Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan is convinced there is no Brigade and Rachel thinks she was cast to be the VIXEN

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

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8:40pm Taj Room Kristen and Ragan Kristen thinks it’s strange that Hayden hasn’t been campaigning at all. Ragan says that HAyden came up to him twice, Ragan thinks he has been just not as much. Kristen tells him there are things going on in the house that we don’t know about. Ragan says he’s been tackling this question, it has consumed him all day.
Ragan says he doesn’t think there is any conspiracy, he has really considered that something is going on but he doesn’t think that the boys are together at all. He knows they are all friends and and maybe that is why Hayden feels safe but he doesn’t think there is any final 4 deals between them (BOOOOM grenades) Kristen says she knows that she thinks that if she leaves though that the guys will form up. Ragan knows that it’s a big possibility but this game changes every second. She asks him if he’s talked to rachel , he says he has but they were just talking about production so they were teetering on getting in trouble. Ragan tells her that she’s in a tough situation. Kristen asks him if he’s had a chance to talk to anyone else in the house. ragan said it’s feeling so weird to have these conversations with people, going up to them and telling them there is something going on in the house. Ragan thinks they should start having meetings of 3 people, “for the playing field to be level she should shift to getting 2 people together and talking and she can mediate it”. Ragan bring sup the lack of conversations that are going on in the house is hurting her chances. Ragan: “the game right now is all based on friendships, it could be different next week… you need to change the board”

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

8:40pm – 9:00pm ongoing pool tournament


Big Brother 12 Spoilers

9:04pm cabana Room Brit and Hayden Brit telling him about her pool game with Rachel and how Brendon was on the elliptical giving Rachel advice how to play, “Hayden i wanted to throw a rock at his face”. Rachel walks by brit says “Theres 8 beers and 2 bottles of wine” Hayden: “The last thing she needs is more alcohol”. Brit: “I won’t be drinking any of it” Brit asks him if he saw rachel’s boobs last night, hayden swears he looked the other way he doesn’t want to see that, “I knew they were out though”. Brit brings up Kristen is really picking it up she’s going hardcore. I don’t want to tell her right now but i’ll tell her before we go in.

Ragan walks in… Rachel walks in Hayden leaves… Ragan, Brit and Rachel start talking about their favorite BB websites.. we’re not one of them 🙁 Rachel wonders what the websites would be calling her… ragan says roachel. They start going over the casting of the houseguests.
Annie is the bipolar
monet is the model
Ragan is the gay
Rachel is the part girl
Andrew is jewish
Matts the offbeat rocker
Lanes the “good ol boy”
brendon is the brain
Hayden is the all American
Kathy is the mother
Enzo is the joker

 Big Brother 12 Spoilers

9:30pm backyard Kristen sitting on the couch, brigade playing pool

50 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan is convinced there is no Brigade and Rachel thinks she was cast to be the VIXEN”

    1. i am not so sure she figured it out as much as she is trying to save herself. I don’t think she realize that they are in alliance, because as bad as she wants to stay if she realized what she is saying is the actually the truth, she would oust them in front of the whole house to expose them and to let everyone know they are a bigger threat than she is.

      1. Yeah, I know, but I mean when she’s watching the show from home, she can say “I knew something was up!”

        1. i think it’s Ragan tha t knows something is up – all Kristen said is that it’s weird Hayden isnt campaigning, she’s just not smart enough to connect these things but he is

  1. It was sad funny. They were going over what stereotype they were chosen for. Brit and Ragan said that Rachel was the party girl. She says, no, she is the vixen and Kristen is the party girl. She really thinks that!! They disagree, Rachel is the party girl and Kristen is the tough girl. Then Kristen comes in and Rachel repeats that Kris is the party girl. Brit looked like she was going to hurl. Ragan looked like he was going to laugh. Kristen let it roll off her, and I think Rachel is starting to get that she isn’t liked, she is no Janelle, she is nothing like Jordan and the houseguests only talk to her because they have to. It was kinda sad. I actually feel a bit sorry for her.

    1. Chloe, I came away thinking the same thing. I know a lot don’t like Kristen. I have been for her this week because she is on the block. But, I do have to give it to the girl, she is trying to stay and working at it really hard. Basically, she has given some good points on keeping her. Okay, all you Kristen haters, don’t attack. It is just my feelings at the moment. I don’t have a favorite. It changes weekly.

      1. I agree with you BBGrandma! Kristen is really trying to get the others to see the pros in keeping her in the game She is a fighter and I am glad she has woken up and started to play the game! (Even though it could be her last week)

        1. i don’t care for Kristen much, she’s manipulative. but I think it would be in the house as a whole to keep her this week and get rid of Hayden if they know whats good for them. I have never seen a season where everyone is so dumb. these people only think day to day and not long term. Not a one of them outside of the brigade has formed any alliances, with more than one other person. What can a 2 person do in a house of 12 that dwindles down.

      1. this is by far the best website i have been on. i used to view 7 other sites for my info before i found this one. this is the only site that i have found worth donating to. i donated last year and this year and will be donation again this month. EVERYBODY, PLEASE DONATE TO KEEP THIS SITE GOING. IT IS THE BEST. TRUST ME, I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT!!

      2. I didn’t even know there were other sites like this….I found this one a few years back and didn’t see a reason to search further I guess! I feel bad about not donating yet, especially since starting to post and now realizing the work I am putting on the shoulders that be! I was laid off last year but hope to at least be able to donate a couple of dollars before the season ends! OOHH….that reminds me, someone posted earlier for you Simon to get spammers off the site……..I was going to comment but didn’t want to w\o knowing what I was talking about first……if that person was talking about the sponsors you might want to thank those sponsors for paying for you to be able to read and post here….Im just sayin’ yo!

    1. They wouldn’t do that! Sites, especially, like S/D’s, are where the producers get material in order to edit together some kind of show! My friend, “Richie”, noticed it too, after reading through the posts on this site from last week. We agreed, that at least 50% of the material used on Sunday’s show was lifted from comments on this site, and most probably the other less popular sites. No wonder I was experiencing deja vu during Sundays show! Let’s see what they use for tomorrow night and Thursday’s show!!!

  2. I’m shocked this site wasn’t mentioned, the nerve! I was waiting for them to mention this website because it’s the BEST! I love your funny thoughts and aide notes in ().

    I’ve gotten a few of my BB friends hooked on this one. I haven’t even heard of sone of the ones the houseguests were talking about…

    Thanks for being so awesome!

  3. Rachel a vixen? Gimme a break. She was cast to be the Angel of Death and she’s fitting into her role perfectly! Just eek!

  4. how long does K have to wer that unitard? she loks depressing enough without having to wear that? who can take someone serious looking like that 24/7. I mean she is like ground hogs day. Everything with her is the same, clothes, conversation, and hair.

  5. I can’t listen to Kristen talk or reason anymore – she is that stupid. I’d rather watch Rachel go “WOOOOOOOOOO”.

  6. 1) What are Brit/Ragan/Rache’s favorite BB websites??
    2) Where are the pictures of Rachel with her boobs out from last night??

  7. This is random but I have a question… is there a production staff in the house 24/7? Do they stay in those windows? Something I’ve always wondered.

    1. Yes Jordon. There is someone there 24/7. There are production sitting around the outside of each of the rooms most of the time.

    2. Yes they are there all the time. Maybe not a full crew all the time. But, one year I did hear the house guests say they saw through one of the windows that there was a pot plant growing! I guess if you get up really close you can see through the dark windows a little.

    3. a few nights ago on BBAD on Showtime, Enzo was walking into the Diary Room and you could hear a voice from one of the people working inside the Diary Room. It was like a relatively young sounding guy saying something like “Whazzup Enzo!”. It was really wierd.

    4. i would leave they ass in there for a whole week and don;t say shit…… “damn why haven’t they called us into DR WTF is going on? BB Production staff went on vacation they will be back in a week, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO….

      yea their in there 24/7 just in case something happens either good or bad, they can’t leave them their alone , i think that would be imprisonment LOL

  8. Grandma… Now I have something to look forward to! I cannot attach to anyone this year cause I just really don’t like any of them. But I guarantee I will be your biggest fan next year. You make me laugh with every post you write on here.

  9. Don’t say vixen to loud! especially around Lane. He’ll think your saying “Venison” and tonight as everyone is sleeping – he’ll be in the HOH room playing “spotlightin” with B/R!

      1. Although that’s NOT surprising to ME, I am beginning to wonder if Brendon would be. I really thought he was smarter than he is appearing on the Show. Too bad, he seems like a great guy. His Family must be in misery watching this because he seems as though he comes from a stable, “upstanding” environment, and with some of the stuff that comes out of Rachel’s mouth, I am not sure WHERE and WHOM she comes from…. poor girl. I feel badly for her because I’m convinced from her comments she has NO idea that she comes off the way she does. I am just happy she’s not after MY SON!!! My biggest fear however, is that this kind of personality in our younger generation females may be more prevalent than we think… uh-oh

  10. And Rachel and Brendon better be careful tucking their heads under the covers. Lane might mistake them for turtles. He loves to hunt them turtles in the dark. So he said.

  11. Poor Kristen is campaigning to Brigade members and doesn’t realize that Hayden is part of that group. It doesn’t matter how hard she tries because they are not going to vote against Hayden. Matt is doing to her what he did to Monet. He thinks it is fun to toy with the projected evictees and let them think they have a shot at staying in the house. That is what really upset Monet. Ragan is in love with Matt and Matt knows it. At least Kristen has done the math and figured out that there is more going on than meets the eye. Ragan is too enamored to be suspicious.

  12. Just don’t stumble around in the dark looking for your bed or cackle like “Remmie” and you’ll be fine.

  13. Gotta go – my mates just got in from yet another night of clubbing and want to hear all the dirt! Would have gone with them, but it is just too hot and sticky out here in Boston. Preferred the ac and the company of this site! Thanks Simon/Dawg and everyone else who express their insights and comments – and a big hug to you BBgrandma for showing me the true meaning of the word “courageous”! GN!!!!

  14. I don’t know how anyone could not like Kristen. I love how she doesn’t try to be like everyone else. Rachel is so jealous of Kristen its not even funny. I think Rachel would really like to keep Kristen in the house because bashing her is the only way Rachel feels good about herself but I think Rachel knows that Hayden and Kristen’s relationship with each other is liked by American more than the pawing and slopping on each other her and Brendon do. Kristen is playing the game and I hate seeing her go and although I don’t want Hayden to go …I’m not totally sure that Kristen is the one leaving. Kristen is my favorite female player in a long time.

  15. I really wish she could stay, but it looks impossible. I wonder what Lane is up to? The only thing Hayden has going for him is the brigade. I really don’t have any favorites this year, I like Brittany and Kristen, and I am really disliking B/R and Matt. The rest are just boring. Maybe after this week everyone will have to play finally. I would love to see Rachel’s reaction if Kristen got the votes and stayed, or some twist kept her in the game. It would look something like Chima last year when Jeff used the coup de etat. It would be even better if Kristen turned around and won HOH. Then Rachel would squirm big time. Oh well, not gonna happen. Brigade is floating to the final 4 unless somebody clues in before next weeks evictions.

    1. I forgot about Chima!!! And, when Jeff used the coup de ta’, that was a classic bb moment that was I looked forward to for soooo long!!! When is THAT going to happen to this House. We’ve been watching for a month and this being the 4th eviction and it’s not enough to keep me interested the entire time. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that BIG BROTHER starts playing “the game”. I believe they are the BIGGEST disappointment for me this season. Cannot blame it on the HG’s because they are playing for some major cashola!!!

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