Big Brother 13 House 1

Big Brother 13 House Pics Part 2

Holy shit here’s a giant chunky monkey of new BIG BROTHER 13 House Pics. I’m really liking the graffiti and the fortune teller.. Hmm possible Tom Hanks “BIG” twist.. lol. Here is the link to the last batch of House pic. BB13 house pics part 1

BB13 Cast Revealed Thursday – 6am PST

BB13 Starts July 7th pounds out the spoilers from July 7th to the second the feeds are cut in September support us get the live feeds for cheap $29.99 for the entire season it’s going to be a riot. early bird special. heres a direct link
Watch Big Brother 13 – see what they can’t show you on TV.

If you want to win a ticket to the Big Brother 13 Wrap Party then now is the time to enter.. your odds currently are 1 in 23 pretty damn good if you ask me.

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Big Brother 13 House

Big Brother 13 House


4 thoughts to “Big Brother 13 House Pics Part 2”

  1. The fortune teller reminds me of something they did on BB UK. They had this machine with a creepy dummy that would play music and spit out messages for certain HG and give rewards

  2. The Graffiti is cool. V Toe + veto, Evikshun = eviction , Komp T snn = competition, Nom-N-E = nominee, Jere = jury, ( Aliants ? alliance) What is SLAHP?

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