Big Brother 13: Shelly’s game is getting figured out and Jordan thinks Adam might Flip

7:43pm Backyard Lawon and Dani (Essentially Dani lights the fire under Lawon’s a$$ tell him if he gets evicted he’s going home so he better pick it up)

Dani is saying she can’t understand why they were going to vote Rachel out less than 1/2 way through the week and now we’re keeping her. Dani says her gut is telling her that they need to get rid of rachel. Dani explains that every time she’s listen to her gut she’s been right.
Lawon: “This is my gut.. i’m telling you i’m nervous”
DAni: “Shelly is really sketch shot about you”.. She tells him this is because lawon was going around telling people he was putting up Kalia and Lawon. Dani tells him this twist has her nervous, at first they thought if Lawon left he would come back but now there not sure. they don’t want to run the risk anymore they want to make sure they evict Rachel.
Dani tells him he needs to start campaigning starting tonight he needs to tell everyone that he’s not a threat at all and Rachel is a huge threat Threat. She recommends he tells people about the competitions she has won and the fact that she’s telling everyone she’ll target floaters. Dani makes sure he understands that Adam and Shelly need to know Rachel is going after floaters. She wants him to not be too abrasive, he’s need to start smoothing things over. Dani adds that Shelly and Adam are super close so he needs to keep the story straight. She warns him that whatever you tell shelly goes to JJR at some point. She says he has to stop running around telling people he’s going to put up Danielle and Kalia.

Lawon says that Shelly is spreading sh!t to everyone, “She gets all up in your face acting like she has no idea whats going on” Dani: “She does that to get information” Lawon: “I know and even POrsche said that”.. Lawon continues that Porsche told him a bit ago that she noticed Shelly doing that to her and other people. They both agree Shelly is “talking” with everyone (She’s this years Big Brother Ronnie )

7:58pm Backyard rachel joins them Chit chat…

8:10pm Jeff and Jordan They’re talking about the twist. Jordan brings up that the other side is saying that it might be one of the 4 evicted houseguests that compete. Jordan: “Think it could be Dom” Jeff: “Wishful thinking on their part”.. .. Jordan: “When we get out I want to go somewhere there is music.. Somewhere loud”
(I’m seriously starting to think these 2 are not a couple anymore… can’t say for sure though)

Backyard couch Lawon, Adam, Dani and rachel chit chatting about PT trying to hid the fact he was a model.

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8:20pm Have nots JJ These two love birds getting close look out.
Jordan: “I can’t wait until Porsche goes on slop”.. Jordan is looking forward to the next slop comp she’s going to put Dani and POrsche on slop.
Jeff: “I can’t wait until Porsche goes on slop i’m going to make the best food and eat it in front of her”
Jordan: “Porsche is really bitchy and dani walks around and doesn’t think she has to do anything”
Jeff: “Dani’s got a big head … she’s the star”
Jordan: “If I get HOH i’m putting up Kalia and Dani”
Jeff says he was going to put up Kalia and Porsche but he’ll wait until he gets the HOH and feel them out. Jordan is mad because when she walks in the room they are all quiet. Jeff tells her not to worry when they get HOH it’ll be the other way around. They start talking about Kalia beign ich and not needing the money. Jeff says that Kalia told him she goes to spin class 3 times a week at noon,”uhh when do you work” (I go to Pilates on my lunch break it’s not unusually) Jordan tells Jeff Kalia writes. Jordan goes on a mini rant about Kalia have a credit card that her mom pays for her and she goes and buys cloths with it.

Jeff and Jordan are getting nervous about Adam.. Jeff says that he’s heard porsche is voting for Rachel to stay. Jordan isn’t sure she heard from rachel that Prosche was thinkign about giving her a pity vote.

Jordan says rachel is onto Shelly and Adam she was in here earlier today freaking out about them.. Jeff doesn’t care about Rachel, he adds that Brendon was the one that told her not to trust adam and Shelly and he gone.
Jeff: “Right now I trust them (SA) and if their lying there putting on a good show .. and I got got yo”
Jordan is a bit nervous that Adam is going to flip. Jeff say “me to after what shelly said” … feeds cut.

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149 thoughts to “Big Brother 13: Shelly’s game is getting figured out and Jordan thinks Adam might Flip”

    1. Brendon is coming back 100%. No questions asked. HOH, will be geared towards BR, Rachel wins… Rachel nominates Adam and Dani. Dani win POV, convinces Rachel to finally put up Jeff. Jeff goes home, by a vote of 4-3. No more twists and turns.


  1. OOOOOHHH, lawon,pinto and dani are figuring Shelly out LOL, Shelly better be nervous hahha, these 3 are mental midgets and are stumbling ass backwards through this game so no big deal either way. Shelly can out smart all three when she is asleep…

  2. Hey Simon, With you being a BB expert..what is your gut telling you about tomorrow..the eviction and who is coming back?..

    1. As of 5 minutes ago
      I’m pretty sure Lawon is getting evicted and from what I’ve heard about the shows edits CBS is picking Brendon to compete against Lawon.. in which case brendon is coming back into the house. dani or Brendon will win the next HOH, I’m also predicting a JJ / BR split mid next week depending on who wins the HOH.

      1. If Brendon comes back then the show is ruined for me. Who wants to watch Rachel’s reaction to his return and the effect it will have on the rest of the house. BRJJ will run the house till the end without any competition.

        It would make so much more sense for the “game” if dom came back. This way the sides were more even. With JJRSA against DDKP. That’s something I would want to watch.

        If Brendon comes back it will be painful to hear Rachel’s voice. Tonights show was bad enough with all of hear crying along with Kalia’s, so this season will be a disaster if he comes back.

        1. JJBR split is more interesting to watch than dom coming in the house..rachel and brendon cause the drama

          Dani and Dom just sit in bed and talk all day..BORRINGGGGG.

          On a side note, Kalia please go home.

        2. I think the same thing- if Brendon comes back I’m checking out for the rest of the season. If CBS wanted this to be a couple’s showdown- CBS should have made thisseason “past showmance all-stars.” This is getting ridiculous. I have watched BB from the very beginning and this is by far the worst season ever. I was a fan of JJ’s on their season but that has gone out the window. I’m not a huge fan of anyone in this house…maybe Adam because although it doesn’t win anything he’s about the only one not whining and crying over something. The rest are just entitled whine boxes.

        3. I 100% agree with you! I hope Dom comes back and if he does I will be rootin for him til the end. He played a better game when he was in the house compared to all the immature floaters that are in the house now. Rachel (She should have left week one, ughhh can’t stand her), Porsche, and Danielle NEED to goooo asap!!

        4. Personally I think evicting Rachel and bringing Cassi back would be the most interesting. Then you have JJS vs. DKL and who knows where CA will fall. I don’t really care to see any drama in the house, I just like the strategy portion of the game.

          Don’t want to see brenchel back in the game. Can’t stand them together on the show. At the same time, I’m one of the few Anti-Dani’s on here. I never had a problem with her until she started to act like she ran the house.

      2. LOL you call yourself a BB expert? I bet you anything Lawon gets evicted than dominic comes back. CBS is obviously going to go with what the majority of america wants and the majority of them want Dom so he’s comming back. Why would they ever bring brendon back when no ones likes him.

        1. CBS is going to go with the majority? Well The majority might be Brendon because who doesn’t love a bit of drama? I would love to see him walk back in and see Dani’s face. I’d rather see Cassi come back in the house than Dom…

  3. Ive been wondering about Jeff and Jordon too … they don’t even so much as hug! No casual touches, or special smiles even … I understand not going overboard with the PDA like BR do, but JJ act like brother and sister ;p Wouldn’t be surprised if they are just pretending to keep their moment in the spotlight going a bit longer.

    1. I don’t think Jordan is smart enough to keep up such a ruse. Jeff has left the bldg and she just hasn’t figured it out yet.It’s definitely a sibling type of love.

      1. They definitely do not seem like a couple. But in Jordan’s defense- she doesn’t seem to be that in to Jeff like before. Yes, she still acts like his little puppy in the game….doing that, “yeah, what he said.” But I don’t see the attraction there anymore.

    2. You never see them kiss, hug, or even flirt. She said the other day to Jeff “your my BFF” (Best Friend Forever) I think they are just friends. Acting like a couple in the house. They don’t even live in the same state. Long distance relation for 2 years. Ummm, I find that hard to believe. Even my Hubby asked me the other day, or you sure they are a couple? IDK!!!

        1. Jordan is a Southern girl who said she does not want to do anything to embarrass her Mother or Grandparents. She also said after the show she and Jeff have to make a decision about who is going to move, they need to be together more.

    3. Are you people blind or don’t have the show time after hours they are still acouple just not like B&R and those two are sick makes most of us want to lose or lunch

    4. What show are you watching? I’ve seen them kiss, hug, rub each others arms, legs, stomach, backs and give each other loving looks and smiles just about every night on BBAD.

      Just because they are not all over each other like Brechel does not mean they are not a couple. Jeff and Jordan both talked during the first BBAD week that they weren’t going to be showing a lot of PDA as it would just paint a larger target on their backs and let Brenchel take the heat. Jeff also said that if they were to cuddle too much that it would be hard on him to stop, Jordan agreed that they would keep it at a minimum (not exactly her words but you got the point).

      Long distance relationships do work for some and you also have to consider what they have done together over the past 2 years: Amazing Race and Jeff doing the Around the World For Free. Jordan was also busy buying a house for her mother and other matters. They do call each other daily and see each other monthly. Don’t you recall how she was telling Shelly how excited she gets and how she tries to look as good as possible for when they get together?

      Again, just because they are not like Brenchel, who after 2 weeks in the BB House are “hooking up” and then immediately following the show move in with each other and then get engaged doesn’t mean they are not a couple. They simply have chosen not to show a lot of PDA in the BB House or on national TV.

      I don’t want to come across as a major defender of JJ, but only to point out what I have seen and believe to be the case.

    5. Jeff and Jordan are a couple!! Just because they don’t hug, kiss, or show some kind of love to one another does not mean they’re not a couple. They are trying to play a game verses be all over each other like Brendan and Rachel were. LMAO, you people make me laugh!!

    Get off the stupid streak and please evict Rachel. I almost don’t care what happens for the rest of the season if she gets evicted and Brendon doesn’t come back in. I’ll be a happy camper once they’re both off my TV screen.
    Then they can spend the rest of the summer together…getting professional help. ‘Cause lets face it – they need it.

    Dani…drop Kalia. She’s horrible at this.
    Lawon…you were def portrayed as an IDIOT on tonight’s POV episode on CBS. Looked like a damn fool
    Kalia – u need a permanent dunce cap. Who cares who likes you and who doesn’t like u?! Stop kissing ass

    And LASTLY, CBS and the edits production makes is very upsetting. They COMPLETELY cut out Shelly’s role in the manipulation of Kalia. That might have just cost Shelly an ‘America’s Player’ title. ‘Cause let’s face it, as much of a rat she is, that was some great game play.

  5. Finally D is not pulling any punches and telling L to get his shit together as otherwise, he’s going home and they’ll (& we’ll) be stuck with R for at least another week. Why the hell did she have to leave it to the 11th hour! Come on Dani, work your magic!

    1. It’s falling on deaf ears. Lawon doesn’t have what it takes to master this game. It’s black and white photo time for him.

      1. Sad but true. Although, truth be told, I’d be fine if Lawon got the boot (he’s just taking up space) but….. only after R got her sorry ass booted out of the house.

  6. As if people really do the whole “first” thing anymore lol I still can’t wrap my head around everyone not calling Shelly out, like they did Ronnie, I can see her winning this whole game if people keep letting her get away with this stuff. I watched tonights show and I’m so pissed they didnt show her mastermind plan of convincing Kalia to keep Rachel, thank God for Simon and Dawg cause then I wouldn’t really know the real deal, the editing on CBS is such a shit show

  7. Can Thursday hurry up already? I’m ready for the action! First? Does that mean I’m third? Not to exclude Simon! Thanks again Simon and Dawg! Best site EVER!!!

  8. Wow, maybe it does take ‘rocket science’ to figure out this game. Why did it take them so long to catch on to Shelly?

    It’s all phony talk though. We all know Rachel is staying. The big unknown is who is coming back but my money continues to be on the resurrection of Brendon. I can see it now, him walking back in the house and ‘Love Life Us Up Where We Belong’ playing in the background..yuck!

    1. Bro, you mean “Live LIFTS Us Up Where We Belong”. Hell, if B comes back then I’m blaming it on the Americans! We Canadians have far too much sense to vote his sorry as back in the house! 😉

  9. What? Kalia is rich and doesn’t need the money! If I recall correctly somebody in the house previously won half a million dollars and I guarantee you that it wasn’t Kalia.

    1. LOL no doubt eh.. Jordan talking about how rich other people are and she’s won 500K.. I bet Shelly is the richest of the bunch by a good amount.

    2. Jordan’s¸been very cranky lately. Not defending her: just stating the obvious. I also think Jeff’s rubbing off on her.

      1. Well I know Jordan has been cranky because of being on slop for 2 weeks. she barely eats when she’s on it, and she’s even admitted that not eating, not getting good sleep, and cold showers has put her in a bad mood. also, even though jordan won 500,000 – she did buy her mother a house. so you have to give her credit for that. plus she still works at the same job as before, and she put whatever money was left back into the bank. which deserves mad props compared to some of the past BB winners winding up in jail because of drug trafficking and not paying taxes.

        also, if jordan and jeff are no longer a couple like some people are thinking, that breaks my heart 🙁 i love them both.

        1. I have no problem with Jordan being rich. I have a problem with her hypocrasy. If being rich excludes someone from winning BB then Jordan shouldn’t be playing this game. In other words, practice what you preach or shut up.

          1. Yes, BBKing, that is it. When you have been fortunate to have money, regardless of how you got it or spent it, you shouldn’t be talking down someone else who has a credit card that their mother helps them with. That should not exclude them from winning. If it does, Jordon should not be able to have another chance at another half a million. Jordon lost a little more sweetness with that comment. I am sorry JJ fans.

        1. There ya go! Exactly. That’s what I was thinking. With slop and dealing with Rachel –you gotta give her props for that. And for all of you talking about how Jordan is a hypocrite. Try and let it go. Its her frustration seeping out. Jordan probably doesn’t really know what she’s saying. We’ve all done it. Say something that we don’t mean or say something without thinking it through. Don’t be too hard on her. Obviously, all of them need the money –not matter how much money they already have –given the economy uh yeah, money is a factor in all of their game. At least she’s not manic and going crazy like Rachel. And for the record, I feel sorry for Rachel. And I feel even sorry for Jordan to be the person that is trying to control her.

  10. How is CBS not portraying shelly for the snake she is? They haven’t mentioned how it was her plan or anything on tonights show. The shit??

  11. I think the only chance to have this week saved is..

    Vote to Evict Boy George:

    Vote to Evict Lawonda:

    Kowlia the Hut breaks the tie by sending Boy George home, Boy George is devestated, goes to compete against person, loses, and goes home, not even Jury.

    Here’s to hoping isn’t Brendon.. Cassi/Dominic preferred 🙂

  12. yeah i’m not fully sure what their relationship is yet. In the beginning I was convinced they were together but now i’m just a bit unsure

  13. I am HOPING that Adam flips and Rachel is evicted. DP are definitely voting to evict Rachel, JJS to evict Lawon. It’s going to be up to Adam. Part of me feels like he truly doesn’t want a veteran to win like he claims and since he claims he knows Lawon isn’t a threat, he will end up evicting Rachel. Best scenario Rachel goes and Dom comes back. Cassi will just team back with Shelly who will convince her to go with JJ and Brendon – God forbid he returns. :S I really am doubting that the evicted houseguest will come back. Think about it – why the hell would CBS go through all that trouble and in the end the evicted houseguest is the same person? Can’t be that easy like the house guests thinks. I really think that one of the four will end up beating Rachel or Lawon and come back.

  14. People PLEADING for Rachel and Brendan (not having him come back) to be gone from the game, what is your dream scenario?

    Dani, Kalia, Porshe talking about nothing all day…sleeping… and Jeff playing pool with Adam with a heavy dusting of Shelly chain smoking?

    Riveting. Dramatic. Cannot wait.

    1. Oh please. It’s not like Brendon stirs up the house like Evil Dick does … he just lays in the hammock with Rachel and cries with her about how much he loves her. I’d rather have Kalia and Porche being lazy asses and playing Chess than Bren-dumb coming back.

  15. JJ are so annoying!!!!! They are going to end up turning into the Rob Mariano BB version. Amazing Race … Big Brother again. My prediction – this will not be the last BB we will see them on. I like Rob a lot more than JJ though…but seriously – get a job!! I really don’t want a veteran to win … it’s unfair. Had this been an all star season everything would be different … but they already had their chance to play! And besides that, Jeff already won $60,000 and Jordan $500,000. Can’t wait until both go home! Jeff is annoying as hell.

  16. Agree, Jeff is hilarious. Lawon in the DR too, shame he’s such a creepy dishrag outside it.

    Can’t stand Danielle and her ratty smirk-face

  17. I watch the live feeds at least 10 hours of the day. Plus flashbacks. Beleive me, JJ are still couple. Just last week Jeff grabbed Jordans boob, and they kissed tonight. There a couple.

    Im all for Brendon coming back. No matter if its the real voted of CBS’s descion. Brendon is the best player not in the house, so as a fan of the game I think he should come back.

    As for Simon, if BR/JJ do split, I think your way off. Rachel and Brendon hate Dani and JJ hate Kalia. Plus if Shelly gets called out next week, its gonna make JJ/BR stronger cuz JJ will drift away from the new enemy (Shelly). Next week, Shelly’s straight shooting days are up. So well see who wins HOH. Since its not an endurance (Wednesday night still outside) Im thinking Jeff or Rachel for HOH.

  18. I Like Jeff, I agree he is hilarious. I always find my self laughing at stuff he said. I would not mind seeing Jeff, Jordan and Adam in the top three.

  19. I liked Dom but the thought of him and Dani just laying around all day talking about meaningless crap is enough to make me sick. I want the drama and the excitement.

    Cassi, may provide that.

    Brendan would provide that in spades.

    To be honest Keith coming back in the game (not happening) would be a fairly intriguing wrinkle in the game. Dom coming back just injects nothing of real excitement into the game.

    1. i so agree. i know dick was on a campaign to bring back dom to give dani the numbers – but now even he agrees that bringing dom back into the house may not be the best move and he doesn’t want to see dani and dom “grab ass” 24/7.

      i really hope that either cassi or brendon come back.
      1) because i can’t stand the high horse that dani is on and the attitude she gives everyone and how she feels the need to control every move of whoever is HOH – and when they don’t agree with her, she whines and back talks them. i also don’t like how arrogant she is being.
      2) dom, like you said, will not bring much drama at all. him and dani just stayed up until 5am talking game and talking whatever…and that gets reaaally old. he didn’t provide much entertainment.
      3) even though cassie wasn’t incredibly entertaining, she did have that one fight with rachel. and if she comes back, there will at least be some rachel vs cassie tension…and there will possibly be a split in the JJR alliance. which will counterbalance not bringing dom back for the “even numbers” viewers think CBS wants.
      4) if brendon comes back, even better drama. because dani will be pouting the entire time…”floaters grab a lifevest!” phrases will be all over the house…and crazy rachel will be back in action. and then again…there is chance for BR/JJ drama.

      so really. i will be happy with cassie or brendon coming in the house. but if dom comes back i may need to stop watching because i will not be able to stand Dani and Kalia and their power trip for another week or so.

      i also hope poor jordan does not get back on slop for a third week. that girl was in SUCH a better mood tonight and her and jeff have been SOO playful after they had their “half way party” and the have nots were able to eat some pizza and REAL food. it’s refreshing to see them act more like themselves

      1. According to Dani she is a better player than her father and he realy din’t when shit( ungrateful brat) so full of her self or is that s–t I smell whe she is on screen

  20. I don’t know what you guys are seeing but I think JJ are still going strong and I can’t see Jordan agreeing to fake their relationship also Team Dani can suck it yo! Their ship is sinking fast.

  21. I doubt they will continue as a couple (interesting to find out if they have dated anyone else lately)
    Rachel needs to go.

  22. Crossing my fingers for Adams flip…. I will shoot myself in the face before watching another few weeks of Brenchal!
    And I’m sorry but a JJ BR face-off sounds extremely boring to me

  23. Finally Dani is making sense. Did she stop talking to Kalia? or did Shelly continue to spread the lies? I hope dominic comes back and they evict super floater Jordan and bully Jeff please!

  24. Lawon has got to be the dumbest player in BB history! Evict me???? Really??? Wow. I actually laughed out loud. I love JJ! Jeff is so friggin hilarious. his one liners are awesome. I do agree that they are not as “snuggly” as they were the last time we saw them but that was what? 2 years ago? the last time they were in the house they were just getting to know each other and they were all flirty. You can tell they are a couple and are very confident and comfortable with each other, they dont have to be all over each other like B&R. and btw if I was in the house with Rachel I think I would have scaled the walls by now just to get away from her annoying voice and her whining is driving me crazy! Get her out of there!!

  25. Adam don’t have the balls to flip…. Its a little to late to discover Shelly… The damage is done Lawon is going home…

  26. For BB14, I’d like to see the house split into two groups: one group led by Evel Dick and the other group led by Survivor’s Boston Rob.

    1. NO WAY!

      Let the Vets go on an All-Star BB and show what they’ve got.
      Dick would do very well, but Jeff ……….. expect an early exit.

      1. Lol… I was only half-serious, but an all stars BB would be awesome! I’d like to see Evel Dick return to the game. And you’re so right about Jeff. I don’t know why he keeps going on about himself. He’s competed in every HOH and POV this season and has only won once.

        Julie Chen had Dr Will and Boogey on her show (The Talk) right before BB started. She asked them if they’d be interested in returning to BB and they both said no. Maybe Dr Will will change his mind and comeback for an all stars.

  27. Brendon can’t come back! If he does, I hope Rachel is evicted. Brendon will give up the competition, and we’ll be back to square one. Dani needs to win HoH,send Rachel/Jeff home for good.

  28. I still think it is funny how Rachel was all up in Dani’s business. Dani flipping out priceless but it is something she would laugh about if Dick was doing it to another hg.

  29. Has anyone seen THE L WORD (the lesbian tv show)?

    You know Shane?

    She walks and talks just like Shelly…


    1. NO WAY! 🙂 I am a straight female- but Shane was such a cool sexy character. Yes, Kate Moennig & Shelly are both androgynous, but the comparisons end there for me.

    2. only Shane from L word is gorgeous and young shell HE is an over the hill lesbo LOL or should we call Shelly Lee? the lesbo’s love to change names to male names 🙂

  30. As much as I love this website, I need to stop visiting it… for good. It ruins the episodes for me. I already know exactly what happens during the whole episode so it’s pointless and not as enjoyable 🙁 *sigh*

    1. Depends on your time zone. The East coast aires first and people are posting from there on here while it is on. Don’t get on before it aires in your time zone and it won’t spoil the show for you. The site will be here after you have watched and you can post your comments about the show then.

    2. that’s why they are called “spoilers” don’t read anything till after you’ve viewed the show then 🙂

  31. sooooooSimon. Being that Brendon will most likely be coming back, why? I do not know. Is BB fixed? And what is the point of voting if they are going to choose who they want. Brendon and Rachel together is annoying it takes the fun out of bb. I think PT coming back if Racheal stays will be more juicy then the bold and the brenchal saga!!!! I am sooo irritated!!! UGHHHHHHGHHHH

    1. That’s what I say too. Why ask America to vote, if they are going to do what they want to do anyways? Doesn’t seem right to me. What fun would it be going in the BB house, if production could screw you over if they think you’re not good for ratings? Ya know what I mean?
      I’m still team Dani all the way, and hope anybody but Brendon returns. Perhaps Dom or Cassi.
      If Brendon does return then I also think it won’t be long before JJ and BR split.
      Agreeing/hoping that Shelly is on her last leg, and that the snake is beheaded.
      I think Kalia will deserve to leave, if she’s put up next week. She had it all in the palm of her hand, but made some foolish moves. On the other hand, we still don’t know who could be returning, out of the evicted houseguests.

  32. Hey Simon. 🙂 Just wondering why you are starting to think J&J might not be a couple anymore? Watching the feeds I know you are seeing things I wouldn’t be (based on the TV show alone.) From the show, it looks like they still are (Jeff calling Jordan “Love” and Jordan saying “Congrats Lover”, for example. Anyway, just curious. 🙂

    Also, Kalia is a dumb ass. So, so dumb. Thanks for all the hard work from you and Dawg, and kudos for the excellent job you both do! 😀

  33. Pleeeeeeeease tell me this isn’t a repeat of BB11 where we have to watch them “studying” every night on BBAD for 3 hours. Uggggggh. Shut up Rachel.

  34. I think people should vote for Dominic back in. He made one bad move but he actually thought things out. And strategized and is athletic too. I hope people aren’t splitting the vote between him and Cassi. If this goes on Brendon is gonna come back. Like I mean if Cassi comes back she’s not really good at comps and will get voted back out. Either because of that or she’s so sweet that she’s gonna listen to whatever lies Shelly tells her again. But I guess the only point of having Cassi back is if Rachel is there just because her presence rattles Rachel which makes it entertaining.

  35. shelHE shelHE when ya gonna shut that shit hole in the middle of your face? HUH? we have had enough of you. you run that fly trap non stop and almost get as much air time as the vets. (except on CBS) poor wannabe jeff. (don’t you wish your GF looked just like jord:)

  36. if you keep watching the live feeds you often see jeff give jordan these sweet smiles…and though you dont see alot of heavy pda, you do see them with their legs on each other or them rubbing each others backs. Jeff makes comments about them “doing it”, which jordan will giggle and say no. Jordan really stressed that she did not like the way rachel and brendon were last year and this year so she said a comment that they were not going to display alot of affection…she even said she worried that people were going to think that everything wasn’t ok between them. this is just my point of view 🙂

    1. Thank you , you wonderful person you for clearing that up! lol I was beginning to worry about when i saw about ppl not sure if they are a couple anymore. But you can so tell they are. The way Jeff looks at Jordan and vise versa its so very clear alll the love they have for one another. Jeff always calls her “love” and she calls him “lover” thats not sibling names you call ur bro or sis. They’re still together u can tel Its still there and as for not living together and doing the long distance relationship, thay had previously stated about being so busy with BB11 they did then Amazing Race and then Jeff did his around the world thing and Jordan finished school and all that, why move in together and all that when they are so busy with all that stuff and having to do press for BB13 Im sure after the show they will figure it out and decide were to move and next CBS will be airing their Wedding lol

  37. What needs to happen is that Rachel is sent home. Why are the people this season so dumb? Why would you not want to get rid of your biggest competition in the house? Everyone besides Dani acts like they are petrified to hurt JJR’s feelings, so retarded!! If they don’t bring back Dom, Cassi, or Keith and Lawon goes home, I will be extremely mad and probably won’t watch the show anymore. This season sucks!!

  38. maybe some of the comps but in the final three Jordan did it all by herself…and everyone’s favorite Dr. Will did win hoh or veto’s the year he won…

  39. i dont know what to do i dont know what to do.. wait i know get off your fat ass and do something. stop blame it on your skin clolor and get up and do something simon this is what you want on bb just wait and see if dom comes in. d and k + dom = boring

  40. Oh Shit Dani REALLY does look like Planet of the Apes!! And She annoys the shit out of me with her bullshit whispering & mouthing words & shit.

  41. Sorry, just cannot stand Dani. Will be happy to see her face when Brendon comes back and especially when one of the vets wins HOH. Will be very happy to see Dani go HOME.

  42. Jordan just told Rachel she has PERFECT SKIN!!!!!!!! This is the Twilight Zone!! I can’t believe these people.

  43. who’s to say that jeff & jordan r still a couple this season brought back famous duos not famous couples so they might just be friends who knows & who cares

  44. Right about now I could give a damn who gets evicted and comes back. I’ll just wait till tomorrow when it happens. I thought Dom would have a chance but CBS is editing the show on favor of the vet alliance. And DK idiotic game choices don’t help either.

    Also, it will be great day on the feeds when people finally start calling Shelly out. That argument is going to be awesome I can see it now.

  45. OMFG did you catch that colossal lie that jordan just told rachel? She said that rachel had perfect skin. I literally LMFAO @ that shit.

    1. Yeah, I think Jordan is full of it anyway. She comes off harmless and ditzy enough that you think it’s endearing. But actually, I don’t think she cares about anybody ,but herself and what she thinks she is entitled to in there. I also thought she was really full of it when she told Brendon in his goodbye message that she and Jeff were going to get them a nice wedding gift since Jeff won $10,000. LOL. Yeah, right as if they are going to be friends with Brendon and Rachel when the show wraps. That was super phony.

  46. this is my hoh for real this is my hoh what dont you people think it my hoh. wait i have to see what dani want me to do. but its my hoh i swear right dani its mines

  47. Pleeeez, DO NOT pull the race card. Jeff and Jordan are not racist, just the two blacks that happen to be in the house are dumb as a bag of rocks and they (the blacks) are not the dumbest in the house by far.

  48. No, I am pretty sure jj are still a couple just because they are not all over each other like brendan and rachel doesn’t mean they are not together. When jj were on there season they were the same way it just seems to be how they act on camera. I just think they are more private but if you compare how they acted before they seem the same, they have said they are still together and I haven’t seen them act out of character to prove anything different they really aren’t they typical showmance type like BR. Also i think if they weren’t together we would see some kind of difference in them

  49. Who ever think Brendon is commming back is crazy. No one in america likes him, Cbs know that people won’t like it if he comes back. Dom’s comming back, DDK will make a stand to the end and one of them will win. end of story~

    1. Look at the poll on this site, Brenda is the only one with over 16000 votes. I think ur wrong and i didnt vote for him

    2. That’s not true. Some people like him I voted for him and their are quite a lot of people voting for him anyone who is fan of br/jejo will vote for him. If you look at some of the sites and see how the votes are falling it is going to be close so it is not fair to say no one likes him

  50. I am not sure why everyone thinks there are not together but jeff has said a number of times he has done this season so he can spend the summer with jordan and make some money as they go. I just think that jj are not as needy as BR but for those interested Jeff did an interview in July and one of the questions was about jordon.

    How are you and Jordan doing?
    We’ve had our bumps but no break-ups and everything is going great. We only get to see each other every two weeks or so. We have to travel back and forth but we vacation together and do a lot of fun things together. Lately I’ve been busy with the show and she’s been busy with school, but having to work with a long-distance relationship really worked out for us because when we finally get a break from what we’re doing we’re so excited to see each other. So far, so good.

  51. matt and snaky

    u guys dont have to wait for brendon to come to stop watching , u guys are like little kids little fat chubby kids if i dont get what i wantt i will stop stop the bullshit please the same shit different day .

    if dominic comes back i wont stop watching u people would have never made it in the bb house seriously

    the show is about high and lows people…… the people u are rotting for wont be in power everyday or every week grow up shit.

    i really believe brendon touch alot of people when he sacrafice himself for his girlfriend i wont be suprise if he returns ……….

    if your going to stop watching bb if brendon returns like nike says just do it

  52. rachell Needs to stay, Brendon come back with guns blazing,, PPL admit it They make the show without them trust me it would be BORING!!!!

    1. How is watching Brenden keeping Rachel from crying entertaining? It is the most annoying crap ever. I hope they get hit by a bus.

  53. y would cbs ask 4 america’s vote of who they want 2 come back if they r just going 2 bring back whoever they want

  54. I hope JJ are still a couple. We don’t need another Brenchel. I don’t watch BB for showmances but I sure thought Hayden and Kristen were the best couple last season. …too bad how that turned out.

  55. I know it’s too late now, but what Kalia should have said at the nomination ceremony was..”The Veterans have always said and wanted to get the “newbies” out first. That is still their goal. When Dani “friended” Dominic, they immediately were targets. Dominic went home. Dani is on our side, we “newbies can take control of votes, if we vote out Jeff or Rachel now”

    Then she should have put up Jordan as the replacement nominee for Jeff. Rachel would have gone home. At least one of them would be gone. Even if Brendan or Rachel come back..(the twist), it’s still one veteran less. It would be great if Dominic comes back and not Rachel or Brendan (if Rachel is voted out).

    Newbies could have turned this but they blew it.

    Anything can happen now. Their best bet would be now, if Dani wins HOH again.

    Can’t wait til tonight’s show.

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