Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Sixth Live Eviction and HOH RESULTS!

Brendon Vs. Shelly Big Brother 13 Live Eviction Results

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My prediction is Brendon gets evicted and Porsche wins HOH

Evicted houseguest is BRendon

New HOH is

Big Brother 13 Twist is

*Please note during the Thursday live show the site will be running in lean mode. Only this post will be view able and no comments will be processed. Once traffic goes back to normal I’ll turn it all back on and we can rock out the discussion.

Rachel votes to evict Shelly
Jordan votes to evict Brendon
Jeff votes to evict Brendon
Porsche votes to evict Brendon
Kalia votes to Evict Brendon
Adam votes to Evict Brendon

7:07pm Feeds just about to come back

7:08pm Too close to call at this points..

7:11pm Jeff has a lead but still everyones game..

7:15pm Appears Jeff and Jordan are in the lead followed by POrsche and Rachel. Kalia was in last place but it noe looks like Adam is.
7:17pm – Dani tellign Kalia to move faster.. momentsafter Jrodan tells Shelly to pick up the pace

7:20pm everyone still has a chance

7:23pm Very hard to see but it appears to be a 4 way race between Kalia, POrsche, Jeff and Shelly. Rachel and Adam falling behind

7:30pm Jeff surpasing Porsche.. Adam surpasing Kalia..

7:35 Jeff in the lead..
7:40 Porsche is pretty close. second maybe
This is a real battle.. Very close
7:50pm Jeff in the lead
7:54pm Rachel/Porsche in second
7:55pm Rachel in second, Porsche in third..

7:58pm Jeff in the lead Rachel 2nd place.. Porsche is slipping

8:01pm Jeff is probabaly going to win this one unless he trips..

8:05pm unless JEff Falls he has this HOH
8:12pm Jeff well in the lead, Shelly Porsche and Rachel battle for Second.
8:20pm Feeds on trivia I’ll be shocked if Jeff doesn’t win HOH

Jeff wins HOH

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60 thoughts to “Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Sixth Live Eviction and HOH RESULTS!”

  1. About the LIVE shows, why do they start at 9 instead of 8 and is the whole show LIVE or just the last 10 minutes?

    1. It’s on at 9pm eastern live 6pm pacific time. This is done do to uncontrollable lighting know as the sun. If you’ve noticed in past seasons sometimes the live HOH was hardly bearable because of it. Now, through proper blocking and adding a screen that can be retracted they have minimized that pesky ‘ol fireball in the sky.

      Ps, Dani is so hot when she puts on reading glasses. Rrrrrawr!

  2. Believe the whole show is live….

    On another note, not a Jordon hater nor lover, but did anyone see her face when she was playing “Simon Says” last night? OMG I was dying, she looked like a 4 year old she was so enraptured with the game….flashback on it if you can, it’s hilarious!

    1. I was watching BBAD last week and she was sitting by the hot tub eating corn and I’ve never seen her concentrate so much.

  3. My eviction fantasy, it is a tie and BB says they both must go.
    Then Rachel wins HOH just to keep the week exciting.

  4. Brendan gets evicted and Rachel wins HOH. The Big Brother twist is that HoH gets to nominate 3 people for eviction and two get to go home. That would be quite the twist.

  5. The show is live but they show snippets of what happened during the week, but yes it’s live. Ask the network about the times I have no clue, probably because of other tv shows.

  6. I imagine they start at 9 because where they are it’s 6, and if it were to start at 8 for us it would be 5 there which is a little early. The house guests are sitting at the couches for the whole hour, and we see the votes, discussion, and HOH live, but at the start of the show we see flash backs from after the veto ceremony to the live show.

  7. I disagreed! Probably Jeff will win HOH and put Porsche and Kaila on the block and backdoor Dani.

  8. Okay, I am tried of Daniele winning. Some one else needs to win. The Jig(Gig) is up Daniele. Smiles. By Brendon aka Zombie. Striaght Shooter wins hands down on Striaght Shooting SH!t.

  9. Is there definatley a twist told tonight?? I predict shelly or Jeff win hoh!!! Get Porsche and kalia out!!!

    1. I can not stand Jeff he is sooooo Big headed this time and Angry like a girl as if he is God of the game.. Please first of all your girlfriend has won nothing!!!!!!!!!! HOH was given to her. Weakness is her game and acting like a girl is Jeff… cry me a river……

    2. That’s okay JJ and his stupid follows better be scared because you know my girl Dani is going to win to stay in the game…… Because weak jordan and rachel and adam (and jj talk about all the time he is stupid blind and crazy) and lieing shelly can not win if we paid them… Ha!!!!!!

  10. Well I was hoping Porsche! But Eh whatcha gonna do lol.
    Dani, hope you’re ready to play hard in that veto!! It’s the only way you’re staying 🙁

  11. Jeff winning is a blessing and a curse for him. He’s safe this week but with the double eviction he has to rely on his alliance and might be backdoored.

  12. Jeff won. So he will put dani and kalia up. Dani can play pov automatically so it’s smart to just put her on the block so if she does win she can’t take kalia off. Porsche will go up and kalia will be voted out. Since it’s double eviction I think dani or Rachel will win hoh. Jordan and jeff will go up. Jeff wins veto and shelly goes up. Jordan will leave during the double eviction. So my prediction is after next week our final 6 will be drpsaj.

  13. Jeff wins – shit! Small consolation is that the bitch (R) didn’t win. Dani had better win PoV this week cause ya know she’s going up. If the stars aline however, R will get the boot and, she and B can soil the sheets in the jury house.

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