Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Blackjack, Tamales and The DUCK


11:09pm Brigade playing blackjack with the tamales. Hayden keeps eating the tamales, enzo tells him he better stop or he’ll have nothing left. Basically there just talking about the card game.. Hayden is pretty excited that the show is almost over he keeps saying they have only 3 more days to go. Lane is destroying them in the game of cards. Hayden has to keep heading back to the candy drawer for more tamales. He has very few left from losing hand after hand to Lane and gobbling down like PP did last year.



11:30pm The most exciting thing going on right now is ducky chilling in the pool


12:00AM Brigade playing pool, Enzo: “FOOTBALL sunday tomorrow yo..” Hayden: “I wonder who the cards play” Enzo: “the 49ers”.


12:26am Brigade passing the football around. They are talking about football team names. Enzo brings up the Tennessee titans and how they were going to be called the Tennessee tuxedos enzo thinks titans is a tight name. Hayden thinks the Broncos have a good name.



23 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Blackjack, Tamales and The DUCK”

    1. When Allison Grodner was a kid, she would play duck, duck, goose. Except she played with real ducks and goose, and she ALWAYS won. She’d have to buy new ducks and geese every time though, but it was worth it to her. Yummy.

  1. Really????? First….. Give me a break…. So Simon who do you guys think will take the HOH? we really want Hayden to take it….

    1. Hayden will robabl win the final competition. Hoperfully he doesn’t pick Enzo to stay. That would be the ultimate insult to most of the players that actually worked at winning. Slacking and floating your way to the top shouldn’t get rewarded.
      If Enzo wins the game, then next yea everyones tactic will be to float through. That ought to be as much fun to watch as drying paint.

  2. Whoever taught Enzo how to eat should be moritified!! I had to mute the TV tonight. He is such a pig about everything he puts into his mouth. (And every word that comes out of it.) ALways with his mouth open and the awful smacking and talking with his mouth full of whatever. And their musings over how they are going to be swamped by the press when this is over — they think they are heroes. Lane is as bad as Enzo in this department. Has Lane given Enzo false hope that he is not dead in the water?

  3. does anyone else think they have these days so production can plant seeds in their heads who they should they should take to the finals??

  4. I think Lane throws it to Hayden. He told Enzo that he would take him to the finals and the best way to not have to honor that is to lose. Also thats one less person lane has pissed off at him. Plus Lane is certain if Hayden wins he is gonna take him.

    1. That’s the best thing he could do to guarantee the 50K. However, I think he wants a chance at the $500k and he knows he has to take Enzo to get it.

  5. Hey Simon, Will you please do a Survivor page???? Please. You’re the best. Thank you for all of this work you do, I’ve watched the live feeds and know just how tedious your job is….

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