Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Bikini Suntanning + Word Association Game makes for a good afternoon..

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1:50pm All the houseguests are out in the backyard on an out door lockdown. Dani, Jordan, Dominic, Porsche, and Rachel are all playing a the word association game where one person asks a question ..then counts to three and the others yell out what comes to mind. Points are given to the person that says the right word. Cassi is shaving her legs in the backyard and then goes over to the out door shower and washes her legs off.

2pm They continue playing the word association game. Virgin? Dominic yells Cassi! Which houseguests wears the least amount of clothing? Cassi! Which houseguests if most likely to have a nipslip? Jordan! Rachel says Brendon! Which houseguest is most likely to not wash their hair for the rest of the season? Cassi! Which houseguest is most likely to talk the most crap in the diary room? Keith! Keith says what?! why me?

The game continues…. Which one of the houseguest has the ugliest toes? Brendon! Rachel says he would beat you if he heard that! Which one of the houseguest is most likely to stock another houseguest after they get out? Adam! Adam puts his hands up and says what?! Which houseguest is most likely to have to go to therapy after big brother? Rachel! Which houseguest is most likely to have sex after they get out? Kalia! Which houseguest is most likely to make out with someone that is not there partner at the wrap party? Keith! Which houseguest is most likely to take their 15 min of fame way too far? Adam! Which houseguest is most likely to pee in the pool? Dani says my dad!

2:30pm – 2:40pm Which houseguest is most likely to have to go to therapy after big brother? Rachel! Which houseguest is most likely to have sex after they get out? Kalia! Which houseguest is most likely to make out with someone that is not there partner at the wrap party? Keith! Which houseguest is most likely to take their 15 min of fame way too far? Adam! Which houseguest is most likely to pee in the pool? Dani says my dad! Which one of your houseguests is most likely to end up in a porno? Keith! The cameras switch to Lawon and Kalia on the couch. Kalia starts crying talking about how much she hates being in the house and how much she misses her mom and stuff…

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2:45pm The cameras switch back to the other houseguests in the yard .. Dani is asking who else was stalked after they got out of the house. Big Brother cuts the live feeds… Big Brother lock down is over, the houseguests are free to move about the house. When the feeds come back they continue to talk about stalkers and other random things… Jordan, and Porsche head into the bathroom to weigh themselves… They think it is off and are trying to fix it. Lawon weighed himself and said it says 160lbs but that before he came into the house he was 180lbs… Big Brother cuts the live feeds again… When they come back …Jordan says that she thinks the scale is right .. because it says her and Jordan weighs 130 and she said she should was 128 before…

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20 thoughts to “Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Bikini Suntanning + Word Association Game makes for a good afternoon..”

  1. what dudes all everbody does is complain about brenchel put some shots of brendon and the
    comments will blow up

      1. Oh Rockstar, I know you hate Jeff….but I have to agree with JeffLover…..I need me some Jeff pics!!!! He may be a little arrogant, but I do love that cute face of his!!!! And he’s all I got this year!!! 🙂

  2. Unfortunately Jeff is the only good one to look at! They sure weren’t looking out for the ladies this year 🙁

    1. They usually try to cast them as a group. As in when you audition, even if u stand out, they try to make sure you fit into the group dynamic they’re looking for. Obviously sometimes there is a cookie cutter token person. So you get some similar people every year. Also I think the people evolve on the show as times goes on so it seems to always start off a little off. The worst season in recent memory was probably last year’s and the season that New Jersey Adam won where they had the silly match made couples.

  3. Is Big Brother officially on Wednesdays now instead of Tuesdays? I’m such a HUGE BB fan but they should know better than to try and compete with So You Think You Can Dance. I feel bad to have to say this but I’m gonna have to just catch the updates of BB on here, plus I already know who wins Veto & So You Think You Can Dance is live. SYTYCD is always going to win for me and millions of others so I really hope this isn’t a permanent change in scheduling.
    A pretty bummed out BB fan. 🙁

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