Yesterday was the official 3 month mark until BIG BROTHER 13 starts and man are we pumped this year. Theres so many cool new things happening at OBB for all us Big Brother Feed fans I wish I had a Delorean and 1.21 gigawatts. The BB13 casting calls have begun and more are still being released every day. Today 2 more were announced in Los Angeles and Oklahoma, Check out he BB13 Casting call Calendar it’s got all the times, locations and maps to the Open Casting calls. Another big thing on the horison is the Reality Rocks Expo, April 9-10 at the Los Angeles convention centre. It’s a convention packed with past Big Brother Houseguests like Lane Elenburg, Kristen Bitting, Ragan Fox, Matt Hoffman, Erika Landin, Hayden Moss, Michele Noonan,
Andrea Reiher, Rachel Reilly, Marcellas Reynolds, Chima Simone, Lydia Tavera, Brendon Villegas, and Annie Wittington… wheres DICK?
Heres what you can expect from Reality Rocks
Just when you thought you’d seen it all on the Fan Central Show Floor…there’s even more! Special evening events, autograph stations, surprise guest appearances, live demonstrations, and live performances will be popping up every day of the event.
Big Brother 13 Updates for the week
- X17online | CHARLIE SHEEN OFFERED BIG MONEY TO APPEAR ON UK BIG BROTHER | Unless they have Cocaine in the UK BB house I don’t see this happening
- thejournal | Confirmed UK Big Brother is on
- unrealitytv | Big Brother 2011: Prize money increased from £100,000 to £500,000 | 1 British pound = 1.56444777 Canadian dollars
- youtube | The reality of Love | Barf
- Bigbrothergame | We have a Big Brother Secret Agent | Interesting information about the Big Brother 13 casting process
- Dr Phil | Betrayed by Blood | BB9 Amanda and her sister fight more videos here
- Livejournal | Big Brother Jordan Lloyd’s Prom Picture
- ontheredcarpet | ‘Big Brother’ star Michele on nemesis Ronnie | taking a page from the Rachel Reilly hair colouring playbook
- ontheredcarpet | ‘Big Brother’ star Rachel talks engagement | I’m starting to like her more
- | The Talk – ‘Big Brother’ Audition Tapes | Julie Chen Challenges her co-host to spend a night in the BB house.. I call this a dogs breakfast.
- TMZ | BB11 Jeff Shits on a pig | He’s a douche
Make sure to stay connected with Big Brother 13 Spoilers. Dawg and Simon are back ready to catch everything on the feeds, we’re on Twitter, Facebook, Twitpic, Flickr, RSS, Tumblr and old fashion email subscription.
Stick around cause we have some gnarly surprises this year for BIG BROTHER 2011 the updates will still be done like every year but we have a few tricks up our sleeves which is going to be wicked awesome.. OBB bitches
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