Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Matt reassures Rachel he is okay with being the pawn. Rachel still isn’t sure…

9am Matt is up and in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Matt then heads outside goes to the camera and says good morning America, nice day to be put up on the block … good day indeed.

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9:25am Up in the HOH room Matt and Rachel are talking. Rachel tells Matt that as a courtesy to Ragan she isn’t sure if she will put him up as a pawn. Matt asks …as a courtesy to Ragan?! Rachel says well because you to are BFF’s. Matt is like oh. Matt says that after talking to people last night he is pretty sure that Andrew would go home if he was up against Monet. Matt says that he feels pretty confident that he would be fine if he went up on the block. Rachel tells him that she really appreciates him offering to go up on the block. Matt says yeah no problem …respect the HOH. Matt says she doesn’t owe him anything …just protect him if he is in danger of being put up another time, and then after that she doesn’t owe him anything. Rachel says that she still needs to consider what she is going to do but thanks him for helping her out. Matt says no worries and tells her that he will act surprised if he does go up. Rachel tells him that he will for sure get 5 votes she doesn’t think it will be a landslide but.. ..Matt says that’s all I want 5 votes …that’s all I need. They talk about how they think the POV ceremony will be today some time. Rachel tells Matt that he can hang out in the HOH room and watch TV or whatever if he wants.  Matt says he’ll do that…he complains about his stomach hurting and Rachel says that hers kind of does too. Rachel goes down stairs and then heads outside to workout on the elliptical.


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9:50am All the other houseguests are up and getting ready for the day….Ezno and Hayden are in the lounge room trying to wake up. Enzo says that would fucking suck being a fish in a tank and being trapped! (Kind of like being trapped in the Big Brother house…lol) Enzo asks Hayden how do fish have sex? Hayden says I don’t know.

10am -10:10am Brendon, Lane, Britney, Ragan and Kathy are in the kitchen making breakfast. Lane joins Enzo and Hayden in the lounge roomMatt is up in the HOH watching the spy screen with his hands down his pants…

12 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Matt reassures Rachel he is okay with being the pawn. Rachel still isn’t sure…”

  1. Matt’s wife must be proud of him having his hands down his pants while thousands of women watch him LOL

  2. If Rachel is smart she’ll put up Enzo.
    Then, Monet goes home due to the “brigade” vote.
    Rachel gets the majority of support going into next week (Rachel, Kathy, Ragen, Brendon [if she can stomach his wuss ass], Andrew, Kristen and Hayden will run this shit!
    Britney, Enzo, and Lane will have to realign and adapt to survive. This way, she gets rid of Monet killing the Monet-Britney horror show, exposes the brigade, and moves the pieces on the board. Thoughts?

  3. I hope Matt goes. maybe Rachel, Brendon, Brit, and Kathy will figure something is up. he obviously feels safe for a reason…

  4. i really want her to put up enzo too. and i don’t get how she can’t figure out she’s being played by matt. he flat out told her “i don’t want you to tell anyone it’s my idea to be used as a pawn.” why the heck else would he want it to look like a surprise to him? it’s frustrating to watch.
    and would someone please tell me how putting up andrew will further rachel’s game? he’s an ally for her! if you’re going to do something to “shake up the house” and put a target on your back it should be putting up hayden. that would really draw lines down the house. the brigade would fight to keep him (and expose them as the stupidest alliance ever) but the floaters and brenchel would have the perfect chance to get a strong player out now.

    1. I find it quite humorous to hear someone use the word “stupidest” to describe a group of people being stupid.

  5. Seriously, Matt..get your damn hand out of your pants!! UGH! If I were Rachel, I for sure would not put up Matt, but if she does, she definitely needs to tell everyone in the house when she does put him up that they made a deal, that he offered to be put on the block. I would call him out, for sure. If she doesn’t, then she is not the fan of Big Brother that she pretends to be, I just hope Brendon doesn’t persuade her to go another way. Monet needs to go, If they are smart, they need to get Enzo out…he talks way too much..

  6. Rachel and brendon has to go period along with kristen! They are dumbest and I cant stand to hear them speak! The other cast is aggy to but those three are the worst.Kristen just start making cameos 4 days ago anyway she wont be missed

  7. I want monet to go home so brit can start playin by herself. N either bredon or rach need to go soon. Enzo and hayden need to go soon too

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