Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Kristen says Brendon acts like a girl on her period, he has a very feminine personality..


Enzo, Lane, Kristen and Matt are talking about getting a massages. Matt says he got a couples massage with his wife and the whole time he was thinking in his head don’t get a boner. Enzo tell Matt that the first time he went to get an massage he came in naked, and they told him to put some clothes on. Enzo and Matt talk about The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Enzo says that he and his wife go to the spa that is on the show The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Lane asks him if he ever sees the women from Real Housewives, Enzo says he hasn’t because they live in a different area of Jersey. Matt tells them if he was giving massages he would give a happy endings, because he’d get a better tip. Enzo and Kristen are both shocked and say what?
1:50am Kristen and Hayden are talking in bed together. Hayden asks Kristen if she has had a chance to talk to Rachel. Kristen says she thinks Rachel is sticking to her plan, even though she said she does seem a little unclear about what she will do with her replacement nomination. Kristen tells Hayden that she talked to Andrew and squared up their alliance; she also told him if he ends up going up tomorrow that her and Hayden would do anything they could to get the votes for him. Kristen tells Hayden that she told Andrew that they have his back one hundred percent. Kristen says that she told Andrew that she thought Matt was going up as a pawn. Hayden goes over the votes for Andrew to stay vs. Monet. Hayden says that Enzo will probably vote for Monet. Kristen says that Kathy will do whatever they tell her to vote.
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Ragan is talking to Brendon and Rachel in the backyard. Ragan says that he can’t see Kathy voting out Monet. Rachel saying that she has said numerous times that we have to get the drama out. Rachel says that Kathy wants to be on the side that will protect her. Ragan says that Andrew is someone who solidly goes, he’s a number. Brendon says that Andrew said put to put him up. Ragan says if we lose Andrew we lose someone who could win HOH. Rachel asks if she should put Matt up and call him out after Ragan worries that Andrew might go because Andrew is smart and strong. Ragan says that he is worried that if they call Matt out it will cause a split in the house and will push him to the other side. Matt joins them in the backyard and asks them if the plan is still on. They don’t really say much to him. They ask if he is still okay with the plan. Matt says he’s okay with it, if they have the votes. They ask what time it is. Matt says 2am. They all decide to head in for bed.

2:15am Hayden and Kristen are in bed talking and kissing. They tell each other how much they like each other. Hayden says that he is worried that they are being watched. Hayden says he really likes Kristen. Kristen says that she really likes him and the he is totally her type. Hayden says he hates high maintenance but Kristen is so different but he says it is going to be difficult because he wants to hang out with her all day. Hayden says he isn’t going to sit next to her at lunch tomorrow to throw everyone off their shomance. Kristen tells Hayden that it’s hard because there’s someone back home waiting for her and she liked him a lot but then she came into the house and this happened. Hayden says he is in the same boat, that he has someone at home as well. Kristen and Hayden continue to make out. Kristen tells Hayden her whole boob was out and the camera got that. Kristen says it will be awful if they are in separate rooms. Hayden says it will be better because he can’t keep his hands off her. Kristen says again that she can’t help it that she likes him. Hayden agrees but says no one in the house can find out except Andrew. Kristen says that she thinks Kathy knows something is up with them. Hayden start talking about how upset Brendon was tonight. Kristen says he acts like a girl on her period and that he has a very feminine personality.

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2:25pm Brendon, Rachel, Ragan and Kathy are talking up in the HOH room. They are talking about people in the house exposing themselves as to what side they are on and their alliances when the votes are in this week. They talk about bringing Matt up to HOH. Rachel is going to tell him she wants to put up Andrew tomorrow. Rachel says that she wants to force out the sides. Ragan agrees it is important to know where people stand. Ragan, Rachel and Brendon all head downstairs. Rachel tells Ragan that he might go down as an all-star. Kathy stays up in the HOH room alone. Rachel and Brendon are in the kitchen talking and kissing. They talk about the impending drama that will ensue after the veto meeting. Rachel is happy that there is going to be some drama because she wants to house split up.

2:45am Kathy and Rachel are talking in the HOH room. Kathy talks about the conversation she had with Matt. Kathy says that she had to pretend she didn’t know that Matt had offered himself as a pawn. Kathy says that he wasn’t worried about going up, she says she would be worried if she were put up as a pawn. Kathy tells Rachel that Enzo, Lane and others were studying the memory wall today, hard. Kathy says that she wishes they wouldn’t have the competition where they mix the houseguest faces this year because she says everyone is studying hard for that competition. Kathy does not know where Lane is at, where his loyalty lies. Kathy says that Britney is smart and Rachel agrees. Kathy says that Britney is playing dumb. They both think she is a strong competitor, especially after seeing her win POV. Kathy says Enzo is treating her differently after Brit and Monet were nominated. Kathy says that she thinks Enzo would put her up and that it would be easy for him to do that. Rachel says she thinks they have the votes to keep Andrew here this week. Rachel says she wants to make sure Andrew knows he is going up as a pawn but he has to go with her side. Rachel says that she believes that Andrew going up will really shake up the house and that she wants lines drawn in the house. Rachel says that whoever votes the other way are going to have to be the people who go up and go up and go up…. Kathy says that Britney is going to be so lost without Monet and that she will turn towards the guys. Kathy says she’ll being wearing less clothes and playing pool. Rachel says that she doesn’t want a 9-0 unanimous vote, she wants to see a 7-2 vote or a 6-3 vote. Rachel says that she wants to know where the line is being drawn in the house. Rachel and Kathy both decide to get some sleep….

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3:20am All the houseguests are asleep….

22 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Kristen says Brendon acts like a girl on her period, he has a very feminine personality..”

  1. God I can’t watch! Not one but 2 showmances. Don’t these kids stop to think about the consequences? They get chosen to be on the show out of thousands, and the first thing they do is throw the game out the window and hook up with each other. The feeds are painful to watch. I don’t want to see a bunch of horny co eds making out under a blanket. Kathy bores me to death. Ragan makes me laugh but he doesn’t get much quality time on the feeds. Brit whining. Monet whining. Matt offering himself up for sacrifice. Andrew praying and now we have to watch a grown pussyman bawl his eyes out and be consoled by a girl that is apparently turned on by “sensitive” guys. Excuse me while I throw up. Enzo is the only one I almost like, and he was my early pick for who I would hate. The cast is supposedly more intelligent than past seasons, but they are running on hormones and apparently didn’t bring their brains and common sense.

      1. The first three or four seasons were pure. People wanted to be on BB to win money. Then it changed and now people want to be super stars for doing nothing on tv but believing in their own self importance. Dick while being annoying, rude and abrasive was entertaining. Janelle was not only blonde which people thought she would play the dumb girl but was actually intelligent, funny and a great game player. Dr. Will will be someone no one forgets but there are only a few of them who went that extra mile who we actually remember or care about now.

        Now, we have these losers who think if the camera is aimed at them they will be somebody. It’s not even about game play anymore.

  2. if she thinks anything she do will “force out the sides” she’s not intelligent at all, the “other side” will not be exposed until bout 2 or 3 weeks form now

  3. “Matt tells them if he was giving massages he would give a happy endings, because he’d get a better tip.”

    it’d official matt is gay!!, unless females can get happy endings too?

    1. ill will….i can t believe you dont know females can get a happy ending. have you ever heard of the big O

  4. kristen has no clue, if andrew goes up he’s going home the whole brigade including hayden will be voting for him to go

  5. theres no lighbulb in rachel’s brain telling her putitng andrew up is a bad idea and has no chance if NOT backfiring

    1. i agree 1000%. nominating andrew does nothing but get rid of an ally and basically solidify monet and brit’s allegiance to the brigade. not a smart move at all.
      and who doesn’t know that hayden and kristen are friendly? even if no one knows they’re hooking up all over the place, it’s obviously that they’re a mini-alliance and will vote the same. i’m really interested to see what happens when kristen (who’s friends with rachel) finds out that she and hayden were never really in a four-way alliance with brenchel.

    1. I think Hayden and Kristin are too vanilla. Nothing is gonna happen. There will be all this talk about a showmance but it will be like watching a snail and a turtle get it on.

  6. jimik- no matter what we say BB is still rocking the summer tv neilson numbers. We can be pissed all we want but this show makes major bank. the numbers will go up even more within the next few weeks. It’s always the same when the show begins. Everyone walks in thinking they know the game and that they are the best player ever because they studied Janelle or Dr. Will and they know how to play but within a few days they realize that they need a new strategy. Then it takes a week or so for them to figure out what to do, whom to befriend, lay low, cause a fuss etc.

    Let’s calm down. I worry about your blood pressure.

    1. Thanks for your advice. I know this true of this show – but its the predictability that makes it boring. Not to change the subject, but I heard that on True Blood, this is the last season for the character of “Tara” – Sookie’s best friend. Poor Sookie. In the book “Lafayette” dies, but because he a popular character (I agree) he’s going to be around for awhile and he’s going to hook-up with that hunky nurse “Jesus” who’s taking care of his crazy mother. This season is so much better better than last season (more gore, more nakkid people and better characters).

  7. Well I guess that means Hayden and Kristen aren’t brother and sister, unless their really messed up. lol

    1. Neither one is necessary or wanted. At least by me.

      I would rather see all of one gender booted out in order so there is no ‘showmance’.

      They ruin the show.

      1. i have to disagree with you on that one. i hate showmances that are like brendon and rachels, i like the hayden/kristen one. its cute, and not gross.. like thats why i liked the jeff/jordan one last season, it was more cute then gross. (they are still together btw, its almost been a year !)

        anyway, i enjoy hayden and kristen. R/B is so gross.

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