Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan Fox “leading queer performance poet”

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Theres so much shit being pumped out on the internets before the start of the BIG BROTHER 12 Season. I’m not sure if this has been posted here or not. Ragan sure has generated alot of buzz about what he has said Here, Here and Here . I’m looking forward to seeing Ragan this season should be a competent Big Brother 12 Player.
RAGAN FOX is also an accomplished Author having written Heterophobia, Exile in Gayville and Gays in (Cyber-) Space. head over to his Wikipedia page for some solid inforamtion

Big Brother 12 ragan fox


Book Description
Readers will discover within these pages, why Ragan Fox is among the leading queer performance poets in the nation. This literary debut includes subtle and nuanced exercises that interrogate gender, violence, sexuality, and heteronormativity. Heterophobia is accessible, riotously funny, heart-breaking, and undeniably real.

About the Author
Ragan Fox is an assistant professor of communication at California Statue University, Long Beach. Fox’s other creative accomplishments include his first book Heterophobia, the Fox and the City podcast, which was heard weekly on Sirius radio, and several academic essays that have been featured in Text and Performance Quarterly, the Journal of Homosexuality, Theatre Topics, and Qualitative Inquiry. He currently resides in West Hollywood with his dog Bella.


Exile in Gayville

Ragan Fox’s multi-faceted personality is on full display here. He’s flaming, he’s serious, he’s funny, he’s angry, and he’s himself. With poems for horrible times, punch-drunk times, and everywhere in between, Exile in Gayville deserves a big audience. –Edge Publications
Book Description
Ragan Fox offers poetry that demands and provokes readers, as well as entertains them. Fox bares not only his sexuality but his childhood fears and foes, his desires met and never satisfied, in these imaginative poems. These pieces deserve being read by anyone moved by the plight of today’s gay culture wars.

Gays in (Cyber-) Space

Book Description
Computer-mediated communication offers opportunities for gay men to affirm their identities in digital contexts. Many gay men have turned to online journals, or “blogs,” and internet-bound broadcasts, otherwise known as “podcasts,” to perform their subjectivities. Digital performances of gay identities potentially intervene on reductive understandings of gay male identity that are prevalent in several mass mediated modes of communication. This project is grounded in a review of literature relevant to performances of identity, personal narrative, social activism, and online methods of cultural intervention. Through the use of virtual ethnographic methods, the author reveals that gay bloggers and podcasters construct multiple online personas and skillfully manipulate language to articulate their needs, desires, fears, reflections of the past, and hopes for the future. Audience members react to the generative texts by finding their own ways to contribute to online performance and bolster gay male subjectivities. The book concludes with a discussion of how bloggers, podcasters, and audience members work in an activist manner.


Watch Big Brother 12 – see what they can’t show you on TV.

Check out the bitchy BBblog its a blast to read Bitchy Big Brother Blog

2 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan Fox “leading queer performance poet””

    1. Thanks William, A friend of the bitchy bb blog is a friend of the BB spoiler blog 🙂 .. Hope you enjoy the BB12 season!

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