10:45pm Lane, Brit and Ragan. Brit is talking about a round scar that Lane has on his leg. HE says it was from a 300lb linebacker stepping on him with their cleats on. HE adds that they needed to take a skin graft because when it happened it was raining and muddy and they didn’t want infection. She pokes it asks him were they got the skin from he tells her his foreskin Brit recoils tells him he’s awful, Lane walks ways laughing.
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments

11:04pm Enzo trapped between Brendon and Rachel on the elliptical the conversation is college football teams. Brendon tells him he thinks it will be fun to write lyrics.. I do poetry. Enzo: “I gots 3 books of lyrics”.

11:30pm Everyone that Hates B/R There talking about how awkward it was having Brendon outside with them. Brit brings up poor enzo who had Brendon breathing down his neck and “touching Thighs”. Enzo knows thats why he got up to watch the pool game. Enzo: “Lets just keep Rachel and get rid of him yo for real”. Brit: “If we can get Rachel out then be really mean to him then he will leave… put you guys are playing nice” Enzo: “Fuck it then i’m going to be mean”

11:40pm Lane beats Ragan in a close game and he takes home the tournament cup

11:50pm Just the Tip Staring Brit, Hayden, MAtt and ragan guests are Tournament winner Lane and KAthy. Ragan starts by explaining what “just the Tip” is it’s a talk show where they give future big brother cast members the tips they’ll need to survive the big brother house They all have their own segments like “skankisms” and “How it really Happened”. Pretty much they rip on B/R it’s funny.

Kathy ruined Just The Tip. 🙁
The pool tournament wasn’t very fair. Allison Grodner can’t fit in the pool so she was automatically eliminated
I have to agree. That is not what “just the tip” means in the “real” world, LOL! Do they really give HG tips to survive? I guess B/R didn’t get the memo.
WooHooo!!! Look at LANE with that trophy (and in that black tank) …. looks right nice! Simon: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Now those are the types of pics that’ll get a girl worked up. Hope playgirl is watching.
Yeshe is looking hot there. I like his ink! When he showed his gun on the show the other night, I was like WHOA, love the ink!
Yum, you are so funny! I think we have a common interest. However, I’m not really crazy about that black tank because it looks like it has a sweetheart neckline. I have something very similar to that hanging in my closet.
Yum: I think your “screen name” says it all. Lane has got to be the sexiest country boy I have ever seen. Poor Nick!!
He’s a nice looking man but those tank tops with the “v” in front and shoulder straps look girlie to me!! It seriously looks like the tops I wear around o.O
Agreed very HOT! I think his mic is pulling down the front of the shirt making it look like a “V” neck.
Brendon was hot til Rachel took his manhood!
jimik, any of this ring true? — Reed — suing smokey — backwards car chase — claudia’s — 33rd — disney — pat — did we??? — Mac C — Geez, are you alive?
Holy bat shit commissioner Gordon! Yes it is true! robin arrested on B & E, DUI & Aggrate Assault! Have to go away – sorry! Look for Light in sky! Take care
Ask to ghost write (fabricate) Justin Bieber’s Memeroirs for Oct. release. Current only 20 pages mostly pop-up pictures. Need to give it pulp in order to justify $22.95 suggested retaiL. Its a start – need new guilty pleasure. Me Walking Away –
too many similarities & thought you might be old friend, a screenwriter, funny as hell
It’s funny no one thinks the game is fixed since Matt
got the diamond pov. Now if that shit went down during Rachels
hoh it wouldbe a different story. U would see post saying prod. is helping them.
All u Brigade fans don’t want hear that, no way
……I ‘m just saying
I think there is some serious miscasting!
With those glasses over his hair, Hayden looks EXACTLY like cousin it.
That pic of the Beast should be LANE. Not only does it look like Lane, but didn’t Enzo refer to Lane as the BEAST? Should be:
Hayden’s pic = cousin it
Lane’s pic = the beast
For maximum effect, this message should be read while playing “Somewhere Out There” (Fievel’s Version) from the original motion picture soundtrack of “An American Tail”. That is should you choice to read this comment.
I can see Regan being told by CBS to find the diamond power of veto and having to use on Rachel. Which CBS I think they are controlling who wins the game which is just wrong.
Why would CBS want to further Matt’s game? He isn’t likeable and his lie was crossed a line.
I was just think that is one the three task Regan has to do this week as the saboteur and CBS way of keeping Rachel.
Simon, I am guessing they aren’t keeping the cameras on in the HOH room when I assume Ragan is going through his stuff. Someone is because not one of them believes he only got a $1. I hope who ever it is figures it out. I’d love it to be a brigade member so they start turning on each other, then it might actually be interesting.
I know yo uaer a brigade fan Simon. I’m really not anyone’s fan. I just want to see something happen in the house that turns it upside down and all around!
Oh my GOD!?
Why can’t we get this next to Kathy’s picture, it looks just like her! 🙁
LMFAO!!!! It really does!!!!! LOL!!!!!
I cannot wait until they all start backstabbing each other. see its fun now to do it to the outcast brendon and rachal but wait til its done to them.thats when big brother will start to get juicy. right now its the same brit who wants the role of mean girl, enzo who thinks he some big time gangsta, lane who is the quiet hick, regan backstabbing twink, kathy????? matt sneaky lil elf, hayden trying to be something big but he’s not surfer idiot, OK so how many nights are we gonna have the gossip girls, brit and regan trouncing Brendon and Rachael and then smile in their face. They are the ones to watch along with Matt. Matt though I dont like him is the one doing the dirty work and will be the blood haver in the game. Lane, Enzo,Hayden just sitting back letting the others do dirty work. Yo guys man up, stop being wimps…Pleaseeeeeee big brother bring some excitement. When are u going to change up the format cuz everyone HOH everyone seems to know what it will be…How about letting them be another endurance yea that would really sike them out…Mix it up and stop being so predictable geez.
when Rachael, Brendons gone then watch Brit will be the target. The backstabbing talk will revert on her and then she will see what her bitching on others will be like for herself. Brit fyi grow up and stop being a mean girl.oops guess u cant its in your personality and you should have went home before Monet
Brit is SOOO HOT, that lower right corner pic of her in the blue bikini at the top of this post is awesome.
What a bunch of mean spirited people in this house. They must really need to bash B/R to make themselves feel good. Really sad how pathetic they all are.
That’s usually how it goes Spacey, place the guilt on someone else to keep it away from you. I think it will be interesting to see them start backstabbing each other ( as ladylove mentioned), should be fun to watch. So I was wrong, it will be worth watching once R/B is gone.
Do you think it was Rachel or Ragan? Why couldn’t they search through stuff in the house, isn’t the game about doingthis kind of stuff and calling people on it? If the person was smart, they would snag it and put it out in the open some place where everyone could potentially see it.
what are they feeding these people they are the fartness bunch of people i,ve ever seen. must be them cowboy beans.
Enzo smacking his mouth and spitting into that cup was the grossest thing yet!