Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Keith says he’s going to drop a bomb .. Dani asks yeah, what like how Brendon does all the time?

4:20am When the feeds come back, Dani, Jeff, Jordan, Brendon, Rachel are talking in the HOH room. Dani says hey guys I figured out our alliance name … the DCA… the Dream Crusher Alliance. Jeff laughs and says yeah. Jeff, Jordan and Dani leave the HOH room. Brendon and Rachel continue talking game in the HOH room. Rachel says that it is so weird that Dick would leave. Brendon says yeah its so weird because Big Brother is Dicks life. Rachel says that she wants a clean slate. Brendon says he won’t turn on anyone in this room and that they can’t doubt them. Brendon says that we can totally trust everyone that was up in this room. Brendon says that we need to focus on getting hold of this thing and that they need to be afraid of three players. Dominic, Kathy, and Keith. Brendon says that they are missing a vote and that they think they can.

Brendon tell Rachel that if you don’t want to do this baby, then I don’t want to do this. Brendon says that we are going to get married, you are my best friend. I have been in far too many relationships in my life and other times I said that, it’s been a lie. Brendon tells Rachel that she is the first person in his life that he has acted the same with. Brendon says that he can be a stupid, goofy even but that the most important thing in this whole thing is you. Rachel tells Brendon that he is the most important thing to her too. Rachel questions whether they should have come back into the house because Brendon’ PHD is the most important thing. Rachel says that Jeff doesn’t care this is his job and that this is what he does, he is a fighter, this is his job. Rachel says that Brendon’s job is to get a PHD and that they can’t build a future without that. Brendon says that he is going to get that no matter what! Brendon says that his job is to make her happy and that her job is to make him happy.

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4:40am Jeff, Jordan, Dani, Cassi and Shelly are sitting at the kitchen table talking about Dick leaving. They talk about how they feel bad for Dani. Adam comes into the kitchen and starts making coffee. Jeff asks if he is going to pull an all nighter. Adam says no but who knows when we will be called. They wonder if Dani’s dad is hiding in a closet. Porsche and Shelly talk about how the newbies don’t think dick is gone. Jeff says that they don’t know anything more than the newbies. Dani saying it sucks that she is sitting on the sideline with a key for a month.

Back in the HOH room. Brendon and Rachel are still talking. Rachel says that they only have three people to compete for next HOH in their alliance and that is not good. Brendon says that we really have to think about it and that he is sure everyone at home is going to want us to have a fair shot too. Rachel tells Brendon: not us, they hate us. Brendon says that they don’t hate us, they want to see us win. Rachel says that we have been in the HOH all week and we are not down there making alliances with people. Brendon says that could be to our advantage because we are not being fake. Brendon tells Rachel that we both agree if we go up on the block I go home. Rachel says we don’t control the votes, you know what happened last year, and we will be going up for sure. Brendon says I know, are you really debating doing this? Rachel says yeah.

4:55am Cassie and Dominic are alone in the bedroom whispering. Dominic says that he still wants Porsche out. Cassie says that she really wants Keith to go home. Cassie says that she would like to get the group together and vote out Keith. Dominic tells Cassie that it is her and him to the end. Dominic says that he thinks they should keep Keith and get rid of Porsche because she is not with them.

5am – 5:15am Jordan, Jeff, Brendon and Rachel are up in the HOH room talking about the newbie’s. Jeff says I told you, they have no leadership, they’re not on the same side and now she is fighting with her side. Rachel talks about a big announcement. Jeff asks what big announcement would he make? Jeff says that Keith thinks this is all game. Jeff tells Rachel that they need to win POV. Rachel says that Porsche has already said that she said she is on our side but that if nominations stay the same, she is going anyways. Jeff says that if Keith starts opening his mouth then he could be one of those people going. Jeff says that Shelly wants to be on her side, and that you know Adam wants to be on our side, look at him. Brendon laughs and says that if we have that crew down there we are good, 2-4-6-8 see we are good. Rachel says yeah I just thought we have to just do it. Jeff says that I think we will be fine and that Shelly is 100% legit. Jordan brings up how cocky Keith has been and that he has already talked about throwing the POV. Jordan says that Keith needs to go. Jeff says that he wants to get downstairs and talk to Adam. Jeff leaves the HOH room.

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5:20am – 5:30am Jeff comes down from the HOH room to talk to Adam in the kitchen. Adam says that he still thinks that he’s going into the diary room tonight. Jeff and Adam head into the bathroom to get ready for bed. They talk about everything that happened today. Jeff tells Adam that Dick told him that Adam was a good guy and that he was trustworthy and that they should work together. Jeff tells him that he has been waiting for them to explode and that he’s been watching to see who he can trust. Jeff tells him that they will need to talk soon. Jeff then heads back up to the HOH. Jeff walks in and asks did you see me workin? Jeff tells Jordan and Rachel that he was just working Adam. Jeff says he told Adam that we’re gonna kick ass.. and asked him wanna rock?

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15 thoughts to “Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Keith says he’s going to drop a bomb .. Dani asks yeah, what like how Brendon does all the time?”

  1. WTH! I don’t have the feeds so your website is all I have. Thanks Simon and Dawg! Is there a confirmation that Dick is gone?

    PS: Anyone want to tell me which broadcasting station (in Canada) is viewing BBAD?

  2. PS; I know the houseguests are talking about dick beIng gone… Just want to know if there is official word. My apologies for the double post.

      1. BLAH – I hope you are wrong. But I have a feeling it is true. I was looking forward to Dick losing it.

  3. Man I’m disgusted with Boy George & her man all ready. “oh brendan, we’re the best players” “oh rachel, I love you so much”! Barf! Jeff may be (handsomely)obnoxious, Jordan may be dumb, but at least they aren’t fawning all over eachother & constantly professing their love to eachother. I hope boy george goes soon… Is it just me or boy george as fugly as ever.

  4. So we aren’t even getting ONE night of Dick on BBAD? I have a bad feeling this season is going to be boring now.

    1. I turned on BBAD last night , saw Boy George, & immediately turned it off. I was really hoping that ED would hang around for a while & pick her apart. I have a feeling this season will be like watching paint dry!

  5. “Brendon says that we really have to think about it and that he is sure everyone at home is going to want us to have a fair shot too.”

    Bullshit dude, only fans you got are the ones that JUST supports you because of the major drama you cause, nobody wants you to actually win the game. 😉

    “Rachel says that we have been in the HOH all week and we are not down there making alliances with people. Brendon says that could be to our advantage because we are not being fake.
    Brendon tells Rachel that we both agree if we go up on the block I go home. Rachel says we don’t control the votes, you know what happened last year, and we will be going up for sure.”

    YES dumbasses, DO play the same “everyone is after us game” like last year, is sooo worked out for you didn’t it?

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