Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Test Feeds Are Up

The Early Bird offer runs until Midnight tonight (July 7th).
Please, note that RealPlayer will be updating the landing page images earlier at 5PM PST today to which will reflect the regular offer of $39.99. However, the coupon code is still valid through midnight, so you must manually enter the coupon code: BB12QTEARLY to receive the discount and pay ONLY $29.99.
See what they can’t show you on TV!!  When you sign-up for the Live Feeds, you will be able to watch the entire season of Big Brother 12 for ONLY $29.99!! That’s $10 OFF the regular price!
Try the Live Feeds for Free and watch the first 3 days of Big Brother 12 with the: 3 Day FREE Trial!



Big Brother 12 Feeds

The new Big Brother 12 Flash Based client is now running.. If you have your feeds nows a good time to test it all out.
Here the schedule of Events for the next couple days..
Events Calendar
Happy Hour
Happy Hour
July 8 at 6pm ET
Chelsia and Missy kick off a new season of Big Brother with a big, new online call-in show. Call 877-448-6639 with your questions and comments on the new season.
House Secrets with Missy Z.
Friday, July 9 at 6pm ET
Missy goes online with a new webchat hour for Big Brother fans. Join her in the Big Brother chat room to dish about House happenings.

3 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Test Feeds Are Up”

  1. I’ve been reading some of the other blogs (sorry Simon) and found out some interesting things about the “Saboteur” twist.
    1) the producers picked the person who they thought would have the best chance of keeping their
    identity a secret and pull off the twist (a survey has either Andrew, Ragan or Enzo as the top
    3 possibilities at 14% of the votes each.) I personally think it’s Rachel “Yah, Vegas Baby, Vegas”

    2) The twist will only last for 5 weeks,
    3) If the Saboteur makes it all the way to the halfway point in the game then he/she will win $50,000,
    4) Producers have not yet decided if The Saboteur will be eligible to continue playing the game for
    the $500,000. (Their current stance is they are not eligible, but are leaving the door open to
    change their minds in the future.)
    5) The HG who left after all were picked, was going to be the “Saboteur”, but when they found out that they may not be eligible for the big prize, they screwed!!!!”

    Simon, my loyalty is to you and this site. You have the best cast of comentators of all the sites I read. The others pale compared to the “crazies” on this here site. That’s why I am back for another season. Good luck and see you tomorrow nite.

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