*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit think production messes with the competitions to fuel drama

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Big Brother 12 Spoilers

7:15pm Backyard Brit, Hayden and Lane Brit comes out tells them she walked in on Ragan and Enzo game talking in the Taj. Hayden:”WHAT for real” brit: “for real.. they told me they’re planning their plan of attack if one of them survives….. I’m like what are you guys talking about one one of you will survive”. Hayden starts asking her questions about how the next 2 weeks work. Brit: I’m telling you and i’m not being a conspiracy theorist but this year these competitions are being designed to fuel drama in the house,… I have never seen a POV be a straight quiz” She says they wanted BRendon to win the HOH that hayden won and they wanted Ragan to win the POV. Hayden thinks they do that every year, Brit disagrees she thinks this year they wanted certain people to win to make more drama in the house. Brit says that it’s nice a quiet in the house now, Hayden thinks that its hurting CBS’s ratings. Brit had ask the DR which day has the highest ratings and they told her it fluctuated. She remembers last year she never watched the Thursday show because she watched the feeds and knew exactly how everyone was going to vote. ..

Hayden asks her how the face morphing comp goes, she tells him and adds that they all have a very good chance of winning it but she also thinks so does Ragan.. Brit brings up how weird Enzo is beign, she wonders what his problem is.


Big Brother 12 Spoilers

7:25pm Kitchen The penguin Studying the Faces

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

7:50pm Ragan working out

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

8:00pm Ragan studies while working out, Brit studies while picking her nails

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Big Brother 12 Spoilers

8:07pm Backyard Enzo and Hayden Enzo is really worried that Lane will not put up Brit if the POV is played. Hayden thinks theres nothing for them to worry about… “he hopes”. Enzo is says he’s not getting any sleep and it’s really BLANK with him Enzo really wants to take the penguin suit on. Last Saturday afternoon after that veto… 2o’clock. Hayden tells enzo brit has no BLANK clue whats going on so don’t worry. Enzo is planing on going to bed early, Hayden says he is as well but first he’s thinking about working out when Ragan is done. They decide to go play some pool.

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

8:35pm Playing domino’s, Enzo wants to have a a ceremony at 9 tonight when he takes the penguin costume off, Enzo: “Un shun the penguin”

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

8:50pm Still studying

Big Brother 12 Spoilers


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They are having a ceremony for enzo getting to finally take off his costume. Ever houseguest does a short speech. Enzo does a short speech and takes to Howey the duck.
Brit: “You bring a lot of ambiance to the atmosphere”
Ragan: “Uh ambiance to the atmosphere?
Breit: “ahh it made sense”

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

Dawg has kids and a cat to feed please he needs your votes 😉

104 thoughts to “*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit think production messes with the competitions to fuel drama”

    1. Brit should be careful, she doesn’t want to mess with production. Clearly she doesn’t know the first two rules of Bite Club. 1 Allison Grodner always eats first. 2. Allison Grodner ALWAYS eats first.

    2. Hey Dawg and Simon,
      Just wondering how difficult it would be to have a like and dislike button by the reply button? Not mentioning any other web sites.. like *whispering* fb… but it might help on some of the traffic.
      How are you doing Dawg? Ready for that big win? : )

    1. Brit needs to stop thinking she’s at home and comfortable. This girl eats all day long. Every updated post shows at least one picture of her with something to her mouth. I mean seriously. If something is not coming out of her mouth something is going in it. Her mouth never closes.

  1. This might sound stupid…. but I think u should get
    a penalty vote if you don’t finish(and if someone can’t finish the whole house except the hoh and
    pov winner is on slop) a comp, like the ropes comp that
    Bren won. Or if u come in last place two comps in arow your a nom. Something to spice it up and not too much of thefloaters getting by. Make them work harder physically, not just being
    able to rely on your alliance.
    You gotta do some thing BB.

  2. I think the only reason Enzo was cast, is because America has this strange perverted fascination with the show Jersey Shore. CBS thought Enzo would provide the comic relief and drama the cast of Jersey Shore provides. Instead Enzo has become nothing more than a lame duck, or in this case a lame penguin.

    1. They should have cast a New Jersey Housewife… those girls know how to throw down! … and I am not talking about dinner!

  3. Just wanted to let you all know, all the mad shit Britney and the other houseguests say about produciton is 100% bull crap.

    1. Hi Julie – do you have live critters living in that rats nest upon your head? better not Lane know in 2 weeks or he will scalp you for lunch. say hi to the kiddie for me..

    2. Julie Chen, you is super cute! I don’t normally go for girls, but if you ditch Les Moonves, I’ll ditch boys! MWAH!

    1. EARTHQUAKE, EARTHQUAKE! Did that shake things up in the house? They are not moving tonight, are they…………

  4. BB had the highest ratings of the season Thursday night with over 8 million viewers 39,000 more then last year this time.. not bad, not bad

    1. Of course there would be more viewers then last season. It’s the summer. There is nothing else to watch. The rest of the shows are reruns. Now if you put these guys up during the fall line up and they would have been cancelled already.

      1. BB is always on during the summer. And more to the point they are comparing this summer to last summer. CBS knows it cannot put this on in the fall. What is your point?

      2. The reason CBS schedules BB for the summer is because Survivor, the other big hit for their reality line up, is scheduled for fall and early spring. If that helps you give BB any credit it is due, your welcome.

  5. I really hope and pray Enzo wins tomorrow. I think lane is full of bs. I don’t think he wants to put up brit or hayden. Especially brit. I want to see what he will do if he is forced to. The only way enzo will be safe is against ragan. Hayden and Brit said they don’t see why Enzo iss pissed. Well I wonder how they will feel tomorrow if enzo and especially ragan wins pov. Brit will cry from then until Mon. Hayden will be just as coniving as matt was. I am rooting for enzo, because I want to see lane make the choice and put brit up, and I hope they will vote out brit and keep ragan for at least one more week. Please send her to the jury house.

    1. Why should Big Pussy be safe? He’s a worthless player. He’s ManKathy without the niceness. You know how she had that classless “Rub for Luck” shirt stretched over her fake boobs? He’s got that stitched on the front of his boxers. And he always feels lucky.

      Good riddance to that Downashore garbage.

    1. The tattoo on his arm is in French and says “Quelquefois un rêve est ce qui vous fait un esclave”. That translates to “Sometimes a dream is what makes you a slave”.

      1. That’s not how Martin Luther King, Jr. saw it. He “had a dream”. I mean that with all due respect.

        1. Nice! The old Ricky Bobby ‘with all due respect’ play. You can say anything you want with that bad boy.

          1. I didn’t want anyone to think I was being rude. Sometimes I am misunderstood. I think it is my overbite.

            1. I knew what you meant but that is one of my all time favorite movie quotes. You unintentionally gave me a good laugh and I thank you for that.

              1. The line that makes me laugh from that movie is the child at the table saying to Grandpa ” I’m goin’ to go at you like a spider monkey”. I just die every time I hear that line. “With all due respect…” Enzo needs to go home and take his pit bull Hayden with him. Then Britney can sit and spin and I don’t care who wins at this point.

      2. Are you sure it doesn’t say, “Somtimes being a slave is what makes a dream?” After all, this is Ragen we’re talking about. And Simon is controlling who is first every update. He looks before he puts the posts up and he let’s his favorite be first. That’s bullshit….I may quit reading.

        1. LOL! Someone doesn’t know how Web site moderation works. This kind of failure may deserve a drink. I’m not drinking tonight, so Moaner can take mine for me since her liver is so strong.

      1. LMFAO @ that! You is too funny… loved that Smalley character on Sat. Night Live… can’t believe Al Franken is a Senator now!

    1. they need to do something… it’s like watching paint dry and I watched paint dry today, it was unfun..

      1. I repainted the bathroom ceiling last week but didn’t watch it dry… I am glad to know I didn’t miss much. They need to send in some terrorizing clowns, or midgets or animals or something to lively up that house. What is going to be on the show Sunday… there is nothing to edit!!!

    2. Production’s problem is that everything they planned got blown up in their face. Annie the sab was the first one evicted. The reincarnation of the sab was nothing more than a few bed time scary stories, with only one action performed. The DPOV was a waste which hardly changed the game (let’s face it Kathy was simply inhabiting space) and wow! Pandora’s Box after the first two opens had little impact on the game. CBS needs a creative team to reenergize BB for the next season.

      1. They should let all of their faithful fans come up with some disturbing events to keep these lazy asses on their toes…

  6. regular joe – why the lack of updates? Why don’t you make another post about what is going on in the house?

    simon – Ragan is studying quietly. The ex penguin is at the table clicking domino’s. no one else to be seen, nothing is being said.

    end transmission

  7. So this site has become a race to see who can post the first comment? Jeez, the show IS getting boring then I guess.
    I’ve felt for years now that production messes with the comps to try and control the game some – like physical comps when they benefit the strong, mental comps when they benefit the smart – anything to try and get the one they want to win – for drama, excitement whatever. This year production is doing a bad job of it though, since most nights watching paint dry would be better than watching the show…

  8. Simon, I have an idea for this site next season….if there is a next season. You should have a poll every week where we get to vote on the person we want you to ban from posting. It could run all week and you could show the results as the week goes on and pull them down on Wednesday. Then on Thursday you could announce who has been “voted off” this site. I guess they could always come back under a new name, but that would be fine.

  9. Holy Shitballs! This is boring. Well if production tries to make it more entertaining they will do a POV geared towards Regan ( He is obviously studying for the face change game). This way Lane has to make a choice of who to put up and we get some canned melodrama. If he does put up Brit we get a bit of drama. I know everyone hates Enzo but I like the guy, he’s funny and he seems just as decent and deserving as the rest of these tapered turds. At this point I say ANYONE but Hayden.

    1. I agree, ANYONE but Hayden! He has played a morally wrong and corrupt game, backstabbing his allies and lying to everyone about the rewards he loaded up on at POV and letting Matt take the blame. Phuck him and the Penguin!

      1. I don’t mind the lying in this game, but I have a feeling hayden is just like natalie, they lie about everything

        1. Pigpen was definitely a special case… following Jesse around like a whipped dog, chasing off any girl who got near him, lying about everything including her age! Hayden is just as bad… with worse hair!

  10. It would kind of be amusing if Enzo got voted out. He’s not above getting voted out or used as a pawn. He’s manipulated and talked behind people’s back just like everybody else. As a matter of fact, I’m not sure they shouldn’t vote him out if they have the opportunity. Because if he’s in the final two he has a good chance of winning the whole thing. No one knows the extent of his back stabbing. Even Rachel was in good standing with him when she left.

    And Britney/Keesha thinks she’s hanging out after a homecoming football game in high school. She should she’s next if Ragan wins POV. She needs some more years or experience on her before she can be the seasoned b*tch I thought she had potential in being as far as game play.

    1. Enzo can’t win anything so I don’t think they think of him as big a threat as Ragan… but Enzo charmed everyone and that could be his ticket to 500K! I would love to see Hayden backstab Enzo so his biggest douche in the house status is sealed!

    2. I know there is this big hate Enzo movement. I don’t quite get it. I have been watching the whole season and after dark. I don’t have live feed but I trust this site to keep me filled in. I feel like of all the Brigade members Hayden is the least trustworthy.
      Hayden , not Enzo, has controlled the group from the beginning. ( Enzo has delusions of grandeur sure, but he trusts and listens to Hayden) Matt trusted him and look what he got. Both Lane and Enzo listen to him and believe everything he says. Hayden is the ring master and Lane will do his bidding. And if we want to get technical…Hayden was turning on Enzo way early, talking about how he is probably liked by America and such. Planting seeds in the minds of Matt and Lane.

      I want Enzo or Brit to win, but I will take Regan or Lane in a heartbeat over Hayden.

      1. I agree wholeheartedly with all you say… but Enzo rubs me the wrong way as a female… he is too rough when he refers to women. I don’t want misogynistic behavior to be rewarded. I will hope for Ragan at this point. Look how hard he is studying… and he is a genius!

        1. I agree. When I was watching the live feeds, I was pretty repulsed by the loathing and almost hatred with which Enzo seemed to talk about EVERY one except Hayden and Lane. And if he’d make comments that appeared sexist or prejudiced to others AND on camera in front of thousands of Live Feeders, imagine what he really thinks in his heart.

  11. Thanks for offering but I don’t want to Phuck either Hayden or Lane…or Enzo or Ragan…Man it is sad when you have no BB crushes for a whole season. Julie Chen is cute though.

  12. god they are all so stupid “Yo maybe a directer saw me” or “you could be the next jeremy piven” plz all of u dodo’s are goin back to werkin at wallmart

    1. LMFAO… that is funny! I don’t think Hayden has had a job at Wally World because he has only earned 5,000 in the last 2 years… probably mowing lawns.

  13. Why not? They already threw Matt to the curb even though they would have been history weeks ago if Matt hadn’t have won competitions. They can be disloyal to Matt but not Enzo? I don’t understand your reasoning.

  14. if they choose brit over enzo, hayden and lane are even more stupid than I thought they were, enzo will never win a challenge

  15. I really hope Brit pulls her head out of Lanes ass, wins POV and takes Ragan off the block. That is the only chance this season has of not turning out even worse than last year. If Ragan or Brit goes home I don’t see the point of watching to see which useless moron wins this thing.

    1. They keep dropping hints about the Brigade to her and Ragan and neither of the two has had a pow wow to figure it out. Damn Matt for not helping himself and Ragan by outing the Brigade before he left! Curses….

        1. She doesn’t WANT to believe it. What’s more fun when you are an immature Southern gal — think your one of the cool kids hanging out with the jocks — or join with the nerdy guy who plays for the other team.

          1. true:) especially after the things she said about matt..and how he turned on ragan..Seems like she has turned on ragan and haven’t they been real close also..and she has lied to him..making him think they are in a final 2 agreement when they are not….Idk who i want turned on more the boys on britney or the boys on enzo…hmm..come on ragan..way to study everything..and not fall apart like they think..Make these boys get dirty!!! stop hiding and being sneaky…all though its working for them:)

          1. I would never want to be Britt’s friend. She is a freaking traitor. He turning against Matt and now Ragan is typically a dumb blond move! No brains or even beauty for that matter.

  16. I never thought I’d say this, but, Ragan looks extremely attractive in the picture where you can see his tattoo. <3

    1. Simon had posted a picture of Ragan that other day and I was shocked by how muscley Ragan looked!

  17. Anyone else think that Britney is too immature to be getting married? Her need for constant flirtation with Lane seems inappropriate for a woman supposedly committed to one guy for the rest of her life.

    1. i think her flirting is an innocent kinda flirt..cuz the last 2 nights lane has tried hard to get her to sleep in the hoh with him..she turns him down consistently and shuts him up when he over steps the line with her..I really think she has represented herself very well with the boys..I don’t think she has over stepped or shamed her fiance at all..I think its priceless when she shuts him down quickly even when she was drunk last night..and he tried forever to get her to stay in his bed..and she did not..

  18. Well If Brit doesn’t wise up and align w/ Regan then this whole season of BB was a waste of time. has any1 notice that BBAD this year was soooooooo boring I wonder what made them cast this bunch and whats funny the boyz think they are gonna be huge celebrities when they get out wow dont they realize their 15 min of fame run out along time ago while the show is still on

    1. Because he’s not playing the game straight!!!!! He is a backstabber in a bad way. Besides, his hair is so 70’s and obsolete. You can play the game in a much better way.

  19. Oh! please get a life……America loves Ragan. All the other players suck!!!!!!

    WE want him to win all the way!

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