Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan “I’m Definitely Voting out Andrew this Week”

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Big Brother 12 Spoilers

2:50pm Backyard Brit, Enzo and HAyden Going over Kathy’s POV speech how she told Brendon not to use the POV because if he did Rachel would go up. Enzo: “Look she’s a nice lady and all but cmon that was stupid yo” They still think theres some big cons to getting rid of Andrew though.. Hayden starts to play with his lasso.. talk changes to horses.

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

3:10pm Backyard couches they are both getting suspicious of Brendon and Andrew. Ragan says that andrew had approached him 10 minutes after he talked to Brendon. Ragan explains the entire conversation he just had with Andrew on the couch (See previous post). Ragan says “I’m Definitely Voting out Andrew this Week” he explains that unless some “MASSIVE” happens his mind will not be changed.


Big Brother 12 Spoilers

3:26pm Brendon, Hayden, Ragan, Andrew, Matt, and Brit Chit chat about movies. Ragan tells them that he likes aliens more then alien. He goes to explain the two movies but doesn’t quiet get it right. hayden says he liked Terminator 2 more than Terminator 1.. talk changes to ‘A’ list actors, Brit thinks reese witherspoon is A list brendon thinks Wyonna Ryder is, ragan thinks Elizabeth shoe is.

19 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan “I’m Definitely Voting out Andrew this Week””

  1. Quick question, is the 2 friends in the house revealed? By the looks of it, it looks like Matt and Ragan. Anyway know? What are your thoughts?

    1. I thought that Ragan and Matt were the friends outside the house for a while too, until I remembered that in the DR, Ragan was saying how good of a person Matt was for playing the game for his “ill” wife. Wouldn’t Ragan know that Matt lied about that?

  2. I agree with the previous poster that said Andrew should go to Hayden and Kristen and tell them he was awake during their whole make-out session and that he knows they want to keep it secret so they will not have huge targets like B/R. He should tell them that he has kept the secret and will continue to keep it in exchange for a vote to keep him. Otherwise, he will bust them as he is exiting Thursday night. I think he needs to show that he is trustworthy. I like him and really hope he stays!

    1. Extortion!!! EXACTLY!!!

      THAT is the Big Brother show I want to see.

      Shove all the romance garbage.

  3. annnnd down goes andrew…whyyyyyyyyyy…if he is bff w/ bren in real life…cbs lost 2 gimmicks in 3 weeks

    1. Funny I should read this post now, since I just saw a conversation between R & B and I hit me that Brendon and Andrew could be the friends. And I think Annie made up the friends thing. I also had a feeling that Brendon could be playing Rachel. The conversation was around 5pm on screen 1, B & R on the sofa outside. Rachel caught brendon lying to her, or at the very least not including her in plans or schemes with andrew.

  4. This is kind of a waste of a week but it is the most exciting because you don’t really know who going home, yet

  5. did I read something wrong, or is Kathy actually playing the game? If she called out basically the whole house at POV ceremony, what was her profit? I know: by telling Brendon that Roachel is a sure replacement if he used pov, she’s gained B/R’s trust… Because isn’t she telling everyone else in the house that she’d go after B/R if she got HOH? She’s getting votes from them; (and hopefully) then she’ll turn on B/R next week if she here…

  6. DidI read something wrong, or is Kathy actually playing the game? If she called out basically the whole house at POV ceremony, what was her profit? I know: by telling Brendon that Roachel is a sure replacement if he used pov, she’s gained B/R’s trust… Because isn’t she telling everyone else in the house that she’d go after B/R if she got HOH? She’s getting votes from them; (and hopefully) then she’ll turn on B/R next week if she here…

  7. There is talk that after this week, 1 of the 3 HGs voted since the beginning of the show, may be voted back in. The reason behind this is because of the 14th player that ditched the show. That is why Annie, Monet and whoever goes this week are being sequested. We get to choose who get another shot. They this this twice before. Kaysar got voyed back in as well as “Crazy” James. So do not despair. This should liven things up – at least for a week before they are again voted out – guaranteed!!!!

    1. give us the scene – say we vote back Annie – what would happen when she walks in that door and Rachel sees her.

    2. The 14th player did not ditch the show, the show ditched her….she was the original sabatouer, but she couldn’t keep the secret to herself. She was going around at press junkets and such telling people that she was the sabatouer, so they replaced her with Annie and kicked her off the show.

  8. If they really are planning on switching from voting Kathy to Andrew out, they need to act fast and do it for Thursday! I mean, really, are they getting anything out of it by evicting Kathy? ….no! They only positive thing that could come out of evicting Kathy is Matt stays safe and there is no blood and no one is out for revenge. That’s playing it safe!! That may be a good plan for them personally inside the house, but just makes for boring TV and Live Feed for us crazies!

    Let’s vote out Andrew and next week put Rachel and Brendon on the block – no question! It’s time to stop being nice and start making some waves in this house! I don’t want to hear anyone saying, “Well, I’ll put up Kathy and Andrew up this week with plans to backdoor Rachel/Brendon.”

    That’s not guaranteed as we found out this week! I wanna start seeing some fights in this house!

    Also, I think the houseguest relationship was just a lie Annie made up while being the saboteur. I love how they all still bring it up and believe it though!

  9. what happened to Ragans “golden rule” mumbo jumbo? i thought he wanted to keep the strong players.. what a phoney… this seasons gona suck with andrew gone.. really is.. matt really waisted this week.

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