is dumb, but it would be nice if cbs would show how jeff truely reacted to what Jordan did.
Jeff is really insulting to Jordan and all she said was ‘ok’ and ‘stop yelling at me’. She didn’t seem too phased by being insulted which is still no excuse for his behavior. There’s no way that’ll ever make it to CBS! You can guarantee he’ll get in trouble in the DR for that remark. I guess the shiny new penny look has worn off on those two.
Huh?!?!? When?!?!
Simon I made a donation but, not sure it went through, should I have received a confirmation?
This deal with Brenchel is stupid for Dani. What if the noms stay the same then S or A go home then Jeff wins HoH. Brenchel will turn on Dani in a heartbeat….
Shelly’s bullshit is bringing everyone together, now thy should get together and sing “kumbaya”
Good one.
brandy what show are you watching? jj plays anawesome game
Wow .. I have heard that Jeff is a complete and total jerk but this takes the cake! Send Jeff home.. and allow Jordan the the time she needs to get over him.
Shelly was playing around with to many grenades, she blew herself up yo!
R and D will never be able to work together, there is a basic and deep-seated dislike between those 2. Can’t say I really like any of these house guests this year, but for me JJ are the least annoying even though they are not as endearing as before. Sorry to say I voted to bring Brendon back in and the first thing he does is to back-stab JJ with his bitter enemy evil Dani (and that voice-valley girl lives on). It sickens me to listen to BKP–can’t wait until they loose power and it will happen. How does P keep floating along in this game—toally under the raddar. And I have disliked Shelly since she back-stabbed Cassie right off the bat after pretending to be her best friend. And I am going to vomit watching the love birds back together—did Rachel ever thank anyone for keeping her in the house?
dani is brilliant if she makes a deal. here is why
B and R have NEVER gone back on a deal without a darn good reason, they can be trusted in that regard.
B and R will get no jury votes.
Dani can still win this game if she plays this right, force jeff and jordan to vote for dani or B/R….good luck with that
It’s finally happening!!! Aaagghhh I hope nobody gives up on calling shelly out on playing telephone.
Rachel “and now we all know you’re a liar” HAAAHAAA I like Rachel this week!
I’m confused – I’ve never heard Shelly even talk game with Porsche. Did she really talk Final 3 with her? I know she talked with Kalia about it, but that was just to get Kalia to trust her to help JJR. Rachel is really dumb, IMO, for calling out Shelly because Shelly helped her azz stay in the house.
I hope br Keeps dani til final five brjjd then all fight to the death! These newbies suck they are idiots! Every one asking if br will keep there word if u member dani is the one who broke the trust with her and Dom saying get rid of Jeff then brenden
TEAM DANI!!!! Kalia and Porsche better make sure they win next HOH or they gonna be the ones on the block next week & Dani better win POV just ensure B/R don’t try to backdoor her. God forbid JJSA actually win HOH, they all screwed!!!
As much as I think Jeff should go this week, I kind of rather they get Shelly out. Although she’s worthless as a competitor the bitch is genius at getting into people’s heads and that’s gonna ruin Dani’s alliance with B/R cuz thery’re SO easy to manipulate. She might even flip Porsche & Kalia too! Nah that snake has gotta go!
What is the freaking plan what is dani really doing
Well now it’s time for the straight shooter to shoot ’em straight. I wonder if and how she will get out of this one. My guess is she will deny, deny, deny until someone else straight shoots her.
agree deny she will (just like she is denies being a lesbo) but you can’t hide that shellHE.
Or pull the “I want to be a good rolemodel for my daughter” card.
I think she’s going to backdoor Jeff, I hope so
They still handled her with kid gloves. But I think she’s sufficiently squashed at this point.
BBAD talk suggests S is having her own pity party. KARMA’S A BITCH S! 🙂
Still cant believe Im on the brenchel band wagon right now. Loving Rachel calling out
Shelly. Someone quick, remind me why I hated Rachel before.
i don’t see Jeff being backdoored. production has worked too hard to keep the vets in house til final 5. you’ll see when it happens final 5
and daniyawn
(oh my god like totally)
Well, must say I have been slowly dying inside thinking Straight Shooter was going to live another week with her lies. She was getting way too cocky. You are only a good master manipulator and great game player if what you do excels your game and TOO BAD for her SHE GOT CAUGHT!!! Goodbye Leather Face woMAN I think she actually believes her lies. I think the OLD GAL is PSYCHO.
This is the smartest move Dani has made yet…BRJJ aren’t mad at her because she put up Adam and Shelly…and if Dani, Adam, or Shelly win POV, Dani gets to backdoor someone…I really hope that either Adam or shelly go home and BR lied and get Dani out next week…that would be perfect 🙂
speakin’ bout backdooring someone, I’d really love to “backdoor” Jordan, and porsche…if u know what I mean. 😉
I love it when BR have to go eat sh*t from the HOH. They’re the greatest flippers in the game and they think they are so strategic but they have never even come close to winning anything. Good strategists, HA!
What is Danis Plan ughhh who does she want to get out
Ugh! Shelly just stooped under Rachel’s level from last year….such a hypocrite! Funny when the cast would read or see what Shelly was doing!
Simon….. There has to be some Comedy Gold in the screen shot from Thursdays live show- of Rachel looking like a blow up doll for like 2 minutes straight. New avatar? Photoshop? Somethin
I think there are alot of jealous people of JJ that is why they have so much crap to say.
I know I want to be the kind of boyfriend to call my girlfriend dumb, tell her to shut up, and talk to her like a child.
THAT is what I’m jealous of. I want to be a verbally abusive prick to the woman I love. So, so jealous.
I hope shelly is out this week
Shelly should have just owned up to it right in that meeting and told Rachel, “Bitch, I saved your ass last week. If it wasn’t for me you would have been competing with Brendon to get back into the house and you would have been separated the rest of the summer. You should be kissing my hairy bean bag!”
OK this topic they are having in the candyroom right now is disgusting….why can’t production cut the feeds on this? But they will cut them on other topics/
the way I see it, Dani is smart. think 4 a second…one by one she has systematically gotten rid off 3 newbs by befriending them and subsequently making them targets. She was all 4 Lawon getting put up, then changed her story. Brilliant! I say….Brilliant indeed!!!! working from the inside out! oh…and I’d like 2 “backdoor” Dani as well…lol
JJ are the only ones that have not sucked up to people no matter who is HOH. And any body that watched when Jeff told Kalia what he would do could see he was not bullying he did not get in her face or scream he just was talking in an upset voice which any one would.
Yes they did, when Dani won HOH for the first time
Rachel won’t beable to keep her mouth shut for a whole week. She will leak the BRD alliance….if there really is one.
I hope Jeff wins POV , if production is really a part of it like everybody says… He will win!
Even tho what Shelly did was wrong by playing both sides I feel sorry for her. Being an older woman, away from her family and having no one in that house that can relate to her….All they seem to want to do is stroke Rachel and Brendon’s ego or walk around the house on egg shells not to upset Rachel or piss her off just because of the ratings. Even Jordon who says she is Shelly’s friend isnt even showing Shelly a shoulder to cry on because she is afraid to have Rachel mad at her. But then again it is BB and it is a game and Shelly tried her best to get further in the game just like anyone else would do from season 1 to season 13……Hugs to Shelly just because I think she needs a hug.
shelHE made her own bed now she can LIE in it.
How can you feel sorry for a pathetic excuse of a human being?T
he lesbian community must really be hating her for how she is representing them ( as lying, back stabbing, macho chain smoker)!!!
Shelly’s cheese has completely slid off her cracker … the pity party she is throwing for herself tonight rivals Rachel’s meltdown earlier in the week! I can’t figure out if its all a big show to try to convince everyone she isn’t really a conniving snake and is just misunderstood, or if she is truly upset about being outed ;p Either way she is protesting her innocence WAY too much and its only making her look more guilty. She has thrown herself completely under the bus.
OMG do these people ever stop eating????? Porky Porscha and King Kong Kalia all they ever do is go to the HOH and eat continually. Then Porky has the nerve to complain that they didn’t exercise today…oh they did exercise…their jaws by eating and talking crap.
Q: Whats more disgusting than someone consistently eating? A: Someone who chews w/ their mouth open!! i fukn hate you Kalia and Porsche!! the Cow and the Pig!!!! ewwwww
Straight shit shot
I heard him chastising her like she’s a kid. He called her dumb in front of Adam,not cool and all Jordan said was ‘ok’. Not a way to treat a loved one.
I missed it but will flash back to it later tonight.. been hearing a lot about it
Can someone explain to me whats going through danis head. Is she planning a backdoor or is shelly actually her number one target. Ya and do you know if rachel an brendan are keeping there end of the deal. Lastly have JJ and dani tallked game?
I think this was a brilliant move by Dani because it has them all turning on each other.
Don’t everyone seee that the vets still control the votes even if jeff is backdoor brenchell and jordan votes three votes to stay this week. Brenchell is not sticking to that deal and dani does not play hoh next week. In reality they noms really benefited brjj.
It is starting to feel like Jeff is getting backdoored.
Oh and I think JJ fans screwed up voting in Brendon. Instead of Dani gaining one alliance member, she is getting two. Two alliance members that are on the other side getting a lot of JJ info.
Two alliance members that can actually win something! They’ll be too busy canoodling to annoy Dani too much, and the blood will be on their hands when they get out Dani’s albatross Kalia. Back door Big Jeff!
Ohh dani made a fatal error now both power couples are going to stay because they control the votes because they need only 3. I guarenteeee adam or shelly are bye bye and jjbr will stick together
I’m so estatic!!! I already spoke it and said Shelly needed to be on the block, and Am, she is on the block!!…and on her way out the door!!! No life vest for Shelly! Lol
Seems to me that Shelly is taking a lot of blame in the editorial here and while I know she’s played everyone, etc….there should be a HUGE target on Porsche for the same stuff.
She has switched sides, talked to everyone, and been as much in the middle of the pot stirring as Shelly.
I am amazed at all the Shelly haters! I hate the pity party she’s throwing right now but damn that girl threw a hat trick this past week. She not only convinced the HOH to put up someone from her own alliance but then also got them ALL to vote him out when the most hated player (according the house) was on thee blok with him!!
GMAFB…Shelly schooled everyone of them and the are all pissed that she did it! YES, it has come back to bite her but considering what she pulled off last week I wouldn’t be surprised to see her wiggle out of this too!