**updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit to Lane: “Keeping Matt is a fool-proof plan.. I’m not taking a bullet for Y’all”

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Big Brother 12 Spoilers


7:21pm Lane and Brit HOH

Brit says if she send matt home there is no chance she will make it out of a Double Elimination but if she keeps Matt she’ll survive because matts the target. Lane: “uhhh so your thinking about putting HAyden up.. what did ragan promise you”. Brit: “Matt isn’t putting me up why would I take someone out that has my back” she says she’s been talking in the DR… Feeds cut… Lane tells her if Hayden goes this week then Enzo and brendon will be coming after her if she doesn’t take out matt.. he tells her he doesn’t care what she does it’s her HOH.

Brit: “why would I take the bullet for you guys, enzo will be taking me out, sure he’ll take brendon and ragan out first but he’s coming for me.. matt isn’t…. ultimately whats your goal?”. Lane: “to make it to the final 3”
Brit asks him that hayden and enzo are wanting to take brendon to final 3 why would they take Lane or her? She beleives that Enzo and Hayden have an agreement and she thinks her and LAne will get left out. Brit: “I love HAyden and I think he’s a good guy…. i’m thinking i’m being pressed to make a decision that protects other people but doesn’t protect me”…

Lane tells her that matt is telling him to try and talk her into putting Ragan up so MAtt doesn’t care about Ragan why would he care about her. Lane: “Matt wants Ragan out then matt is going to go after Brendon and that is whats going on” (man if she’s buying all this to) Brit reminds lane that he was saying that they all want enzo out so why doesn’t she get Enzo out now because enzo would probably put her up but MAtt will never put her up. Lane: “I can control Hayden and Enzo’s vote”
Lane is now saying that MAtt and Ragan are one, Ragan is feeding her bullshit to save his buddies ass Brit tells him if Brendon wins HOH then Brit is safe as long as Matt and ragan are left in the house. Lane: “When did you think of all this… when Ragan was up here”
Brit gives him a quick rundown of her 2 conversations with Matt and Ragan tells him they didn’t through anyone under the bus they just pretty much had a good talk.. Brit is convinced that enzo is easily manipulated and has no loyalty to her at all she thinks that Brendon can get into enzo’s head and enzo will put her up if he wins HOH. She doesn’t want him to go home but she’s here to win. Lane asks if she was talking to the DR and she said she was, they are helping her figure out all her options. Brit: “I’m taking a bullet for you all and taking someone out that Brendon wants out…Brendon told me last night if Hayden wins POV then i’m going up on the block”… Feeds cut

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

7:47pm Feeds back lane telling her that he hasn’t thought of a fend game plan that has matt and Ragan stay this week. Brit tells him that Lane’s, Hayden’s and Enzos plan helps Lane out a lot but doesn’t help her. Brit tells him it’s a fool proof plan to keep matt and Lane’s plan screws her. Enzo and Hayden join her.. They start just chit chatting..

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

7:56pm Pool table hayden and Lane lane: “I don’t think BB likes us” Hayden: “WHY?”… Feeds CUT….

8:22pm Feeds still cut

189 thoughts to “**updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit to Lane: “Keeping Matt is a fool-proof plan.. I’m not taking a bullet for Y’all””

    1. Enzo will go before Hayden. If Enzo goes, Hayden will shut down and Lane will be 100% with Brit because the brigade will be dust. It`s smart for her game.

      1. exactly. and wouldn’t that be much more fun that listening to stupid enzo for another week. it’s to the point where brendon is more tolerable than enzo.

        1. As long as it is in final 4, I am okay with it. I think her best bet is to keep everyone BUT the brigade. I have posted this theory before. Right now, all I want is for Enzo to go.

        2. well.. eventually.. only two people go to final two, so even the brigade would have to turn on each other at some point.

    2. Floater yes… albeit a pretty floater Hayden. Interesting this BB season how house guests look like fim & cartoon’s. Brit… “Angelica” from Rugrat’s, Hayden….. “Dora, the Explorer”, Ragan…… “Gollum”, Rachel…… “Witchy Poo”. And so on.

    3. Yo..When did Brittney grow a pair of balls. Amazing, now she is playing the game, lets hope she sticks to her plan, because she now knows that Lane has nothing to offer her.

  1. god i hope this goes thru. brit needs to think long term, and hayden enso ond brendon are trying to get final three, notice brithney’s name is not among those

    1. I agree! Enzo is going to lose it but he hasn’t done ANYTHING in this game. Britney needs to send him home!

    2. how can enzo not anticipate any repercussion for not investing himself physically and mentally in this came? you have to pay for every move you make and don’t make. now is the time for enzo to pay.

  2. Yay! Brit has seen the light (even if it was with productions help – lol). I can’t believe she was so quick to accept ‘Lane’s’ plan before.

    1. I think it was mostly because she was so emotional at the time, and therefore very irrational. She has definitely thought about what is smart for her and should now make the correct decision.

  3. Bye Byr Brit, no final 3! she’ll last for just a short time. I am not sure but I think Lane, Brendon and hayden may be after her now?

    1. that’s still better than listening to brigades. hayden and lane don’t plan on winning anything, so how does that guarantee brit any safety. atleast she knows matt and and ragan will be playing their heart out. better to be on matts side than relying on people who’ll throw you under the bus they minute you turn your back.

      1. Well That s the point. She has won and she is smarter then the 3 guys, she hasn’t won against Matt and I don’t think she can. I was just thinking she has a better shot with weaker players than 2 stronger ones.

    2. As long as Matt and Ragan are around, Brendon will focus on them first. And I don’t see Lane going after Brit…. yet.

      1. That could very much be true. But she has to think about the end of the game. Matt goes then there are only two strong players that have won. He stays, and there are 3 plus her. It is sometime better to take out the stronger players first and then pick off the weaker ones.

  4. Personally I think it would make the show more interesting to have Matt go home just to see Regan melt down, but either way Brit is screwed because she can’t play for HOH and there is a good chance any of those guys(including Matt) will put her on the block.

  5. I might order live feeds if she puts hayden up and ezo lose it ! They dont deserve to be final two any way. Lane shouldnt make it to final two either. Hayden, Enzo, and Lane has piggy back on someones back all season. They suck! Let’s see if enzo is suxh a bad azz now! Good chit this week hopefully!

    1. Well make shure you click on the link on this site so it helps out Simon and Dawg. Don’t forget you get 3 days free before they charge you. How you cancel I have no idea, but if you are going to get it, get it now, since you pay $14 for one month, and it should be over soon.

      1. thanks for pointing that out, buying the feeds through us is another way to support the site. you’ll get the same deal where ever you go but if you buy from us we get a little cut from Real player.

        1. Okay Simon so I clicked on the free feeds through your site and signed up for them and they should be charging me anytime now……since I went thru your site, does that mean you get something for it? Lord I hope so……also, on those nights that they are playing Endurance HOH, do they turn the feeds back on so that we can see what happens? I only started watching them on Wednesday so I haven’t seen an endurance on the feeds yet…and is it common for the bubbles to be on soooo much? Seems like over the weekend the bubbles and trivia were all that I have seen!

          1. Thanks for buying the feeds through us, real player gives us a percentage for ever sign up.

            feeds usually come on 1/2 hour after the live show ends. They usually show us the endurance comps or at least the majority of them. The feeds cut on and off some days more than others, last weekend was pretty bad because of all the events they had planned.

    1. Production influences the players to do what they want. Like last season production was trying to convince Jeff to not get rid of Russel.

  6. BB does it every year. Last year jeff and Jordan got caught having a convisation about how the DR was telling them they should keep Russell. And look what happened to jeff when he didn’t listen

  7. Now this is funny!!!!!!!!! Where are all those people that were complaining yesterday about the show being rigged, BB talked her into this? But they have been all show, nothing new!!! But it’s funny how so many where saying I am going to stop watching this show, well they will be back now.

  8. I liked lane up until this point. He is manipulating Brittney. She seems to really like him and he’s just using her. I thought he would watch out for her after watching his DR sessions but he is not at all

      1. If Brit would have just lead Lane to believe that he would get a little something something, she would have Lane in her pocket right now. Brit didnt even have to anything with Lane just make him believe that something would go on between them. OH well to late now…..or is it?????? a little snuggle time in the HOH????? NIck wont dump her over a snuggle/dry hump (especially if she wins as a result). LOL

    1. I kinda like Lane to; he is easy going and funny. I think he does care for her. I think he is looking longer term, but getting out Matt and Regan. I don’t know. But I think her might be thinking Brit, Brendon and him for the final 3, I know he his friends with Hayden, which I like too, But He is not the strong as a player. It might not sure, but he might be thinking she might not be able to beat a super strong player like Matt. I don’t know guys, just and idea! Hey mike I seem to be replying to allot of you messages, I am sorry and mean no affiance.

    1. This may be true but if she is the one who successfully gets that worthless lazy bum mouthy Enzo out, I appluade Brit.

      1. ditto – if she doesnt make it to the final 3 then she should get the fan favorite just for being the one that chumped the Meow meow –

  9. I said the shows rigged but I said I may stop watching atfer this season. If a floater wins anyways. Brittney, Matt and Brendon are the only ones winning.

  10. Ok what would be more interesting. Matt and Brendan going at it. Or 4 guys manipulate a crying gay guy and little girl??? I’ll pick the first one.

    1. Haaa Haaa good one. I think it would be better that a girl, smokes 3 guys to win. Now that would be cool, and as my wife and young women I coach are always telling me, women are way smarter than any guy. LOL

  11. To those who say BB is fixed i say good morning… you woke up late! remember a few years ago when the airplane flew by with a message banner. Who DOESNT think it was planned by production? BB is fixed but they can do it legally when they say its a “twist”

  12. I’m no big fan of Matt and Britney, but I think they should be final three with Brendon. Since they are the only ones left who have actually won anything it would be the most interesting match up. I believe they are the only ones who in the end would each play for themselves and really fight it out. Enzo, Hayden, and Lane are big talkers but little doers. Ragan just annoys me no end and his constant attacks on Rachel in the DR are just downright mean. Wasn’t he blasting her for crying when she was on the block and going home? And what was he doing all last week? I just really don’t like people who get their kicks by being mean to others and who are hypocritical. So I’m hoping for Matt, Britney, and Brendon final 3 then we’ll see a real showdown and whoever wins will truly deserve it.

    1. you know what..I’m no fan of Brendon, but I have to agree with you Matt, Britney and Brendon have done more and deserve to be final 3

  13. Yo… Brigade was 4 deep they were legit.. but the ogre and witch got in their heads they cracked yo. The penguin has to go.. fairwell to a the Penguin and his fangs

    1. What did Matt say to Kristen when she left in her unitard? It’s the curse of the costume. I really hope Britney puts up Hayden. This show has been so predictable! THAT would be a game changer, and maybe the show will start getting interesting.

      1. Hell. How many more of times can they hand out a costume this season? We have a few more idiots to get rid of! lol In lieu of Enzo wearing, IF HE ACTUALLY LEAVES, another Brigade Member should honor his memory by wearing it and thereby assuring they are promptly evicted right after Enzo. Long life the curse!

    1. Brit’s playing like a stressed out 13 year old girl. She is throwing temper tantrums when her target wins p.o.v. Whatever Brit you’re not going to win.

  14. enzo, hayden, and lane should just walk out. They’d get more publicity that way and that’s what they want. If Lane wanted to talk her into it why doesn’t he just make a final 3 deal with her and Lane then cut her out when it’s convenient. feeds been out for over 20 minutes now since Lane told Hayden BB didn’t like them.

  15. Finally Brit is thinking clearly! So happy to hear this! I’m glad she came to her senses and realizes that with Matt/Ragan/Lane, she can dominate the house.

    1. i know right? it was like a sigh of relief when she told lane straight up she knows they are using her. i just hope he isn’t able to con her into changing her mind.

  16. possible scenario I can see playing out:

    Brendon votes to evict Hayden
    Lane votes to evict Hayden
    Matt votes to evict Enzo
    Ragan votes to evict Enzo

    britney is forced to vote and loses a jury vote no matter what. We already know Kathy doesn’t like her so assume that Kathy will vote against Brit in final two if she gets there. Unless its Brit and Matt in final 2, Brit won’t get Brendon or Rachel’s vote. Thats 4 votes lost in jury for Brit. Her best bet might be to just put up Matt, and use that to try and get Brendon and Rachel’s vote. Everyone is assuming Brendon will win HOH.

    On a side note I think production will do everything they can to string along the Matt/Brendon fued, to the point of interfering in gameplay. It’s the only game related drama in the season so far

    1. I don’t think Lane would vote to evict Hayden. Enzo’s pretty much doomed if Hayden goes up because Matt considers him to be shadier, and Ragan will vote with Matt. Lane is closer to Hayden than Enzo, so that’s three votes…bye Enzo.

  17. Only one girl left… uh oh! here britney, this is called the Platinum POV…. Its not really a POV you just get a free oily massage from me when you get kicked out

  18. Brittney is playing smart. She may have finally woke up. I only hated Brendon when rachel was around. Brendon, brittney an Matt. Final 3 with Brittney and Matt final two. Don win who wins

  19. This is the best thing for Brit to get Enzo out this week. For her game it’s the best pick for next week. This House you can only play one week at a time so I know she knows Matt will come after her but not until he takes Bren out.

  20. I just watched tonights show. Man, is Enzo a complete piece of shit! Hayden is not far behind. Lane needs to ditch those two and join forces with Matt, Brit and Ragan. I hope the idiots do not get in her head again! And I really hope that if she does keep Matt he does not screw her on Thursday.

  21. Have other seasons had so many contestants openly speaking of rigged contests (equipment not working), manipulation of house guests in DRs, and rules violations being allowed (pretzel message, Enzo out of costume, Enzo eating while Have Not)? If so, shame on BB and AG for keeping up their unethical acts. And while I love this website and will support by clicking on ads, no, I’m not going back to watching the show — regardless of who the cheating helps.

    1. Yes. Which is why you should all be ashamed that it took you this many weeks to start agreeing with me that Allison Grodner is a fat piece of shit. This seasons isn’t even as bad as the Evel Dick season. There were so many rigged production cheats, that Evel Dick ended the season with a secret clue/power that the show never even revealed, because it ended up not being needed to help him win. It took them sooo long to help Evel Dick overcome Eric in the last half of the season. Imagine watching Ragan as saboteur, except it lasted all season long, and production constantly tried to make the game harder for him by forcing him to expose himself or ignore his allies. Rachel is a saint compared to Amber; they put Eric through hell that season, and he still almost won.

    1. This is actually the most game I’ve seen Lane play … he’s doing a good job of turning her back around. Or, Britt is doing a good job of pretending he is lol 🙂

      1. Omg ! Brit is a complete dumb azz ! She’s planning her own funeral by putting up matt! Dumb blonde!

    2. Yippieeee! Lane needs to keep working her. Unfortunately, production will ultimately win out, though. They always do. They will keep hammering Britney until she is “convinced” by them. They want another eviction that will get people talking. PLUS they want the costume to keep its power. I’m sure they like that the costumes start buzz … otherwise they wouldn’t keep putting people in them. Enzo will go.

  22. Omg I ficking hate Brittney. I want her gone this Thursday. She is so stupid. Hi my name is Brittney and I’m listening to some guy I just met and wants 500k

  23. Thanks for all the updates and a great site! If I had decent Internet, I’d buy the feed but I’m lucky I get ANY Internet over here…. Stormy season

    Quick question about the feeds, can you go back and replay a bit or is it real time?

  24. What’s the story with the Double Eviction… are they all assuming, or has there been some heads up?

    1. they figured out that with the number of houseguests left and the amount of time left in the game, that a DE was taking place this week. they knew it was the last week for it from previous seasons.

  25. Please BB just tell her that these 3 guys are lying. Please. I hate Enzo. After he’s gone I don’t care who wins. I just hate him

  26. Hey Simon wht do the feeds cut out(or go to bubbles) during a conversation?
    Is it because they are bad mouthing production or something and r there
    any other reasons why? Thanx

    1. I think there talking too much about production right now… Sometimes they cut out when the houseguests sing or talk abut phone numbers etc

  27. YES brit has a pair, she thinking for herself and not letting the brigade think or her , put up hayden and get em outta there then team with matt,regan and lane to combat the rest of the brigade

  28. Just the TIP:

    You little roaches crawled out of your hiding places when you thought Ratt was safe. LOL
    And, nobody cried “rigged” when BrITCHney changed her tune and was going to keep Ratt.
    Oh, the ebb and flow of BB. And, oh how people jump on the band wagon. Some of you are as spineless as the houseguests.
    Time for Ratt to go.
    Time for Gaygan to wash that mangina, put on his big girl panties, stop dreaming of giving Ratt a reach-around, and stock up on Kleenex.
    BrITCH, you’re going out anyway, what difference does it make who screws you over, Little Teen Ms Arkansas wannabe.
    I’m still pulling for zingbot…….FTW!!!!

  29. Hahahaha! I’m laughing so hard ! (Thinking out loud) If brit put up matt she’ll sign her own death certificate! Wow! How is she listening to a dummy (lane)? A idiot listening to a dummy, who listens to two other dummies! Classic!

  30. And why aren’t Matt and Regan still up there talking to Brit?????! Stupid stupid people. I hate when they waste a good show buy putting a bunch of idiots in it

  31. why do they keep wanting to elim enzo/brenden when they wont win if either makes final 2…


    no one seems to think of jury votes

    brit is being DUMB and BLINDED by matt “saving” her…matt would take her out if he could…his hate for brenden is hilarious…little boy had a power and FOUR DEEP YO, and still cant beat a guy that just wants to go hang out with rachel….good job…keep matt so he can continue not taking out brenden

  32. I usually think the comps are geared to a specific person and an ongoing storyline but when the DR influences noms…” Lane asks if she was talking to the DR and she said she was, they are helping her figure out all her options.”..it’s just sad and ruins the show…

  33. QAZ, I’ve always thought your AG comments were funny. I didn’t know about all those past season problems — nasty. In my mind, special powers, additional pandora’ boxes, contests of a type that favor a contestant are unethical but within the grey lines of reality shows behavior. Having equipment not work during a contest (Enzo-penguin suit when Matt was trying for it) and facilitating the cheating by one contestant (Rachel pretzels) are egregious and in no way acceptable. And I believe Matt when he said he was going for the costume because he said a week ago that he’d have been willing to wear the unitard…he likes costumes as he’s shown with his pjs.

    Sadly, if BB wasn’t cheating; we’d probably have an interesting game. It’s unlikely that the floaters would still be floating because they wouldn’t be able to hid behind Brendon …. Brendon would already have gone several weeks ago.

  34. I found another picture to fit Brendon…The Amazing Colossal Man from the 1950’s Sci-Fi Flick!!!!! The resemblance is uncanny. Bald Head, same face…LOLOLOL

  35. Wait! So is it a for sure thing that Matt is the target again? Or is she just saying okay because she is feeling pressured?

  36. Brendon matt and brittany are the only ones that are winning comps consistently.
    it is in everyones best interest at this point to get Matt out while they can. Enzo and Hayden were honest and said its better for me if you go. that doesn’t make them shady in my eyes. Also she would be knocking out a player that wins comps. Matt and brittany have lied and played the game better then anyone thus far. She will never win against matt in the end start thinking long term game play folks!! Enzo will NEVER make it to the end get your competition out now!!

    1. Ok you just said Enzo is honest what show have you been watchin Enzo is a floating POS (piece of Sh**) Hes even letting Haydon get away with winnig the prizes and putinng Mattunder the bus for it …What a dick ( in a bad way like being the less of big)..Oh hold on he is a big dick,,

    2. But the problem is if she keeps Enzo, Lane, Brendon or Hayden she is GONE this Thursday! She has to look short term first and then worry about long term.

  37. If Britt puts up Matt shes a doofus,,,, Get rid of Enzo he’s the real problem as he has 2 many votes in the jury if it comes down to you and him…Britt your best chance is you and raygen or Lane get with it….

  38. omg….someone please teach Enzo how to eat…what a pig! Can’t stand the smacking. Brenda also..did their parents not teach them any manners/

  39. Mike, if production hadn’t manipulated the game so much that it’s a twisted version of itself, we wouldn’t have to watch stupid people doing stupid things. Brendon would be gone except they devised an HOH just for him. And when he was HOH, DR convinced Brendon to put up Lane….remember he told Brit herself he was putting her up…and then was called to production. Matt would never have been on the block. And how much of Enzo, Hayden, and Lane’s turning on Matt is because of whisperings in their ears from production?

  40. Matt and Ragan will not take Britt to the final three because they will be to worried that she will win the last HOH they would probably take hayden because they dont think he could win anything in the final three. So maybe she realy needs to think a little bit more. If she got rid of matt even if Brenden won HOH and put her up with Ragan she has the votes to stay and she would probably win the next hoh as she has a better chance of beating the floaters.

  41. Don’t worry, BB will fix it so whoever is most interesting, most loved by the audience will win. And if it’s some despicable, they’ll edit the show so that most Americans think he is a great guy. Notice that Enzo’s edit on tv has been great. I doubt if they’ll ever show Lane lying to Britney.

  42. I guess Rach was right when she was saying it reality tv.
    It Big Brothers reality the way they want to do things.
    Thats a damn shame. At least pro wrestling isn’t fixed, wooo

  43. Matt and Ragan will not take Britt to the final three because they will be to worried that she will win the last HOH they would probably take hayden because they dont think he could win anything in the final three. So maybe she realy needs to think a little bit more. If she got rid of matt even if Brenden won HOH and put her up with Ragan she has the votes to stay and she would probably win the next hoh and then get rid of Brenden or enzo as she has a better chance of beating the floaters.

  44. New evil thought: Brit puts Matt up. Mat tells her that the Brigade exists. Brit lets Brendon know and persuades him to keep Matt. With Brendon and Ragan voting to keep Matt, Hayden and Lane voting to keep Enzo, Brit is the tie breaker. All of this is kept secret from the Brigade. Brittany breaks the tie by evicting Enzo in the penguin suit. Brigade is broken up, and Lane and Hayden have to fight to stay. Let the chips fall from there. Maybe the boys will kick it up and try to win a competition.

    1. I like the way you think. That would make for some great television because Enzo would be blindsided and he would probably do something crazy on the live eviction.

  45. Could someone please put a picture of PeeWee Herman beside Ragan photo?!?! He is such an expressionist, reminds me of PeeWee’s Playhouse! Thank you!

  46. YEES , finally britney is using her head !
    i really want matt to win HOH next week and take out brendon and enzo/hayden ,
    matt has no chance of winning this game but i atleast want to see britney get close

  47. You know the blood on my hands shit just pisses me off ….Look you just got taken out by a better player deal with it and vote for the best person standing …

  48. Thurs is a double eviction, right? So 2nd HoH has to be “fast” so no endurance – probably a quiz. Britney can’t compete but Lane/Enzo/Hayden won’t win that. 2nd HoH will be either Matt or Brendon – maybe Ragan. Why wouldn’t Britney take out her “competition” this week while there is a chance – like Matt….Then Brendon or Ragan wins HoH afterward….If Ragan wins – he guns for Brendon & will probably put up a guy (not Brit) if B wins POV. If Brendon wins, he’ll gun for Ragan but Brit is at risk but has a shot at POV. Matt may gun for anyone next week – Brit or Brendon most likely and if Brendon wins POV, who gets voted out? Brit. Eliminating Matt this week can help her, right? If she survives double eviction, she’ll compete in the next HoH and even if Brendon survives and Matt is gone, at least (as far as SHE knows), Brendon is the only competition she has to worry about, since Ragan will cling to her for dear life after Matt leaves. She can smoke the last of the Brigade in future comps. If Matt goes Thurs & Brendon goes after, she’s pretty golden, since the following week, Ragan has a shot at winning HoH and keeping her but evicting one of the “guys” and will serve as a big target for the “guys”.
    Honestly: Matt stays & Brendon goes in the 2nd eviction – Brit’s next. Matt won’t take her anywhere.

  49. HAHA! I love your jokes (seriously) even though a lot of people don’t.
    I would love to see Enzo go this week, and not Hayden. No matter what though, I’m cheering for Britney.

  50. Brit is smart. She knows what she’s doing and knows she will be gone next week if she listens to the Floatgade.

  51. The only problem for BRit keeping Matt, is that if Matt goes the final he can win? I think he could, unless people will find out about his lies about his wife ( I never tought Dan could win BB10 after all and he did).

    But is good for Brit to take Enzo out.
    Cuz at on the right side She can make a Deal final 3 with Matt and Ragan.
    (enzo gone) Lane will get closer to her and he wont vot her out ( hayden wont vote her out also)
    That way only Brendon ( stupid) could put her up.

    Anywyas Brit, made the mistake putting Brendon out. Everyone knew he could win the POV once those stpuid lazy guys does not win anyhting. She could have Brendon`s back, and now taking enzo out , gaving the matt-ragan aliience and left bridgate aliance.

    Whatever it Happpens i will be fine as long BRitney is safe….and she will the game
    She is the best player and deservers more than anybody

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