Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Interview with Hayden Moss: Playboy? He says strategy is to “win over the ladies”

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One of the new houseguests, playboy, Hayden Moss, 24, may just agree with that description of himself. If not though, maybe he’ll write in to debate it and say that his playboy tactics are just his way of strategizing for the Big Brother 12 game!
Hayden stated himself that his strategy is, to “work over some of the female contestants.” So, maybe he’s just a real down-to-earth guy who is going to use his good looks and charm to try to win the Big Brother 12 game.
Afterall, Hayden, the college student from Arizona State University and baseball player said that his favorite Big Brother houseguest of all time is Jeff from Big Brother 11. Hayden stated, “I think I can relate to him. He just seems like a down-to-earth guy.”
Well, we shared his favorite player, so let’s share his least favorite Big Brother player. Just like Rachael, Hayden’s least favorite past Big Brother player is Chima. Boy, she is not showing she has too big of a fan base. Hayden stated, “I can’t stand her. She’s just disgusting.” He also shared that he couldn’t “stand her terrible personality.”
When asked why he wanted to do Big Brother 12 he said, “It’s the event of a lifetime. I really thought it’d be a great time and I’m most excited about the chance to win half a million bucks.”
Hayden stated that he is “not looking forward to being trapped in the BB house with people who are rude and people who don’t pick up after themselves.” He shared that he’s going to miss his “life” and watching sports on television. We’ll see in a few days how Hayden fairs in the Big Brother game, on July 8th.


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