Big Brother 12 Spoilers: This Seasons TWIST Revealed!! Some ones NOT in it to Win IT!

Big Brother Twist revealed for this season.
“For the first time in Big Brother history a player is not playing to win,” Julie Chen says in the commercial, “This summer a saboteur will wreak havoc in the house”
In a twist similar to Big Brother 8?s America’s Player one houseguest will become the saboteur, who’s sole job is to wreak havoc inside the Big Brother house. But unlike Big Brother 8, this individual won’t be eligible for the $500,000 grand prize.
“Holy Moley!”
Big Brother returns on July 8th at 8PM EDT/ 7PM CDT.
The Two newest Big Brother 12 Commercials together where Julie Chen reveals this seasons TWIST!!:

Big Brother 12 Commercial:

3 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers: This Seasons TWIST Revealed!! Some ones NOT in it to Win IT!”

  1. But will this work? Houseguests will catch on and they will evict him/her early on. There has to be more to it.

  2. It will work IF America is the 14th house guest!!!!!! We could have a vote in eviction every week & vote to do things to the houseguests. And after all we wouldn’t be playing to win it? I hope I am right.

  3. tht would be GOOD twist to have america as the 14th houseguest and we get one vote pre-week and we can pick one person to play in the veto and if the person we choose wins it we get to choose if the use it an don who. and they should still have 6 jury members this yeat and have america the 7th vote this season would be great if this happens

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