Big Brother 12 spoilers: Lane says he would have sex with Rachel over Annie. Britney says that she would rather have sex with Brendon then Matt.

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2:40pm Ragan giving Kristen advice on how to talk to Brendon. He thinks that Kristen and Hayden are strong and awesome and he has no idea how how this happened since he seriously thought they were going to pull a rabbit out of the hat. He suggests everyone will vote on logic. Matt also reminds her that no one is going to vote her out to make Rachel happy. Kristen says the only girl in the house who would support her is Kathy. Kristen is feeling really defeated. Ragan says it will be an emotional Thursday no matter what happens. Matt says that it is even harder when you have to vote one week and you don’t want to. Ragan tells Hayden that this situation is so sad for him because he could have seen Hayden and Kristen in final three together. Hayden says they are pissed because one of them is not even making it to the jury house.  Kristen says that Britney is very open minded person and thinks that she could get her vote. Kristen says that Hayden is a lot closer with the guys so they will be giving him their votes. Kristen says that she felt it coming before her and Rachel’s argument; she knew she was already Rachel’s target. Kristen asks could this be any worse of a situation. Ragan says that solitary confinement, unitard, up on the block, against each other, right after a character assassination. Kristen says that she would do anything to stay in the house. Kristen says that she would shave her head, get a tattoo, have her teeth knock out… she would do anything. Kristen says that she has unfinished business in the house and would do anything to stay another week.  Ragan tells Kristen that it is so much easier to vote when one has some integrity and the other has no integrity. Ragan brings up how in week one Annie had no integrity and that’s why it was easy to vote her out.
3:30pm Hayden, Matt and Ragan are talking about how Andrew called out Hayden and Kristen last week in his eviction speech. Ragan says it was obvious that Andrew was lying about some thing like how he said that Kristen was stroking Ragan’s ego. They talk about how stupid Andrew’s pre-vote speech was and how silly it was to not even try to save himself. Matt and Ragan agree that they don’t even care what Hayden and Kristen were doing or that they were in an alliance. They talk about who has the most disgusting behavior in the house? They compare Monet’s exit with Andrews. Matt and Ragan both say that they are going to take a bat nap in the bat cave.


3:45pm Britney, Lane and Enzo are sitting on the backyard couches talking. They are talking about Kristen and Hayden being in a relationship in the house. Lane says that it’s disgusting to do that stuff on TV, especially after knowing the other person for only a month. Enzo says he gives their relationship two months after the show ends before they break up. Lane says he doesn’t even give them that. Britney and Lane wonder why Hayden was trying so hard to keep Kristen, and why Hayden was so happy yesterday when he thought Kristen might be staying. Lane thinks its disgusting how happy Hayden was to think he had a chance to keep Kristen there this week. The conversation changes to who they would have sex with in the house if they had to. Would you rather? Kathy or Annie? Enzo says neither, and if he has to choose he’s say Annie. Lane starts talking about how it has to be done, positions, foreplay… (lol) Lane says he would have sex with Rachel over Annie. Britney says that she would rather have sex with Brendon then Matt. Britney says that Brendon apparently has a needle dick. Enzo and Lane say you can’t ask us to find out. Britney whispers here comes his girlfriend. Lane says it looks like Rachel’s boobs are going to fall right off her body. She wants to be taking more seriously. Britney says it was stupid for her to get them in the first place unless they were smaller than she says they originally were. They start making fun of Brendon. Enzo jokes that Brendon’s stomach looks like he had a c-section, and that he is super annoying. Lane says that Brendon has a gay ass smile.


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3:55pm – 4:30pm Hayden and Kristen are hiding out in the bedroom laying in their beds not talking. It looks like Hayden is trying to sleep. Kristen is just staring at the wall. Out of the blue after 10 minutes of silence… Kristen says Fucking Pin Ball Machine! After 5 more minutes of silence. Kristen asks Hayden what he is thinking about …Hayden tells her that he is just thinking about it all and how things played out. After another 5 minutes …Kristen says she bets that he didnt expect all of this to happen. Hayden asks like us meeting and stuff. Kristen says yeah. Hayden says that he wishes it had been later before they connected. Kristen says yeah but you cant put a number on these things. Hayden asks Kristen if he can take her out on a date after the wrap party. Kristen says yeah… and then says no I wont let you take me on a date after you cost me the whole game. Hayden says that he is just going to be tough after because he thinks people are still going to be coming after him … Kristen gets called to the diary room. Kristen leaves the bedroom saying that she is going to miss him. After she leaves the room Hayden says fuck.


32 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 spoilers: Lane says he would have sex with Rachel over Annie. Britney says that she would rather have sex with Brendon then Matt.”

  1. So, it seems like britney, enzo, and lane are the new britney and monet talking about people. they are too funny!!

    1. maybe britknee and enzine will have a shomance next then rachoe and brendumb will attack them too as apparently only rach and bre are allowed to have a shomance. 🙂

      1. If Brit had a showmance, it would be with Lane because Enzo is married, but she’s engaged so I doubt that would happen.

    2. The Queen Kitty has two guys being catty! That’s a heck of an accomplishment. Although, maybe we should have at least seen it coming from Enzo, since his nickname is Meow Meow.

  2. Oh I love all the Brendon-bashing! But damn, Britney does not need to feed his damn ego by telling us that she’d have sex with him over Matt.
    Ugh, that pisses me off! We don’t need to know that. I’m sorry, i’m just jealous. 🙁 I love her.

    1. is’nt that what they have? an alliance? aren’t alliances formed when 2 or more of the houseguests are seen talking with each other more than once? and was’nt brendumb in the brogades?

  3. Lane just seems like a big teddy bear… odds are he is a very considerate lover, IMO. 🙂
    Come on Dawg with some pictures!

  4. It’s a shame that Hayden didn’t bring Kristen into the Brigade. She’s smarter than most of them and may have helped the cause. PLUS, more people against Rachel and Brendon. I also have a comment concerning the Showmance. It seems that unknowingly Kristen and Hayden are a lot more sympathetic to America right now and have a more touching romance than the other two.

  5. Lane and Britney have funny interaction (love it!) and Enzo is entertaining too. Let’s see more of them and less Brendon and Rachel! Question though–Why do Lanes dr sessions suck compared to his normal interaction?? Is he trying to be an actor in there?

      1. the reason we see more of Brendon and rachel is because the other people are boring and do nothing interesting or have anything to say that is relevant.

  6. I’m still waiting for the explanation for why Kristen has that crack ho version of Orphan Annie red wig? Did I miss something somewhere? Anyway, she’s a goner and I’m not so sad about it. Should’ve played a better game. Her and Hayden seem like an unlikely couple to me. Too bad Brit is engaged, I would’ve loved to see her and Lane get nasty…lol

  7. anyone ever watch big brother UK? I have been watching season 11 and it is like watching big brother after dark every day. (plus they aire the show every night except weekends). I am on episode 50 and it’ll go til like 50 more episodes. the contests aren’t as exciting but the backstabbing and ass kissing is as good. go to to download the episodes.

  8. Why is there a recurring theme of the guys with their hand down their pants? Enzo in this pic, Ragan last night on BBAD laying next to Matt. Matt started a gross trend.

    1. All men do. FFS, look at Married with Children, it’s his signature move. While you are reading this, Simon has his hand down his pants too. There is nothing sexual about it. Bawls needs pampering.

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