Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit to Lane “Time to Get Off Hayden’s Balls He’s Not HOH after Tomorrow”

4:28pm bedroom Brit and Ragan
Brit: “Andrew has been meticulous listening to all these noises preparing for the HOH challenge “they said he sat here for 15minutes trying to calculate the sounds”. Ragan says that he needs to start studying for those and he leaves.
Monet comes in and brit tells her that Andrew is studying all the sounds he’s spending so much time doing it that she’s getting worried, he’s the one that CANNOT GET HOH next week. They start comparing notes about the noises.
Brit starts counting the noises she counts 4, “thats not enough for a competition questions so there must be more”
They agree that they’ll need to count things in the house.. all of a sudden a buz starts.. Brit says “see it’s lilke a high pitched bell”…”listen something else will follow”.. Monet: “theres not going to do it on just these 4 sounds there has to be more to it” Lane walks in.. asks if brit knows where Hayden is Brit tells him he needs to get off Hayden’s balls he’s not HOH after tomorrow” right then theres a cricket theres a high pitch buzz theres a straight beep. Hayden

walks in and Brit tells him that Lane thinks he’s hayden’s boyfriend. Brit starts telling hayden about her concerns about Andrew and the recent news about Brendon and Rachel being the couple. Brit and monet start going over all the things in the house they have really memorized everything. “8 fake lemons 6 yellow leaves 6 long ones 5 green candle holders 6 pottery sculptures things are missing off the table there was 6 fush but some are missing.. 8 big flamingos 8 small flamignos” Brit warns them that Andrew is at the top of his game right now they need to make sure he doesn’t win HOH. Monet now start explaining her conversation with Annie last night (I won’t bother retyping it just follow the links). Brendon is not what he says he is his job is different.. . They tell him that Andrew, Rachel and Brendon are all together and that Brendon and rachel are the pair.. they go over all the evidence. They says that Annie knows all the secrets and she’s going to bust it out tomorrow when she leaves. Brit mentions that they are trying to get her to shutup so they can use the knowledge to their advantage. hayden says that is alot for him to think about. Brit says they wantted to talk to him last night but he was in the hottub… at that point Annie walks in and they go back to talking about where the cricket sound is coming from, Lane says it comes from that corner brit says the other Annie thinks it’s from the ceiling.

4:20pm-4:55pm Kitchen Rachel, Brendon making dinner hayden comes in and starts talking about the sounds.. rachel tells him her theory about how the HOH comp will go.

5:00pm Brendon fucking with the memory wall is around because of your donation every year the site costs us to host the images and run the 3 servers needed to handle the traffic. If you like the site then please consider donating to keep the madness going. Thanks!

25 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit to Lane “Time to Get Off Hayden’s Balls He’s Not HOH after Tomorrow””

      1. Why do we find out tomorrow? I thought the saboteur was supposed to try to stay for 5 weeks? Or is it just us, the viewer, that finds out?

        I don’t want to know (even though I am pretty sure it’s Kathy).

        It’s fun to play the guessing game along with the houseguests.

        1. Only the viewer finds out. We’re finding out so they can have polls/ideas on what the saboteur could do. You could still do that without a reveal, but they need to fill up show time and it wouldn’t be as interesting.

      2. Maybe I am wrong but I could have sworn I heard on an ad for tonight’s show that the saboteur was going to be named tonight and now they said on the show tomorrow night. I hope Annie goes, she is such a whiny repetitive little wimp.

        1. i heard the same thing too!!! i was soooo upset i am dying to know. i think it could possibly be matt but at this point who knows. hopefully bb would stop saying shit and changing it. but i guess as fans we have to expect the unexpected!!!!

  1. I think the Saboteur is Brit!! She started with hurting her leg trying to change the winner of the very first game!! Now she’s stirring the pot…Not to mention, she was sitting on the far end of the sofa when the lights went out!!!

    1. i think she really did hurt herself during that game. they showed a replay and she did land on her leg really badly. i thought she was faking until they showed it from a different angle.

  2. Has anyone noticed the little pointy thing at the top of the head of the saboteur when he/she is on the t v screen? I have noticed it every time and I keep studying the hairstyles to see who might be a match. It also seems to eliminate lots of other house guests.

    1. I think the pointy thing is a wizard cap 🙂 .. seriously though i never noticed that but on a second glance you may br onto somehitng

  3. Now that I stopped smoking “horse hay” doopies I was able to watch tonight’s show through both un-bloodshot” eyes. I need to apologize to Rachel for all the shit I said about her. I admit it, I based my harsh judgements of solely on her outward appearance. Since she got a lot of face time tonight I got to see that under all that bozo hair she does have a brain, and underneath all that saline is a heart. I like her and think she is a good person. With that said, I can now in good conscience (I before E, except after C, but not if the C has an S in front as in “Scuzz”) move on and totally save all my defecating remarks for “BiteMe” and Mo Monee” the cheerleaders from hell. They are E-V-I-L and must be destroyed. I hope next week they are on the block and el salvatore uses the “condiments” tool – preferably both cayenne and chili pepper to make them unable to compete in the POV. They are such “hate-monger” especially BiteMe. I know that girl’s vajaja has teeth. I think it would be graet if Mo Monee is el salvatore and is only setting up “BiteMe” for next week. That is the only reason I can them 2 together. BiteMe has to go. I hope after tomorrow the Badabing Brigade reorganizes their priorities (get rid of “PussyLips” Benzo) and let Mr. Mensa (Matt) start calling the shots. Poor Hayden looks so pussy whipped.

    1. I agree with you jimik…At first Rachel got on my nerves with her laugh and all but after I heard her actually speak I was impressed. She is probably the smartest in the girls bunch. Britney and Monet are two horse asses and nothing more… Kathy and Annie are annoying and I’m not so sure about Kristen…she’s being really low-key. The only thing I disagree with you about is Matt. I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something about him that almost makes my skin crawl…I hope he is not the saboteur.

  4. I think it is matt. The night the saboteur locked the pantry matt was wearing white pj’s. When they showed everyone on the couch matt was no where to be found. Since matt was wearing white pj’s you would have seen him with the night vision. When the light’s came back you could see matt quietly jumping over the back side of the couch.

  5. Omg I Agree I Cant Stand Rachael And Brandon There Trying Sooooo HARD To B Jeff And Jordan Of This Season So Not And They Hate So Much On Monet I Like Her Shes Playin This Game Pretty Gud Soo Far They Dnt Like Her Bcuz Shes A Threat To Them It Has Nutin To Do Wit Her Gettin That Money That She Didnt Even Want There Scared Of Her And Dude Is MAD Sensative Like If Sum1s Nt Doin Dishes B An Adult And Say Um U Need To Help Out And Do Ur Dishes Please And I Hope Monet Enzo Or Lane Or Kathy Win HoH To Keep Those 4 Safe I Like Britney But She Talks Too Much And Monet Is Gunna Get Blamed 4 What Britney Says Cuz ShesTalkin So Much Just Get Out Rachael Brandon Andrew And Ragen Or Kristin If Annies In The Jury It May Nt B That Bad My Top 3 So Far Monet Enzo And Lane Nw Thats A Gud Alliance 😀 Lol

    1. OMG!!!…I couldn’t disagree with you more!!! I happen to like Brendon and Rachel…and why would they try to be like Jeff and Jordan who happened to be the dumbest contestants in BB history?!?! Monet is a phony-assed beauty queen wannabe and Britney is her twin…Haven’t you heard that Monet is really white?!?!? And I hope that Lane, Enzo, Monet, Kathy,Britney,Matt, or Hayden go home next week and I really hope BB didn’t choose one of these idiots as the saboteur because I strongly dislike them all. Hayden is nothing but a pussy taking directives from possibly the two dumbest ones in the house whom are Lane and Enzo. Matt is a friggin sneak (Lane is too). So far, the only ones that I like in the house are Brendon, Rachel, Ragan, Andrew, and I’m on the fence about Kristen. The rest can kiss my ass!!!

      1. and why would they try to be like Jeff and Jordan who happened to be the dumbest contestants in BB history


        Because Jordan won, which means they both won. I say get rid of Rachel tonight and Brendon next week. Then hopefully, all of the rest stay away from the ‘showmance’ nonsense.

        1. The other contestants aren’t playing smart. Brendon and Rach shouldn’t have been the first 2 on the block. Bendon is obviously someone that needs to be backdoored. just like Jesse did. He’s physically and mentally strong. The fact that the showmance couple last year won just scared them into making a stupid move!! Hayden should have kept Brenchel on his team. Jesse and Russell last year would have won if Jeff didn’t get the CDT and Brendon and Hayden could have taken the girls to the end as a strong alliance. Hayden paired himself with enzo (entertaining yes, but smart… no) and Lane who has no social skills instead. He’s going to look back on the first HOH when he loses and regret almost every decision!!!

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