Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Kathy says the jocks made fun of her in highschool.. Enzo “******** jock, bunch of donkeys”

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12:25am In the backyard, Monet and Enzo are talking about how they think Brendon, Rachel and Andrew have an alliance. Enzo says that Andrew is a creep. Both Monet and Enzo think that Hayden has a deal with Brendon and Rachel. Monet asks Enzo can Hayden trust Brendon? Monet says that thinks her and Britney are going up and Kathy would the replacement nominee if one of them came off the block. Enzo wonders if Brendon will influence Rachel to put up guys. Enzo says that as much as he wanted to be HOH, he’s glad he won’t be getting blood on his hands. Monet tells Enzo that Annie had told her that Brendon was after her. Monet says that she had asked Annie when Brendon said that, Annie said she hadn’t talked to Brendon for awhile, so things could have changed. Enzo says that he thinks next week the rest of the house needs to put up Andrew, Brendon, and Rachel again. Monet agrees with him. Both Monet and Enzo think that Kristen and Ragan are floaters. They discuss how Kristen and Hayden hanging out a lot. And Enzo then says he hasn’t seen them kiss though. Enzo says both Brendon and Rachel escaped the block this week, so whoever they put up still has a chance. Monet and Enzo talk about Annie and how it was still probably the right vote her out this week. Both Enzo and Monet thought the vote would be 8-2 or 7-3, not 10-0. Enzo tells Monet that his goodbye speech was about Annie playing too hard too fast, and making multiple alliances. Enzo thinks Annie had an alliance with Brendon and Rachel but that she was a loose cannon who threw Brendon and Rachel under the bus.

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1am Up in the head of household room, Rachel and Brendon are talking about how the game has changed. They think that some people in the house are now scrambling because they don’t feel safe. Rachel and Brendon both think that Ragan and Kristen are cool and that they can trust Hayden. They say that they think they can trust Andrew as well. Rachel says that she wants to nominate Monet and Britney. Rachel tells Brendon that the guys are all trying to be friends with him right now because the house thinks they are one person and that Brendon shouldn’t trust the guys. Brendon doesn’t want to form an alliance with Matt or Enzo, but thinks they should make a temporary deal to insure their (Brendon/Rachel) safety. They also don’t think they can trust Enzo. Rachel says that she doesn’t want to make a deal with Enzo. Rachel says that they should not be put in the same category as Enzo, and that they are better than him. Brendon says that he understands how the house would think Rachel and him are one person. Brendon says that he doesn’t want to be present when Rachel is meeting with people. He doesn’t want people to see him, Hayden, Kristen, and Rachel together as an alliance in HoH. Rachel says that she is going to tell Britney she is a pawn, to get Monet out. Rachel says that she doesn’t care if Britney tells everyone. Brendon says that he thinks Rachel needs to tell Britney not to tell everyone she is a pawn. He thinks this will help ensure their safety next week. Brendon wants to talk to Hayden to make sure he knows they’re not out to get him. He thinks Rachel also needs to talk to Kristen to let her know they’re over it. They says that their plan is to get out the weak players, the people who will flip, and the people out to get them. Rachel and Brendon decide to get out Monet, Britney, Enzo, and Matt. They say that this will get them to week 6. Rachel says that she used to like Matt but doesn’t trust him anymore. Brendon says that Rachel has good instincts and that she should trust her gut. Brendon tells Rachel that Annie had told him not to trust her (Rachel). Rachel says that she bets Annie is so mad that she (Rachel) got HoH this week. 1:40am Rachel and Brendon are asleep up in the HOH room.

1:35am In the backyard Enzo and Kathy are talking about Annie and who they think will be put up on the block this week. Enzo says that he thinks Monet is who Rachel and Brendon want out this week and that she will be put up beside another girl …probably Britney. Meanwhile in the Have Not room, Ragan and Lane are talking. They are talking about homophobia. Lane says that he has always been misunderstood and people think he would be homophobic because he’s a jock, but that he isn’t like that at all. Lane jokingly says but I totally hate you and would stab you in the back in this game. Ragan laughs.


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1:45am Britney and Monet are searching every where for the thing that is making the beeping/cricket noises in the house. They can’t find it anywhere. Monet tries to reach up beside a camera and falls off the bed. Big Brother then shows us by zooming in with the camera so that we can see that the device is still in place in the window between the bedroom and the have not room. Monet ends up finding one of them, but there are still more hidden in the house. They continue to look for them… under beds, mattresses, in vases …. Britney finds another one. Enzo, Britney and Monet all think that Andrew had something to do with it and they want to try and get him to admit it tomorrow. They are even more convinced that Andrew is the saboteur now. Monet and Britney wonder if they should hide the devices again to trap the saboteur. They are worried that Big Brother will tell the saboteur where Britney and Monet hid them and then the saboteur will re-hide them the house.
2am Kristen and Hayden are talking about Rachel and Brendon. Hayden tells Kristen that he does not like Rachel at all and is not attracted to her personality. Hayden tells Kristen that she doesn’t compare to Rachel. Kristen says that she wants to try and keep them close for now. Hayden says that he doesn’t want to go back on his word about not putting them up. Kristen tells Hayden that she is glad they are in the same room now. Hayden and Kristen talk about bringing Lane into their alliance.

Enzo, Britney, Kathy and Lane talking about how they all think Andrew is the saboteur. Enzo tells Kathy to tell them a story, …a murder story. Kathy says that she can’t talk about that stuff. Enzo says no, not a real story, make one up! Kathy then starts telling a story about her and a friend who would clean another friend’s apartment so he would buy them beer. Enzo tells Kathy that she tells better stories than he does but says that he is funnier. Enzo asks her if she has done any drugs and she says no, just drank beer. Enzo then asks her how many guys she has been in love with. Kathy tells him 4 guys. Enzo asking Kathy about herself during high school. Kathy says that she was a little overweight in high school and the jocks used to make fun of her. Enzo says fucking jocks… bunch of donkeys. Kathy says that she was more of an offbeat. Lane asks Kathy if she has always been straight? Kathy says yes, she has always been straight. Lane asks her if she has ever made out with a girl. Kathy says no.
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3am – 4am All the houseguests are sleeping, except for Hayden and Kristen who are laying in bed still talking. Kristen tells Hayden that the worst part about him being in bed with her is that she won’t get any sleep. Kristen asks Hayden is he wants he to go sleep in the other bed. Hayden says no and then asks her if she wants to sleep in the other bed. Kristen says no. Hayden and Kristen start talking about Kathy and they both say how much they like her. Kristen says that she thinks Kathy knows about their Hayden/Kristen alliance. Hayden says if he or Kristen don’t win, he would want Kathy to win. Hayden then says that he doesn’t really see her winning though. Hayden comments that its weird how much he and Kristen have in common. Hayden tells Kristen if she hadn’t talked to him, he still wouldn’t have put her up… Kristen asks why? And Hayden tells her because she’s weird. They then start talking about how they really need to keep their alliance a secret. Hayden says that he thinks that a lot of people may have a hunch that they do have an alliance. Hayden says that he is worried that Julie Chen will blow their cover by asking them questions during the live show that may give them away. Kristen says that Big Brother wouldn’t do that, they know it is our game play. Kristen then says that they should talk to Big Brother in the diary room about keeping their alliance a secret. The conversation changes to the saboteur. Kristen really thinks its Andrew and Hayden then says that he thought it was Annie. (Which it is) Hayden and Kristen finally go to sleep…. At 4am in the morning… (no wonder they go back to bed after they’re woken up in the morning.)
7:10am Hayden and Kristen are sleeping in the same bed. Kristen wakes up Hayden and tells him that she will go back to her bed so that no one sees them sleeping together. 7:40am All the houseguests are still asleep…
Julie Chen interview with Annie the Saboteur: 
The Early Show: Annie the Saboteur:


23 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Kathy says the jocks made fun of her in highschool.. Enzo “******** jock, bunch of donkeys””

    1. I’m pulling for them as well. With the exception of Britney and Monet, there is noone I hate. So it looks like another season where america gets someone they like winning it all.

  1. This review of the BBAD made me giggle:

  2. None of the guys are really hot this year. I miss Nick. He was nice to look at but you had to endure Danielle for most of it. Of this group, Shaggy has the best body, but his slackjaw ruins his face. Lane’s probably my number 2 to do. But he’s kinda chunky, so that ride could get dangerous. Brendon – yuck. Maybe with a different head. Plus he kisses like he’s smelling something bad. Matt is too tiny, no thanks. Enzo. Uggh, The bald patches are starting to show through all that grease. I would consider Andrew before Enzo, and Captain Kosher can’t even touch a woman who eats pepperoni pizza! That’s how awful Enzo seems.
    Shagggy, Zane, Brendover, Matt Runt, CaptK, Nozo in that order. Slim pickings.

  3. Man I hate watching Brendon and Rachel at this point, they are so disgustingly stupid. I mean how many times are they going to say “I care about you”. Great, America gets it, we’re tired of watching those two.

    1. it’s not cute! ewwww @ both Rachel and Brendan.
      They think America loves them. How long after this summer is over do you think it will take them to figure out, how disgusted we are with them. They aren’t humbled by their experience of being on the block, they’re vengeful and cocky. They forget next week is another week. : )

  4. I believe Hayden and Kristen are the life partners. Brother and sister. Never see them asking questions about each others life. They only talk game.They already know their life stories.

    1. I was watching BBAD on showtime a few nights ago, and the two were alone in the cabana… pretty much confirmed that they’re the two who are lifelong friends. Once they were alone, they both started laughing, and Kristen said something like ‘I think we’ve been doing a pretty good job so far’, and Hayden said something along the lines of ‘They have no clue’, so I think you’re right. You know, looking at the two and their facial features, especially at their lower faces/mouths, they almost look like they could be siblings.

      1. they’ve done a good job of hiding the fact they are in a secret alliance.. and the others dont have a clue that they are in a secret alliance. On the first episode, they called each other hot. They aren’t brother and sister. And there might not even be life long friends. The sabateur can lie. Like the sabateur lied saying he or she escaped the block.. cause the sab was annie, and shes gone. She could have just said that to scare them. And hayden is always asking Kristen about herself (when they are together, they dont want to hint to people in how tight of an alliance they have). But i like watching hayden and kristen.. way better then brendon and rachel.. i hate them.. they are boring. I wish Big Brother would start showing Hayden and Kristen on their episodes.. they make it seem like she doesnt even exist. and i enjoy watching her and hayden more then rachel and brendon.

  5. Ok, I’m finally starting to get a little more ‘into’ this season of BB, even though I’m still disappointed with how many houseguests still have me yawning at this point. I don’t have someone to really root for yet, but at least I have a couple I’m dying to see go home now;) Brit… I can tell without a doubt that this girl is straight up just a mean girl. She’s this way out of the house as well as in it, this isn’t just her ‘game’, and I finally have something to look forward to, which is seeing her sweat all week about whether or not she’s going home.

    And, I’m sorry, but Brendan and Rachel in the HOH last night… Am I the only one who gagged and had to switch back and forth between channels when the middle school mushy crap they were spewing was putting me in danger of becoming sterile just by watching too long? At risk of being un-pc, Brendan and Rachel want to be Jeff and Jordan, but at best, they end up being the ‘little yellow bus’ version, helmets and all. And these are science-oriented people? I hope Michele from last season isn’t watching this one.

    I think Hayden’s playing the game well, but I can’t get past his Disney Channel, longer Justin Bieber’ish’ haircut, which is my bad, not his. Still, that annoys me beyond words.

    Who are you guys rooting for? I know who annoys me, but I’m still desperately trying to find someone to root for. Matt and Kristen, even Andrew, just because he’s so different… they’re all contenders with me, as well as Kathy, but still, none of them have done anything yet to make me step up and outright root for them.

  6. NO Way Kristen & Hayden are brother & sister. If you watch the feeds early am like this morning they are so falling in love! They ask each other personal questions and flirt. The secret they were talking about is their Alliance. They are trying to keep it hidden. They are so into each other its adorable. I love them! They are the next Jeff & Jordan. I don’t think anyone has a life long relationship in the house except the fish! LOL

    1. For the longest time I believed they were the twins but now……I think they have a Showmance in the making…….I really like these two……hope for the best!

    2. I COULDNT AGREE MORE WITH YOU MARY ! THESE TWO ARE TOTALLY THE NEXT JEFF AND JORDAN. only difference is kristen is actually giving hayden good advice.. unlike jordan who just chirppedd away. but i still loved jeff and jordan. and i love hayden and kristen. The way they talk to each other is adorable.

  7. Alison, hopefully, has another ace up her sleeve in order to keep this season from falling on its face. For me, though last night’s show was suppose to be the start of a new season, I feel as though it was this season’s finale. I already feel as though I know what’s going to happen. I know its only the second week, but already thes HGs are forgettable. I don’t want to jump the gun, but when a show like this becomes predictable it is time for it to bow out gracefully. There will only be one “Dr. Evil”, one “Evil Dick”, one “Janelle or Dan”, and of course one “Jeff and Jordan.” This season’s HGs lack any originality in terms of personalities. I feel like they are waiting to be told who to be. The only thing original about this season is the introduction of two new token characters – ” the Jersey Boy” and the “Orthodox Jew.” But that’s all they are, characters. This show is at its best when they cast people because of their personalites, and not because they could replicate a past season’s memorable HG. It is the HG’s personality that shape his/her character on the show. Not the other way around. This year’s cast seems to be full of wanna-be’s and I don’t know who to be. Though I hate to admit, when Annie walk out of that house last night, so did this season’s only memorable character. Yes, I didn’t like her, but it was in my response to her that I was entertained. I enjoyed disliking her and therefore wanted to watch the show to see what was going to happen to her. In hindsight, it was her personality that shaped the personalities of the remaining HGs. Britney and Monet became the “cheerleaders from hell”, and “Brendon and Rachel” became this season’s unnecessary re-telling of “Jeff & Jordan.” I want to see something fresh. I’d settled for a “mash-up” of the best and worst of Big Brother – the first 11 years. So hopefully, those HGs that were pretty much hiding in the woodwork last week – “Kristen, Ragan, Matt & Kathy” – have what it takes to make this season memorable. So far, I am not impressed with the posers that have been forced down my throw for the past week.

  8. I desperately hope Hayden Kristen DO NOT replace the aliens as the ‘showmance’. NO SHOWMANCE.

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