Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 27th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 25th. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

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Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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27 thoughts to “Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 27th, 2011 Updated LIVE!”

  1. i have watched big brother from the very 1st one. this has been the absolute worst. i caught on to shelly early on and she is one of the biggest liars i have seen yet. she is the poorest example of a mother i have ever seen. i don’t believe she has an executive position, i think she probable works at a convenient store. i hope to God she does not win a dime. i would say she needs to be reported to ss as she is allowing her 8 year old daughter watch her wake up lying and goes to bed lying, the child says on tv, momma don’t lie anymore. she drinks beer more than any one else. just trailer trash. kalia looks like a baboon the way her lower lip hangs down and porsha looks like a poster child for std’s. she just looks and acts vile. adam tried but is all hot air.

    1. stop watching if you feel that way….and stop throwing insults on people you do not know personely….its a game…grow up

    2. Wow, who died and made you judge of everyone. What mean and vile things to say about anyone. JJ and R have lied continuously and they ended up losing because they are poor players in the end. The newbies took out the vets.. whoo hoo! That is the underdog winning. Jordan doesnt need the money and Rachel will trash herself out to any reality event and make money. I am glad their alliance died.

    3. I liked shelleys game move, but like dani she did it too early. She basically had a final 3 with jj. Now i agree with her that she was odd man out and that jordan would take jeff and jeff would take jordan to final 2. She would not be a final 2. She was either going to be the winner or 3rd. So she had a 33 1/3% chance to win 500k and a zero percent chance to win 50k. After the flip, she has completely alienated the jury house and can never win 1st place especially if JJBR are in there. I do not see a single person that she could beat in a final 2. So she is basically playing for 2nd place. So she traded a 1 in 3 chance to win 500k for a 1 in 6 chance to win 50k. It does not make good sense. I am wondering if in that long diary room session b4 the flip, if production wrote her a check or gave her a monetary guarantee…………………

      1. I disagree, if by some miracle she makes it to the final 2, JJBR will not vote her the 500K, they would rather give it to Adam, Kalia, Porsche.

    4. well said chartman. I am totally thinking the way you are. after jeff and danielle left I have not watched the AD show. I can’t stomach the gorilla named coco (kaka) or the nasty assed $5.00 crack hoe portapotty or the macho man shelHE. i might as well just go to any zoo to watch those (actually the zoo animals are more intelligent) adam I don’t mind. at least he hasn’t really done ANYTHING ( good or bad). also, rach isn’t looking so bad compared to coco, porta and macho man 🙂

    5. if jeff would have stayed i can guarantee you that you would not be saying negative things about the other house guests at all. you are a sore looser like jeff and jordan. get over it . it’s a game

  2. Guys, can someone answer these questions about the Veto Twist?

    1. If Shelly & Adam (out of the blues) win the veto and (out of the blues) use it on Rachel and Jordan, who goes
    up? Thats impossible unless the HOH goes up… LOL

    2. Do they play in singles or as a team, in the Veto Competition?

    3. What do you think the competition will be?

    My predictions are Rachel wins veto, and Shelly goes home. >:) BYEBYE HAG ;D

    1. that’s an intresting observation, kind of makes you think this twist not thought out and made up on the fly

  3. Oh come on chartman Its just a game, u r taking this way to serious. U dont know Shelly she could be a good person. When u play a game for money u will do anything for it to a point shes not hurting anyone and as for Jordon shes taking it way to personal she should of prepared herself for when or if jeff left she was a floater too.
    Shelly is playing the game and even if shes not who she says she is thats part of the game Calm down

  4. gee so fatass dumb hoe portapotty put rach and jord on the block. why am i not surprised. if the ass wipe newbies make final 4 then at least let adam make final 2, then win. i would hate to see that carpet munching man shelHE or that lazy assed monkey kaka or that nasty stinkin ass portapotty get anything. they are by far the dumbest nasty assed players this show has ever seen.

  5. S&P final two, and when Jeff asks why he should vote for one of them they should respond ” because your dump ass is in the jury and I’m about to get a check regardless of what you do”.

    1. True, but the last thing u want to do is piss off the jury. no matter what. yea u outlasted them and outwitted them (damn BB is like survivor ahahahaha) but they do utlimately decide who gets basically 450 grand more than the other so why piss them off even more. Go in and sell urself because 450 grand is at stake. we know 50 grand is automatic but why settle for that when u can get 450more. duh

  6. Jordan and Rachel, better win the POV. Make Shelly feel more miserable. She deserve to be a replacement. I want to see Shelly have a meltdown. Jordan, you have my support. She should be nervous and panic. Shelly should realize she needs tough love and man up.

  7. so when is the pov, come on JR win this to shake up the house even more because seriously with just AKPS in it will be BORINGGGGGGGGGGG TRULY.

    1. and calling someone white trash isn’t a racist comment? you people are so sensitive if it’s so bad for you here go back to Africa 🙂 jus sayin

  8. Rachel and Jordan better not win that veto, if they dont Kalia and Porche are garenteed top two… and i cant wait to see Dani’s face when all the Vets walk in the jury house.. if it goes good best season ever!

    1. Yeah, I think that both Jordan and Rachel are nominated for eviction. If they win the game and earn the POV as a pair, then Kalia and Porsche are in doom.

      Kalia and Porsche are in charge this week. They cannot afford to make another stupid mistake besides sending Lawon home. If they do, then they are not as smart as I thought they were. If only Dani was still there, I know that she would come up with a better plan.

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