Big Brother 12 Spoilers: The have nots get frozen eggplant dinners.. Britney says fuck you to the eggplants sitting on the counter…

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4:40pm Kathy, Lane, Hayden, Britney and Enzo are all sitting on the couch talking about random stuff. Kathy says that she wants to call the shrink and have a group session. Enzo says that he wants to skip the session and just be sedated.


4:50pm – 5pm Matt and Enzo are in the have not room talking. Enzo asks Matt how do we do this yo?! Do we split the vote or what?! Matt says that he just wants to know …that he if he doesn’t then he is going to be pissed. Enzo says that this is the biggest decision he has to make …that he is close to both of them …how is he supposed to do this. Matt starts talking about how he has to stay strong and keep hoping for a miracle because he is here for his wife. Enzo says that this sucks that Ragan won the POV… this is the worst decision we have to make. Enzo says that we just need to be straight up. Enzo says that they will have a BG CT right before the thing on Thursday. Enzo keeps saying BLANK man. Enzo says that he doesn’t even want to go up there and be fake with Brendon. Matt says why would you look what he did!  Enzo says that he went up there to try and keep himself save … and you and look what happened yo! Its out of my hands.. Enzo says that he doesn’t feel like sleeping, playing pool …nothing. Matt says that this is a day of mourning. As Enzo leaves the have not room he says yes it is….
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5pm – 5:15pm Ragan and Kathy are talking out on the backyard couches.  Ragan says that if he could he would go on slop for the rest of the time he is in the house just so that Matt wouldn’t go home.  Kathy says that she tried to keep Rachel busy the other day just so that she couldn’t think about anything else.  Kathy says that as soon as she would leave Rachel would start going off again… it was like you had to baby sit her.  Kathy says that she would have to back and just keep telling her that Brendon loves her and misses her just to distract her from thinking.  Ragan says oh yeah …and laughs.  Ragan starts talking about how he treats people the same way he would want to be treated.  Ragan says that everyone that gets close to Brendon and Rachel has gotten burned.  Ragan says whats that saying you have to stand for something or you will fall for everything.  Ragan says the only thing he hates about that saying is that Star Jones used to say it all the time.  Ragan says that he loves the View.  Britney asks him how he could love the View?  Ragan says that he just loves hearing women talk about current topics and thinks that a womens view is so under valued.  Britney says that she wants to do a show with Anderson Cooper from CNN.  Britney asks what she should call it.  Ragan says “Britney Haynes  101”  Then Ragan gives another suggestion …saying she should call it “Fruit Loops”

5:20pm – 5:30pm Britney asks Matt where the bowl is and Matt asks what bowl? ..and then says oh, this bowl!  Britney tells Matt to go get it and bring it into the backyard.  Britney says that she wants to look at it again before the tournament.  Matt brings it out into the backyard and everyone takes a look at it. Britney tells Matt that he treats it with disdain and that he needs to display it.  Matt then sets it up in the middle of the yard on the vase.  Britney says that someone should take the trophy home with them …that it would be worth having to pay the extra charges to take it on the airplane.  Matt says no ..they should leave it for Big Brother to auction off for charity.  Kathy asks if they do that and Matt says oh yeah they auction off all of the furniture for charity.

5:35pm – 5:55pmMatt, Kathy, Britney and Lane are sitting on the couch talking about random stuff. Hayden is working out on the elliptical. Matt and Britney go into the kitchen to cut up some eggplant for dinner. Britney says that it will be such a waste if it doesn’t taste good. Matt and Britney go into the storage room and Britney finds new eggplant frozen dinners in the freezer. They have Eggplant Michelangelo’s, Eggplant Parmesan, and Eggplant Mediterranean. Britney is excited about the Michelangelo’s and as they leave the storage room Britney says BLANK you to the eggplants sitting on the counter. Britney and Matt decide to try them all so that they know which ones best. Ragan comes into the kitchen and is excited too. Britney says that even if she doesn’t like the eggplant she will eat the tomato sauce and cheese. Ragan says that now they only need to eat one serving of slop a day. Ragan goes to tell the others that the have nots got frozen dinners. Britney says they dont BLANK care …they are eating grilled chicken.. Matt and Britney make their dinner and are so excited to eat…

73 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers: The have nots get frozen eggplant dinners.. Britney says fuck you to the eggplants sitting on the counter…”

    1. Eggplant is good and she should be thankful she didn’t get tofu, now that’s disgusting. But then Brit doesn’t seem to like anything anyway. LOL!

  1. ENZO IS DELUSIONAL…….he just said to Hayden – lets let Ragan win HOH next week….what the f…………………………………………..

    1. very delusional and hayden is almost as delusional as enzo. enzo hasn’t won anything. why can’t hayden see that. Enzo couldn’t win a comp if you gave it to him.

      1. What has Hayden won. NOTHING on his own. The first HOH was a team effort and most players NEVER want the first HOH! He is as useless and Enzo!

        1. THat’s unfair. Hayden is the reason his team won the first HoH. I admit he has done nothing since, but we simply must give him credit where it’s due or we run the risk of being as delusional as Rachel.

  2. I am glad the brigade is screwed up, because can you imagine if they are the final 4? It hurts to see how boring the show will end up. Enzo does not deserve to win, Hayden does not deserve to win….and of course, Lane has no right to win as well. They are useless and they all bores me to death…. meow meow my ass!

    1. Aww come on … he’s good at some meow meow stuff: playing with string, walking the fence, and occasionally looking on disdainfully. He probably even purrs when petted.

      1. it’s a social game I know, I totally understand how floaters deal with the situation, play lay low and act invisible. But it’s just DARN BORING!!!! Evil Dick played it real dirty and in your face, that’s why it’s interesting to watch and he deserve the win. The only people who deserve to win here is Matt and Brendon. They play it socially, mentally and physically….and that my friend is called GOOD TV!

      2. I kinda love Enzo but Meow meow , come on! a better name for enzo would be bow wow, he is all bark and no bite. Hes a bad dog, yo, not a cool cat! He is so full of himself he is going to blow up!

  3. Looks like Hayden is catching on to the “power” that Matt has. Ugh, I wanted Thursday nightbto be explosive!

      1. So true. Matt is trying to tell them that he has the power without techinically telling them. But they are not putting it together. Thats why Matts is getting upset. He wants to keep the brigade a little longer to take out a few more people, then flip on the brigade alliance. If Enzo and Hayden flip first it will be good for them but just not this week. If they flip before thursday and let Matt know about it, then one of them might be gone.

        1. he almost deserves to lose his dpov because he has practically let it out of the bag. that is why brendon could not put up brit…he told her and got in trouble.

          1. I don’t think he will get it taken away .. CBS wants the ratings! Plus, I think Brendon put Matt up because of the pretzel message Rachel left. Just my opinion!

        2. Matt has NO plan to flip on the Brigade. He’s probably the only one who realises that it’s ultimately self destructive to do so.

  4. i was just wondering if Matt makes it to the final 2 and he has to give his speech about why he should win BB, do you think that he would be allowed by CBS to bring up the fake illness about his wife? Just curious

  5. i think brit and matt should be final 2 theyre the most deserving of it…brendon might deserve it but i just don’t like him 🙂

    1. I don’t like matt or brit but, i’m not going to say that they don’t deserve it because I don’t like them. IMO if Brenden makes it to the end, he deserves it just as much as anyone else whether I like them or not.

      1. you’re right…brits just always been my favorite cuz shes so funny…but i am starting to like brendon more without rachel around..what really made me not like him was when he picked on the smaller people…but he has been growing on me this week

  6. Does anyone know if Matt will be able to vote when he uses the dpov? Last season, Jeff was not allowed to vote.

    1. matt cannot vote if he changes the nominations because at that point he is hoh…and that means brendon can play in the next HOH.

      when matt replaces it with kathy
      lanes votes are…brit, ragen, hayden, enzo
      kathys votes are…brendon
      (if hayden gives a sympathy vote then its 2-2 and brendon votes for the winner.

      if he replaces it with enzo
      enzos votes…brendon, hayden, kathy
      lanes votes…brit, ragen,

          1. You’re a moron. Last year it was Jeff and not Brendon. Futher, Brendan will not be able to play in the HOH. Matt will have the choice of his replacement and will likely choose Kathy or Brit. Most likely he will choose Kathy and she will go home. Talk about a blind side. I’m sure Rachel will love to see her at the jury house.

      1. Matt will not become the new HOH. He is a POV holder. He will be able to vote after taking himself off the block. Brendon will not participate in the next HOH competition.

      2. Ummm, where is your authority to say that? The DPOV doesn’t mean, as far as CBS showed us, that Matt becomes the HOH. The DPOV is NOT the coup de ‘tat. From what Matt read, it’s a super-POV power. He gets to name ONE replacement. It said nothing about him not being able to be HOH or voting — and he seems to be assuming that he’s playing in the next HOH so I believe you are WRONG.

      3. brenchel fan?? DPOV holder can’t put up the HOH for eviction, brendon can’t play in the next HOH which mostly likely matt will win again…. and depending on if the rest of the brigade tells him they will vote to evict him this thursday, matt might for a new allaince with brnedon and take out the broigade one by one since only 1 of them won a completion(hayden,, which matt i believe gave him the 1st hoh)

  7. either kathy is going or enzo. …because matt is testing enzo and hayden about who he is getting out and he is talking to lane about an alliance with them, brit, and ragan.

    if this is the case hayden will for sure team with brendon.

    1. he may put up brit, because they are always talking about kat plus the brigade. he might take himself and lane off the block and replace with kat and brit and let the house decides who go home

      1. Watching the show on CBS, the power said that he could remove ONE person and replace with ONE person. He doesn’t have the power to remove himself and Lane.

        I don’t know why so many people are spouting incorrect info on this blog today.

  8. oh god i hope matt puts up hayden when he uses the DPOV hayden is usless not entertaining at all and almost as bad of a competitor as enzo plus im tired of his diary rooms all he does is show up without a shirt, makes sure his nipples are in the screen, yell at us, and say brigade iss sso powerful

  9. Hey Simon…..
    I’m not so sure Matt will be able to vote after using the DPOV…
    Last year Jeff had the CDT and when he nominated Pig Pen and Muscle Man, Jeff was not allowed to vote.
    I not sure, but I think BB does not let anyone who nominates another player to vote.
    If so then there will be four votes and Brendon breaks the tie.
    WOW !!! BB is back
    I was worried but it’s on now.
    So if Matt noms Brit there could be a tie….Kat and Rag for Brit…Hay and Enz for Lane
    Brendon breaks the tie

    1. i was wondering the same thing too. It didn’t specify in the card if he will be allowed to vote or not

    2. Coup de’tat took over HOH powers. DPOV is ONLY an enhanced POV. Since Ragan gets to vote, I’m pretty sure that Matt will get to vote. We’ll find out for sure on Friday.

      1. I MEAN Thursday. There I go, typing the incorrect info that I was complaining about others posting today 😉

    3. The final Veto competition of Big Brother 4 resulted in another elevation in power. Called the ‘Diamond Veto,’ and presented with a clear Lucite medallion, the Veto Holder could not only remove a player from nomination, but also earned the sole vote to evict. Alison, who was nominated, won the Veto, used it, and ultimately evicted Erika from the house. The Diamond Veto was only offered on this one occasion.

      In Big Brother 12, Matt was presented with a clear, rhinestone studded “Diamond Power of Veto” for opening Pandora’s Box. Not only does it allow Matt the right to veto any nomination, he will be able to choose the replacement nominee.

  10. I am so over Hayden and Enzo and their stupid plots! I was for the Brigade. Now, I hope Matt puts up Enzo. Matt seems to be trying to find out where their heads are now. He definitely is not stupid.

    1. Matt also knows that if he goes against the Brigade too soon, then he will lose their votes if he makes it to the final 2. He’s already lost Brendon’s and Rachel’s votes. He can’t afford to lose the Brigade’s. Also, it’s in Matt’s best interest to keep the Brigade around. He can beat them all in the competitions.

  11. Matt will be able to vote on Thursday. Jeff couldn’t vote when he used the Coup D’Etat power because he became the new HOH.

  12. i am hoping matt gets his power taken from him to teach him a lesson. he has been hinting about the power all day even the most clueless in the house(hay and enzo) have caught on. if not, the production should do something to get enzo nominated since they got bren to nominate matt so the dpov should be used

  13. When Matt uses the DPOV, does he become HOH and then can nominate Brendon? Or is it just a suped up POV in which he can take himself off, put another in his place, and then vote also? Confused. : /

  14. My favorites on BB are with my cavaets:

    1) Matt — even though the wife-illness is ugly, he’s funny, he’s smart, and I think he’s, at this time, the least back-stabby of the brigade.

    2) Lane — even though he hasn’t been completely loyal to Matt, he’s not actively brown-nosed Brendon and he’s funny and cute.

    3) Ragan — even though the crying is annoying, I admire how much he cares about Matt and how loyal he is. He also was EXCELLENT in his argument with Rachael.

    Who are your top 3 favorites of the remaining houseguests?


  16. Matt is an *ss, he’s the only one I hate, I will be miserable if he wins. Britney acts like a child, talks about everyone and can’t fend for herself when confronted. And Regan is like a 2 year old, cried for 2 days until he won pov, now he’s out and all smiles. I hope Hayden, Enzo, or Brendan wins. Its not like Enzo or Hayden isn’t trying to win, they just haven’t been good at t the comps. Enzo says he feels like a loser. Hopefully he will start winning. Last year Jordan didn’t win anything till the end when she needed to.

  17. Ok something has been pissing me off ever since I saw Rachel get nominated last week. Why is no one understanding that this is a freaking GAME!!!!! It not about “finding yourself” or making bro-mances show-mances or life long friends. It is about 250,000 dollars!!!!! When rachel and brendon got mad because they were nominated and didnt win POV They thought everyone was being mean. Didnt they do the very same thing weeks before? Calling them out and telling them to “bring it on”? I mean grow up. If you dish it out be able to take it. Because ultimately, there can only be one winner, not an aliance of winners. I really love reality TV but sometimes these idiots need to remember it is a GAME. It is for a reward, and everyone lies ,back stabs and deceives one another. You can’t win if you dont at one point or another.

  18. My favorite 3 are Lane, Hayden and Ragan. I think it would have been a totally different ball game with Brendon if he hadn’t hooked up with Miss Las Vegas.

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