Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Second Eviction and HOH comp, Lane: “We need to get HARDCORE” **Updated**

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HOH Endurance

Lane off first
Kathy second
Kristen Third
Hayden Fouth
Brit Fifth

6:20pm Just guys left
Ragan: “I want a flesh surf board I want to screw it”
Ragan, Brendon, Meow Meow, Matt and Andrew are left up on the flesh boards

Want to catch up with whats happened the last 24 hours? Read the Todays Big Brother Updates and Yesterdays Big Brother Updates
Andrew votes to Evict Monet
Enzo votes to Evict Monet
Hayden Votes to Evict Monet
Kristen Votes to Evict Monet
Ragan Votes to Evict Monet
Lane Votes to Evict Monet
Brendon Votes to Evict Monet
Evicted HouseGuest: MONET
Britney Votes to Evict Matt
Kathy Votes to Evict Matt


Big Brother 12 Spoilers
4:19pm Feeds briefly on, Lane and Enzo, Lane is tells him to make sure he sucks his balls in if he has to sit down.. (in regards to last nights conversation where Enzo told everyone he had giant balls) Everyone is on edge.. Hayden walks in and jokes that he’s going to spit on Lane. Lane “I gotta get hardcore We Need HARDCORE” Enzo tells them one of them better win or there will be trouble. Brit is off to the corner and looks so nervous she’s about to puke.

78 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Second Eviction and HOH comp, Lane: “We need to get HARDCORE” **Updated**”

  1. I am so excited there is going to be an endurance competion. I want to see if their is any surprises as far as people staying for a long time,like Michelle did last year. Thatโ€™s when people knew she was a tough competitor. This is always a good test on who wants it the most.

    Btw, I bet you anything Matt drops first. He is over thinking this game and does things that donโ€™t make sense.

  2. oh snap- i thought brittney did say that monet had kristen’s vote, rachel lied LOL and people say she’s innocent HA she has a lil “meanie” in her

  3. Did anyone read Rachel’s HOH blog? I find it hard to believe that a person with a degree in chemistry doesn’t know the difference between reign, as in her reign as HOH and rain, you know the wet stuff that falls from clouds in the sky. It’s painful to read. She must say “my man” 50 times and just rehashes what we already saw. She is so pathetic I sort of feel sorry for her. I still want her gone ASAP though.

    1. shes NOT a chemist, shes too dumb to know that shit, and don’t tell me it’s her game not even Natalie acted THIS dumb

    2. She cannot be a grad student. Outside of when she is purposefully using slang, her writing is atrocious and there is just no way she could make such common, low education level, errors throughout the blog. Grad Profs hammer students on then/than, think/feel, subject verb agreement and such. And while it is complicated… the covalent bond is generally considered stronger than an ionic bond. If she were talking about opposites attracting then maybe an ionic bond would be a good analogy, but she wasn’t! What do you want to bet her chemistry degree is from a Vegas back alley and involves mood enhancing drugs? Or better yet, she is a certified aesthetist/cosmetitian/chemist… mixing up potions and creams for all the local trannies.

      1. You judge yourself so smart, so I am sorry to reveal that the name of this profession is ” aesthetiscian” and refering to a third person is ” she was “, not ” she were “. You are not that brilliant afterall.

    1. That’s why we read your (& Dawgs’) post my dear (…said with appreciation, not sarcasm….). There is really no point in watching the actual show. Spoke to a few who only watch CBS and their reality of the show is pretty skewed.

  4. I just can’t believe that Matt lied about his wife. It’s tempting fate to say things like that. I know it’s a game but that is just awful.

      1. Yes he did lie. His wife is not sick. The lie was to try and gain sympathy to make everyone believe he needed the money not just wanted the money

    1. But if he doesn’t have a wife then no harm, no foul… just game play. Would you be so offended about his story if Stacey were his very healthy gay lover?

      1. I don’t care if he is a she or a dog. I do not tease about illness and I wouldn’t use it to win money. Maybe that is because I have battled death twice. If I ever find out that someone made a lie up about my being sick and that caused me to become ill, well, I will kick their ass. I think there are many other ways to play this game without testing faith. I am not narrow minded BB DirtyPleasure. Again, this is my opinion and not anything to do with racisim. Never would or could enter my mind, which I am sure most on this site know.

    2. Better yet – he actually told the lie to Andrew…the Podiatrist? Hummm – so much for Mensa brains.

      1. remember – the lie was about a psuedo nerve disorder that was rare and aflicts the lower legs…… what a hoot – CBS couldn’t of scripted it better.

  5. oooo matt gone man no way will the brigade expose themselves now seeing what happened during the meeting

  6. “you tried to break-up me and my man” is pretty much rachel goodbye vidoe to everyone evicted because prtty much everyone besides kristen, kathy, and andrew is gunning for them

  7. Would it not be so great if the person winning “Power Of Veto” got to put up the replacement, instead of the head of household doing it. What a twist this would be. Remember, “Expect The Unexpected”.

      1. I totally agree. The HOH would be less cocky as well since they would not hold the exclusive power over everyone else for the entire week. Hmmm … hey CBS, you listenin’?


    1. Andrew is 1 hoh away from being evicted himself. So he should be the last person talking about some 1’s game.


  9. It is official I am on Team Britney. I just peed, I swear when she was saying her goodbye message to Monet and she said she was going to miss their conversations about how high waisted Kristins pants were. OMG I luv her. Go Britney

    1. Hope your fascination lasts, but I think you’re too smart for her & you’ll move on, like the other quickfire showmances here.

  10. WFT is brittney trying not to win?? look at the way she is standing?? c’mon brigade and brittney

    1. I don’t understand why two of the girls are allowed to be touching the wall. Usually they don’t allow anything like that as it is kinda cheating??

      1. most of them were touching the wall her matt,ragan, hayden, andrew, im guessing they can touch the wall

  11. ugh there’s a storm in the area & the weather is interrupting the HOH competition! Can anyone update me on what’s happening???

  12. Omg!!! I can’t stand Roach-face. She is such and idiot. I went over to to read her blog , not only does she not understand the difference between reign and rain, but she calls Brendan her “night” who saved her. She is so ugly, fake and phony. I honestly cannot stand her. She is so transparent. I’m even starting to thing she doesnt have a home to go back to in Vegas so she’s forcing herself to love Brendan because she knows hes vunerable and will probably take care of her. Also Monet and Britney had me crying. I dont know why people are so hard on them. They are young, so they act young. The real problems are the adults Kristen, Rachel, Brendan (??? he seems so bitter. I think girls took advantage of him alot before he started working out which i bet was very recently, he probably was fat and just lost weight) and Kathy who should not be “stooping” to such a “immature” level.

  13. Hayden was actually out before Brit. The five guys still remaining are the have nots except whoever wins.

    1. I agree with you! Even though my family will be happy because I won’t watch bb or bbad if they are hoh.

  14. Doesn’t Rach own a hair brush her hair drives me crazy and the color really sucks too……LOL…thats all thats really bothering me so far..

  15. We have bad weather in area. News interrupted Big Brother with only 10 min. left. Makes me mad. Who won???!!!

  16. I think Rachel is a girl that means well, but has been used and abused by lots of dudes, and probably has quite a few miles on the odometer…..That is why she is such an eager beaver over Brendon…

  17. Oh I just pray Matt or Enzo DON’T get this HoH cause I really don’t want to hear Hayden shout “THE BRIGADE IS SAFE!” like a moron in DR.

    1. No, for the love of god….anotehr week of rachel-brendon sleazeathon in the HOH room can’t go on…

    2. he cant win! hes such a b*tch, i hate rachel and brendon. They are a fake cheap ass ripoff of jeff and jordan

  18. I just tried to read Rachel’s blog. That was so painful I had to stop.
    Please please please get her out of the house.
    Thanks for the updates Simon and Dawg. A great job as always, much appreciated. I’m a broke ass bitch that can’t afford the feeds, and I just blew the speakers on my computer anyways

  19. i loved brits good bye video ๐Ÿ™‚

    now she wont be able to talk to anyone in the house and shell have to keep it in
    its going to get more boring

    1. ME TOO! I swear to god that was the greatest goodbye video of all time. I laughed so hard. Britney has to stay in this game until the end (or far atleast) she’s the most entertaining person in the house. This week I went from just enjoying her being a bitch to full-on routing for her.

  20. Just Matt, Ragan and Andrew now!!! I HOPE Matt doesn’t win- never liked him from the beginning. ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Hey can anyone update me on the competition?
    I can’t afford the fees I don’t know what’s happening! ๐Ÿ˜›

  22. What’s up with Andrew’s shorts lol…..It’s like he is competing on BB if was around in the late 80’s

  23. I’m in total shock!! The other (stupid) BB Spoiler site has updated before yall. Then again, their site has absolutely no content of interest, while this website is utter awesomeness.

    Anyways, apparently it’s Matt v. Ragan ?

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