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9:30am Hayden is in the bathroom. Matt comes in and says that he is about to do operation knock out Ragan. Matt asks if Britney has come down yet? Hayden says no. Matt says that maybe he should just go up and wake her up ….there is only an hour and a half till the ceremony ..she will understand. Matt then heads out to the backyard. Matt talks to Enzo out in the backyard telling him that it’s a big day today. Matt says that Ragan is a friend of his but that he is here for Stacy. Matt says that each one of them need to drop Ragans name. Hayden comes out and Enzo tells him to drop Ragans name too. Matt keeps saying we got to make this happen. Matt then heads up to the HOH room and Britney tells him that shes taking a shower. Matt says no problem I’ll come back. Matt then heads back down and out to the backyard. Brendon and Lane are in the kitchen …Brendon asks if Matt even knocked or if he just walked right in. Lane says I don’t know …but give her time to breathe…
9:35am Matt, Hayden and Enzo are out on the backyard couch talking about the wakeup music Big Brother played. Brendon brings tea out for Enzo and Hayden. Brendon assumed Matt didn’t want any and he was right. Matt leaves. Enzo says that guy told us all to throw Ragan under the bus. Brendon asks if he talked to him too. Hayden says no, but that he heard from Enzo. Brendon says that he, Hayden, and Enzo will all go up there and make sure she puts up Matt… that they will just stay up there to cock block him. Enzo says that he is just throwing his bro under the bus yo! Brendon says yeah loyalty. Brendon says that they all need to go up and talk to her ..and reassure her. Brendon says you got to keep in mind its gonna start at 11/11:30am. Enzo says yo we just got to keep talking to her. Enzo says that he (Matt) already ran up there … I’m kind of glad that he did so that he looks crazy. Enzo says that if he wins HOH he’s going to put up Brendon and Matt.
9:50am Up in the HOH room Lane is talking to Britney. Lane asks Britney if its better for Ragan to go up over Matt? Britney says no …she thinks its better for Matt to go up. Britney says that either way it’s going to be scary. Britney says that if Matt and Ragan leave we are the only pair that people see left in the house. Lane says no … you will see after that there is someone else. Britney says okay I trust you. Britney says that if after the show ends she finds out that Lane has been in an alliance with someone else I am going to kill you. Lane asks do you think I have the brain power to do that…. I don’t even have the brain power to talk to you and lift weights. Britney says well do you have the brain power to win then next HOH? Lane then tells Britney that Matt is going to come up and get her to put up Ragan. Britney asks really?! Britney says if Matt goes, Ragan will stick with her, if Ragan goes, she doesn’t know what Matt would do. Lane says yeah he has been inching to come up here all morning. Britney says yeah he already came up here and tried and I told him I was taking a shower. Britney says that they really need to win HOH because she can’t play but next week she can. Lane jokes around and ask Britney if its possible to get engaged twice. Britney says well yeah you did. Lane says no I mean at the same time.. Britney says Lane.. Lane and Britney head down stairs.
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10:15am – 10:35am Matt comes up to the HOH and tell Britney that he is freaking out… I am freaking out man! Matt asks so what is happening. Britney says that it all came down to the POV and we didn’t win. Britney says that she wont put up Hayden and that she doesn’t feel right putting up Lane because he didn’t play. Matt says well that’s not right because I would have much rather been the host then. Matt and Britney talk about their loyalties to Ragan and Lane. Britney says that Ragan was campaigning to have Matt stay and then now you are throwing him under the bus. Matt explains that he told Ragan not to do that and that he is here for Stacy and that him and Ragan don’t have the relationship that she thinks they have.
Hayden comes up and interrupts them, then asks them if they need time to talk. Britney starts to cry and says that she doesn’t want to put up Hayden, or Lane, or Matt. Britney says that if she puts up Hayden …then Enzo will go home and he was the only person other than Brendon that really fought to win in that competition. Britney says that Enzo took two punishments, he took the penguin costume and his clothes were taken away. Matt argues that he has fought hard since the beginning and that its not fair. Matt says that he was up all night thinking about this and about Stacy. Britney says that all they needed was for Brendon to not win the Veto and then he did and now he is still lose in the house. Britney she makes enemies no matter what she does. Matt says that him not going on the block will make him really happy and that it he will not go after her if Ragan goes up or whatever else happens. Britney says that I just sucks …it’s a hard hard position, that all they needed was for Brendon to not win. Britney says that she could have won a trip or something but that she tried. Britney says that someone took the prizes. Matt says that he swears on all that is holy and his wife Stacy that he didn’t win anything. Britney says that if one of those punishments had been taken we would have won that game. Matt says that it sucks. Britney says that yeah it does suck because now I am in the position I am in. Matt says that if there is anything he can do to not become a three time nominee …please let me know because I will do it. Britney says that she doesn’t feel right putting up Ragan because he didn’t get to play. Britney says that people see Matt and Ragan as an obvious team and that he is the stronger player. Britney says that no one wants to sit in the final two with him …based on his game play. Matt tries to argue that she has won way more things than he has. Big Brother then calls Britney to the diary room. Britney gets mad and says that her hair is still wet and that she needs to blow dry it first. The feeds then switch to the we will be right back screen.
10:35pm – 10:45am Hayden is up in the HOH room talking to Britney. Hayden tells Britney that if he wins HOH he would nominate Ragan and Brendon. Britney tells Hayden the conversation that she just had with Matt and how Matt has said that he doesn’t have a big of a bond with Ragan as people think. Britney says that Matt kept going back to trying to get out Ragan and not you (Hayden) and that says to her that Matt really wants to not be associated with him any more. Britney says that she wants Brendon gone really bad. Hayden says that it will be hard for them not to vote for Brendon because he will have to win back to back POV’s and HOH’s all the way to the end. Hayden says that he already said that if he wins HOH he will put up Brendon and Ragan. Britney talks about how she doesn’t feel right having Enzo evicted after how he took two punishments ….he gave his clothes away and got the penguin suit. Britney thanks Hayden for trying to save her from Matt, she says that Lane tried too.
Hayden goes out side and talks to Lane and Enzo. Hayden tells them what he talked about with Britney. Lane says that’s what the speech should be …that they can’t trust someone who throws their best friend under the bus.
10:50am – 11am Brendon is up talking to Britney up in the HOH. Britney says that if she puts up Matt then she is taking out one of Brendons threats. Britney says that she would be taking out someone that has pledged allegiance to her. Brendon brings up the fact that Matt is throwing his best friend under the bus so his word means nothing. Britney tells Brendon that all she is asking for if Brendon wins HOH next week then she wont go up and not even if some one else wins the veto. Britney says that if it is a double eviction she is just worried that if Ragan wins POV she doesn’t want to go up. Britney says that she doesn’t want to be the second choice. Britney says that her and Brendon going to final 2 is fair because they both have both won HOH and POV’s and that they have both fought to be here. Brendon promises that he is not going after her… he wants Matt and Ragan out. Britney says that the only think that worries her is that she doesn’t want to go home if Ragan wins POV. Brendon says that they will sit down and talk out the scenarios. Brendon and Britney agree that the next competition will be a fast and physical. Brendon says that Matt is the shadiest person in here. Brendon tell Britney that Matt and Ragan were up in the HOH last week pushing for her to go home. Brendon says that he and her are chum buddies. Brendon says that he cant believe Matt is throwing Ragan under the bus ….that is disgusting.
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Sooner or later, everyone will be for himself/herself, so don’t be too quick to call Matt disgusting.
I thougt the Brigade would want Matt to throw Ragan under the bus? It’s either Ragan or one of the Brigade members. Now I know that the Brigade wants Matt out something bad I’m just making a point that all of their reasons for wanting Matt out is pointless. Obviously he’s willing to get rid of his side alliance (although I think Matt thinks he can get Enzo out instead of Ragan). Also Ragan and Britney are just as likely to win a comp as Matt is. I don’t know, they all have my head spinning, lol. This season seems to be say whatever you want to whoever you are talking to at the moment but then just go along with the majority.
Whatever happened to people hearing something from someone and then going and confronting the other person? There is virtually no confrontations this year that weren’t about something stupid like all of Rachael’s.
it’s funny how the biggest fights in this house have been about cookies, celebrating a win, and “floaters grab a life vest!”
Matt is a smart, physical competitor, the rest of the Brigade is lacking in those departments. The Brigade is also counting on Ragan falling apart without Matt. So the choice is pretty clear to them, that Matt must go first. If he stays, he still will be gunning for them (and would likely succeed).
Matt hasn’t helped his case much by throwing his strongest ally under the bus, thus giving the Brigade one more argument for Britt to consider.
There’s plenty of holes in this, but no one ever accused the Brigade of being real thorough in their planning.
Huh? How is getting Matt out pointless? They all know that if he’s in the final 2 none of them will win against him. The only 2 votes he has lost (supposedly ) are Brendon/Rachels.
He didn’t even have to earn/fight for the DPOV. It was handed to him. The fact that he won HOH isn’t him earning DPOV, he had only earned HOH (nomination 2 people).
So besides using the DPOV to SAVE HIMSELF (wow, what a power move!?), what else has he done? Besides call himself a diabolical super-genius and walk around in a zipped down hoodie with no shirt underneath? All the other people that left the house, have left because of Rachel and then just for being idiots (like the first saboteur, she left thanks to her unstable emotions/causing fights early in the game). Andrew left for being a weirdo w/ no social skills. Monet left for being catty at the hand of Rachel. While Matt & brigade called themselves genius as if they controlled these people’s mouths. All they did was vote together…oh my god GENIUSES!
I mean really…I don’t even like Brit and I’ll say that after this week and her actions – she should win this whole thing. She was smart enough to realize she needed to make moves for the game – not her faux friendships with Ragan/Matt. The two people that deserve to stay are Brit & Brendon if we’re talking about game play and really fighting, making power moves without being cowards.
Why is Britney so scared to put up Hayden? Their not even close.
Because then Enzo will more than likely go home and he was one of the only ones that fought for the POV and got punished. He has lost all his clothes and has to wear the penguin suit. I agree with her, for that Enzo should get one more week at least.
Not unless everyone votes for Hayden to leave?
If a player is on the block and does not actually win POV, does he/she get to stay because of the effort? Please. No second place. Cut him loose, with or without clothes.
She’s being a whimp. Doesn’t want to disappoint Lane and the Stooges.
Because Lane is in her ear and he wants to protect enzo and hayden more so than matt. She doesnt want lane pissed at her, i think shes crushing on him BAD.
But why does she trust Lane so much?
I’m thinking that Brit and Lane are the life long friends. She may even be engaged to him and the bozo in the picture is a “substitute”. Didn’t her mom say she’d be happy with Lane or something like that. Why would a mom say that if her daughter was engaged to somebody else?
That actually makes a lot of sense.. I bet they were the lifelong friends tooo. Cause if they weren’t, I don’t think Britney would trust Lane so much.
this game is soooo rigged i cant seem to know why other ppl havent found that out alreddy
well most of them are brendon and rachel fans. everybody else sees something fixy in this entire game, i doubt ANYBODY earn their wins.
Wait for iiiittttt…. Wait fooorrrr iiittttt!
Matt needs to go – he’s devious! Clearly he’ll say anything to win. At least with Will, he told everyone he was going to lie through his teeth
Matt cut his throat with me when he lied about his wife fake illness. Scum.
I agree with them….If he will throw his best bud under the bus, then watch out! You’re next Brit!
This little girl Britney is now thinking about “fair”. It’s not fair to put up so and so, because so and so…. When has thing game been about “fairness”, little girl?
She’s so clueless that she won’t put up Hayden, when it was Hayden who has campaigned to get her out of the house. It was Brendon who didn’t put her up when he won the HOH.
If this girl goes home, it’s because she did it to herself. What a waste of space for the show. Incidentally, take Ragan with you. You two can spend times in paradise together.
Matt has wise up and if he pulls through this week, he’s going to the end, I can feel it.
Brendon, keep up the good work.
I agree with you 100 percent……… Britney needs to learn to treat others as she expects them to treat her…… she either has a bad memory about her deeds or is truly a spoiled brat……. I enjoy the show when the house guests are up front with who they are and they work hard to win the ‘comps’…… Brendon seems to keep his word but others don’t with him……… Rachel cracked me up…….. She was up front to the extreme…….feel she hurt Brendon’s game now……gotta give her credit for giving the comps 100% and winning…….The ‘cry baby’ aka ‘drama boy’ needs to go……His judgement of people are so lacking……He’s going to do himself in when he watches past programs………..
I believe the reason Britney won’t put Hayden up is because she has a crush on him. Lane was just incidental. I believe her true crush is with Hayden, but Hayden wanted Kristen, so now with Kristen being gone, Britney is trying to get Hayden’s attention.
na na na na, na na na na hey hey hey bye matt!
this really sucks……I want to like Lane but I hate how he’s playing Brit. I know it’s just a game but it sucks!!!! BB has interferred before, why arent they doing it now?! boooo
Wow if she puts matt up shes an idiot. put hayden up and get enzos floating ass out the game. Brit doesnt know what the truth is cause all the liers in the house the only petson thats been honest is matt
Matt’s been honest? LOL, come on now. I don’t dislike the guy and think he’s made the whole thing more entertaining but he has played everybody. The guy throwing Ragan under the bus is just the last straw in the game. Brit is an idiot though, I agree, she wants to now be “fair”? LOL, she is so gone next week if she throws Matt up. Ragan, Brendon, Hayden, everyone short of Lane would put her up, perhaps Lane would as well although I don’t see Lane winning jack, heck Enzo has been more competetive then that guy.
Did you REALLY just say the only person in the house being honest is Matt??? What season are your watching?
It stinks for matt he’s done all the dirty work the brigade are all still here because of him he could gotten anyone out last week but he took out kathy and now they’re saying that he’s not loyal and can’t be trusted yea good job u sure as hell can trust enzo and especially uh huh stupid bitch
At least Will and Boogie laughed and acknowledged they were manipulating people. Enzo and the Brigade have this self righteousness about them that I hate as if they actually deserve to be here more than the other players. Acknowledge you aren’t good at the game and that, despite your generally horrible game play, you have managed to make it this far on other’s backs.
Matt winning didn’t really help the brigade. Hayden, Lane, Enzo were liked by everyone in the house, they were never a target by laying low. It’s like being at a bank in the middle of a robbery, are you going to lay down like the gunman asks or are you going to try and be a hero and end up getting killed? This game can be played in more than one way, winning comps gets a target on your back as well as making enemies in the jury room. Playing the social game has worked for 4 of the remaining 7. I guess we will see in the end.
It’s nice to see Brendon being focused on working Brit get Matt and Ragan out. he’s pretty good at it. It’s too bad Rachel blinded his whole focus early on.
Enzo, Hayden, and Lane are running things.. it’s amazing how well they’ve set themselves up in great position.
I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but I find Brendon’s reasoning why Matt should go rather than Hayden much more concise and compelling than the others. Who knew?
It’s hard to believe that Britney is willing to put Matt up knowing that he will go home. Matt, Brendon and Britney are the only ones that deserve to be in the final three. Lane, Enzo and Hayden have just skated by without anything, except making themselves look like idiots on National TV. This will be a complete waste of a season after Thursday’s double eviction. One can only hope that next years house guests are competitive and entertaining.
you couldn’t be more wrong. You are probably like my wife who thinks that this whole game is about who wins the comps. But it isn’t. The game of Big Brother is mostly a game of social interactions. How you deal with other people, how you manage your relationships, etc. is what determines how long you last in this game. No one has mastered the social aspects of the game better than Lane, Hayden, and Enzo.
Chicot, my point was that the only deserving ones in the game are Britney, Brendon and Matt! Playing a “social” game may be part of the game but it does not define the game. We are dealing with a group of people that think bashing someone on looks and personality are the way to win.. not so much. Read what past house guest have said about this season as far as game play goes. They are the only ones that could understand how BB really works!
This sucks yo.
Matt is seriously just ruining his own game…i agree with Brendon for once…if he is for real…throwing Ragan under the bus will get him nowhere in this game other than out the door….
last night Brit was walking around barefoot in the kitchen. And Matt was standing right next to her in his flipflops. He was only 1 inch taller than her! I didn’t realize how short he really is. Brit says she’s about 5’1″, so Matt’s gotta be about 5’2″ ! whoa!
I saw that too! Brit was barefoot and Matt was wearing shoes and only a lil taller!
Hayden is seriously the most worthless thing I have ever seen. He speaks about his morals yet lies to every single person he comes in contact with.
Enzo is the laziest thing I have seen in forever, he is beyond being a floater and a 30 something year old man calling a 22 year old girl the c word over and over because she has actually played the game??? Really dude and you have a daughter??? Thats CLASS!
Lane, I wish he would see what is fellow alliance is really like and be a real man but sadly doesnt look like that is gonna happen…
Brendan is just a douche, cant say anything else.
Matt… Uggh I was a fan but really dude you’re proving to Brit that she cant trust you by you throwing Ragan under the bus… If you do it to him she will be convinced you will do it to her.
Ragan… I just think he i almost too nice to play the game and although he cries and is pouting a lot he is the only one who actually seems to have the integrity Kathy and Hayden bragged about.
Regardless this season seems exhausting to me… If these are their true colors I would opt to never meet any of them yet the LAME ASS BRAGADE think they are so awesome that they are going to have movie and record contracts??? Yeah boys read the blogs, the only people in love with you are yourselves!!!
I love how hayden says “Now I don’t want to throw anyone under the bus BUT… ” then he throws someone under the bus.. he does this all the time, pathetic. I almost like the ogre more then Hayden
exactly… i so wish he would be exposed for being the selfish liar he is and taking all of the prizes too. He has earned nothing all season…
Okay I agree with you on the fact that the brigade is a crappy alliance and that hayden and enzo are pretty useless. but how are Britney or Ragan better people..okay britneys competitve and she wins shit but shes the most minipulating, backstabbing ignorant bitch ive ever seen on bb she lies to absolutley everyone in the game, makes fun of ppls physcial appearences constantly like how is she worse than enzo she deseerves to be called the c word cuz she is one and ragan is a pathetic excuse for a man as well as a disgrace to all homosexuals out there hes a lying cheating weasel himself who acts like a 15 year old ion highschool the 2 of them deserve to get sent home for being the nasty ppl that they are. How stupid can u be to defend ppl like that?
All I can say is Yep.
Okay I agree with you on the fact that the brigade is a crappy alliance and that hayden and enzo are pretty useless. but how are Britney or Ragan better people..okay britneys competitve and she wins shit but shes the most minipulating, backstabbing ignorant bitch ive ever seen on bb she lies to absolutley everyone in the game, makes fun of ppls physcial appearences constantly like how is she worse than enzo she deseerves to be called the c word cuz she is one and ragan is a pathetic excuse for a man as well as a disgrace to all homosexuals out there hes a lying cheating weasel himself who acts like a 15 year old girl in highschool the 2 of them deserve to get sent home for being the nasty ppl that they are. How stupid can u be to defend ppl like that?
Who DOESN’T say shit like that? Oh, and Simon, thanks for stifling my freedom of expression. I didn’t realize the gay community was so sensitive. If you’re adding to the filter, you might want to add things like : retard, tard, shithead, ogre (this offends ME, since I look like an ogre)….I think you get it. And, if a person is commenting on MY post, I should have the right to reply with whatever I want. I mean, you seem to liberties with your words and you don’t hold back. I know it’s your site and all, just sayin’, let’s be FAIR. 😉
“But” means negate everything I said prior to that.
The other line Hayden always uses that drives me crazy is “I’m so glad I’m not the only one who was thinking this, I was worried it was just me” after any convo about throwing someone under the bus (for instance when Enzo, Lane and Hayden met with Brit right before the noms and discussed putting Matt up as the pawn against Brendon)
I used to like Hayden until he started smelling the money and getting a big head. He was def the first one to turn on Matt when he realized he could never beat him in the end and that was about 3 weeks ago, he started working on Enzo then slowly worked Lane and then finally this week put the nail in the coffin with convincing Brit (not that any of them really needed that much convincing). And the diary room clips of him talking trash during the have/have-not comp seemed totally out of character, unless he’s been hiding his true character.
I’m totally perplexed as to how this season will turn out but one thing is guaranteed there will be some serious backstabbing down the end with everyone being in bed with everyone else, Even if Hayden, Enzo and Lane do make it to final 3 the silver lining will be watching them flip out when they realize they all have final two deals with each other and one will have to directly screw over someone.
One last thing that has been bugging me, Its odd that Enzo is sooooo convinced that Matt has turned and would choose Ragan over the Brigade but is totally blind to the fact that he’s endorsing Lane doing the same thing if they really do take Brit to final 4. If Enzo, Hayden or Lane had half a brain cell they would want to take Ragan to final 4 bc he has no direct ties to the 3gade (Brit-Lane, Brendon-Enzo/Hayden) and would be the only way to even the playing field for the 3gade trying to make it to final 3.
Not Sure What Team Anymore YO!!!
Simon, you know you are an ogre fan, just admit it. lol
They constantly fixate on their popularity meter. Movies, press,rap careers. Little do they know that it’ll only be BB related events for any of them. The fame ends there.
Every HG has lied like mad. Maybe Brit the most. But thats like saying who scratched themselves more, Matt or Enzo
Wow, that was monumentally dumb on Matt’s part.
since i don’t believe Matt is meaning anything he says right now…i hope Britney does whatever is best for her…
Absolutely – the girl is playing with fire no matter what she ultimately decides!
lane is the biggest backstabber i have ever seen
My question is since when do ENZO and HAYDEN run the house…they have done NOTHING…yet they control everything…lmao…it is amazing….
This is brutal. I haven’t seen a house so worried about offending people. It’s like they all just want to be friends. Needless to say, after this week it will be pointless to watch.
haha. exactly.
The only guy who campaigned for Matt last week, and the only guy campaigning for him this week – thrown under the bus. Well, considering how he’s lied about his wife, it’s no shock at all.
And yet Matt fans will defend the scum.
when is the pov ceremony ?
POV going down now..
Sounds like Matt may have sealed his own fate. Diabolical Super Doucher
I can’t believe that Matt is still using his wife so they’ll pity him and not put him up! That is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. And then people say that he played well?? How?? By making up a horrible story involving his wife that’s not even true!! At least Brendon can say that he won competitions and that’s the reason he is where he is…he gets on my nerves too sometimes but right now, I think he deserves it more than any of those losers!!!
Matt Goes this week, then brittney, then regan, then hayden and enzo wins because nobody voting for the neanderthal but his future ex wife
Like Matt told Enzo last week…..if Ogre is in the final 2 he will vote for the ogre……His explanation: if someone is hated that much by the house and makes it to the final 2 he deserves the money for surviving.
Matt lies through his teeth all the time. So who knows if he’s even a human being.
These people make me laugh. They all talk about what’s right and what’s wrong, and about people throwing their “best friends” under the bus, but come onnnn. Its big brother, and when it comes down to it, you gotta throw people under the bus to get ahead, especially if you’re facing elimination. when it comes to saving yourself, og course you’ll rsik your loyalty, hello, the object of the game is to win half a million dollars not to make friends and try to not piss them off. If any of them were in matts postition they would do the same. Sorry we’re not all as delusional as you, Brendon. And uhhh britney you promised Ragan and Matt they are 100% safe, so how can you even justify putting matt up because he thrw ragan under the bus. I can’t wait till Lane throws Britney “under the bus” (the favourite sentence of the season), then she’ll be kicking herself for trusting them. Idiots. Bye bye britney. Cant wait till double eviction night!
1. Hayden’s friendship with Lane
2. Hayden’s has not been badmouthing other HG’s like most.
3. The House sentiment is that Hayden is really a good guy and it shows. He probably has
the best social game of all the HG’s.
Him and Enzo deifnitely have the best social game no doubt about it.
what I don’t understand is the other houseguests are constantly complaining about people deserving to be there and fighting and winning things to stay and getting rid of the floaters. Yet, Hayden and enzo are a) just as usueless as Kathy was and b) The biggest floaters this season. Sure they have the brigade some people may argue, but they’ll screw the brigade if neccassary, liek they are doing to Matt, who has carried them this far.
I think Enzo has done so much talking while in that penguin suit that his mouth is going to get him in trouble after Matt goes home. If he survives the double eviction all of this will come back and bite him in the @ss.
It would be awesome if on Thursday Ragan wins 1st hoh nominates Enzo and Hayden. Lane wins pov. Enzo gets voted out then Brendan wins 2nd hoh and nominates Brit and Ragan. The gremlin screwed up by throwing Ragan under the bus. So if somehow he stays nobody (including Ragan) would trust him. Bye Matt.
Wow so the meow meow or as he is really known the pussy pussy. Plays hard in 1 comp and not in all the others and she now wants him to stay. Wait until she watches it back and hears all the evil things Enzo has said about her. Matt made a mistake by throwing Regan under the bus.
Hey Simon,
Thanks for preventing freedom of expression. I know it’s your site, and you pretty much can say/do what you want, but come on. Besides, EXman started the shit. I didn’t go to his post. I’ve seen helluva lot worse written on these blogs. Geez, are gays that sensitive?
Add whatever you want to the filter. You might want to add: tard, retard, dumbass, shithead, fagGOT, f-a-g, RatneySUX, KissMY_ass, Qweeeer…… I think you see where this is going. People can get the point across, no matter what’s in the filter. Just takes a little imagination. 😉
It is funny how Hayden and Enzo hey and even lane thinks they are entitled and have been running the house. Hello the only way you think that is b/c what matt has done for you. If he wasnt in their alliance they would be NOTHING. I love how they think hes gotta go now and that hes sneeky now but before it was cool. They are nothing without matt and if he does go then i will love to see one of them attempt to win or even put eachother up and it will be hilarious to see them fight it out.
When she was just talking to Enzo about Matt in the hoh, they walked out and she said. Lane does not need to know I am backdooring him, Lane is going to be shocked??? WTF>> did she mean Matt? I thought so, but she said Lane 3 times.
Not only is Brit stupid to put Matt up, but if Matt had any brains at all right now, he’d realize he has nothing to lose and he’d tell her and everyone else left about the Brigade. STUPID.
And she’s a hypocrite to talk about people not fighting…what the hell has her boyfriend Lane done?….whos been playin her good.
Yea, good point. Matt should push them all under the bus as he walks out of the house. He’ll probably whisper it into Ragan’s ear as he leaves…………because at that point he’ll realize that he should’ve stuck to Ragan and not the Brigade.
He should whisper the truth to him and tell him to keep it to himself /to help himself in the game. If Ragan were smart he’d use the information to get himself, Brit and Brendon in an alliance and go to the end w/ Brendon. Ragan can’t win against Brit in the final 2. And if it somehow works out that he has to choose between them and chooses Brit, he deserves to lose. Because it’d be idiotic.
MATT should tell her about the brigade alliance and they she wont be so quick to trust lane
Just the TIP:
I’d like to apologize for calling xman a f a g. I meant to call EXman a butt pirate. Just wanted to clear that up.
Is that better, Simon? 😉
TELL ME ////////////////////////////////////////// ANYBODY KNOW
Matt must be thinking ‘Woulda – coulda – shoulda!’ Again his brilliance gets in the way!
Matt should have threw the brigade under the bus they were gonna vote him out last week if he didn’t pull out the DPOV why is he still supporting them?? i wold root for brendon but fact of the matter is unless he goes to final 2 with matt,regan, or brittney he has NO chance of winning, enzo,lane , or hayden will win BB12(i know brendon and rachel fans got the heads too far up their asses to see that).
Well Matt’s true colors are finally showing and I think the final nail in the coffin was turning on Regan. I don’t care for either of them but to Bittany it must look especially shady remembering how much Regan cried and fought for Matt. It simply reinforces what Hayden and Lane are telling her.
As for lying..yea we get it… you do need to lie to get ahead in this game but man…lying about your wife having an illness is just asking for bad karma…if she does get sick ..whoa! Grenade! The moron even lied about that and having a birthday soooo early, it was really unnecessary. He had the Brigade then anyhow…why not just trust in that for awhile?
It’s time for him to go. (yo)
Matt lied about his age AND his birthday? Why? He must just enjoy lying.
Yea know I love LANE….BUT he’s really pissing me off with how he acts like he has a crush on Britt!! I can’t stand her BUT he is a major player …IMO. Everyone might think he’s just a dumb country boy along with Hayden…but something’s telling me different! I really think he’s using her big time!
This might not be so bad for Brit, I think Ragan and Brendon will stick to their word. So it’s 3 v 3. I’m so hoping Ragan will win HOH and put up Enzo and Brendon….
matt needs to out the brigrade to britt
britt needs to know how the other brigrade members have been floating this whole time and matt has been doing all the work. she needs to know that matt suggesting ragan is b/c of his loyalty to the brigrade. after this eviction they need to go after hayden and lane. Britt should put up lane and tell him that he is going up as a pawn. Enzo would definately go home and then hayden and lane will be screwed.
I totally agree with all you, the whole house is crazy. You would think that since they have all watched the previous seasons, they would all have enough sense to know not to trust anyone and just play the game for themselves. Every season we go through this. If i was in the house, I would listen to no one, just play the games with what would best for me. If you ask me, Lane is the worst one of all. He is using Brittany in the worst way. Apparently engaged or not, she has strong feelings for Lane, and he is going to throw her under bus. If she had any sense, she would put up Hayden and get rid of one of the brigade and stick with Matt and Ragan.Hayden has done absolutely nothing and he controlling this house. But as usual in every season, they screw up and most undeserving person wins. And every season I go back for more. I guess I am hooked. As far as deserving to win the game, Brittany and Brent deserve to be in the final two, not saying they are my favorites, but at least they deserve to win
Didn’t Lane and Hayden make a final two deal a while back?
Isn’t Hayden the youngest HG? Give him time, folks — he’ll become just as dishonest as the rest of the Hamsters.
Of all the players in the house, the biggest sleaze is Matt, reasons known to all of us. He has played this game for himself — not even for his wife (new bride?). Himself. He is the douche. Brendon’s biggest offense was getting involved with Rachel. But Brendon is a big, geek, who has no idea he is as attractive as he is. Along comes the red tornado and she zeros in on him, he’s flattered and beguiled and falls for her load of ****. His biggest mistake. He’s 100% better without her and better off. Wish we could save Brendon from her. His last fiance was a beautiful, classy girl and she broke off with him and broke his heart. So, he was susceptible to Rachel’s “wiles” and her flashy flattery.
He had already begun to see her less than classy behavior and he will see more of it when they are out in the real world. I just hope he sees it in time to save himself from her.
my vote is for Hayden to go up and BOZO to go HOME. Jus sayin
Aaaaaaand, your vote means dick. Jus sayin.
I’d like to see Hayden go up and them BOTH to go home.
They need to drink more and earlier, Matt’s drunkin idea to throw Ragan under the bus to Brit just cost him the game. Matt thinks out loud when buzzed. It is really great to watch. No more have nots please. Time to party!
This Episode of Big Brother is the most boring ever! What will CBS do once there is nothing but the Lame Brigade? Matt is the only one of the four with any snap, Lane is a redneck (mentally challenged), Enzo is Lane’s northeastern counterpart, Hayden is truly a dumb jock who thinks he is God’s Gift. ::yawn:: Then, of course, there’s the rest of the house: Brittany, too dumb to know she’s being played; Ragan, so very overly dramatic(without a modicum of sincerity), and let’s not forget hypocritical. All the things he said to Rachel he could say to a mirror. Brendan, well, Brendan is a nice guy. But boring. Really, of the ones left, only Matt or Brendan should win anything at all. They’ve actually PLAYED.
And the Saboteur….oh how very lame was all of that?? Leave a note for one of the Players? It was truly an eye-roller. That one didn’t get the BB writer any raises.
Hey BB … Suggestion: At one of the Eviction ceremonies, let America pick one of the nominees! Let the HOH put up their nominees, let the POV happen as normal, then when its Eviction night, announce that America has vetoed one of the nominations and replaced them with _____. You gotta do something to keep it interesting, because after Brendan and Matt are gone, and only the four housemen (uh, Brigade) are left, who really cares?
I’m sure your threat has CBS shaking in their boots. Production is going to bust into the veto ceremony at any minute now and say, “STOP, we can’t let this happen. If Matt goes up, CBS will lose hazzeeyyy as a viewer, and that would be catastrophic.” Hold your breath, they’re just about to bust in. Wait for it………..wait for it……………………wait for it….
Just wanted to say that I dont think any of the “brigade” deserves to win because they havent done anything except for matt but he doesnt deserve it either because of the lies hes told especially about his wife…how does he look at himself in the mirror? The one thing i hate the most is Britney…she is SUCH a hypocrite(sp) for example she said in the diary room that she hates when people like brendon and rachel go up and pretend to care about the HOH winner and the things they got……Ughh big red truck!!! You did this every time rachel won and when Brenden did she never says anything nice about nebody and complains about everthing everone else does then does the exact thing she was just bashing or complaining about….wake up!!! She has horrible character!
Lilbug, right you are!
This season reminds me of The Yaya Sisterhood or The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants.
well he should have shut his mouth if he didnt have to throw Ragan under the bus he would be off the block
You all say how matt will throw ragan under the bus…as Lane,enzo and hayden sit and laugh how she is doing there dirty work taking out matt…and they go from hoh to the by saying how she is out next…did you forget also how enzo has wanted her out all week..and that they were trying to get britney out including lane..last week?? aww why is everything matts fault??His alliance was to the brigade..and yes he is stupid now for thinking they still have his back..which they never have..britney ,matt and brendon have been played by lane,enzo and hayden..and ragan is the only one pointing it all out.
Plus not one thing they have told britney is true about matt…he was not the sab..he didn’t take all those prizes..and they are coming after her….the sad thing is…the brigade was a great idea..If they all four actually played and didn’t throw comps none of them could of been up or would of been up and they could of road easily to the end..Playing hard..