Big Brother 12 Spoilers -Kathy is trying to Keep Annie Busy so She Doesn’t Stalk the Houseguests

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

8:00pm Pool Tournament

Match 1 – Britney and Lane Vs. Rachel and Brendon – Britney and Lane win

Match 2 – Enzo anad Hayden Vs. Ragan – Monet ENZO teams win

as they play Monet, britney and Enzo say “NICCCE NICCCE” you get the odd “Seriously” and “VERY NICE”. Enzo is very good at Pool and is doing some shots that are surprising people. They keep talking about smelling BBQ Chicken..

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

Match 3 – Matt and Andrew Vs Britney and Lane – Britney and Lane wins
Big Brother 12 Spoilers


8:00pm Bathroom Britney, Rachel and Kathy Rachel is fixing up Kathy’s hair while Brit teases her hair in the mirror. Kathy says she’s not surprised Annie takes so long in the Diary room. She feels bad for Annie because she taking it so hard. Kathy thinks she should just leave she doesn’t need to be in the house anymore it’s just agony for everyone. Kathy mentions the personnel problems that Annie has and how she really needs to go home and take care of that. Brit asks Rachel if things have gotten better between her and Annie. Rachel says things are not as awkward she tells them that she tried to talk to Annie but she snubed me. Rachel says Annie asked me if I hated her I told her NO we’re both on the block. Kathy “i’m trying to keep Annie busy so she doesn’t stalk them all”. Britney says that tomorrow is going to be the worst day ever with Annie. Rachel and Kathy agree, Kathy mentions how Annie is really on a emotional roller coaster… They start talking about getting their hair ready tomorrow… Britney leaves to go play pool Ragan comes in and they chat about How Hot Ragan is and Rachel thinks we’ll get lots of guys when he comes out.

4 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers -Kathy is trying to Keep Annie Busy so She Doesn’t Stalk the Houseguests”

    1. Hayden does nothing for me. His lips and teeth are strange (he looks like he has a set of those wax teeth in his mouth where how when you try to talk with them, your lips hardly move.) Sum it all up with that Bieber fever mop on his head…blech! He’s certainly no Jeff, that’s for sure! 😉

      1. Colette Lala from bitchy big brother blog refers to Hayden as “helmet” which i think is genious!! He is too many teeth is his mouth, which is why he can’t close his lips. He has to purse his lips to shut his mouth. Sorry, I work in the dental field! I can’t help it!

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