Big Brother 13 Jordan to Rachel “you can tell your baby.. you were conceived on Big Brother”

2:57pm Bedroom JR Jordan: “nominations are at 5.. right.. so I better start getting ready can’t look like shit all the time.. Rachel: “I don’t care. anymore”

3:07pm Pool Kalia and Adam Kalia is saying when she makes a deal she’s stands up for it. She says the 2 deals she’s made are with dani and JOrdan and she’s kept them right to the end. This is what she wants to. She brings up that SKAP will get together in the HOH and agree to a final 4 and shake on it. Adam says this is what he always wanted to be in a final 4. KAlia adds that she didn’t want to make a million deals in this game she wanted to make a few and stick bu them. At this point in the game Kalia feels she can say to people that her deals can be trusted. Kalia: “I genuinely believe the remaining 4 people (SKAP) here can be trusted” Porsche joins them..

(3:16pm cam 3) They start talking about how Jeff talks to Jordan. Adam mentions during the “ball” Comp Jordan was trying to help Jeff while he competed after when he didn’t win he got mad at her for talking to him during the comp. Jordan had defended herself telling him he had asked her to help him after which Jeff yelled at her to “shut up”. Kalia brings up another time when Jeff was yelling at jordan for not helping him, “No one was telling me were I was..

They talk about the looks on Rachel and Brendon’s face when they didn’t get picked for the POV.. Adam mentions how the first bit was strange but it really happened… Adam is sure the people at home think it’s rigged but it really happened.

Shelly joins them

They start talking about rachel and how her butt is “flapping out”. Kalia says that the Head of Household camera was filled with rachel pictures. Porsche mentions that Dani had to delete a few because they’re was so many that one week.. Kalia brings up the Rachel picture with a cooch shot on it and Brendon made them delete it. Kalia thinks it’s funny that the day after Brendon goes home Rachel is show her “tits” to people. POrsche: “Brendon didn’t like your crotch showing but one day after he leaves you’re showing us your 2 tits”

Kalia: “who stands front centre and does a toe touch.. with a dress one” Shelly scoffs: “Well she said she had a bikini on”

Porsche says every time Rachel sees a mirror she looks and “Sets her Butt” (she does do it a lot.. ) , “everything she does is a stripper move.. Every move she makes is a stripper move”

Kalia mentions how Rachel was always saying that Brit (BB12) was so mean to her saying she’s filled with STD’s with her ass out.. “We’ll you ass is always showing”. Adam: “it’s not STD’s this year it’s weather or not you are pregnant”. Kalia: “Rachel.. your butt is out every single chance you get.. I don’t think she realizes how short her clothes are”

3:40pm Bathroom Jordan and Rachel

Rachel says she thinks she’s pregnant. Jordan: “ohh.. well are you one anything” Rachel shakes her head. Jordan: “Umm.. Maybe sometimes when your stressed you don’t get your period.. it comes late”

Jordan: “so you did do it”
Rachel nodes and Smiles : “Yes”
Rachel smiling “Not the smartest thing I’ve ever done in my life”

Rachel says she feels nauseous in the mornings.. Jordan: “you can tell you’re baby you were conceived on Big Brother”. Rachel: “It just sucks that they…. FEEDS CUT

Jordan and Rachel agree that SKP are sucked onto Adam..

Jordan: “Jeff was like maybe we were drinking the koolaid”. Jordan explains that people were telling them so and so were after them. Jrodan wonders if only they had won that HOH then Jeff would be here and one of them (KP) would be gone.

Jordan: “So basically all we did was get rid of the strong players and these floaters float through” Rachel: “It happens every year.. the only reason I didn’t leave during double eviction is because it’s been awhile since I won anything”

Jordan is pissed about what Dani said during the eviction.. “You’re handing Jeff a paycheck..” Jordan thinks they are not well liked this season because of the reaction Jeff had when he left.

Rachel: “If JJBR had stuck together we all would be here right now” Jordan agrees says she was drinking the Koolaid along with Jeff. Jordan thinks Dani is really good at manipulating people..

4:00pm Backyard Porsche and Shelly Porsche doesn’t 100% trust Adam because he has always been with the other side. “How do we know he’ll hold to a last minute alliance when he never held true to our allaince since week 2” Shelly agrees says they still need to watch him. Porsche thinks the best case is to have Adam win HOH next week as long as he’s going to take out Jordan. If he wins next week then SPK are the only ones playing.
(They want rachel->Jordan->Adam gone)

4:20 Yo trivia .. Nomination ceremony or Jordan is getting the coup de’tat and Jeff is coming back.

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222 thoughts to “Big Brother 13 Jordan to Rachel “you can tell your baby.. you were conceived on Big Brother””

    1. Bring Brendon back in for a night, so all the Rachel fans can watch her give him head and jerk him off under the covers again

    2. I agree, I’ve hated JJ ever since they turned on Russell in BB11. They’re two faced, lying, hypocrites, who make pretend they’re so respectable! I don’t even believe they’re dating, I think they’re just good friends. America’s Sweethearts, my A$$!!!

      1. yes i do like them.. ur r stupid urself.. I’ve always hated JJ .. not a fan at all.. who the hell does JEFF

        1. the hottest man ever made!!!! That’s who jeff is!!! God tried once and made Ryan Reynolds, then he said “I can do better” and made Jeff. And he did good!!!!

      2. love it!!!!! Wonder when shelly is gonna show her haggard worn out old dick??? PKD are all dirty nasty hateful skanks!!!!

    3. OH yeah , well lets see how you would do, stuck in a house with a bunch of people you don’t know , for two months . even the nicest people have their breaking point. So the first one without sin cast the first stone.

  1. Jordan has done NOTHING, she was given an HOH by Jeff & Brendon after hitting a golf ball. She calls everyone else useless “they have done nothing” she keeps saying. She is the biggest floater for 2 seasons.

    “America gave me a half million dollars last time I road Jeff’s ass hair, why not again. Poor me, BOOO HOOO..”

    1. Simon, we both predicted Porsche would win this, right? Still feeling confident? I’m starting to think it will be Porsche vs (Adam or Shelly) in final 2, which I suppose could see Porsche losing either way depending on how the next few weeks go.

      1. Qaz that’s what I’ve always though too! I though either Dani or Porsche, and now if course Porsche. I think F2 will be Shelly Porsche, don’t care which one wins cause I actually like Shelly now

      2. I hope Porshe wins

        I dont think Adam would win… would be the wrost winner ever

        I prefer Kalia and Porshe final 2

    2. Oops, didn’t mean to comment as a reply to your comment, but yes, it’s well known Jordan did nothing in her season and only won one competition this year both by random luck and because 2 people forefeited their putts. Only viewers with bias or bad logic root for Jordan, so don’t worry about the crazies.

      1. Really? Jordan never came back on the show for herself she did it for Jeff because he reply wanted a second chance. She is not trying to win!

        1. funny thing is ** DURNG HIS EXIT INTERVIEW HE SAID HE WAS ONLY BACK IN THE HOUSE FOR …wait for it.. JORDAN **

          he’s the biggest liar… even OUT of the house he’s still lying. Jordan already won and didnt expect to win again. He went into the house for HIM.

          Notice how he just patted her on the back like everyone else when he walked out.. I mean really.. couldnt you hug your “love” a little longer? lol

    3. Jordan crushed 7 players in front of her including DOM, CASSI, SHELLY, KALIA, LAWON and PORSCHE. Hate gets you no where.

      1. Yes, Jordan was a major factor in their evictions. If she were a cardboard cutout, the results would have been the same.

      2. i have nothing against jordan but i hate those one shot competition. i don’t think they test skills just luck. i prefer they do it out of 3 or even 2 so they can readjust. i think having something like in season 8 with the croquet game (pov competition) where they had to drink x amount of drinks to get x amount of shots.

    4. I agree completely. And all the name calling coming from Jordan has made me lose all respect for her. I am glad she is going to lose.

      1. Please. She name called in the heat of the moment. Just today Rachel wanted to hide the diet coke and she said no. Dips have been talking shit about Rachel when ever they are not talking game.
        Jordan is a sweet person to the core.

    5. and the shemale and adam have done more that jordon?? before ya dump on jordon look at the cast that is left and what they have done….

        1. seriously this should have been dani’s game. Adam, vote to evict Kalia, and you are in the same spot you are in now, except the girls would trust you more.

      1. You do realize that Shelly and Adam aren’t the ones constantly complaining about others doing nothing, right?

        With a name like yours, I figure you would have known that.

        1. Shelly has played more than Jordan, comps aren’t everything. And whoopdidoo she won one comp where she hit a giant golf ball with a giant putter and it just happened to roll in to a slot with a low number. Jordan is a dimwit.

    6. Jordan was tied winning the most HOH in her season plus she also won a veto. She also played a perfect social game to boot. She clearly “deserved” winning that year.

      This year she was leading in the golf thing, so Jeff did not give her anything

      1. Ummm, Jeff and Brendon BOTH blew the game for her to win, go re-watch that episode. She’s done NOTHING this season and deserves to join her lying, two-faced “boyfriend” (if that’s what he even is) in the Jury House!!


    7. Check yourself son. Jordan scored a 3 in that golf comp. She beat EVERY newb in the game. So dont discredit her for it. Also Adam was given his veto. Shelly hasnt won anything. Kalia is good at quizzes but cant do anything with her HOH’s. Porsche is the only newb who is deserving of winning this game. Porsche is the only one that would have any shot at beating one of the vets in final 2. Adam,Kalia and Shelly can not win this game unless they are sitting next to each other in the final 2. Hope they know that.

      1. Well, this season she’s USELESS!!! She was given the ONLY HOH she won, otherwise she’s done NOTHING!! Oh, except stuff her fat face maybe. Kalia’s won TWO HOHs, who cares if they’re only quizzes??? At least she won them fair and square. Shelly may not have won anything YET, but she’s a smart player and knows what moves to make, something you can’t say about JorDUMB!!
        I hope they get rid of Jordumb first, she’s a usless, sore losing, hypocrite and she’s ALREADY won before!
        Poor Dani, I hope she’s surviving in the Jury House with Dumb and Dumber!!

    8. They should get rid of Jordan, otherwise she’ll sneak into the final 2 again, and it’ll be a repeat of season 11. The worst player to ever win it. Even past winners don’t respect her as a player. She is a useless turd and her mere presence in the house is a mockery to the game.

    9. Agree. When Jordan says to Porshe that they’ve all won the same amount, they should have called her out! She has won 1 comp and that was thrown to her. Apparently she forgot that. Also, I think it was so funny when Rachel keeps telling Jordan that only floaters when the game, not competitors…….Jordan is nodding, agreeing. Shocker!!!! Jordan is the biggest floater ever! That’s how she won her season.

      1. EXACTLY! Jordan is the queen of floaters. She won the freakin’ money last time by riding Jeff’s coat tails ALL the way. I want to throw something at the TV every time she complains about floaters and other players doing nothing. I can’t believe she has the audacity (or maybe I should say the stupidity) to let those words come out of her mouth. Not only does she ride her boyfriend’s coat tails, she gets protected by him, too. I used to like JJ a lot but not now. Apparently, everyone in the house who doesn’t kiss their butts and play Jeff’s game is a hypocrite, traitor, and all around bad person.

      1. Hope Dani ran to the jury house and told Branden he’s going be a daddy… Dani would be taken that away from Rachel , because u know she wants to be the one to tell him.

        1. Wow, that is pretty mean spirited. It is only a game. Go ahead and hate on Rachel but to wish that someone loses the joy of telling someone they are going to be a father is just plain mean. Have some compassion for people in general.

          1. The bytch is telling America, so she deserves what now??? Skank Hoe is still craving attention and I don’t understand why BB is still entertaining this skank bytch.

        2. #1 I do not believe for a minute that she is pregnant or why would she still be drinking daily wine. I know she is stupid but, come on…..Plus, if she was, it was planned, for attention only!

  2. So what ended up happening with Porsche’s HoH room? Or is it still locked?

    and just give me a minute to gather myself…

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I will love this show even more if Rachel is actually pregnant.

  3. OMFG, Rachel pregnant? HOLY HELL! Brendon and Rachel are NOT fit to breed! GOD help us allllllllllllllllllll!

    1. Lisa do you have children I hope not you are rude and should not make judgments against people that you do not know, Who do you think you are to say such horrible things !!! Show your post to your family and see how proud they are !!!

        1. I agree with you Lisa, say what you want. Hypocrits who try to impose their beliefs on you are just control freaks.

  4. are they suppose to have rachel on the show if she is pregnant? she has to leave the show , i think for the babys health. rachel cant compete in phys comps. i wonder what BBs going to do…

    1. Its not over yet production will step in and help rac and jordan watch. And shelly just through Adam under the bus, and Kalia will see that she is not going to the end rach will give her the information and they all will break up the group

    2. As long as the comps aren’t kicking each other in the gut or throwing each other down stairs, I don’t really see the problem… Women everywhere do normal, even strenuous activities, during pregnancy and all is well. Production does not have to do anything to accommodate her. If she doesn’t like it, hit the red button with gusto! She will have “put the needs of her child over money”. I really hope that Rachel is just stressing or fibbing, b/c she really needs to be more secure in herself and relationships before having children.

  5. In about twenty years we’ll see the spawn of Brenchel Vs. Straight Shooting Josie. That’ll be the second coming of BB (no pun intended, Brendon).

  6. If Rachel is pregnant, I hope, for the sake of the child’s sanity, that she doesn’t take Jordan’s advice and tell the baby he or she was conceived on Big Brother. “Years ago, Mommy and Daddy were on a show called Big Brother. There were cameras watching our every move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and despite that knowledge, we had sex on camera for the world to see and thought the viewing audience was too stupid to know what we were doing cuz we under the blankets and that’s how we got you.” The kid will need instant therapy.

    1. Then it comes on BB in 20 years, gloating about being conceived on the show, thinking that it’s an advantage.

    2. Megan dont tell lies, you did not see then having sex. None of you hateful people did. What went on under the blanket first of all it none of your problem, you dont know and stop guessing. Try to be an adult maybe that will help your brain some.

  7. If Rachel’s baby is a boy, she should have another child so that this first child will be the “Big Brother” ZZIIIIINNNNGGGG!!!

      1. Baby boy walks into the bathroom after daddy takes a shit and momma runs after the baby and say look baby NeanderTALL a “floater”

  8. Awww, Rachel is gonna have a baby! <3 Please make her win, she needs da money.. PLEASE CBS RIG IT FOR HER TO WIN!!!

  9. Ahhhh how sweet yo…………..Rachel is gonna have a little baby neandertall. God help us all.


  10. Jordon won half a million because the other contestants said she didn’t do anything and they didn’t think she could win. Sound familiar. She is a sweet honest caring decent normal person. That’s why the three wicked step sisters (kps) don’t get it.


  11. I hope Shelly realizes what a fool she has made of herself – she is the biggest liar in the house. And why doesn’t she return Rachel’s puppy???

    Everyone continues to obsess with Rachel, can’t bash her enough. I will admit that Rachel makes it easy sometimes for fodder but most of the time she is trying to be entertaining and play BB. Once RJ calm down from last night’s shock they will think of some moves. Let’s play ‘what would evel Dick do’ in this situation?

    1. I agree shelly is the worst hypocritical person . She has only taught her daughter it is ok to lie and be disloyal for money. She is evil! She forgets you need votes to win this game and she will never win!

      1. Hahahaha that is actually so funny. Think about Shelly knows Roach is going to eventually find it, becasue she’s gonna be crying!! Genious!!

        1. Porsche, Shelly, and Kalia were talking about how could she not have found it. They said the box weighs 10 pounds and has tape on one side of it.

    2. Shelly is a big liar — she said “sorry jeff, but you’re between the money and my family” — did anyone see Shelly’s sweet 7 or 8 year old daughter say “she needs to stop lying” — the child was referring to her mother, Shelly — so, her child knows she’s a bit fat liar — what a role model — honestly, none of the newbies deserve to win. i’m sick of hearing them say “this is what danielle would have wanted me to do” == WTF, is this some kind of cult of Danielle?

      1. Yeah, and add to that the numerous times she said to JJ ‘if we just make it to final three then I will say Good Game played by all and will let you guys get the $$$’

        She actually made it appear that she was there to push others forward who may need help with starting their life.

        What a nobel woman (lies, hides people’s personal belongings, talks smack about everyone and smokes like she’s the engine of a train…that’s our gal Shelly!!!

        Shelly is the opposite of what I think of when defining a successful business woman!

  12. Portia should put up J and R. The likelihood of A winning the veto is slim to none.
    If J or R win veto…then Adam goes up.

    If Adam does win veto; then yes Portia will need to put up someone from PSK, but that is the risk you take; because Adam has not won anything (Jeff let Adam win). Jordan and Rach have won something so the probability of Adam winning at this point is NOT impossible…but very very very slim.
    Then Portia should put up shelly (If J and R are noms; & if Adam wins the veto)…that’s the price shelly pays for flip flopping.

  13. It’s 106° here and along with being hot, I’m pissed! the show took an absolute turn for the worse! very disappointed…AG fix it fast

  14. I think CBS is going to try and pull it where a vet is against a newb in the final two, lets see how the veto is and if its catered to Rachel or Jordan

    1. What kind of comp is exactly catered towards Jordan?

      Jordan has to win or a Vet is going home.

    2. Maybe a quiz about Jordan’s life. But even then, Kalia or Adam would probably still beat her since she’s so bad with questions.

  15. I don’t understand how people think Porshe is dumb. Porshe stood back during the weeks when nobody paid her no mind and she studied every alliance that was created. she wasn’t even floating, she was basically hanging out not getting involved with the alliances going to war with each other. she could of easily did what Adam did and stick her head in jeff’s ass. but she instantly saw people for what they really were, self serving. when she became friends with Dani, she respected Dani because she did what the other vets didn’t do in the game, and that was take time and teach game strategy. Dani could of easily brushed off Khalia and Porshe and let them figure out how to play the game, but Dani sparked a fire of confidence to Khalia and Porshe, and even made Shelly break her ties with Jeff & Jordan. out of all the vets, Dani was the only vet to actually teach the newbies. Big Jeff never sat down with Adam and shelly to break down some game strategy. all Big Jeff wanted to do is show Adam and shelly how masterful big Jeff was in the game. same with Brendon & Rachel, they never made any attempt to teach the game to a newbie. they were too arrogant and cocky thinking it was gonna be a walk in the park for a half million.

    1. b/c when she said her shoulder hurts she pointed to her bicep…..? go porcshe if dani can’t win it then either k/p needs to win it. mostly p since she promise dani she would take her on a trip.

    2. I agree. I haven’t cared for P much for most of the season but I don’t think she’s dumb. A lot of times the best thing to do is hang back, let everyone else go after each other, and THEN get your game going.

  16. I can’t wait until finale and Rachel gets asked about getting knocked up on the show. She is going to look like an ass.

  17. Ugh, please don’t let them bring back the coup d’etat. It is so gimmicky, and almost seems like a tool for the production to help out the popular houseguests who happen to be in deep doo-doo at the time being. They already brought back Brendan, and I don’t think they’ll bring back Jeff. There is such a thing as going overboard.

      1. better put some hot sauce on it, because I think they(Jordan and Rachel) will get some power

      1. One more boring day and I’m done. Kpsa do nothing but bash r and p says she wont open Pandora’s box because she likes the house as it is-BORING!

  18. I think it was so funny when Jeff was begging Shelly at the last minute to keep him in the house…. hahaha…
    It didn’t work Jeff,,,,,say hi to Dani…..
    I have to say that I am starting to like Shelly, I didn’t think she would go against Jeff and Jordan, but she did…good for you Shelly…

  19. I’ve been reading this messages for several days. Some posts are very good, while others are devoid of any grammatical acumen. Regardless, I find these message boards more entertaining than what’s transpiring in the BB house right now.

    I’m posting to express my utter displease of the cruelty inflicted by some of the participants. Hiding personal objects and disgusting personal attackes seems to be the only thing these people are doing besides eating and sleeping.

    Methinks the producers want a large mix of sociopaths on the show to create conflict. Here is my assessment of the houseguest’s personalities:

    Dani is an insecure sociopath; she cares for no one but herself. Her failed relationship with her dad speaks volumes
    Kalia is also an insecure person that will latch onto anyone that shows interest in her. She’s also lazy and probably lived in a sheltered evironment.
    Rachel is actually a smart, driven, and competitive girl. She’s not cognizant that her behavior hurts people. If she did, she’d probably stop.
    Porche is also a bit insecure, but a immature girl. I think she’s quite misunderstood in the house.
    Adam must have pictures of someone at CBS doing things with a pig because I can’t understand shwo this guy got on the show. He’s boring, dumb, and ugly.
    Shelly was selected because she’s a vile, lying, competitive, passive aggressive female.

    Most of these people have been exploited by the producers. I’m pretty sure that Jeff, Jordon, Rachel, and Brendon were paid to be on the show. I”m also sure that Rachel was told to ‘act up’ with the emotions for ratings.

    Kalia, Adam, and Porche are very boring and the producers will have to take action to stir things up for ratings…I’d say with 100% certainty that Rachel will not be evicted this week…

    1. You don’t even know these people and you’re trying to ‘inflict cruelty’. You can’t be mad at them for doing it. Dani’s a sociopath and Rachel is smart and competitive? LOL, ok. Wonder which side you’re on?

    2. I agree – this game brings out these contestant own “psycho-drama”! Shelly obviously has “penis envy”, otherwise Adam would have been long gone! I heard Shelly has already instructed her daughter in how to “waterboard” someone into submission! To harden her “yugin” she tied her to a chair and made her watch “Bambi” – just the part when Bambi’s mother dies – and told her if she (Josie) every told anybody the truth that this would happen to her real parents

    3. To quote you: “Some posts are very good, while others are devoid of any grammatical acumen. ”
      Here is a definition of the word acumen:
      Noun: The ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain: “business acumen”.

      While I’m not sure that your use of the word acumen is even used correctly in that sentence, I believe it has been stated several times before that there are NO grammar police here; nor should there be. I’m only bringing up your post because, your possible misuse of acumen excepted, your incorrect spelling of several words throughout your post would contraindicate your implication that your post was somehow showing “grammatical acumen”.

      That being said, if you really have nothing but negative things to say about every member of the house EXCEPT Rachel (your description of her is almost GLOWING), then you must have been watching this show with blinders on. She has consistently been one of the meanest people on here, when circumstances were as she thought they should be. However, once things turned against her, she did nothing but throw herself a pity party, and get even worse.

      Make no mistake here. I am NOT saying that anyone else is any better; they aren’t. All I’m saying is that either: you are a friend/family member of Rachel’s, you have been watching the show with blinders on, or you possibly have this confused with the alternate universe version of this show “Why Can’t We All Get Along House”.

      TD4L YO!

  20. If she puts up Adam it’s the worst move in BB history, second only to Kalia putting up her own alliance member (Lawon).

    If it’s Adam vs. Rachel, worst case scenario is Jordan wins POV, yanks off Rachel and because she won POV can’t be the replacement. Porsche is forced to nom Shelly, leaving Jordan, Rachel, and Kalia as the only voters. JORDAN / RACHEL WOULD BE CHOSING WHO GOES HOME! They knock out Shelly, Adam flips back to Jordan / Rachel, and BOOM you’ve let them flip the house back on you. P can’t play in the next HOH, so it’d be 3 on 1 vs. Kalia.

    If Kalia didn’t win smart money is on Kalia / Porsche as the noms simply based on comp wins, and if P didn’t win POV she goes home next week. DUMB DUMB DUMB.

    Nominate Jordan / Rachel. Worst case scenario is Rachel wins POV, yanks herself off, you renom Adam, and Shelly / Kalia vote out Jordan, leaving Rachel all alone and in a 4 on 1 scenario.

    Please Porsche, don’t be stupid.

    1. You forgot one scenario:

      Rachel and Jordan get put up and Adam wins Veto and takes Jordan off. Shelly gets put up and goes home thanks to Adam and Jordans votes.

      Adam would be top 3 instead of 4 now and also have creds for making a big game move plus knowing the vets have the final $500,000 votes

    2. “Please Porsche, don’t be stupid”

      maybe since you said please she can manage the request….:)

  21. Brendon will be too busy with the baby to cure cancer, therefore the baby is responsible for the future deaths of millions of people

    1. Sure the kid will be the reason that the “brilliant” Brendon does not cure cancer. Try because he was to busy beating off to guys online.

  22. this is the worst season of big brother i have ever seen. i’m going to follow this site but won’t watch anymore. i hope the ratings plummet. i can’t wait for survivor!

  23. This is my prediction on what will happen the rest of the way (I’ll probably end up being wrong):

    Rachel/Jordan win POV. Rachel/Jordan evicted.
    Rachel/Jordan win HOH (it’ll probably be an endurance comp).
    R/J nominate Porsche and Kalia. Porsche wins POV. Shelly is nominated. Shelly is evicted.
    Kalia wins HOH (probably a questions comp). R/J and Adam nominated.
    Adam wins POV. Shelly nominated. R/J evicted.
    Porsche wins HOH. Adam and Shelly nominated. Anyone other than Adam wins POV. Adam is evicted.
    P/S/K Final Three.
    Porsche wins the endurance part 1 of the HOH comp (endurance). Kalia beats Shelly in part 2.
    Kalia wins the final HOH (Kalia rocks questions).
    Kalia realizes she has a better shot at winning against Shelly. Porsche is evicted.
    Kalia wins Big Brother 13 by a unanimous vote (Adam might vote Shelly, though).

  24. simon well u better start eating it lol

    because u know and i know cbs has to shake up things for what shelly did . shelly has to go to the jury,, ok i have to keep hope alive . the twist aint finish u best believe that

  25. I agree those girls are worse than high school girls! They are a little old to be so caddy! I actually like Rachel and believe she is completely different in real life. That is proven by her friendship with Reagan from last year. The house makes her crazy and I think that Brendon is so in love with her.

  26. Ummm well do you not remember what happened on BB11? Jordan just might pull a win out of her ass and be in the final 2 again.

    Wouldn;t add up , Jordan in her season battled people that suck ball sack in comps, she had NO competition, this is why Jordan is so upset she knows she has not ahcne against ho’s left unless she somehow manes it to the end which is impossible unless production gives them a power, Rachel has a much better chance of making it

  27. I can’t believe Rachel and Jordon would vote Kalia the winner this year at the end. I want Shelly to win.

    1. Really? What has shelly done to deserve to win? She has won nothing! Claimed to be the most honest person in the house forgetting there are cameras that catch all of her lies. She is disloyal and forgets it is not just about getting to the end but having the votes to win! She has burned too many people to get any votes! She has done one thing well….. Taught her daughter that lying is ok if it is to win money! Don’t say you have never lied when that is all she has done!

      1. She played the game better than any of them. There’s a reason why half the all-powerful vets are sitting in Jury and Shelly’s looking at a very reasonable final 3 deal.

      2. seriously, i think most people will agree we don’t want shelly to win she hasn’t won one comp hasn’t even come close she piggyback with br when they started to fold she jumped to jj and when she decided she had a better chance with dpk she jump their didn’t she realise she would never win if her plan worked and the vets got out brjj would never vote for her and neither would dani she hasn’t done anything in this game so why would anyone vote for her I don’t get it. I think she honestly had a better shot with jj if she actually could win something then she could beat jj fair and square she would still have a chance at votes now i don’t see how she would get them or did she really think they would over look the fact she skrewed them

    2. I’d vote for Kalia. I think she’s a decent person and she has kept her word in this game. She was loyal to her alliance with Dani even when their backs were against the wall. She isn’t the worst player when it comes to competitions. I’d vote for her over Porsche, Shelly, and Adam any day.

      1. Kalia is just disgusting…that isa the only work I can think to describe her. I have gotten into the habit that when I am feeling even slightly negative about myself, I say “well at least I am not Kalia” and i feel better!!!

        shelly has really worked in this game – i mean between the 24/7 ass-kissing, lying, manipulating, strategizing (i am being serious here), i imagine that takes some effort,, the woman is manic, not too mention the cleaning!!! the problem is the woman cannot win a comp and do we want another winner who is so weak in that area, and she is completely not likeable, not at all, not to listen to, not to look at, and not to think about – i doubt anyone would want to go near Shelley in real life. She seems very dishonest, calculating and disingenuous as a person even out of the house.

        That being said, I would vote for Porsche. Best at Comps of the three imo, worked the game in her own way but didn’t have to manipualte or lie or cheat to do it, and i like that there is an underlying sense that she doesn’t take this too seriously and is actually having fun.

  28. R and J need to snap out of it and get it together. Don’t make it so easy for the newbies to win! Remind K that her alliance are the people that VOTED FOR HER TO LEAVE. Remind A that he is at the bottom of his alliance totem pole. They need to stop claiming that the jury vets decide who wins and push the idea that they RJ have no shot of winning. Come on girls…play the game!

  29. These people should probably look in the mirror before they start bad mouthing Rachel every single day. They all act like they’re 10 in this house. I’m not saying Rachel is perfect by ANY means, but none of the others are either. They’re letting their actions and words speak for themselves. Not very mature people…

  30. Anyone see the epic fight between Shelly and Jeff before the eviction? If so, can you tell us what happened? Please?

  31. OMG Rachel Pregnant that is freaking scary. Her and Brendon as parents is super scary. Brendon will freak out didn’t he say he didn’t even want to marry Rachel for at least 5 years I don’t imagine he wants a child right now. Please Big Brother give her a pregnancy test asap. I think they will evict her if she is that has to be some kind of liability issue. OMG Rachel must have been trying to get pregnant who the heck doesn’t use birth control or condoms these days. Trailer trash comes to mind.

  32. Do the jury house guests get to watch the live feeds or do they have to depend on what the new evicted ones tell them?

    1. NO that would be BIG TIME CHEATING if they got to watch the live feeds, the only HGs that gets to watch live feeds are HGs that went home after eviction Jury can’t see anything that goes on in the house

  33. Something just happened.. I’m watching the feeds and the HGs are talking about a twist, Rachel just said that “This is the biggest twist of the season” So.. WHAT is the twist? J&R are talking about duos… playing in the PoV as a duo… so does the veto winner get to save the TWO noms???

  34. Well thank you BB, now that Rachel is pregnant, the world will never have a cure for cancer nd the brilliant mind that was destin to discover the cure will end up living in a trailer park, being a simple lab assistant and skyping to men during his off hours!

    On the bright side, Jerry Springer will have some regular guests in the not so distant future! More reality TV for Brenda and Rac-hell

  35. OMFG I knew it would be something fishy production cooked up, I think they are back playing duos or something, all I know for sure is If Rachel or Jordan win POV they’re both safe, yea RIGGED

  36. Why did Shelly say “Josie will be proud of me”?? What world is she living in? Proud that she left one alliance bec she couldnt trust them to go to another alliance she cant trust? she is crazy@!

  37. why are kalia and porshe still talking about what danni would be proud of ?? Wth? YOU are in the house now .. NOT danni.dummies.

  38. I can’t honestly believe people, both on Big Brother and on this site. Wow, aren’t we all deserving of making mistakes? One thing about the Jeff/Jordon, Brendon/Rachel group is I don’t believe they never not talked to anyone. My goodness these “winners and self proclaimed wonderful game players” aren’t even talking to Jordon and Rachel. Sorry I have a problem with that, a true measure of a person is not only how they act in defeat but how they act in victory. These “winning women” act like they are back in high school. My goodness they can’t talk to them but have no problem talking about them! Shelly SHAME ON YOU what an example for your daughter you are setting. I know if she was my employee I would question her honesty. As well as she can lie I don’t think this is her first round at deceiving people. Josie even made comment she did not think her mom should lie so much. I guess if you call it a game with money being the prize anything goes! Totally done with Big Brother it has become a joke! It has become far too personal. Jordon is not crying just for Jeff but more out of betrayal from a friend. Once again if you don’t play hard early, you don’t lie and lie, you don’t backstab at every turn you get nowhere. So tired of seeing the worst in people brought out and people being rewarded for it! All the vets can thank Dani for not only ruining her own game but their game also. She went too far, over the top! These “winning women” are just carrying on Dani’s orders!! She put a spell on them. So as far as this season goes I really don’t know who would have been a deserving winner. Certainly not anyone who is left!

  39. The feeds are back. Something’s up! Rachel and Jordan are really happy. There’s a new twist, Rachel and Jordan have a chance of both remaining in the game this week, it sounds like it’s dependant on them winning PoV. There may have been a Pandora’s Box, I heard Rachel ask if Porsche won money. Porsche says she won $5,000 from Pandora’s Box.


    HUGE Twist Hits The Game – Pandoras Box Returns

    When the Live Feeds returned this evening we were expecting this week’s Big Brother 13 nominations. Instead we had the Newbies panicking and Jordan and Rachel celebrating in the backyard. A BIG twist has just hit the game. Details are still coming in and I’ll continue to update right here as we learn more. Pandora’s Box is back!

    So far we know the nomination ceremony was not held, but Porsche confirmed who will be nominated. Her original plan changed, so take a guess who it’ll be now. No brainer.

    Porsche’s bait was $5K which she took. Now the HGs will compete in 2 Veto competitions. Sounds like the pairs return. Rachel is ecstatic and says this is their lifeline.

  41. ALSO, how DARE the 2 evil stepsisters + evil stepmother talk about Rachel butt? Porshe needs to take a look in the mirror at her muffin top, Kalia needs to take a look at her WHOLE body, Shelly: ?? Comeon You just said yourself you had to have surgery on your AXX hole?? How can they talk about Rachel??? ur kidding right?

  42. Simon, will we ever see the fight between Jeff and Shelly that happened prior to the live show? I would be really upset if I had paid for the feeds and one of the most critical events was not there to be seen.
    I am positive that I read in one of the recaps here that Porsche threw out the muscle milk/fiber drink, yet people are still holding this against her.
    For all the Shelly-haters who think integrity is the way to play this game–go to the Christian or Disney channels. House guests are not there to be role models for their kids or anyone else.
    Rachel must be pregnant the way she was chowing down on everything that didn’t move last night, yet she was talking about getting drunk.
    Jordan was a bit unstable with all that crying. Who in their right mind would believe that Shelly’s sole purpose in being on the show was to give JJ a good start to their life together? Shelly was there just like each and every house guest in all 13 seasons of BB: $$$, specifically $500,000!
    I was proud to see Kalia (Go, soror!) and Porsche kick a** in the HOH and POV competitions and shocked to see how self-righteous Jeff was. How dare anyone challenge Big Jeff?? In his own vernacular: He “gawn” and “got got.” (And I was so on Team JJ in BB11. It was like he was on steroids or something this year.)
    Also, I thought Jordan and Rachel were very childish when they went up to see Porsche’s HOH room. I can see being upset about the turn of events, but I don’t recall any previous house guests acting like they were at a funeral instead of swallowing their pride for a few minutes to sincerely congratulate the new HOH.

  43. Pandora’s Box was opened! The game is once again being played in duos! Rachel and Jordan, Adam and Shelly, and Porsche and Kalia!

  44. Rachel’s baby will be the luckiest kid in the world. How many of you have the moment of your parents conception of yourselves on a video recording? I’m betting, none! XD

  45. Pandora box is back what im hearing is porche took it for 5k$ and the house guests have been put back into duos and rachel and jordan are a duo and duos will come and go off the block as duos and their will be two veto comps

  46. Pandoras Box alert!!!!!!!!

    Porchse got 5 grand and there are some new Duo Rules in play – production trying hard to save the vets it sounds like

  47. The duos a.k.a the new rig:
    Porsche/Kalia, Jordan/Rachel, Adam/Shelly.

    Kalia is safe this week because Porsche is HOH.
    So if Rachel/Jordan win Veto, they’re both safe.

    Kalia also won $5,000!

  48. BB13 is not fun to anymore. The fact that manly Shelly flipped proved volumes about who she is as a person. She is a Judas and I hate people who betray their friends. They let that man-woman ride on their tails until she decided she need the money for her family (I thought she said she was giving it to a children’s hospital) – oh, that is right – she is an evil backstabbing liar who thinks she is all that. What she really is is a weak wannabe player who would take out her own if she had to. I would fire her butt – heaven knows what she has done there.

    Kaliah – the whale. Porsche – the pear butt who thinks she is soooo beautiful and wanted. Popping her zits – it is so very attractive. I hated Dani and I am so glad she is gone. Awkward – Code – Shocker – please. She is a loser in so many ways.

    Rachel – what can you say. I feel she just has not figured herself out yet. Jordan is too sweet for her own good. If Jeff is mean to her she should do something. I love Jeff but treating a woman with disrespect goes nowhere.

    I don’t care one way or the other about Adam. I just know watching BB after Dark is boring as heck. Those girls just spit tacks when they are not stuffing their faces or sleeping. I just skip past all their spewing.

    I hope they all get what is coming to them. I am not talking about $500,000 here either.

  49. I always say .. when calling someone names ie; trailer trash …. IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE … think about it ..

  50. There was a pandoras box!! She opened it!! She got 5gs and unleashed the platinum veto power….wat is the platinum veto??

  51. pandoraz box was opened….the veto comp will b in duos…if jordan/rahcel win they can take both of them off and a new duo gets nominated..sorry don’t kno if this has been already said thought id mention it

  52. hey this could be the smartest and dumbest thing they ever done. this could lead to a spin off reality tv show.

  53. im gonna make my predictions right now
    i think jordumb going home this week followed by cowlia then adumb then shel(he) and rachel and porsche will be the final 2 and porsche will win

    1. how do you feel when people call you names, or people you love names?? Not great right??/ sooooooooooo just cause no can see you, you feel it’s alright to insult people??


  54. Join the “Adam Poch is the Worst Player in Big Brother History” Facebook page, and express your displeasure to the WORST player and person in Big Brother history! Just search for Adam Poch is the Worst Player in Big Brother History.

  55. Shelly is a sneeky rat. I dont like her one bit. Those thee skunks bags are so mean to Jordan and Rachel. Shelly’s daughter must be very ashamed. Adam needs to stick with Rachel and Jordan if he wants a chance to win. Worst BB so far…come on producers you can do so much better than picking these people. For example Shelly, Porshe, Kalia, Dani and Lawon.

    1. Kathy I couldnt have said it better Shelly is useless and their stupid huddle made me YAK all over my Television, Shelly is used to Huddles because she started at Linebacker for LSU … Team Big Jeff All Day Baby

      1. Yea…Team JJ….So glad to here about the pandora`s box…Hopfully Rachel and Jordan can step it up and win this veto. GOOD BYE SHELL…HOPEFULLY

    2. Kathy you are so right!!!!! You should apply next season.Shelly’s daughter even said mommy needs to stick with Jeff and Jordan becasue they are nice. Shelly what will she say when you get home. Porshe you need a reality check. Rachel was your friend since week 1 than when she has a break down you leave her. Thatss not a good friend at ALL. Also stop looking in the mirrors. Ur not as pretty as you think.

      1. Anthony I agree with what you said about everyone 100%. haha…Jordan and Rachel in final 2 would be super cool

  56. What a rude comment do you know these people what gives you the right to call people names, do you think that they do not have feelings and will never read this shit you put out there, are you part of Shelly’s family sounds like something she would say !!

  57. It really does not matter about Pandoras box…put up Rachel and Jordan, and even if they are both safe, put up Adam..really

  58. Wow, Big Brother has a baby, cool. Those mean comments about Rachel pregnancy and also horrible guest in the house for bashing Rachel again, mean girls. Rachel might have an annoying personality but from watching the show she seems to be true to her words. Dani asked her to backdoor Jeff and she did not do it, however, those newbies girls women are horrible. Thanks for the Pandora box big brother, hoping that Jordan and Rachel can stay in the house to fight.

  59. I personally think that BB rigs some of the twists & tells what they say in the DR. They have their favorite picks as the final two. Why does BB cut the feeds when the houseguest start talking about what sneaky things production is doing? I think BB is doing some shady things.

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